Friday, January 8, 2010

Pain at the Pump

What do cold weather, gasoline and economics all have to do with each other? Read this article..... and comment.

This article will be used for the January 15th due date.


eholbrook2426 said...

Since the weather is getting cold it makes the oil more expensive. Its not good for the oil to be out in the cold weather. Natural gas is affected by the cold weather which makes the gas prices raise. Thats how they all relate. Soon the natural gas will make people have to pay more for their heat since its cold outside.

Akimbrough said...

I agree the season and temp. has a big effect on the gas prices.Oil and Natural gas is eaiser to be accessed when in warmer seasons.The rise of the gas prices are overbarring, espeically because many people are unemployed.

a.nichole2010 said...

It is cold outside and it is making the oil, natural gas and gas prices rise. Out of those three things I feel the price of natural gas is the most important as of right now. Natural gas is being used a lot to heat homes all across America as a result of the cold weather. I feel that because of the price rising many people will be cold for the remainder of the winter season. I feel that the price raise is stressful to americans because many people are unemployed.

cwilsonpd4 said...

The weather being cold effects the oil and the natural gas. Getting to the oil in the winter is hard which makes the prices go up. I personally think the gas is raised so the company to get more money. But these prices going up are a problem a lot of people cannot afford these prices.

s.parks5 said...

I agree with them that It's cold outside, so the prices of the gas gets more expensive because it's more harder to get oil when it's cold. The natural gas is being used a lot for the heat people need. it's really expensive especially for how bad the economy is right now and so many people are unemployed at the moment being.

s.parks5 said...

I agree with them that It's cold outside, so the prices of the gas gets more expensive because it's more harder to get oil when it's cold. The natural gas is being used a lot for the heat people need. it's really expensive especially for how bad the economy is right now and so many people are unemployed at the moment being.

Franchesca mOrgan said...

At first the gas price had dropped.... however now they are climbing back up the latter. I just recently found out that weather had much to do with the prices on things,Not only gas, but food to! Which i had no idea! But when i found out from reading the article pain at the pump, it made alot of since to me! it really showed me alot.

Franchesca mOrgan said...

At first the gas price had dropped.... however now they are climbing back up the latter. I just recently found out that weather had much to do with the prices on things,Not only gas, but food to! Which i had no idea! But when i found out from reading the article pain at the pump, it made alot of since to me! it really showed me alot.

NRawlins.5 said...

Yes, everyone is right, it is cold. But it's always been cold in Canada and we get oil there. It's really hot in the middle east and we definitely get oil there. So what some of you guys said makes absolutely no sense. It may be harder to store oil if it's cold here, but where they get the oil and the weather where they get it has almost nothing to do with it. If the cold weather has to do with the gas prices how was it way more than three dollars a gallon less then two years ago.... in the summer!

Kjoseph5 said...

I agree also saying the weather as a big part of why gas prices are as high. With gas prices being so high its harder for people too make a living. The government needs too think about the big picture. And think of it this way lower prices of gas means more people will get gas use that and keep coming back.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know cold effected togas and i didn't know how either but now i suppose. It won't effect us to harshly. We've had higher prices before, but we're also pulling out of the recession so it may a little but i still don't think it will to much

M.Hackney5 said...

Yes i think the weather is messing up with the expense of the oil. As the weather goes down the prices goes up. its real hard for people that don't have a job because they don't have enough money to get gas cause of the price of it. everyday people look for the cheapest gas station so they wont have to spend that much on gas...

Adam™ said...

I have to agree it is very cold but I personally don't think oil getting cold has anything to do with why the prices are rising. It's just a way for people to make money. It's cold right now all across the U.S. an some houses still heat of gas. Surprising no? I say once it's warm it'll go down. Like Nrowlins said it was still 3 bucks in the summer.

MCisco5 said...

The temp really shouldn't effect oh much gas cost cause if they really want to see gas then the cheeper it is the faster it will go so that means that the gas wont stay out in the cold long. So really they are making it where the gas sells a lot slower and so the gas stays out in the cold and puts it in more risk. So I think that they should keep the prices the same or should lower it for atlest the winter so it can sell faster cause we all know that the lower the price the more people will come to that gas station and will get gas from their.

RHerrera5 said...

I think the gas prices are going to keep increasing in price. like for example prices are currently around $6 per million british thermal units. Thats an increase of 7% so far this year and more than double what prices were in the past summer. I think the prices in the next summer might increase even more "lets hope that wont happen".I also agree with eholbrook2426 about the ,cold weather isn't good with the oil, and the expenses are going up.

Search said...

I think that the oil gets more expensive when the weather gets cold. The reason this is.. is because that oil cant be cold and people don't want to get it in the cold. So there is a low amount being produced but still the same demand for it. So the prices go up and people have to pay more to fill up their tanks.

hdornon7 said...

I agree that the oil prices are rising, but they have been rising continually for years. Reaching $3 a gallon is not to far in the future. I do not think people will be hurt to badly financially by the natural gas prices rising. I hope that the higher prices will encourage more people to carpool or walk to work.

T.Chapman7 said...

i agree with Akimbrough that the season and temp both have an effect on the price of gas. However, this is a huge burden on americans seeing as a lot of people don't have jobs and are struggling to stay in their homes. i know this sucks but I'm pretty we can make it if gas prices do hit $3 a gallon since we in July 2008 were experiencing an all time high when a gallon of unleaded gas was nearly $4 a gallon!

NBogard said...

So far gas prices have gone down in the last year but they are slowly climbing back up. The cold weather is making those prices go back up. But its not all the cold weather thats aiding this. Its also the price of oil itself. Yes, the cold weather will make the price go up but they are saying we will only get a small respite before those gas prices go back up, and stay up.

k.j.dennis.7 said...

Yes, the gas prices are rising because of the cold and the increase on energy prices. Oil is a resource that is wanted worldwide so many countries will pay a lot for it. Three dollars a gallon isn't really that much considering most people with a automobile have a job. Throughout the years while raising gas prices they are also raising minimum wage. It will not surprise me if, very soon, the gas prices will reach $3.

Jordan Groh said...

With the weather getting colder it makes sense that oil is more expensive. The oil prices are going up because the demand for oil is going up. Even though gas prices are going up there are ways to save money my parents got gas at kroger and save 70 cents per gallon by using his kroger card at the store when he bought his gas.

Ari4 said...

Everyone knows it's very cold outside lately and the prices of gas are going back up because of the weather. The gas prices will stay very high for awhile due to the weather. Americans panic when they see the price of gas. Americans should realize we are in a recession and when you fill up on your gas. You should save it to the best of your abilities. You should limit your diving as much as possible.

TWalters5 said...

I think that people will stop buying gas all together or look for a new form of gas to use. Gas has become to costly to buy. Most people walk or ride a bus. i say you could still buy gas till a cheaper form is made. There are many things that lower yours cars mpg. the mane thing is low air pressure in your tiers. Keeping them up is help u go farther on less gas.

tdodson5 said...

I think since the weather is getting colder its causing oil to be more expensive. Oil is not suppose to be out in cold weather like that. Cold air / weather is effecting the natural gases and the result of that is making the gas prices go up by a lot. Hopefully when it gets hotter outside the gas prices will go back down cause of the warm weather.

Anonymous said...

The cold weather is making the gas prices rise which will be hard for a lot of people who use gas powered stoves and things of that nature because this could lead to companies to increase their prices... yep

sbirchwell5 said...

i understand the sesonal tempature having an effect on the price of oil and gas prices cause of course its going to be harder to get ahold of and since its cold outside people aint going to want to be walking so they will use some gas and drive even if its down the road

dbraswell5 said...

i think gas should not be expensive like that because people like me a be wanting to get around. And because it then got colder the gas be trying to go up. And i think by the summer the gas prices will get higher in higher.

dbraswell5 said...

i think gas should not be expensive like that because people like me a be wanting to get around. And because it then got colder the gas be trying to go up. And i think by the summer the gas prices will get higher in higher.

CRice7 said...

The cold has aided to the increase in gas price in the U.S. Crude oil is around 100 dollars a barrel and as the demand for oil increases so will the price of gas. It's already around 2.70 dollars and It very easily could get over 4 dollars. Not only that but oil supplies are hard to come by. It is a fossil fuel and can be completely used up and considering the United States is not to good at making friends with other Countries, the gases prices will only continue to go up. We need to find an alternative source of energy here instead of oil.

edwinb5 said...

With the weather being so cold, the oil and gas prices are going to go up. In the winter time, people use more and more oil and gas to heat up their houses. When their out driving, the heat in the car takes up a lot of gas and makes people have to buy more gas. If oil does go up then the price of gas will also go up.

Jovon6 said...

The gas is to high i would think would go down.But it haven't it just don't seem right. i think the united states should fix our problem.

Jovon6 said...

The gas is to high i would think would go down.But it haven't it just don't seem right. i think the united states should fix our problem.

MA said...

I think that the gas price is getting to high, some people can't even pay to get gas cause they ant got the money for it. I just think the gas price should go down.

ChinaMARi3 said...

The cold weather and gas has to do with economics because in order to warm your vehicle, you need gas to run your car. The more cold it is outside, the higher the prices will go.

K.Buckner6 said...

I think the gas prices are a joke right now. Specially now that its getting colder that means its rising. I just truly believe that there raising gas prices way to high. But i guess there's nothing none of us can do about it. I just wish something would go on with this economy and everything would either get better or turn back to normal.

sean kelsey 6 said...

The weather is the problem why our gas lines is geting high. We need the gas line to stay down. the weather is a problem cause if theres people that needs the prices to go down. My family is get to have money to pay gas for our cars.

KC said...

The wether has a big effect on the gas and oil because it dose not do good in cold wether and a lot of people are unemployed and cant afford the gas.

Anonymous said...

The price of oil is rising because of the cold weather. More is being used to heat homes due to the cold which leads to it being used up more. Therefore the price will rise so that they can't keep the supply plentiful.

Bailee™ said...

I think gas prices are a huge economic problem. With the war going on it has made the oil prices go way up. Also the cold weather and the snow, its not bad to keep your gas tank low so most people try to keep there gas tank filled, or atleast half way so it wont mess up there car. Since they know people will be doing this, because of the weather they raise the gas prices because people still have to do it. also gas prices are a huge economic problem because people are looking for new jobs because they have been laid off, and alot of them are a good distance and/or cost alot of money to get to and back from.

Roof1619 said...

With the weather being colder there is defenetly a greater demand for oil, causing prices to go up. People will not want to be low on gas in the middle of winter, so they try to keep their tanks full...this causes a greater demand. The prices are tough, but we have to have gas to drive, so you just have to balance your budget.

amber burns said...

I beleive the cold wether does have an effect on oil prices. I think in the cold weather months oil prices do go up. I agree with eholbrook2426 when she says that natural gas will be more xpensive also in that heat bills will be outragous.

DustinX4 said...

Yea I agree with the weather factor and prices. All I can say is I think this wouldn't be a problem if inventors and people like that would figure out how to run vehicles and machines off of water power or even air power.

AnthonyH said...

The cold of the weather is causing gas to rise but its not the only contributer. Jobs and the increasing rarity of gas is also a major contributor to the gas price rises.

williamp said...

Its weird to think 3 dollars really make much a difference. But i does seem to add up over time. These prices wouldn't really effect us if there wasn't all the job loss going around.

Madewell Toby 3rd said...

Oil prices shouldn't be that high, I mean, the oil all over the US is being used to heat house vehicles, etc. Raising the prices more will just make the consumer pay even more for oil than they need to. But with the cost of a barrel of oil @ around $80 each, I can see why they have to jack up the prices.

Whitney Patrick said...

With the weather being colder people are more needy for the gas which makes the price go up because no matter what we will pay the money. Yes will complain but we will always go and get gas. It's around the holidays people are traveling a lot, in winter you can't take chances of running out of gas either so most people try to keep their tanks full and be safe and cautious.

alanh7 said...

Not only is petroleum extremely important for gasoline, but for many other uses; its growth in price will most certainly hurt our economy. We are too dependent on this energy source and unless we fine some other alternate resource to replace it, I feel like we will have to keep paying the high prices that are likely to come. My family, like most other middle-class families, will be hurt by this change. We constantly drive from Cincinnati to Middletown and this is not a good time to be driving far distances daily.

nsetters said...

Since, the weather is getting cold the gas prices are going up because its harder to obtain. With the state of the economy , and the gas prices going up most people can't afford that. Its taking a great toll on a lot of people, and what money they can be spending on food they have to spend it on gas.

rrobinson4 said...

gas prices are gonna keep rising so you might wanna get a gas friendly car

Anonymous said...

Since the weather is getting cold it makes the oil more expensive.That not good for the oil ben out in cold weather.That's why the gas prices up because the weather since cold.Thats how they related.

Lindsey B. said...

when the weather come its hard on oil and cost much car repair. freeze up gas is not good to the car.

awilliams5 said...

I agree with NRawlins.5 Weather and location doesn't have much to do with this. And the fact that it was $3 two years ago in the summer just shows that.

triley6 said...

While the weather is getting cold it makes the gas and oil more expensive. Its not fair to us that the prices goes higher. I think when its cold they should still keep the price lower because most people be tripping about gas. most people do not want to pay that much at the gas station just to get gas.

kward4 said...

i seriously think gas needs not to up it needs to stay were it's at or go down but do go up thats to much money we'll half to pay if we wanna fill the tank up and we people aint got that much money we in a recession.