Monday, January 25, 2010

What does Music have to do with Economics?

Watch this video and comment on the music industry and its connection with Economics.


Ari4 said...

The Music Industry Has A Huge Impact On The Economy Because Who Doesn't Listen To Music And Who Doesn't Buy Cd's Even Though The Newest Trend Is To Have An iPod But Some People Still Buy Cd's And Artist In The Industry Sell Millions Of Records. For Example Last Year An Artist That Goes By The Name Of Lil Wayne All Of You Know Him Sold A Million Copies Of His Carter Three In One Week. So, Think About How Much Money Was Made For The Economy With All Of Those People Buying A Cd For Fifteen Or So Bucks A Piece.

williamp said...

The file sharing that is happening will soon be effecting many other industries. This will be the next big thing to bring down the economy. Now more than ever people really don't want to pay for it.

tim honchul6 said...

i like music but no mater what happeds to the music industry its going to get better sooner or later trust me it will because a lot of people like music

K.Buckner6 said...

I think that music does have an impact on economy.
I just think that sooner or later everything like CD's and even other things will just start decreasing and will affect the economy because no one will be buying them because of new things like ipods and mp3 players. I still buy CD's but i do own an ipod. but i think that the music business will affect the economy.

Search said...

I think that the Music buisness will keep helping boost the economy in a small way. I think that as long as artists are coming out with new CD's that people will continue to buy them.. Also with the Apple technology and Ipods that continues to increase in the way it is made. So people will continue to buy those as well. But as long as we are buying and making money in a small way it should help boost our economy.

triley6 said...

The Music Industry is an impact because who don't listen to music? Most people listen to CD's and ipod most people still go to the CD's stores looking for some CD's to listen too. Most people know GucciMane the everybody loves his songs and everybody will buy his CD's.

hdornon7 said...

Music is big part of the American economy. Part of the decline in the music industry is merely feedback from the recession. This change to electronic music has been happening gradually for several years, and will probably continue in the same direction.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Ari4. I try to buy cds to all the artists i like. I also buy apple itunes cards for my ipod to though, so in my opinion its one of the hugest entertainment options making some good money. Gaming though, is the greatest money making form of entertainment id say.

shawnpowell6 said...

the music industry has a very large role in or economy. From the music we buy online,on cell phones,as well as what we by out the store. but not only does it come it to play with sales but again when it comes to giving money to places who deal with massive storms ect. music is advertisement to help th growth of other things such as sails of food,credit,cars,votes of leaders..MUSIC IS A KEY FACTOR TO ECONOMY....

an even though music an movies are beinging copied illegally the artist as well as all members working on the project need to take more care or the things they have control over.....

alanh7 said...

Illegal downloading of music is already a felony for a very obvious reason, but not only musicians face this problem now. Even books being published as electronic files may someday face the same fate. Authors are already trying to stop the electronic publishing of their works. Personally, I rarely listen to music, and when I do, I usually buy the CD. More programs should be done to try and make people understand that illegally downloading songs hurts the economy and eventually themselves. Artists might make no profit, becoming bankrupt and thus, make no more music.

eholbrook2426 said...

I do think that music effects the economy. Thats how artist make their money is from their fans buying their CD's and if people are just getting it from the computer then artists aren't making the money they should. Limewire has a HUGE effect of us buying music online and not buying cd's and so does itunes. The music industry will get worse because a lot of people own ipods and cd's arent getting as popular.

eholbrook2426 said...

I do think that music effects the economy. Thats how artist make their money is from their fans buying their CD's and if people are just getting it from the computer then artists aren't making the money they should. Limewire has a HUGE effect of us buying music online and not buying cd's and so does itunes. The music industry will get worse because a lot of people own ipods and cd's arent getting as popular.

k.j.dennis.7 said...

The music industry is a major part of the economy. Everyone loves music and with online sources many people would rather buy or illegally get songs off the internet because it saves money on gas. The music industry is suffering because of the illegal sites where you can get free songs but because of the recession many people cannot afford to buy an iPod or mp3 player or music because many people have a radio in their car or house so they can listen to music that way instead of buying a Cd

cwilsonpd4 said...

Music is big part of Americas economy. Change to electronic music has been having an increase the last couple years. Everybody has to at least buy stuff on iTUNES or even a cd. But file sharing is making a huge dent in the money artist once got.

CRice7 said...

I think that the music industry is losing all it's money and will soon be bankrupt. Most people download music illegally because it's free and hard to get caught. So nobody has a need to pay money for Cd's or itunes. Not too many people are going to pay for something they can get for free.

Akimbrough said...

I do think the music will effect the economy. i do feel this way because so many people illegally download their music for free. Because of the way people get their music many artist, producers and so one are losing money.

Bailee™ said...

Music has a lot to do with economy. It used to be record players and tape players, now it has advanced through technology to huge stereos and even furthermore to ipod's and mp3 players. People are now so used to downloading free music off of the internet that the economy of the music business is decreasing as time goes by. Also people burning c.d's, which then they do not have to purchase cd's has caused a huge problem for the economy and the music industry.

teverhart4 said...

I think music have a lot to do with the money and the impact of the way people live

tdodson5 said...

What music has to do with economics is where ever a new C.d. comes out people usually goes and buy them. The industry from the c.d.s , ipods, mp3 player's usually sells in the millions. I think that music will keep helping the economy grow more an more long as more artist put out new songs and albums people will keep buying them which will increase the rate of money in the economy.

MCisco5 said...

Music helps out with all the money it brings in.Yeah it takes a lot of money to get the final mix on to the CD's but other then that its like 15 dollers for a CD.So it all makes up for it and brings in a lot of there money back if not then much much more. So the economy gets a lot of money from us from just music. Cause even if people don't buy CD's then they buy it off of Itunses or something like that.So music helps out a lot with every little bit of money it brings in to the economy and everything.

Sarah Turner said...

The music industry has a big impact on the economy because just about everyone has bought, listened to, or downloaded music. The more people illegally download music the music industry declines in sales Just like if we don't have jobs to earn money to by the cds or other products our economy declines in sales

ChinaMARi3 said...

I too, think music is a huge thing to the economy. Everybody loves music and have their selection of artists that they like & listen to.

teverhart4 said...

I think that ari4 is right about the impact it will have on the world .

Anonymous said...

Absolutely the music business effects the economy.. Downloading especially, as people download more and more music musicians and everyone else that ties into producing and putting out music are losing money. The households of factory workers to ones of executive and even the artists are being affected by the lack of money flowing into the music industry.

Lindsey B. said...

I think that have to do with America Idols......

jstreeter7 said...

The Music Industry has a great impact on the Economy because now days people are burning cd's, using ipod,mp3 players and.A lot of people are downloading that illegally so there for if they can just download the whole album on their ipod or burn a cd so what's the point for buying the album. So then artist are losing money and not able to spend to keep pouring money into the economy.

EnaRedzepagic said...

I think that the prices of cd's and one song on itunes is a little ridiculous. I understand that artist put that hard work and a lot of time and money into making albums and I do buy some cd's but I don't want to have to pay for every song.

DustinX4 said...

Music companies have a big impact on the economy because sooo many people buy music albums and what not. It is a great deal of money.

DustinX4 said...

Music industries have a huuge impact on the economy, dealing with record companies, albums sold throughout the nation, and even radio stations. A lot of money is gained through music.

rrobinson4 said...

music has to do alot with the economy because they people spend alot of money on cd's and itunes

Kjoseph5 said...

Music also has alot to do with economics because I listen to alot of music these days and also buy alot. They are making alot of money off anybody who does buy music. So does economics have alot to do with Economics i will say YES.

Jovon6 said...

I really didn't see why was this blog made because it don't even say nothing so i really don't no what to say about this blog because i only seen in a video.

sean kelsey 6 said...

Music have a part in our country cause why would anybody don't listen to music. the music goes with people so we be all around have quit places. Music helps us to pay some money for the concerts for the economy.

kward4 said...

the music industry does affect alot of people an everybody does listen to music though cause its everywhere in the economy the economy does have music everywhere we go in the car ipod CD players cell phones TV no matter where u go its still music gospel country,RnB,HipHop rock all that there is no getting away that and music Artist is still making music too.

KC said...

Yes, the music industry has a huge impact on the economy. Because just about everyone listen to music