Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Even China is Struggling With The Recession

This article is for March 30th.


Chelsea :D said...

This is to be expected. If the united states isn't buying our own goods, how can we be expected to buy china-made ones. We need our own factories producing American made goods by the American people to create more jobs, and stimulate the economy.

tramz09 said...

I can understand why China is struggling. I personally believe that America spends most of its time on buying goods from China. But since we in a recession we cant afford to buy from them less then buying from our own company.

Lorena said...

China is a very rich country but no matter what it could still be affected by the recessions from other countries. I agree on tramz09, China trades with us so China is expected to struggle too.

Alexis.K said...

In a way this does surprise me but then again in a way it doesn't. It doesn't surprise me because China is a very rich country but we are the ones buying from them. So if we can't afford to buy their goods then they don't have money to support themselves. Everyone right now is a kind of set back, unfortunately

Barbara said...

i believe that everyone starts to struggle when we start to struggle. we are the leading economy so it dosen't surprise me that china is in recession.
China is connected to The United States so it was bound to start suffering recessions as well.

TonayaB. said...

Basically, I Can Understand Why China Is In A Struggle Just As We Are.It Is Still Shocking Cause You Wouldn't Expect The Country That We Mostly Buy From Is Going Into A Recession. We Mostly Buy From China Anyways I Believe Its Time That We Produce Our Own Goods, To Create More Jobs And Help Our Economy.

Stephanie said...

I think that this makes a lot of sense I agree with everyone that because we trade with China then of coarse their going to struggle when we struggle.

Dalelonda said...

this isn't a surprise to me. I mean if we trade with a country and were in a recession then I would expect them to go threw a little bit of hard times with us.

DanTheMan said...

The fact that our own pockets being empty makes many issues for China. As their number 1 buyer, the US's current crisis spells out disaster for China and some other countries.

jburg#41 said...

The U.S gets all their stuff from China, so i do see why they will be struggling . We pa them like everyday millions and millions of dollars. China is a big part of the u.s so if we cant buy from them, them they have less money because we are in a so called mild depression.

Jessica Roberts said...

The U.S. and China's economies are closely tied. If we're buying less in general, China is going to lose money. It's simple cause and effect.