Monday, November 10, 2008

GM: Should the Government Bail Them Out?

Another company has joined another crowd in looking for a bail out from government. Read this article and comment with your opinion about what government should do, if anything, to help GM.


Daniel J said...

I personally believe that the government should not get involved with GM. This economy just needs to run its course, even if were a going into a recssion. Some things need to happen. I believe things happen for a reason, so bailing out GM, like we are doing with other companies such as GM is ridiculous. It should not happen and we should just leave them alone. Let the recession runs it course. The economy will then correct itself.

Audrey said...

GM is not the only big company going under so why should the government help them? I don't think the government needs to get in the mess of the economy. I know the economy is failing but if the government gets involved things might get worse and we don't want to back track. More often then not when the government gets involved thats what happens, things will work out, just give it time.

Amy said...

I agree with Daniel when he says that the the economy should just run its course. Things will hopefully improve soon and GM will pull itself out of the hole its in on its own. If the government helps out, our national debt will only increase. It's really a vicious cycle.

Ashley said...

I don't think that the Government should bail them out. There are so many other businesses that are in trouble just like GM. I think that it is a hard situation because they do offer a lot of jobs, and that losing those jobs for a lot of people is really going to be hard. I personally have family who will lose those jobs and making up for that is going to be pretty much impossible, however it isn't fair to other businesses and to the American people for one company to get a bail out.

Hannah said...

Every large corporation and even the small businesses are taking hard hits. At times like this I wish that we would truly have a free market. The poor leadership in the government has put us in this mess, how should we expect them to get us out? Federal governments should not intervene and help GM. The economy, as everyone else has said, will fix itself. The cut jobs will be restored in time and companies will balance out their debt just as in the past.

Charles Orth said...

I think GM should recieve money, not because of their industry, but imagine what will happen if any of the big car companies go under. Tens of thousands of jobs will be lost in all sectors, futher extending the recession. I do not personally think that America has a place in making cars, compared with Japan. But if GM goes under, the economy will get much worse.

jagel7 said...

I think the government should help out GM. They lost 4.2 billion dollars. There are many compainies that are losing lots of money right now. It's estimated that GM will need 10 to 15 billion dollars in federal help to avoid bankruptcy. I know GM pits a lot of money in the economy's pockets so i think they should help them out because they are the largest automobile company the U.S has. They have many things that make us the way we are.

Anonymous said...

i honestly dont think that we should help out GM because thats just going to put us in more debt.
people always talk about how they have no money and how the economy is just getting worse. well now you understand why. we keep doing things that is not needed. so no the government should not even think about bailing them out!!

Sam said...

I think that the GM company should recieve no assitance for this hole they have fallen into, attempting to help them will just keep digging and digging deeper until all is lost.

Allyssa said...

I do not think GM should be bailed out. Flat out because it is unfair. There are plenty of other businesses failing and they arent asking for help. Like Daniel let the economy RUN ITS COURSE.

Zach McGlone said...

i think that GM is the biggest auto manufacture in this country and it is a very important part of the economy, and i think that the government should help them out. with out GM millions of people would lose there jobs and it would just be a bigger problem for everyone.