Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How Stores Lead You To Spend

Wall Street Journal, recently posted this article about strategies used by stores to get us to spend our money.  Do you think these strategies work?  Which strategies work most on you?  Do you think its fair they use these strategies?  Would you use these type of strategies if you had your own busiess
Due Date is Friday, September 16th


megan willis2 said...

Stores lead you to spend in many different ways. they have sales year round trying you to go in their store to buy their merchandise. some sales are very good deals but some deals are just ripping the customer off. for example when a store has everything is 50% off is just the same as some of the regular prices everyday. you just have to look at the sale and evaluate the difference between the prices.

austiny2 said...

I think these strategies work because they draw the customer to the expenssive things. The strategy of the high priced things as soon as you walk in works most on me. These strategies are fair because the stores are trying to make a profit and you don't have to buy it. I would use these type of strategies with my own business because it is a proven money maker strategy.

Levi C. Pd. 2 said...

I believe that Mr. Ross's Strategies do work, as they are boosting sales. I think placing a cheaper item next to a more expensive item works best on me, why pay $100 for something when a $25 item is next to it? I do believe that these strategies ARE fair, they're not FORCING you to purchase these products.I would use these strategies in a business because they seem to work

samshort2 said...

stores use very creative way to pressure you into buying things. i think it is fair because that stores have these stratigies. if no one bought their products then they would go out of business. the best things that work on me is like buy 5 for 20$ every time there is a sale it always temps me to buy something because i feel like im going to make a lot of money.

Taylor Harris2 said...

Stores really do get you to buy things by the way they arrange the store. THey start out with not to expensive things in the front of the store you get into the more expensive things and before you know it your spending a lot of money. They work because costumers are drawn into things they see. If I owned a store I would probably do the same things these owners do ! it works and you make money . its really pretty smart !

Oliver S. Ogden2 said...

-i know a lot of these tricks some as follows;
*Kroger, #1 sold product, milk, where is it, the very
back of the store
*cheap stuff at high price is placed on the end caps
of rows, its the first thing you see, so you buy it
*seasonal stuff is stored in the first row so you have
to go through it to get to what you want
*high profit items are stored at eye level with low
profit stuff lower so you buy what they make the
most money from
-i know a lot more but i don't want to be too lengthy

Anonymous said...

Stores try to bribe the customers into the stores and then they try to rip you off. Also when people go into the stores, they are expecting a great sale but most of these sales are just numbers marking items down that which are the original prices. These strategies using work but most of them don't because more and more customers are understanding the real meaning of sales and why they put sale prices on the items. The reason i say this is because the customers are also understanding what they go to the stores for and thats to waste your money and buy things. If i was to have my own business then i would make sure the the sales are true and not just "numbers!'

The Odd One said...

I think these strategies do work. After all, people always say they "have been looking everywhere for one of these" and when they find an item at what they perceive as a "fair price", they can't help but consider buying it right there.
I think the strategy that works the best on me would be when a store advertises their sale prices on bright colored posters with big letters. They're eye-catching, and I can't help but check out what the posters are for.
I think the strategies that stores use are fair. The employees need money as much as anyone, and shoppers are there to do exactly that: shop. The stores do not force shoppers to buy anything.
I would use these types of strategies with a business of my own if they worked to bring in money. I would not scam customers, but I would do my best to entice them into buying something. It's part of being human. We want the satisfaction of finding successful ways to bring in money.

McKaylaChandler2 said...

sales make you think you are going to get more for your money, and with what your saving, you can buy even more. like a sale could be buy one, get one 50% off, you do save some, but with what i saved, i would go buy something else and spend a lot more than what i actually saved in the store. the stores know what they are doing because they need to make money too. their strategies work well,especially on me.

brittanyt2 said...

yes i think the stored strategies work very good. when you walk in the store and you see sales or clearance, it makes you want to buy it or at least look. the strategies honestly do work on me because I am all for sales. if the sale is actually a sale.

SavannaMcIntosh said...

Stores lead you to spend your money in any way they can. For example, with things like sales and clearances. Sometimes consumers buy sell items and they spend more than they would for the normal price. All of these sales work because people assume higher priced things are cheaper and they want expensive things, so they don't even realize it's not really a sale at all.

DanielleH2 said...

I think that the strategies work because it's usually the first look at the store that grabs your attention. The strategy that works the most on me is the things in the window; if it looks interesting, i usually check out the rest of the store. I think the strategies are fair because the buyers are not being forced into anything, but it could also be unfair because they think they're getting a good deal, when they really aren't. I think i would use the strategies. I think if push came to shove, i would try any item placement strategy to get money for my company.

ShelbyS2 said...
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ShelbyS2 said...

I do believe that the strategy of how a store arranges itself really does work. When you put the least expensive items before the expensive then you wind up purchasing more than you bargained for. I admit that kind of stuff really does get me to buy things cause ill see something cheap and want it and then it just goes from there. I believe it is fair because you are able to control your spending and evaluaate prices yourself, it's a business' job to make money, not save you money. If I owned my own business I would definately use these techniques because it is effective, and brings in a profit.

markaya2 said...

I do believe that the strategies work because if they didn't, companies would have stopped using those certain strategies. It is fair for them to use them because they are just companies trying to make money and if they don't, they will be out of business.

Jeremy_S2 said...

I think it depends on the person shooping and the stragies being used on them. The one that work the best on me is buy one get one free. but i do think alot of them arnt good and dont really save you anything or ripe you off. I do think its fare for them to use these because if people want them they will go and if they dont they wont. I would use some of them but i would also use alot of different ones to get an assortment of different customers.

JenniferDoerr2 said...

Yes, I think these strategies work because it gets people into the store and looking at things they don't necessarily need. When I see sales, it tends to get me into the store and buying things. The strategies are very fair because the store isn't forcing anybody to buy anything, and people don't even have to walk into the store. These strategies are very useful so yes I would use them, but I would do it in my own way.

DaltonR2 said...

I do think that strategies such as the ones mentioned in the article can work. I believe that it is fair for these strategies to be used. If I had my own business, I would likely use these strategies in an attempt to increase the amount of products sold.

Anonymous said...

Of course these strategies work, otherwise the company wouldn't be grossing 30 million. We all go into stores and buy stuff we don't really need because it seemed like a good idea at the time. It is absolutely fair to use these strategies, because one, it's a brilliant way for the company to make money; two, America loves to shop, so people are attracted to these strategies; and three, whose to say that stores can't use these tactics. I would use these strategies if I had my own business because it makes money. I would be stupid not to.

codyh2 said...

These strategies work well because it leads costumers to items that they make think is a deal or that they must have. These strategies are very fair because the stores are not forcing you to buy anything, just lead you to items in a smart way. if i had a store i would use these strategies.

BryceWeidlePD2 said...

Over time, Micro purchases really add up. More so than any of the large purses or jackets that designer stores carry.

taelerbennett2 said...

Nobody makes you buy something except yourself. You have the will to say yes, or no. The strategies stores use work because they draw you in with the advertisements, and making you think you "need" this or "can't live" without that. They make money off of you, therefor they are successful.

MeganStouffer2 said...

i think the stores stratagies work because when i walk in the store i go straight to the sale racks to see what i can find thats cute thats cheep.

katelynmoore2 said...

Yes, these strategies work,cause if not the company wouldn't be grossing 30 million dollars. We all go into stores all the time and buy stuff we don't need because it seems like a good idea at the time. It is fair to use these strategies, because it's a good way for the company to make money; also, because America loves to shop, so people respond well to these strategies; I would use these strategies if I had my own business because it makes money. Otherwise, why have a business?