Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Unemployment In The United States

If the Recession is over, or coming to and end, why are there so many people still out of a job? Read this article and comment on the facts discussed and what role you believe the government should play.


JBiddle7 said...

I think taht we are still in a recession. I cannot find a job and I have been looking for a year. I cannot find anything because they are giving all the jobs to family people who have lost their good jobs. the economy is still in a recession because their are no jobs. I see the stimulis working in roads, but I don't see it giving me a job, which is sad because I supported the stimulis. I think a new "new deal" program would be great

msalser7 said...

I am not sure the stimulus is working becasue of the still high percent of unemployed people. Although I have a job and the recession has not affected me too much, I feel it is sad that so many people don't have a job. I think the second stimulus would be a good idea because it will most likely give more people jobs. The second stimulus would be geared more toward getting people jobs like the WPA did in the 1930's.

briannab5 said...

There is a big shortage in jobs, and its affecting a lot of people i know. Recession is said to be ending soon. The Stimulus bill has generated 750,000 jobs but i don't that had much of an affect on middletown.

kaygibb said...

I definitely think we're in a recession still, and the fact that all of those people still are without jobs not being able to support their family is not good. The stimulus plan has worked but not as good as i think it should. People need to be able to get jobs like everyone else so that they can goon with their lives.

JessyC6 said...

I cannot personally decipher if the recession is nearing its end or not, I believe the unemployment rate is either going to continue to increase or stay at a stand still until something productive is done. It is true the government has promised jobs of building streets, schools etc. However with lack of funding due to the recession there is only a matter of time before there is not enough left to build anything else and those people are again put in the same situation as they were to begin with with a lack of a job. That matter also has a bright side though, in building new facilities it has potential to open more job opportunities to citizens who need them.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the stimulus bill makes sense.If it's supposed to help the economy over the next 3 years, why isn't it creating all the jobs needed to cure the unemployment problem. Unemployment is one the problems with the economy right now,and that's what the stimulus is used for.The government should bring something like the new Deal, or WPA, back.I think that would help the unemployment problem a lot more because that's actually what it's used for.

kadieh6 said...

I think we are still in a recession but times are slowly getting better. There are still millions that are unemployed to this day. As much as a new stimulas package sounds with creating new jobs, I also fear where the money will come for this package. As one govern from this articale said the money will come from our taxes, so as one county is creating jobs, another county is losing jobs. I wish there was a way to creat more jobs without causing more debt, but I don't think that is possible.

PatriciaR4 said...

I can vouch for this. I have been looking for a job for almost a year and only got one at a job fair at kings island when they were practically handing out jobs. That was only because they were firing and people were quitting. The unemployment rate being up that high is bad though. It is almost reaching depression times. 9.7 is a high jump from what it used to be.

Shamicak5 said...

i think that we are still in a recession but it is coming to a end. my parents didnt lose their jobs but they own houses and they lost some of them and some people couldn't pay the rent and we had to put them out. my dad had to start working more hours and my mom had to get a job because when the renters couldn't pay the rent then it came out of our pockets

RebekahW6 said...

First of all, I think that it is ridiculous that so many Americans are without jobs. And before reading I thought it was just because they were lazy but finding out that there just aren't enough jobs for people makes it even worse. I believe that the government should do another stimulous package more along the lines of New Deal style to try to help boost the number of working Americans and get them back on their feet.

ShelleyT6 said...

I agree. We are still in a recession and many people are effected by it, myself included. I have applied to a lot of different places and I haven't heard anything back because they would hire a grown person looking for a job, over a teenager.

ShelleyT6 said...

I agree. We are still in a recession and many people are effected by it, myself included. I have applied to a lot of different places and I haven't heard anything back because they would hire a grown person looking for a job, over a teenager.

KayceeW5 said...

I think we're in a recession but it's coming to an end. The cost of houses are going back up. The unemployment rate is going down slowly. I think a new new deal program would help the situation a little more better than what it is.

Abbie said...
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Abbie said...

I believe the recession is slowly coming to an end, but it is not over yet. I hate to think about all the families that are affected by unemployment. It's good to know the Stimulus Bill created 750,000 jobs, but unfortunately that does not make a dent in the near 7 million people without jobs. I think if the US did a New Deal style plan, it would help to bring the unemployment rate down.

L.Howardperiod7 said...

It's hard to tell if the recession is coming to an end because of how different it's effects have been on different people. Some have lost almost everything in the time, and others barely had to change there lives at all if any, It's hard to tell what kind of people are being effected and how they can be helped.

KyleS6 said...

We are deffinatly still in a recession. I know people who have been appling for jobs and still being turned down. And i know People who have jobs and have got laied off because of the financhial cuts. So we are still in a recession

agg2011 said...

There are so many people I know get a job for anything. There aren't many jobs available at all for people during this recession. It's hard for alot of people to just make it through because they can't work and make money for their life.

celeste =] said...

I think that when looking at the stimulus you have to look at the broad spectrum. We may not see a lot of job openings in Middletown,Ohio but the United States is a big place. I think the recession is definitely still happening if not bottoming out but its going to take a while for us to see progress- we were in a very deep hole

ConorO'Hea said...

Without a doubt we are still in a recession. I have a job which I feel very fortunite about because of how much people all over are struggling. It's frustrating because the economy is going to get worse before it improves any. I think the best way to handle these issues is patience. It will get there...

Sarah B. per#4 said...

I think that we are definitly still in a recession.I am lucky to have a job,but just last week I got my hours cut along with almost all the other staff.The stimulis is no doubt working,but I just dont think its had a huge affect in Middletown really.I know tons of people who are still looking for jobs,or just lost a job.Thats not good.If someone wants to work I think they should have that opportunity to.There should be plenty of extra jobs when this all gets fixed up.

astrother7 said...

We are still feeling the effects of the recession. Especially entrepreneurs who have businesses that are considered as a want and not a need. Also you have college educated people with a degree struggling to get and keep a job. Although the rates for unemployment are falling the jobs are not of high quality at all.

jparks5 said...

I have no clue if we're in a recession and my job is protected for it being a private place. i don't have any bills to pay. I don't think many teenagers can tell in the first place but something with the economy isn't right.

AshleyS6 said...

I think there is still a recession but things are getting better slowly. One of my friends familys own houses that they rent to people. If they lost theyre jobs they couldnt pay rent they had to kick them out.

Luke Sherron said...

I don't think the recession is over yet, but I wish it were. I have been trying to get a job for a long time now and I can't. My brother really needs a job. He keeps getting jobs then they make cuts and he gets layed off because he is newer but he really needs a job and cant get one.

Heather said...

I think the unemployment rate has always been bad, now it's just worse. Many people are loosing jobs but at teh same time with the stimulus packages many people have gotten jobs on the road and other things. I agree with many people and think the goverment should prepare another package.

Andy said...

Unemployment: there are many factors that these statistics do not include. Self employed workers, illegal immigrant workers, stay at home moms that worked part time to make up the difference, Full-time workers that have to take part-time employment. Our country continues to ship out (or allows) jobs to oversea markets. During the Clinton administration, he allowed open tariffs and made it easier for the back bone American corporations to leave for cheaper workforce reducing the need for US employment.
Obviously the Stimulus plan is not working. My parents work twice as hard making less than half the income. They see no bright colored rainbow in 2010 as the current administration paints. Solution??? a New Deal?? Something has to give. Illegal immigrants?? Tightening import and export trades?

Lindsay Sweatt said...

The recession is not over by any means. In my opinion things are going to get worse. Unemployment is way up and it's affecting everyone. I have a job at a Coffee Shop but with so many people out of work our business is way down which if it doesn't pick up i might be out of a job.

Whitney said...

I think a second stimulous would be a good idea because, hopefully, it will bring more jobs so that the unemployment rate will go down. I think the recession is working its way towards an end, but is definately not close by any means.

Marilynツ said...

We are still in a recession. but the end is insight. We should bring back WPA and the New Deal it would create many jobs.. as it did for the Great Depression. I'm not sure the stimulus plan has worked a great bit and that's why programs like the New Deal would most definitely help the unemployment rates.

A.McCullough4 said...

The recession I think is most definantly not over. More and more statistics about unemployment keep coming and they aren't getting better. At my place of work there are mutiple grown ups and teenagers coming everyday to hopefully land a job.

Tyler Manley said...

well i have seen illeagal immagrants comeing to the great U.S. and takeing the jobs of our hard working americans. i believe that americans should have top priority over all immagrants that have not lived here more than 2 years and have a legal licence that states that they are a legal citizen

MeganS4 said...

So it's nice to know that we have gathered up a little over half of our lost jobs, but that doesn't mean that the people who lost those jobs are the ones getting them back.
Some people can't find a good enough job because they don't have the right education for it, and they don't have that because they don't have the money.
So one way or another everyone is going to suffer.

Eva Estrada said...

The unemployment
i dont think the unemploment is going to increase.
my dad he works landscaping and when its winter he asks for unemplment until the season begins.

my sisters works in a fabric that they makes bats for baseball.
i work there for summer but they fired me and 2 more people then they fired my older brother cause he work there.
a little ago they fired my other sister and my sister was going to apply for unemployment but some days ago They hired her again because the company thought bout it and they didn't want to pay for her unemployment without her working.

KYS5 said...

I strongly think that we are still in a recession, and I don't think things are going to get better anytime soon. There are a lot of people that are unemployed and that's not good at all. It's sad that people aren't able to find a job, how are they supposed to support their family? I think that if we were to get a new "New Deal" then things will get a little better.

Astimp7 said...

It's still bad and it will get better slowly. we need to make a modern "new deal" and other depression programs to help out the U.S. There were alot of good programs we can still use and provided a good amount of money.

Indigo&Cotton said...

The stimulus bill seems to be ineffective, due to people using the stimulus money incorrectly. Ya, many many jobs have been created, but these jobs have forced many people to take lower paying less skilled jobs.