Friday, August 21, 2009

Has the Recession Hit Rock Bottom?

Has the recession hit rock bottom? What do the indicators say? Do you agree?

What Is Your Home Worth? And Tomorrow?

Have you heard your family discussing what the recession has done to the value of their home? Read this article to see what predictions are ahead of us. What do you think of this?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Heath Care Debate

One of the biggest issues right now in the news is the Health Care Debate. Please click on this site, read the outline, read key players and plans. What are your feelings and or concerns about this topic?

U.S. Deficit 2009

US health deficit numbers are in. What is your opinion about the decisions the government has had to make?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Electric Cars On The Rise

Find out which country has made an announcement about their plans for electric cars?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Unemployment In The United States

If the Recession is over, or coming to and end, why are there so many people still out of a job? Read this article and comment on the facts discussed and what role you believe the government should play.

Cash for Clunkers

A popular term that we heard this summer was, "Cash for Clunkers". What is this all about? It was a government economic stimulus initiative at work, clearly though--no one should believe that this is a long-term answer to the worst economic contraction, in the business cycle, to occur in the United States since the 1930's - Great Depression. What did you think of the idea? Do you know anyone that took advantage of the plan?

The Economics of Michael Jackson

This summer we lost one of the most successful artists of all time....... Michael Jackson. Read this article and comment on Jackson and or others in the industry and their input in the industry.