This class is about you and your future. This blog will allow you to think about topics and how they relate to you. This site is for you to read, think, write and discuss your opinions and thoughts
Mrs Lisa Rowland:
Are you kidding me They have no right to strike. Our retirement age is 64 and it is still to expensive for us. All the striking is doing is costing the government more which gives them more reason to up the retirement age. Should so much of the country be divided when they are also part of the UN effort in Afghanistan? I think the French need to get themselves in order before waiting an extra 2 years isn't their only problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To be honest this article did not process in m head. All i know is that gas is expensive. Here and every where else. I hate paying 2 something a gallon for it however, how else are we supposed to get around? Not everyone can take the bus.
The whole world seems to be in a bad time economically and the gas problem in France probably has something to do with it. I think once everything gets fixed everything will be okay, we just need to figure out what needs to be fixed.
I also did not understand what is going on in France right now. They are striking and not getting oil. That seems like it is their own problem in my opinion.
I feel like the economy, and things in the world are bad just about everywhere. Gas prices are high and it causes quite a bit of problems. France needs order and to clam down and everything just needs to get better. Because i mean really you can't block people from getting gas, the government shoud gas'em!
It is pretty ridiculous to me that people are being so dramatic about a change in retirement age. If the government can't afford to keep the retirement age at 60 then a change needs to be made. People need to realize that they can't have it all. The government is only doing what is best for the country, even of that means making a few enemy's in the process.
this is a joke right? who would think its right to strike against OIL for the retirement age? People just dont gewt any smarter do they, stuidity at its true finest here.
I believe that the whole world is Having economic problems. Therefore our world leaders need to come together and unite to make some important decisions involving the economy. If we the people of the world work together then we can accomplish anything. That is involving gas, gold, and money. If we all try to come up with new uses for our resources then we will be ok.
Im kind of confused about whats going on. I feel like whats going on in France is kind of effecting us in a way. Gas is extremely expensive here and its ridiculous. I feel like whats going on in France is something they need to deal with on their own and it really shouldnt effect whats going on here.
from all the people on strike protesting about the increase in the age of retirement which has gone from 60 to 62 they are causing controversies in Frances economy. I would like to know how much they pay for a gallon of gas in France because i highly doubt it is as expensive as how much they pay in America.
This is a great example of how the socialist system, BREEDS laziness.
In a socialist system, there is no incentive to work or better yourself. If you do not work, the government will take care f you. It will give you a home, food, medical care, and even spending money. If the government provides all of this, why should anybody work?????
The French nation operates on a socialist system. The government pays for large retirements fairly early in life. All of the people who are taking out retirement are putting a giant strain on he system. And these French workers are angry because they have to work TWO MORE YEARS to take out retirement? Well BOO-HOO, get over it.
They are angry that they have to wait two more years before daddy government takes care of them. They are angry that they have to be self-suffcient human beings for a little longer.
In a socialist system, you dont have any incentive to be a productive citizen, better yourself, or work for anything. ALl you have to do is lay around and let someone else take care of you. Now, if everybody in the system thinks that way, you end up like Russia, Canada, England, Greece, and Germany....FALLING APART.
the U.S. is in a recession and it clearly has an effect on different parts of the world. France is struggling to supply their citizens with gas. and people are going on strike for retirement age. Frances government is doing the best they can.
This article shows that not just the United States is having economic problems, its the whole world. Anywhere you go there is going to be economic struggles. I'm kind of curious though how France is tying to strike and just aren't drawing any oil. Is there a chance that they're just out? Can that happen??
France is very confusing. Also the fact that they are going to go on strike is ridiculous .. what about all the people that need gas? I feel like they are being very selfish and only thinking about themselves
What i think is going on about the strike is unnessesary and that there is no piont in doing so.People are struggling right now and are going thru hard times and there just not excepting the new change of rising the age for retirment.I feel like after a while everything will get shorted out and will turn to be ok.
I think it is unnessesary for people to be striking about the age rise for retirment. People just are not excepting the new change right now since most are struggling. Once everything calms down we should be able to bring things back to normal.
I think the strikers reason for going on strike is really dumb. The government is not raising the retirement age is 62 to get hurt the people, they are doing it to better their economy. They are not pulling this stuff out of a hat. The government said changes are needed because rising life expectancy increases the financial burden on the pension system. And because of the strikers poor choices they are causing many people in their country to go without oil.
workers in france are striking and blocking the transportation of oil, throughout the county. Oil is hard to find and workers who actually do their jobs can't get to work. The strike so far has been organized brilliantly, brilliant as in annoying the heck out of everyone, which is the point. French government needs to put it's foot down as the american government will need to soon when we raise our retirement age.
the U.S. is in a recession and it clearly has an effect on different parts of the world. France's gas supply has reached a critical level. People are struggling right now and are going thru hard times and there just not excepting the new change of rising the age for retirment.
this is about the french striking and the french running out of oil they really need to get there act together. i think i have to agree with clinard about the whole socialist government thing cause it really sounds like to me that they are really lazy and they are kinda getting what they deserve.
well oil is such a big demand around the world right now, and is also non-renewable...prices in france becoming more expensive only tells me that eventually they will be here in the U.S. as well.
i believe that they shouldnt strike. because its not doing the country any good. but i also believe that the government should just give in because the strike is costing more than they changes that should be made.
i think that all france is doing is making the situation worse. The foreign oil companies love it because they can make other countries squirm. I think they should suck it up and take care of what france needs to take care of. Sorry for the harshness but its what i feel. have a great day!
i feel sad that the entire world is going through horrible times right now. and it's sad that the protesters are blocking people from getting gas and no one is stepping in to stop them. i don't understand it all exactly, but i understand how stupid that is.
I think it's dumb that the people who are striking are getting in the way of other people getting gas. I think that the government or even the local police needs to step in and start directing traffic so people can get gas. Someone needs to step in and help.
Its obvious that the US isn't the only country that is struggling with their economy. One major factor is the price of gas. Its too high nearly everywhere! The French don't need to be protesting. They just need to chill out. The government needs to intervene and solve their problem.
This is one of those strike in my opinion the government needs to do something about, so what if people are not liking the price of oil or the retirement age, the United States have it just as bad and our retirement age is still older than their new 62. These strikes are stopping France from continuing to get oil is going to cause issues with the people who don't care about the prices, and just want their gas so they can live on with their everyday lives, something needs to happen to fix this
I think it is stupid that France is going on a strike. You don't need to do that because of the retirement age. They don't need to be protesting about gas either because I doubt they are near as high as gas prices in america.
france has no right to strike over the retirement age. life expectancy is rising and the government can no longer afford the retirement age now, is the government supposed to let the country go broke. if they opened their eyes they would see it could benefit them in the long run.
Really? Whats Going On In France? It Makes No Sense. How Can Your Government Allow People To Block Others From Getting Gas. We All Know Gas Is Expensive But This Is Ridiculous. C'mon France. Do Something About That >:(
Blocking people from getting gas because of a change in retirement age? This is crazy. France needs to get more order in their economy. There are better ways to strike against this rather than blocking oil. Economies just need to figure out what needs to be fixed, then maybe things will get back to normal.
This is a bad situation for France. The protesters are the ones causing the fuel shortage. Honestly why is blocking fuel stations suppose to help change the retirement age back to the desired 60 years old. Honestly I think the government should take action with force to keep these unruly citizens in line. I do agree changing retirement age isnt a very nice thing to do but it will help keep the government on its feet. This is keeping the nation out of debt so I think government intervention with these protestors would be better than importing oil. So the cause of the protest is retirement age, and the government changed it because of costs. The Protesters are causing the government to import costly oil. This is madness!
I think that the citizens of France need to realize that the government can't afford to maintain the retirement age at 60 and that they can't have everything. Striking is just causing the the government more money and more reason to increase the retirement age.
" 10 of France's 200 fuel terminals were blocked Monday by protesters opposed to a government cost-saving move that would raise the retirement age from 60 to 62. " i think is crazy but what if this happen to us? would u.s. act with mass protest? but 2 years might be a very long time for retirement. nonetheless blocking fuel because of something that doesnt have anything to do with gas is ridiculous.
Out of gas? Ride a bike, lazy butts. If gas is such a problem and we have such a dependence on it obviously we NEED other options so when something like this happens the whole country doesn't go into turmoil... this is so pathetic. 2 more years added onto the retirement age? Boo-freakin'-hoo. I'm pretty sure the United States is going to have to do something like this soon too, as medications improve and life expectancy rises.
I agree with some of the people on this blog that this article didn't really process for me too well. The gas is more expensive is really the only thing that I took from it. Our economy has a big effect on the gas prices.
The French government needs to get more involved in this particular situation. A particular group of French citizens are preventing the economic flow of fuel into France that other people need. I dont see what the big deal is that the French government raised the retirement age. The French economy is hurting right now and I believe that this group of strikers needs to be dealt with legally so the the fuel can have a normal flow into France.
I don't know why people are getting so upset about paying so much for gas. It is just a fact of life, that u pay for gas to get around. Its not like everybody can take the bus. The companys striking are taking it too far i think. I mean they are causing their whole country to run out of gas and causing France to rely on imported gas more. They are only think of themselves and when they get over themselves it will get better.
Wow. What a mess. What is wrong with people? People seem to strike over the dumbest things. Raising the retirement age 2 years, and from 60 to 62 at that, isn't that big of a deal in my book. (It's still less than the US retirement age.) People need to stop whining and complaining, get on with their lives, and stop damaging their own government even more than it already is.
I agree that the people have a strike, but to cause about 1,000 gas stations to run out of gas? it's rediculous! I can't believe that the people of France are being stupid enough to effect the entire world with this. At some point this will end up effecting every country because it will make the prices of gas rise here in the U.S. too. Oil imports are costing France a lot of money. SO, why don't the poeple of France get over themselves and look at the big picture of how this will effect everyone???
i dont believe they should be striking. all it is doing is costing more money. which means they should work MORE. not helping their case. they shouldnt stop people from getting gas. they are being immature.
I understand that the people are upset about a quick change in the retirement age and a high increase on fuel, but striking is just unnecessary. The people who strike only cause the fuel prices to rise seeing how the have around 12 of the oil refineries closed. Raging also does nothing for the raised retirement age.
It is ridiculous to me that the entire situation in France was created out of an increase in the retirement age by two years. It can however, be expected to be the natural reaction by citizens in a society in which everyone is "entitled" to everything. This illustrates the residual laziness that this system breeds.
High gas prices? Yeah that's something alot of us get upset over. Rioting over it? That's a different story. It's an obstruction of justice (at least here) to riot of something so economically common. This fault goes to the people this time(surprisngly.)
A lot of economies are not doing very well around the world. France are running out of gas and the people are striking because of retirement age. A lot of things are going wrong nowadays..
I believe that France is having economic problems just like the U.S. I think the protesters should just cool down and pay a little extra. It will help in the long run.
I believe that France is having economic problems just like the U.S. I think the protesters should just cool down and pay a little extra. It will help in the long run.
I think that the economy is just bad everywhere, Gas prices are high and people dont like that..but theres nothing we can do about why complain??
It is pretty ridiculous to me that people are being so dramatic about a change in retirement age. If the government can't afford to keep the retirement age at 60 then a change needs to be made. People need to realize that they can't have it all. The government is only doing what is best for the country, even of that means making a few enemy's in the process.
I think the strike is very childish. People all around the world are having a rough time, why should they just give up like that? As for the retirement age, it's only two more years of work. I mean they already get their retirement early as it is, just calm down! It's really not that big of a deal.
The whole world seems to be in a bad time economically and the gas problem in France probably has something to do with it. I hate that gas is getting so dang expensive. Especially since I have to pay my own way in it. Here ya go.
Its crazy that citizens of France are striking because they want a lower age for retirement. They need to just realize that the government can't afford it.
64 is old to retire. The retirement age should not be upped. Raising the retirement age would be terrible.Everything in our economy is still going up, gas, food, ect.
64 is old to retire. The retirement age should not be upped. Raising the retirement age would be terrible.Everything in our economy is still going up, gas, food, ect.
64 is old to retire. The retirement age should not be upped. Raising the retirement age would be terrible.Everything in our economy is still going up, gas, food, ect.
I think its a really retarded that strikers are blocking people from getting gas. All the striking is doing is costing the government more which gives them more reason to up the retirement age. In a socialist system, you dont have any incentive to be a productive citizen, better yourself, or work for anything. therefore they don't have the rights we do....but i mean come on!!! 2years is not a big deal! get over yourself!
The people in France are on strike for the dumbest reason in the world. They are going to risk running out of fuel for a two year difference in the retirement age? Most of the people that are on strike are not even near that age and shouldn't be worrying about it until they are that age or near that age. The whole situation is rediculous in my opinion.
Are you kidding me They have no right to strike. Our retirement age is 64 and it is still to expensive for us. All the striking is doing is costing the government more which gives them more reason to up the retirement age. Should so much of the country be divided when they are also part of the UN effort in Afghanistan? I think the French need to get themselves in order before waiting an extra 2 years isn't their only problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To be honest this article did not process in m head. All i know is that gas is expensive. Here and every where else. I hate paying 2 something a gallon for it however, how else are we supposed to get around? Not everyone can take the bus.
The whole world seems to be in a bad time economically and the gas problem in France probably has something to do with it. I think once everything gets fixed everything will be okay, we just need to figure out what needs to be fixed.
I also did not understand what is going on in France right now. They are striking and not getting oil. That seems like it is their own problem in my opinion.
I think it a real joke that strikers are blocking people from getting gas. I think that the goverment should do something about.
I feel like the economy, and things in the world are bad just about everywhere. Gas prices are high and it causes quite a bit of problems. France needs order and to clam down and everything just needs to get better. Because i mean really you can't block people from getting gas, the government shoud gas'em!
It is pretty ridiculous to me that people are being so dramatic about a change in retirement age. If the government can't afford to keep the retirement age at 60 then a change needs to be made. People need to realize that they can't have it all. The government is only doing what is best for the country, even of that means making a few enemy's in the process.
this is a joke right? who would think its right to strike against OIL for the retirement age? People just dont gewt any smarter do they, stuidity at its true finest here.
I believe that the whole world is Having economic problems. Therefore our world leaders need to come together and unite to make some important decisions involving the economy. If we the people of the world work together then we can accomplish anything. That is involving gas, gold, and money. If we all try to come up with new uses for our resources then we will be ok.
Im kind of confused about whats going on. I feel like whats going on in France is kind of effecting us in a way. Gas is extremely expensive here and its ridiculous. I feel like whats going on in France is something they need to deal with on their own and it really shouldnt effect whats going on here.
from all the people on strike protesting about the increase in the age of retirement which has gone from 60 to 62 they are causing controversies in Frances economy. I would like to know how much they pay for a gallon of gas in France because i highly doubt it is as expensive as how much they pay in America.
This is a great example of how the socialist system, BREEDS laziness.
In a socialist system, there is no incentive to work or better yourself. If you do not work, the government will take care f you. It will give you a home, food, medical care, and even spending money. If the government provides all of this, why should anybody work?????
The French nation operates on a socialist system. The government pays for large retirements fairly early in life. All of the people who are taking out retirement are putting a giant strain on he system. And these French workers are angry because they have to work TWO MORE YEARS to take out retirement? Well BOO-HOO, get over it.
They are angry that they have to wait two more years before daddy government takes care of them. They are angry that they have to be self-suffcient human beings for a little longer.
In a socialist system, you dont have any incentive to be a productive citizen, better yourself, or work for anything. ALl you have to do is lay around and let someone else take care of you. Now, if everybody in the system thinks that way, you end up like Russia, Canada, England, Greece, and Germany....FALLING APART.
the U.S. is in a recession and it clearly has an effect on different parts of the world. France is struggling to supply their citizens with gas. and people are going on strike for retirement age. Frances government is doing the best they can.
This article shows that not just the United States is having economic problems, its the whole world. Anywhere you go there is going to be economic struggles. I'm kind of curious though
how France is tying to strike and just aren't drawing any oil. Is there a chance that they're just out? Can that happen??
striking is an easy way out! gas is expensive because of you. its our fault so we have to deal with it.
France is very confusing. Also the fact that they are going to go on strike is ridiculous .. what about all the people that need gas? I feel like they are being very selfish and only thinking about themselves
What i think is going on about the strike is unnessesary and that there is no piont in doing so.People are struggling right now and are going thru hard times and there just not excepting the new change of rising the age for retirment.I feel like after a while everything will get shorted out and will turn to be ok.
I think it is unnessesary for people to be striking about the age rise for retirment. People just are not excepting the new change right now since most are struggling. Once everything calms down we should be able to bring things back to normal.
I think the strikers reason for going on strike is really dumb. The government is not raising the retirement age is 62 to get hurt the people, they are doing it to better their economy. They are not pulling this stuff out of a hat. The government said changes are needed because rising life expectancy increases the financial burden on the pension system.
And because of the strikers poor choices they are causing many people in their country to go without oil.
workers in france are striking and blocking the transportation of oil, throughout the county. Oil is hard to find and workers who actually do their jobs can't get to work. The strike so far has been organized brilliantly, brilliant as in annoying the heck out of everyone, which is the point. French government needs to put it's foot down as the american government will need to soon when we raise our retirement age.
the U.S. is in a recession and it clearly has an effect on different parts of the world. France's gas supply has reached a critical level. People are struggling right now and are going thru hard times and there just not excepting the new change of rising the age for retirment.
this is about the french striking and the french running out of oil they really need to get there act together. i think i have to agree with clinard about the whole socialist government thing cause it really sounds like to me that they are really lazy and they are kinda getting what they deserve.
well oil is such a big demand around the world right now, and is also non-renewable...prices in france becoming more expensive only tells me that eventually they will be here in the U.S. as well.
i believe that they shouldnt strike. because its not doing the country any good. but i also believe that the government should just give in because the strike is costing more than they changes that should be made.
i think that all france is doing is making the situation worse. The foreign oil companies love it because they can make other countries squirm. I think they should suck it up and take care of what france needs to take care of. Sorry for the harshness but its what i feel. have a great day!
i feel sad that the entire world is going through horrible times right now. and it's sad that the protesters are blocking people from getting gas and no one is stepping in to stop them.
i don't understand it all exactly, but i understand how stupid that is.
I think it's dumb that the people who are striking are getting in the way of other people getting gas. I think that the government or even the local police needs to step in and start directing traffic so people can get gas. Someone needs to step in and help.
Its obvious that the US isn't the only country that is struggling with their economy. One major factor is the price of gas. Its too high nearly everywhere! The French don't need to be protesting. They just need to chill out. The government needs to intervene and solve their problem.
This is one of those strike in my opinion the government needs to do something about, so what if people are not liking the price of oil or the retirement age, the United States have it just as bad and our retirement age is still older than their new 62. These strikes are stopping France from continuing to get oil is going to cause issues with the people who don't care about the prices, and just want their gas so they can live on with their everyday lives, something needs to happen to fix this
I think it is stupid that France is going on a strike. You don't need to do that because of the retirement age. They don't need to be protesting about gas either because I doubt they are near as high as gas prices in america.
france has no right to strike over the retirement age. life expectancy is rising and the government can no longer afford the retirement age now, is the government supposed to let the country go broke. if they opened their eyes they would see it could benefit them in the long run.
Really? Whats Going On In France? It Makes No Sense. How Can Your Government Allow People To Block Others From Getting Gas. We All Know Gas Is Expensive But This Is Ridiculous. C'mon France. Do Something About That >:(
Blocking people from getting gas because of a change in retirement age? This is crazy. France needs to get more order in their economy. There are better ways to strike against this rather than blocking oil. Economies just need to figure out what needs to be fixed, then maybe things will get back to normal.
This is a bad situation for France. The protesters are the ones causing the fuel shortage. Honestly why is blocking fuel stations suppose to help change the retirement age back to the desired 60 years old. Honestly I think the government should take action with force to keep these unruly citizens in line. I do agree changing retirement age isnt a very nice thing to do but it will help keep the government on its feet. This is keeping the nation out of debt so I think government intervention with these protestors would be better than importing oil. So the cause of the protest is retirement age, and the government changed it because of costs. The Protesters are causing the government to import costly oil. This is madness!
I think that the citizens of France need to realize that the government can't afford to maintain the retirement age at 60 and that they can't have everything. Striking is just causing the the government more money and more reason to increase the retirement age.
" 10 of France's 200 fuel terminals were blocked Monday by protesters opposed to a government cost-saving move that would raise the retirement age from 60 to 62. " i think is crazy but what if this happen to us? would u.s. act with mass protest? but 2 years might be a very long time for retirement. nonetheless blocking fuel because of something that doesnt have anything to do with gas is ridiculous.
Out of gas? Ride a bike, lazy butts. If gas is such a problem and we have such a dependence on it obviously we NEED other options so when something like this happens the whole country doesn't go into turmoil... this is so pathetic. 2 more years added onto the retirement age? Boo-freakin'-hoo. I'm pretty sure the United States is going to have to do something like this soon too, as medications improve and life expectancy rises.
I agree with some of the people on this blog that this article didn't really process for me too well. The gas is more expensive is really the only thing that I took from it. Our economy has a big effect on the gas prices.
The French government needs to get more involved in this particular situation. A particular group of French citizens are preventing the economic flow of fuel into France that other people need. I dont see what the big deal is that the French government raised the retirement age. The French economy is hurting right now and I believe that this group of strikers needs to be dealt with legally so the the fuel can have a normal flow into France.
I don't know why people are getting so upset about paying so much for gas. It is just a fact of life, that u pay for gas to get around. Its not like everybody can take the bus. The companys striking are taking it too far i think. I mean they are causing their whole country to run out of gas and causing France to rely on imported gas more. They are only think of themselves and when they get over themselves it will get better.
Wow. What a mess. What is wrong with people? People seem to strike over the dumbest things. Raising the retirement age 2 years, and from 60 to 62 at that, isn't that big of a deal in my book. (It's still less than the US retirement age.) People need to stop whining and complaining, get on with their lives, and stop damaging their own government even more than it already is.
I agree that the people have a strike, but to cause about 1,000 gas stations to run out of gas? it's rediculous! I can't believe that the people of France are being stupid enough to effect the entire world with this. At some point this will end up effecting every country because it will make the prices of gas rise here in the U.S. too. Oil imports are costing France a lot of money. SO, why don't the poeple of France get over themselves and look at the big picture of how this will effect everyone???
i dont believe they should be striking. all it is doing is costing more money. which means they should work MORE. not helping their case. they shouldnt stop people from getting gas. they are being immature.
I understand that the people are upset about a quick change in the retirement age and a high increase on fuel, but striking is just unnecessary. The people who strike only cause the fuel prices to rise seeing how the have around 12 of the oil refineries closed. Raging also does nothing for the raised retirement age.
It is ridiculous to me that the entire situation in France was created out of an increase in the retirement age by two years. It can however, be expected to be the natural reaction by citizens in a society in which everyone is "entitled" to everything. This illustrates the residual laziness that this system breeds.
High gas prices? Yeah that's something alot of us get upset over. Rioting over it? That's a different story. It's an obstruction of justice (at least here) to riot of something so economically common. This fault goes to the people this time(surprisngly.)
A lot of economies are not doing very well around the world. France are running out of gas and the people are striking because of retirement age. A lot of things are going wrong nowadays..
I believe that France is having economic problems just like the U.S. I think the protesters should just cool down and pay a little extra. It will help in the long run.
I believe that France is having economic problems just like the U.S. I think the protesters should just cool down and pay a little extra. It will help in the long run.
I think that the economy is just bad everywhere, Gas prices are high and people dont like that..but theres nothing we can do about why complain??
It is pretty ridiculous to me that people are being so dramatic about a change in retirement age. If the government can't afford to keep the retirement age at 60 then a change needs to be made. People need to realize that they can't have it all. The government is only doing what is best for the country, even of that means making a few enemy's in the process.
I think the strike is very childish. People all around the world are having a rough time, why should they just give up like that? As for the retirement age, it's only two more years of work. I mean they already get their retirement early as it is, just calm down! It's really not that big of a deal.
The whole world seems to be in a bad time economically and the gas problem in France probably has something to do with it. I hate that gas is getting so dang expensive. Especially since I have to pay my own way in it. Here ya go.
Its crazy that citizens of France are striking because they want a lower age for retirement. They need to just realize that the government can't afford it.
64 is old to retire. The retirement age should not be upped. Raising the retirement age would be terrible.Everything in our economy is still going up, gas, food, ect.
64 is old to retire. The retirement age should not be upped. Raising the retirement age would be terrible.Everything in our economy is still going up, gas, food, ect.
64 is old to retire. The retirement age should not be upped. Raising the retirement age would be terrible.Everything in our economy is still going up, gas, food, ect.
I think its a really retarded that strikers are blocking people from getting gas. All the striking is doing is costing the government more which gives them more reason to up the retirement age. In a socialist system, you dont have any incentive to be a productive citizen, better yourself, or work for anything. therefore they don't have the rights we do....but i mean come on!!! 2years is not a big deal! get over yourself!
The people in France are on strike for the dumbest reason in the world. They are going to risk running out of fuel for a two year difference in the retirement age? Most of the people that are on strike are not even near that age and shouldn't be worrying about it until they are that age or near that age. The whole situation is rediculous in my opinion.
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