Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Twice As Many Americans Are Obese Than Europeans

"Meet George Jetson, his son Elroy, daughter Judy, Jane his wife"...... When we think of the future many of us think of one of the most famous cartoons of all time, "The Jetson's". Now think about the issue of obesity in the United States and picture them again in the future. What's up with American's and their health and what does this mean for the cost of health care for the consumer and the government.

Click on the title of the article to read more and comment.


Anonymous said...

So this article got my attention. Ive heard it said before but its crazy actually reading that.


Anonymous said...

That really isn't too surprising. America seems to be the capital of fast food. This article makes me wonder where our money could be better spent if it wasn't being used on health care needs from obesity.

Kyle Bonnell

Melodious_Nocturne said...

Or it could be the fact that Europeans walk or ride their bike everywhere where most Americans won't even walk around their block?

I don't know, just putting it out there.

Lauren Gabbard

Anonymous said...

hmmm... obesity. Reading this makes me want to exercise. Maybe if our government made a 180 to a totalitarian style government they could force the citizens to eat healthy, but no, that would also be bad.
Whatever the solution is I hope it comes about fast.

Nichole N.

Jamie S said...

Being.. uh.. overweight? makes me want to defend overweight people. But I would be lieing if I said it wasn't true. Yeah, we're getting bigger. But I think it has nothing to do with fast food. Other countries have fast food.. I think it may just be because no one seems to be happy anymore. They're too involved with the trivial things as opposed to what we should be focused on. And other things. And.. we have "hard labor" jobs? Last I heard those are the "jobs Americans don't want".. hmm.. Maybe some of those jobs could go to the fat people, to help them shape up.

run4jesus said...

if you go to other places in the world, the kinds of foods arent necessarily healthier. a lot are just as bad for you. the difference in the portion size. you dont see people filling their plates to the ends everywhere else, but in the US, its unusual to hear someone not ask for a supersize. exercise couldnt hurt either, and because gas prices are so high in other countries, they do find other means of transportation. now that we are hovering around $3 a gallon, we might learn a thing or two from those french people.. other than how to eat their fries.

Anonymous said...

The reason America is fat is for the sole reason that we are one of the wealthiest nations in the world. What would you do if you had millions of dollars? Stay home and cook every night?No!We would go out and get a double cheeseburger from McDonalds. We all would. I also agree with melodious_nocturne. Americans take their cars everywhere. We should really think about walking more. This would help our health and the enviroment.

Anonymous said...

Americans are wasting too much money on health care needs for obesity. People should be more conscious about their weight and overall health. Exercising everyday and not eating so much fast food is a start.

Kathy Mitsoff

Anonymous said...

A big contributer to American Obeisity is eating between meels. I think part of this may be, as Jamie said, a result of people not being happy. It is common in America to eat "comfort foods", which we all know are high fat, when we are depressed. Whether this is the cause of over-snacking in the U.S. or not, for some reason, it is cultural to snack in the U.S. and it isn't in europe. When I was in France this summer, I noticed the difference between the europeans and american tourists was that the europeans ate only at meal times, and americans were frequently stopping for ice cream and crepes. ....correlation?

Kristen Piepgrass

Khoppe said...

I belive this artical because people, kids and so on are just getting FAT. People know theres healthy food out there but they decide to eat the greasy food why because its cheap and so they dont have to cook after they get home from work. just for this i belive health care costs will go up dramaticly in the next ten to 15 years if people and companies dont change thier ways.

Khoppe said...

I belive this artical because people, kids and so on are just getting FAT. People know theres healthy food out there but they decide to eat the greasy food why because its cheap and so they dont have to cook after they get home from work. just for this i belive health care costs will go up dramaticly in the next ten to 15 years if people and companies dont change thier ways.

Anonymous said...

I've never really thought of the future that way, but if we don't make changes there won't be flying cars, they won't be able to lift us