Thursday, November 8, 2007

As We Celebrate Veterans, Let's Not Forget The Homeless

Read this article and comment about the data on the Homeless.

Is Your Name That Important To Your Success?

How important is a person's name? Freakonomics spent a chapter on it, read this and see what you think.

Would You Buy One?

Build it and they will come. Will you buy one? Read about it and comment.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What Shortage is Argentina Faced With?

Read what shortage is causing Argentina problems.

Zap! Pow! Batman Taken Down In Hong Kong

Read the article and comment on what villian was able to take down Batman. This villian is a result of economic activity in the world.

Ouch! Gas Prices Keep Climbing

Sticker shock at the pump. Average gas prices climb above $3 per gallon. Find out why.

This is the first article for week Nov. 5th