Welcome to Second Semester AP Microeconomics. I am Mrs Lisa Rowland and I have been teaching Economics for 20 years. This is Middletown's second year of AP Economics. I will be posting weekly articles on this blog and you will be asked to post a response to a minimum of one a week. Many of you are going to find the topics interesting enough that you will find yourself posting to more than one. You will find that these articles are a mix of both microeconomics and macroeconomics. Obviously, let's keep these posts school appropriate. This was a huge success for us last semester and I look forward in seeing what each of you think and will write. My goal is to help make Economics come to life for each of you. You should click on the article title, read the article and then post your comment about the article. Please refrain from any inappropriate comments about the article or other persons' posts. Your post should prove you read the article and have formed an opinion about the topic. Each of you will need to create a google account and will have to give me that address so I can invite you to join the blog, so you can post.
I look forward in sharing dialogue with each of you this semester.
And yes, I know I look tired in the picture.....Final's week is upon us.
Mrs. Rowland