Friday, October 26, 2007

Water Shortages

Supply and Demand is a part of our everyday life. For those dealing with water shortages in their states, the issue is very real.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Cost of College On the Rise

Things you need to be thinking about. Read this article and comment on it's contents and how it might influence you.

Explaining The Nobel Prize

The Nobel prize this year went to three theorists in the area of mechanism design. This is the best explanation I have found for the beginning economics student to help them understand just what that is.

Essentially, the idea is coming up with ways in which to make markets work more efficiently to produce the optimal outcome, which is at the heart of the field. Every market needs rules, and mechanism design is essential to producing those outcomes in a wide variety of markets. Ebay, a Morroccan Bazzar and the New York Stock Exchange are all markets, and those markets all have their unique rules.

What Chemicals Are Appearing In Future Consumer's Bodies?

New Articles for Week 10/22

This article is about things happening to children's bodies due to advances in technology. You don't want to miss reading this one.