Friday, September 2, 2011

Music Festivals Take Center Stage

The Wall Street Journal recently posted this article about the music industry.  Read this article and answer the following.

1.  Describe your usage and buying habits from the music industry.  Have you attended any concerts this year?  If yes, explain what you attended..... was it one band or several.  Why did you choose to attend that concert?  Was the concert worth the cost?   Second, if you have not attended any concerts explain why... costs? don't like concerts? other?  Third, discuss do you listen to the radio for music, Pandora, pay to upload songs? buy CD's? Buy vinyl records?  Share with friends?   Fourth-- have you attended a music festival?  If so, what? What were you thoughts about attending that versus a single concert?
What trend does the article see happening in the music industry and how do you believe that might impact you?

This article is due September 9th.


BryceWeidlePD2 said...

I tend to listen to the music that my parents have on CD. It's a lot of older music, but it's free. I do go to concerts, but it's mostly only the bands that I'm familiar with. Music festivals may be growing, but when they're half way across the country I can't afford to participate.

austiny2 said...

I don't really buy a lot of music. In the last year I haven't been to a concert. mostly because sports take up most of my time and music isn't a big priority. I like to listen to music on the radio. I haven't attended a music festival. The article talks about how overall concert sells have declined due to the bad economy. People don't want to waste money on entertainment that only last two hours.

markaya2 said...

I have not been to a concert in the past year but i have been to one when i was younger. I personally don't think it was worth paying for me to go because i was so young i don't remember it. I don't ever pay for music. Their are... other ways of getting music on your Ipod. (: Music is not that important to me.

Levi C. Pd. 2 said...

1. The extent of my money towards music is for CD's. I really don't go to many concerts. 2. I really don't do concerts much because the people I like are rarely in town. The fact that I can listen to this music for free is a big plus for me. 3. I listen to the radio in the car, that's about it. Most of my music comes from Youtube.4. I have attended things like the broadstreet bash, that's about it though. It was free, the atmosphere was great, and it was a good opportunity to spend time with friends.
The article shows that people are using the incentive of buying tickets early. IT also shows that bands are more willing to do these festivals to get their name out there.

JenniferDoerr2 said...

"4.8 million fewer tickets were sold and there was a $300 million decline overall." I haven't attended any concerts this year because of the locations and having no way to get there. I tend to listen to the radio or CDs people have made me. I haven't been to a music festival but I would rather see artists I already know and like. The article talks about how tickets for music festivals are selling quickly because people like that they see multiple artists and it lasts for a couple days rather than a couple hours.

brittanyt2 said...

i haven't been to a concert in years. & i don't think it is necessary to buy cd's when they have itunes and limewire to put music on your ipod. this article says there has been a decrease in concert sales and to me the reason for that is the economy is hurting right now and people are trying to find cheaper ways for entertainment besides spending a lot of money for a 2 hour concert. music is my life, and i listen to music on a regular basis and it puts me in a good mood when listening to it .

The Odd One said...

I have been to a few concerts in the past year or so. I have seen Barlowgirl and Superchick perform together, as well as a Paramore concert. Both concerts were amazing, and for the Barlowgirl/Superchick one, I managed to get less than ten feet from the stage.
I prefer to listen to music via CD or Youtube. I love the music my mom listens to, so I use a lot of her CDs. Youtube also allows me to listen to what I want, when I want, as much as I want.
I have been to a music festival. I have gone to Ichthus Music Festival twice in the past three years. Both times, I had a blast, and could consider the festival two well-worth-the-money weekends.
I understand what's happening with the cost trend in the article. People would rather pay money to see a lot of bands than just the headliners. With my experiences, close-to-home music festivals, such as Ichthus, are much more worth it than simple concerts for just the headliners.

ShelbyS2 said...

I tend to listen to music on the computer, and occasionally i buy CDs. I haven't been to any concerts recently, but I would go if I had the money for it. I mainly listen to music on the computer, from CDs, and upload music all the time from computer or from friends. I have never attended a music festival, because of money and transportation. Based on the article the music industry is declining in sales because of the bad economy and most people can't afford the luxury of attending concerts or music festivals.

Taylor Harris2 said...

I never really buy music , I have a smart phone so I download apps that have the music on there that i can just download on to my phone. I haven't been to a concert in years ! But I'll hopefully be attending one at some point this year. I haven't been to one mostly because of my work schedule and I haven't seen a person I would want to go see. I would LOVE to go to a concert I love music! On the radio Ill listen to mostly R&B, Rap, and Country music! Those are the only types of music I really like. I also listen to Pandora ! Its basically the best thing EVER! I never pay to upload songs cause i get them off downloading music apps off my phone ! I have never been to a music festival, but I would enjoy going to one! In the article its basically talking about how ticket sales have gone down because of our economy problems! People dont feel like spending that much money on music that will last about 2 to 3 hours long!

megan willis2 said...

todays my birthday ! (:

i personally do not buy music unless its for my ipod or on my phone. i have went to a few concerts but to the types of music that i am familiar with. i think music festivals and concerts are great ways to make money. they are also a good time for people which make them want to pay whatever they have to get in. so they raise money and in return it gives people a great time to remember for ever. this is an perfect example of a trade off. at least i think.

DanielleH2 said...

I only buy music around Christmas or my birthday because I always get ITunes cards, but other than that I don't buy music that much. I tend to listen to the radio, Youtube and Cd's we have around the house. I haven't been to any concerts this year but i usually go to one or two a year. The ones I have attended cost around $10 to $20, so they weren't terribly expansive. The article said that sales for single band concerts have gone down, but concerts with multiple bands get more people to attend. I believe this is because people feel they get more for their money when they see multiple bands instead of just one single band. I've never been to a music festival but they sound interesting.

Time Vortex 2.0 said...

I’m a youtube fan. If there’s a song I want to listen to I typically go there. I will typically ask for CD’s for my birthday. I went to a concert, free, of the Southwest Ohio Symphonic Band. I tried to go to Winter Jam, a Christian concert with a lot of groups, in March, but they were full by the time our youth group got there. I listen to the radio or CD’s that I make from a mixture of CD’s I’ve borrowed from friends or various songs that I’ve gotten off of youtube. I will, sometimes, buy CD’s but that isn’t very common. If a friend wants to borrow a CD or something I’ll gladly share. I have gone to Winter Jam twice. That, I think, is more fun than a single concert because you get variety. A trend noticed in the article is that people are more willing to spend a lot more of their money on seeing more bands than a high price on seeing just a headliner. I agree that is definitely the best way.

Jeremy_S2 said...

I use the music industry a lot. I buy piano music, drum sticks, drum heads and much more. i have never been to a concert. I have not because they cost to much and do not sound very fun. i buy music off Itunes and i listen to pandora. I have never attended a music festival before. They think it is growing a lot and will find the kind of music you like.

SavannaMcIntosh said...

“People don’t have a lot of money, and the economy is struggling,” says Mr. Baltin. “Would you rather spend $300 to go see 100 bands and get a feel for everything, or go spend $90 to see one of these headlining bands on their own?

Since people don't have a lot of money they're going to go to the concerts with the most entertainment for the least amount of money. Seeing 100 bands for 300 bucks s a lot better than seeing 1 band or person for 90 bucks. This is probably why ticket sales are dropping so much, because people are trying to spend their money wiser.

Oliver S. Ogden2 said...

i love music, but i think spending $90 is pointless when i can go to broad st bash for practicaly free every week, its listening to music, having fun with friends, supporting the local community, and supporting local bands.
on the other hand, i prefer to buy cd's, they are collectable, can be listened to any time, and can be categorized any way i want. its more fun to read inserts to.

McKaylaChandler2 said...

i am always buying new music if its from old record stores, itunes, or the new band that just came out. music is a big part of my life. i have went to a few concerts from local bands that would perform at small clubs.i went with my friends because they knew some people in the band. and it was deffinatly worth the cost. for listening pleasure i do listen to the radio , pandora, cd's in the car, everything. i think the music industry will always be strong, because it is one of the strongest.

DaltonR2 said...

I have never attended a concert or music festival before because I have never really had the desire to attend one. I very rarely purchase music anymore, I generally listen to music on YouTube or on services like pandora/spotify.

codyh2 said...

I have not attended any concerts this year. I do not like concerts very much. I listen to music mostly on the radio and youtube. I have not attended a musical festival. This article makes me believe that there will be fewer single band concerts and a lot more musical festivals in the future.

Anonymous said...

to me music is relaxing but i typically do not buy music except what artists are really good. so many people i know go to concerts and travel all around theworld but i am not into all of those bands and concerts for some reason. i do not go to these concerts because mostly all of them are across the united states and i can not afford to go to them everytime there is a new one. Music is amazing dont get me wrong but it is also very exspensive!

samshort2 said...

i do go to concerts. i love concernts and i think it is very worth the cost. i saw tim mcgraw kenny chesney luke bryan the band perry billy currington and uncle kracker. i tend to listen to every type of music. i buy cds, and buy music of off itunes. i do not participe in music festivels

samshort2 said...

i do go to concerts and i think there very worth the cost. i went and saw tim mcgraw kenny chesney luke bryan billy currington the band perry and uncle krcker. i listen to everything. i mostly use the radio and buy my music from itunes. and i do not attend music festivals.

taelerbennett2 said...

I have probably been to 4 or 5 concerts in my life. If you really like that artist, I think it's worth the money you spend. I don't really buy CD's anymore, only because there are ways that I can get it for free. Nowadays, buying CD's is pointless because you might not like every song that the artist made on that CD. You can easily get just one song off of iTunes or websites like that. A concert on the otherhand, well worth the money spent! There's nothing like seeing an artist you like perform live in person.

Anonymous said...

I listen to all of my music on youtube, where everything is free and only VEVO shows commercials. I've only bought 4 or 5 CDs this year, because I can listen to music for free. I don't go to many concerts, but I am going to see the Foo FIghters this year, because it's actually going to be a good concert. In my opinion, if you are going to go to a concert, you want to see someone who is actually going to preform good. There may be 300 bands at these festivles, but that doesn't mean you are going to get a quality performance you are expecting. So I'll stick with going to see my favorite bands.