This class is about you and your future. This blog will allow you to think about topics and how they relate to you. This site is for you to read, think, write and discuss your opinions and thoughts
Mrs Lisa Rowland:
It is completely shocking to me that the average state employee salary is $20 a month. How can people live with that little of money?!? I think that it is a good thing that the government is getting rid of a lot of state jobs because now the citizens can work for themselves and most likely make a better salary and live a better life.
this article is saying that cubans are going to be able to own some of there own business's. this is a big step for the socialist government of cuba. castro is very sure that it will not change the government at all or so he says but we will see.
They need to give their people freedom, there's no way you can live a fulfilling life only making $20 a month, your whole life is gonna be spent trying to find a way to pay the bills and thats no fun, whats the point in living if your life is already played out by the cuban gov't.
Having only 20 dollars per month is barley enough to last me a week. I dont even know how people are able to live with that kind of money. Its a good thing that cubas government is giving more freedom to the people so then they are able to do other jobs to make more money for there living conditions.
Another example of why communism doesnt work. When the government regulates who can work in what field and where, there are not enough people producing consumer goods.
Cuba's economy was failing because the government had so over-regulated, that there were almost no skilled laborers or any new businesses forming. If there are no new businesses, then there are not nearly as many opportunities for economic growth.
The article also said that some people are worrying about having a steady job and salary..thats because communism makes people LAZY...they will actually have to go learn a skill or be of some use to someone now, instead of having a simple job, that you may not have to do any work in, while someone else does three times the work for the same amount of money. It's just a fear of work is all it is....
Now that Raul has finally realized that communism/socialism DOES NOT WORK, he may be able to let capitalism breathe a least for a while....maybe we should learn from this lesson before we take the socialist experiment any farther...
This article is about small Cuban services working for themselves. Right now their average salary is $20 a month.With this program Cuba announced it would eliminate "at least" 500,000 state jobs, but their government believes it will help.
Fidel Castro in an interview around a month ago said that the Cuban system of socialism isn't even working for cuba anymore. I think the rest of the world should see this as an omen that communism and full government employment doesn't work, and that private business is the best economic policy
20 dollars a month? That is completely insane! It's good that the Cubans will be able to own their own businesses. Hopefully they will make more money while doing this, and will be able to provide more for their families.
i think that it is very good thing that they are letting people wrk for themselves now this means that they might be able to make more than just 20 dollars a month so the quality of life down there might improve as well.
I think its a good thing that cubans now can work for themselves and hire other people. Hopefully this will help their economy and raise their standard of living. I don't see how the government can stay socialist if some people will be better off than others. I think they should just become a democracy and then there economy will really repair itself.
The average state employee salary is $20 a month?!? Thats completely ridiculous! Its good that the government is getting rid of a lot of state jobs so people can make a better salary. Having only $20 could barely last me two days! Haha! Now we have to rely on out "government" to fix things that they probably wont really work on towards fixing like they really should....
I know everyone has said this before, but $20.00 a month? Really? That is a little unbelievable. At least the people in Cuba will get more freedom on my of the important choices the make. Although the 2o a moth would be hard to do anything with.
Although 20$ is barely enough to be living on, it'd be a time to learn how to manage the money you get. It would help a person learn how to survive off of anything the actually make. Especially when you HAVE to learn how, or else your probably gonna not make it anywhere (eventually die).
I feel that it would be entiely impossible to live on just 20 dollars a month. $20 barely covers my lunch for a week. I feel that its about time the cubans get any real choice about what they want to do. If they can start their own businesses now who's to say we wont see a democracy down there in years to come?
I believe this move is a large step towards democracy. The government is failing under the Dictatorship of Castro, so they are impleminting the "new" ideas of self employment. The Cuban workforce in my opinion will still struggle until the fall of the dictatorship in Cuba, but now their 20 dollar wages might increase a little bit.
In Cuba, they are allowing their people to be self-employed. Even though they only make about $20 a month, they should be happier because they are doing what they want with out the government telling them what to do and how do it. The government will get rid of 500,000 state jobs to make way for self-owned businesses. This way civilans can make more money and live a bietter life for thier family.
As one of the last communist societies remaining in the world, Cuba is starting to realize what the Soviet Union and other socialist states did years ago: communism simply does not work. It is good that Cuba is now shifting away from it, and is making an effort to improve the country.
I know that i could not live on $20 a month due to the fact that I could spend it in under a minute. I spend over twenty dollars on my lunch alone for an entire week. I do however feel that it is good that Cuba is moving away from some of the communistic characters of communism and showing some characteristics of a capitalistic society.
$20 dollars a month is a little absurd if you ask me. Having that little money wouldn't get nearly anybody through a day or so in the United States. I think it's wonderful that the government is allowing Cubans to operate their own business' and make a living for themselves, but there will still be many without enough money to make a living off of.
It is amazing to me that the average slary in Cuba is only $20. That amount of money can't even get me what I need to function for one week let alone a whole month. It is a good thing that the Cubans will be able to own their own bussinesses because that means they will be taking a step away from Communism. It is also a good thing because people in Cuba will now have a chance to make their lives better than they are.
This is a exaggeration. The cuban government is not giving up all that more power; they still own and employ 90% of the market. To say that it will fix the market or even help to escape the depression in Cuba is a fraud. Cuba is still a mostly socialistic economy and now they can say that they offer other capitalistic opportunities but it is not feasible as citizen to do so; you have to pay taxes and the government will regulate your business. There is no incentive to become a business owner in cuba because it is more work, less reward and the government will regulate your growth, businesses can not get to big or they would threaten the governments power and the business would be dissolved. The other option for cuban citizens is easier: pick a government job and get all the benefits and pay; only try enough to keep your job because that is all you need the government provides the rest. It is a great political stunt for cuba to try to win over their population, but it is not a big change in the economy or political power.
I think it's sad that those people had only $20 to live off of every month. I'm glad though, that Cuba is slowly breaking away from communism. It's good that they're creating new jobs and newer salaries. I believe it was a step in a good direction. Now the Cubans can have more money flow come into their homes and hopefully be able to live better lives.
well cuban government is changing and starting to letthe people hav more possibilities for work. yet they get paid wih such a littl wage, its still gonna be hard and i don't see how they can servive right now. but they're trying to have a better life.
I admire the Cubans, because there is no way I'd be able to live off of only $20 a month. I'm hoping that the changes being made will eventually help out the citizens in the end more than what they'd hoped for. Castro seems to be very set that it wont change much, but it is good he's letting go a little bit and giving the people the ability to own some of their business's.
It is a good thing that the economy is changing and becoming more like the united states government. Cuba is going away from communism. I don't understand how people will be able to make money if all they receive a month is 20 dollars, if they have to pay fees to run their job, how will they come out on top of their salary?
I believe that it is a great thing the Cuban government is doing. It gives the people freedoms, though very slight ones, to pick a career of their liking. It also gets everyone into a job, instead of having the people who know they will get paid whether they work or not living off the system entirely. And although the Cuban's had no taxes, $20 a month on their fixed incomes is hardly sufficient for even the thriftiest of people. Hopefully after a short while those workers will realize this is the better option and make the best of this great opportunity.
I cant believe that the govt workers are making so little. I couldnt manage that. However it is good that they are cutting state jobs so that the people will be able to venture into endeavours on their own to make their own money.
It is about time that the people who occupy Cuba get a start in the right direction toward freedom. Living on only 20 dollars a week is nothing so hopefully the change will be positive and Castro won't feel like he is losing power and decide to take back these leeways.
Wow..20 dollars a month. I dont think I could live off that for even a week. More economic freedom for the people of Cuba is long overdue. The fact that people can actually live this way if forced to befuddles me. Its great that they can now own there own businesses and hire people but I feel that there are still gonna be a lot of people struggling to make a living.
$20 dollars a month in a third world country isn't that bad, especially with guaranteed employment, housing and medicare offered by the Cuban government. They're not out buying Xbox's or anything but with $20 dollars you can afford to live in Cuba
I also think Aandrew5 is wrong because Cubans like their benefits so it's not really winning any of them over by laying off 10% of their workforce. The only reason I would think they'd do that is because like the US they can't afford all these big government programs and is trying to ease the burden by getting a group of taxable people working away from the government.
The fact that the average salary for cubans in the workforce is only $20 is very shocking, i personally go through more then that every week, and i don't even work. And i know that the people there have to have thought of what their lives could be like under better circumstances. Also they plan on eliminated 10% of their public work force? I do not see how the people who are working that are going to get layed off for this cut are going to react, and i don't think it will be pleasent if they do.
I think its great that cubans can work for themselves and hire other people. Maybe by this positive increase it will help there economy grow and become a better standard of living for everyone.
I thought my pay check was small, but compared to 20 dollars a month i'm doing more than fine. I think the Cuban government may be getting themselves together. Its a good thing they will be able to open their own business. Plus the fact they will have more freedom. I think all of this will lead to positive effects.
I believe that it is completely insane for the average state salary to be $20 a month! You would really have to be careful with the money you'd spend. How could you really make a living with that much money? It could be both a negative and a positive thing that the government is eliminating state jobs. It could be bad because some people may rely on that $20 a month salary, and taking that away could leave them with nothing. But it could also be a good thing because people could become entrepreneurs and possibly make more money.
This article says that Cubans are going to be able to own some of there own business's. This a great step forward for the socialist government of Cuba. But, I'm sure Castro still has ways to control these new private owned business' with strict government control. I don't know if Cuba will ever reap the benefits of Democracy.
I find it very surprising how the salary is only $20 a month. I don't see how it is even possible to make any kind of living with that. I know it really isn't possible in the United States. I think it is good they are moving away from ways of communism. It's good they are wanting to be very independent and self-employed.
$20 a month I don't see how anyone could live off that. That's crazy! The fact that government is getting rid of state jobs will better lots of people because they can work for themselves. Working for themselves when give them a better chance for a better salary.
I agree with Bobby that $20 for a third world country isn't the unreasonable. $20 is a little bit ridiculous but I believe to Cubans it isn't as bad as it seems to us
Being payed only a measily twenty dollars per month wouldn't support anybody in the present day. I could barely get through one week with twenty dollars. But, atleast the government is getting rid of the of the state jobs so that the citizens will acctually have a decent salary and be fleixble with their money.
$20 a day is crazy! I can't imagine only having that much to spend. Hopefully, by the government getting rid of state jobs, the citizens can improve their salary and lives.
I was very surprised by the article and how cubans only get paid $20 a month. That is crazy! I also have to agree with andrew when he says that it is another reason why communism doesn't work.
I cant beleave Cuba still has that many state jobs. Its kind of shocking that a socialist government like Cuba would actually eliminate 500,000 state jobs. The article says that Cuba is pushing to let their citizens own there own businesses. This is a big step for Cuba. Cause 20.00 dollars a month is not alot to live on. And I dont think you can feed your family.
cubans can work for themselves in 178 activities.the government is trying to cut 500,000 state jobs.state media say more detail will soon be revealed.i dont think its fair that they can just cut so many jobs like that.if the state employee salery is $20 a month, just imagine what its going to be after they cut all those jobs.
This article is somewhat suprising due to the fact how controlling the Cuban government is. Cuban's have very little freedom, so adding something like this can only help Cuba's struggling economy. The average American family will spend $20 in an hour or two, while it takes about a month to make 20$ in Cuba.
I can't believe that people live on that amount of money! $20 will buy you like 3 meals from mcdonalds! I hope that the freedom given to Cubans will be expanded.
How can people live on $20 a month? i can barely live on that in a week. But i think its a good thing that Cubans will now be able to own their own business's. Now, hopefully these people will be able to supply more and better products for their families.
Reading things like this really make me thankful to live where i do. We always talk like we're gonna collapse tomorrow but hearing that most people make 20 in a month in another country really makes you happy for what you have huh?
$20 a month wouldnt even give me a full tank of gas, i dont know how the cubans are living off that. They need more freedom, and giving them the option to own some their own business's is an important step in giving them a better chance at li9ving a full-filling life.
$20 a month wouldnt even give me a full tank of gas, i dont know how the cubans are living off that. They need more freedom, and giving them the option to own some their own business's is an important step in giving them a better chance at living a full-filling life.
$20 a month are you kidding me? thats shocking to me! how do people function with that? it is good thing to get rid of the state jobs because it takes away from the people who actually need jobs!
This article is about cubans owning there own bussiness and what not and husbessles. This is very important economic barrieer for them and im very proud i hope this brings prosperity and success for them and amen!
$20 dollars a month? I know personally I spend $20 dollars in two days just on lunch! I believe that they need to strike to make themselves better off. The Cuban nation is wrong and needs to come up with ideas to better there economy.
Twenty dollars a month wouldn't even last me for a weekend to go hang out with my friends. I think it is a very good idea that Cubans are going to be able to own there own businesses and then this will increases there price, on how much they get a month.
this aritcle is saying that some cubans will be able to own some of their own buisnesses. it will help them better their lives for the future. now they will be able to mke more money and a better salary.
I think its great that Cuba is finally letting down some of its walls of socialism. A step in the right path, I say. The $20 a month is a bit of a bummer though, unless the standard of living in Cuba is much lower than the USA.
Wow, cuba moving away from communism, thats quite a shock. I cant say it suprises me, though the timing of it is a bit odd. i guess this one will just have to come out in the wash
I agreed with Aandrew5, the cuba gorvnment still own 90% of the work force. But i think it is a step forward to a better economy.this just shows how communism doesnt work.
i thought it was insane that some cubans get a $20 monthly salary. our parents give us money left and right $20 at a time and we think nothing of it. it makes me really appericate what i have.
It is completely shocking to me that the average state employee salary is $20 a month. How can people live with that little of money?!? I think that it is a good thing that the government is getting rid of a lot of state jobs because now the citizens can work for themselves and most likely make a better salary and live a better life.
this article is saying that cubans are going to be able to own some of there own business's. this is a big step for the socialist government of cuba. castro is very sure that it will not change the government at all or so he says but we will see.
They need to give their people freedom, there's no way you can live a fulfilling life only making $20 a month, your whole life is gonna be spent trying to find a way to pay the bills and thats no fun, whats the point in living if your life is already played out by the cuban gov't.
Having only 20 dollars per month is barley enough to last me a week. I dont even know how people are able to live with that kind of money. Its a good thing that cubas government is giving more freedom to the people so then they are able to do other jobs to make more money for there living conditions.
Another example of why communism doesnt work. When the government regulates who can work in what field and where, there are not enough people producing consumer goods.
Cuba's economy was failing because the government had so over-regulated, that there were almost no skilled laborers or any new businesses forming. If there are no new businesses, then there are not nearly as many opportunities for economic growth.
The article also said that some people are worrying about having a steady job and salary..thats because communism makes people LAZY...they will actually have to go learn a skill or be of some use to someone now, instead of having a simple job, that you may not have to do any work in, while someone else does three times the work for the same amount of money. It's just a fear of work is all it is....
Now that Raul has finally realized that communism/socialism DOES NOT WORK, he may be able to let capitalism breathe a least for a while....maybe we should learn from this lesson before we take the socialist experiment any farther...
This article is about small Cuban services working for themselves. Right now their average salary is $20 a month.With this program Cuba announced it would eliminate "at least" 500,000 state jobs, but their government believes it will help.
Fidel Castro in an interview around a month ago said that the Cuban system of socialism isn't even working for cuba anymore. I think the rest of the world should see this as an omen that communism and full government employment doesn't work, and that private business is the best economic policy
20 dollars a month? That is completely insane! It's good that the Cubans will be able to own their own businesses. Hopefully they will make more money while doing this, and will be able to provide more for their families.
i think that it is very good thing that they are letting people wrk for themselves now this means that they might be able to make more than just 20 dollars a month so the quality of life down there might improve as well.
I think its a good thing that cubans now can work for themselves and hire other people. Hopefully this will help their economy and raise their standard of living. I don't see how the government can stay socialist if some people will be better off than others. I think they should just become a democracy and then there economy will really repair itself.
The average state employee salary is $20 a month?!? Thats completely ridiculous! Its good that the government is getting rid of a lot of state jobs so people can make a better salary. Having only $20 could barely last me two days! Haha! Now we have to rely on out "government" to fix things that they probably wont really work on towards fixing like they really should....
I know everyone has said this before, but $20.00 a month? Really? That is a little unbelievable. At least the people in Cuba will get more freedom on my of the important choices the make. Although the 2o a moth would be hard to do anything with.
Although 20$ is barely enough to be living on, it'd be a time to learn how to manage the money you get. It would help a person learn how to survive off of anything the actually make. Especially when you HAVE to learn how, or else your probably gonna not make it anywhere (eventually die).
I feel that it would be entiely impossible to live on just 20 dollars a month. $20 barely covers my lunch for a week. I feel that its about time the cubans get any real choice about what they want to do. If they can start their own businesses now who's to say we wont see a democracy down there in years to come?
I believe this move is a large step towards democracy. The government is failing under the Dictatorship of Castro, so they are impleminting the "new" ideas of self employment. The Cuban workforce in my opinion will still struggle until the fall of the dictatorship in Cuba, but now their 20 dollar wages might increase a little bit.
In Cuba, they are allowing their people to be self-employed. Even though they only make about $20 a month, they should be happier because they are doing what they want with out the government telling them what to do and how do it. The government will get rid of 500,000 state jobs to make way for self-owned businesses. This way civilans can make more money and live a bietter life for thier family.
As one of the last communist societies remaining in the world, Cuba is starting to realize what the Soviet Union and other socialist states did years ago: communism simply does not work. It is good that Cuba is now shifting away from it, and is making an effort to improve the country.
I know that i could not live on $20 a month due to the fact that I could spend it in under a minute. I spend over twenty dollars on my lunch alone for an entire week. I do however feel that it is good that Cuba is moving away from some of the communistic characters of communism and showing some characteristics of a capitalistic society.
$20 dollars a month is a little absurd if you ask me. Having that little money wouldn't get nearly anybody through a day or so in the United States. I think it's wonderful that the government is allowing Cubans to operate their own business' and make a living for themselves, but there will still be many without enough money to make a living off of.
It is amazing to me that the average slary in Cuba is only $20. That amount of money can't even get me what I need to function for one week let alone a whole month. It is a good thing that the Cubans will be able to own their own bussinesses because that means they will be taking a step away from Communism. It is also a good thing because people in Cuba will now have a chance to make their lives better than they are.
This is a exaggeration. The cuban government is not giving up all that more power; they still own and employ 90% of the market. To say that it will fix the market or even help to escape the depression in Cuba is a fraud. Cuba is still a mostly socialistic economy and now they can say that they offer other capitalistic opportunities but it is not feasible as citizen to do so; you have to pay taxes and the government will regulate your business. There is no incentive to become a business owner in cuba because it is more work, less reward and the government will regulate your growth, businesses can not get to big or they would threaten the governments power and the business would be dissolved. The other option for cuban citizens is easier: pick a government job and get all the benefits and pay; only try enough to keep your job because that is all you need the government provides the rest. It is a great political stunt for cuba to try to win over their population, but it is not a big change in the economy or political power.
I think it's sad that those people had only $20 to live off of every month. I'm glad though, that Cuba is slowly breaking away from communism. It's good that they're creating new jobs and newer salaries. I believe it was a step in a good direction. Now the Cubans can have more money flow come into their homes and hopefully be able to live better lives.
well cuban government is changing and starting to letthe people hav more possibilities for work. yet they get paid wih such a littl wage, its still gonna be hard and i don't see how they can servive right now. but they're trying to have a better life.
I admire the Cubans, because there is no way I'd be able to live off of only $20 a month. I'm hoping that the changes being made will eventually help out the citizens in the end more than what they'd hoped for. Castro seems to be very set that it wont change much, but it is good he's letting go a little bit and giving the people the ability to own some of their business's.
It is a good thing that the economy is changing and becoming more like the united states government. Cuba is going away from communism. I don't understand how people will be able to make money if all they receive a month is 20 dollars, if they have to pay fees to run their job, how will they come out on top of their salary?
I believe that it is a great thing the Cuban government is doing. It gives the people freedoms, though very slight ones, to pick a career of their liking. It also gets everyone into a job, instead of having the people who know they will get paid whether they work or not living off the system entirely. And although the Cuban's had no taxes, $20 a month on their fixed incomes is hardly sufficient for even the thriftiest of people. Hopefully after a short while those workers will realize this is the better option and make the best of this great opportunity.
I cant believe that the govt workers are making so little. I couldnt manage that. However it is good that they are cutting state jobs so that the people will be able to venture into endeavours on their own to make their own money.
It is about time that the people who occupy Cuba get a start in the right direction toward freedom. Living on only 20 dollars a week is nothing so hopefully the change will be positive and Castro won't feel like he is losing power and decide to take back these leeways.
Wow..20 dollars a month. I dont think I could live off that for even a week. More economic freedom for the people of Cuba is long overdue. The fact that people can actually live this way if forced to befuddles me. Its great that they can now own there own businesses and hire people but I feel that there are still gonna be a lot of people struggling to make a living.
$20 dollars a month in a third world country isn't that bad, especially with guaranteed employment, housing and medicare offered by the Cuban government. They're not out buying Xbox's or anything but with $20 dollars you can afford to live in Cuba
I also think Aandrew5 is wrong because Cubans like their benefits so it's not really winning any of them over by laying off 10% of their workforce. The only reason I would think they'd do that is because like the US they can't afford all these big government programs and is trying to ease the burden by getting a group of taxable people working away from the government.
The fact that the average salary for cubans in the workforce is only $20 is very shocking, i personally go through more then that every week, and i don't even work. And i know that the people there have to have thought of what their lives could be like under better circumstances. Also they plan on eliminated 10% of their public work force? I do not see how the people who are working that are going to get layed off for this cut are going to react, and i don't think it will be pleasent if they do.
I think its great that cubans can work for themselves and hire other people. Maybe by this positive increase it will help there economy grow and become a better standard of living for everyone.
I thought my pay check was small, but compared to 20 dollars a month i'm doing more than fine. I think the Cuban government may be getting themselves together. Its a good thing they will be able to open their own business. Plus the fact they will have more freedom. I think all of this will lead to positive effects.
I believe that it is completely insane for the average state salary to be $20 a month! You would really have to be careful with the money you'd spend. How could you really make a living with that much money? It could be both a negative and a positive thing that the government is eliminating state jobs. It could be bad because some people may rely on that $20 a month salary, and taking that away could leave them with nothing. But it could also be a good thing because people could become entrepreneurs and possibly make more money.
This article says that Cubans are going to be able to own some of there own business's. This a great step forward for the socialist government of Cuba. But, I'm sure Castro still has ways to control these new private owned business' with strict government control. I don't know if Cuba will ever reap the benefits of Democracy.
I find it very surprising how the salary is only $20 a month. I don't see how it is even possible to make any kind of living with that. I know it really isn't possible in the United States. I think it is good they are moving away from ways of communism. It's good they are wanting to be very independent and self-employed.
$20 a month I don't see how anyone could live off that. That's crazy! The fact that government is getting rid of state jobs will better lots of people because they can work for themselves. Working for themselves when give them a better chance for a better salary.
I agree with Bobby that $20 for a third world country isn't the unreasonable. $20 is a little bit ridiculous but I believe to Cubans it isn't as bad as it seems to us
Being payed only a measily twenty dollars per month wouldn't support anybody in the present day. I could barely get through one week with twenty dollars. But, atleast the government is getting rid of the of the state jobs so that the citizens will acctually have a decent salary and be fleixble with their money.
$20 a day is crazy! I can't imagine only having that much to spend. Hopefully, by the government getting rid of state jobs, the citizens can improve their salary and lives.
I was very surprised by the article and how cubans only get paid $20 a month. That is crazy! I also have to agree with andrew when he says that it is another reason why communism doesn't work.
I cant beleave Cuba still has that many state jobs. Its kind of shocking that a socialist government like Cuba would actually eliminate 500,000 state jobs. The article says that Cuba is pushing to let their citizens own there own businesses. This is a big step for Cuba. Cause 20.00 dollars a month is not alot to live on. And I dont think you can feed your family.
cubans can work for themselves in 178 activities.the government is trying to cut 500,000 state jobs.state media say more detail will soon be revealed.i dont think its fair that they can just cut so many jobs like that.if the state employee salery is $20 a month, just imagine what its going to be after they cut all those jobs.
This article is somewhat suprising due to the fact how controlling the Cuban government is. Cuban's have very little freedom, so adding something like this can only help Cuba's struggling economy. The average American family will spend $20 in an hour or two, while it takes about a month to make 20$ in Cuba.
I can't believe that people live on that amount of money! $20 will buy you like 3 meals from mcdonalds! I hope that the freedom given to Cubans will be expanded.
How can people live on $20 a month? i can barely live on that in a week. But i think its a good thing that Cubans will now be able to own their own business's. Now, hopefully these people will be able to supply more and better products for their families.
Reading things like this really make me thankful to live where i do. We always talk like we're gonna collapse tomorrow but hearing that most people make 20 in a month in another country really makes you happy for what you have huh?
$20 a month wouldnt even give me a full tank of gas, i dont know how the cubans are living off that. They need more freedom, and giving them the option to own some their own business's is an important step in giving them a better chance at li9ving a full-filling life.
$20 a month wouldnt even give me a full tank of gas, i dont know how the cubans are living off that. They need more freedom, and giving them the option to own some their own business's is an important step in giving them a better chance at living a full-filling life.
$20 a month are you kidding me? thats shocking to me! how do people function with that? it is good thing to get rid of the state jobs because it takes away from the people who actually need jobs!
This article is about cubans owning there own bussiness and what not and husbessles. This is very important economic barrieer for them and im very proud i hope this brings prosperity and success for them and amen!
$20 dollars a month? I know personally I spend $20 dollars in two days just on lunch! I believe that they need to strike to make themselves better off. The Cuban nation is wrong and needs to come up with ideas to better there economy.
Twenty dollars a month wouldn't even last me for a weekend to go hang out with my friends. I think it is a very good idea that Cubans are going to be able to own there own businesses and then this will increases there price, on how much they get a month.
this aritcle is saying that some cubans will be able to own some of their own buisnesses. it will help them better their lives for the future. now they will be able to mke more money and a better salary.
I think its great that Cuba is finally letting down some of its walls of socialism. A step in the right path, I say. The $20 a month is a bit of a bummer though, unless the standard of living in Cuba is much lower than the USA.
Wow, cuba moving away from communism, thats quite a shock. I cant say it suprises me, though the timing of it is a bit odd. i guess this one will just have to come out in the wash
I agreed with Aandrew5, the cuba gorvnment still own 90% of the work force. But i think it is a step forward to a better economy.this just shows how communism doesnt work.
i thought it was insane that some cubans get a $20 monthly salary. our parents give us money left and right $20 at a time and we think nothing of it. it makes me really appericate what i have.
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