Friday, August 26, 2011

September 2nd Article: "Creating Your Own Job"

Click on the title above and you will find an article about a few students your age that have taken creating a job into their own hands.   Wall Street Journal Student Edition outlines their stories.  Read the article and choose at least TWO of the following to discuss.  A.  Do you know a high school student that has started their own business?  If so, what was the business idea?  To your knowledge have they been successful?  B.  Discuss whether or not you have found a job this summer or not?  Has the slow economy impacted your desire and ability to find a job?  C. Which story from the article did you find the most interesting?  and Why?  D.  Do you know someone that started their own business?  If so, what was it? 

This article is due September 2nd. 


brittanyt2 said...

i dont know any student that has ever started their own business. And i do have a summer job for this year.

Levi C. Pd. 2 said...

"Based on his 2011 business plan, Josh recently increased projected revenue this year by 50% to $15,000. “Things have really been taking off,” he says."
I found it very interesting that someone made 15k off of just washing cars.Talk about devotion. I find it difficult to make THIS much money but i think its a good idea to try.

taelerbennett2 said...

It's hard for a teenager to start their very own business considering that we are young, and do not have as many qualifications as someone that may be 25. It could be easy to think of a business that wouldn't be too time consuming or expensive but the student may not make enough money to keep the business up and running. It's a good idea to venture out, and explore your talent. But like any other business owner, success is not guaranteed.

McKaylaChandler2 said...

this summer i did have a job at a camp for a week. and the economy surprisingly did not effect it. i got paid a more than minimum wage and it was good.
the first story is the one i liked the most because washing your car is an every day job that no one likes to do, so when josh made his own business, and choosing to wash cars, it was almost sure to do well.

JenniferDoerr2 said...

Less than 30% of teens ages 16-19 are likely to find paying jobs this summer. Business ownership is a way out of a weak job market for teens. I had a job until June this summer that was seasonal, but since then I have yet to find a job. The slow economy isn't stopping me from looking for a job. I am still looking for a job now.

SavannaMcIntosh said...

About 3.7% of high-school seniors are interested in becoming business owners or entrepreneurs, based on a survey of 1.9 million students by the National Research Center for College & University Admissions. Interest among younger high-school students
is higher, at 4.1% to 4.4%.

This is interesting because younger student are more interested in creating there own businesses than the older high school students. Maybe the older ones realized how complicated being an entrepreneur is and gave up that dream.

DanielleH2 said...

"Other teen business owners are refining their strategies as their businesses evolve. Scott Sladecek, 18, of Spring, Texas, who started a lawn-care business in 2004 with his older brother, says some clients in the past have refused to pay after a job was done."

I did not get a job this summer, but i haven't looked either.
The story that caught my attention the most was the story of Sonika Singh. I think it was cool that she was able to make a lot of money by just simply painting on shoes. And it is something that she enjoys.

BryceWeidlePD2 said...

Now that the chances of me getting a Summer job are at an almost all-time low, starting my own business sounds like a good idea. Since i'm no good at Bosnian computer repair, and the market on snow-cones is already cornered. I'll have to find something else to do.

The Odd One said...

"Fewer than 30% of teens ages 16 to 19 are likely to find paying jobs this summer, down from 52% in 2000 and about the same as last year’s rate of 29.6%. Beyond general job-market weakness, tighter legal restrictions on youth labor and adult competition for jobs are crowding teens out."
I was unable to find a summer job this year, and the job cuts certainly are making it hard. Employers want people who will work well for less pay, which makes it harder to make the money we need for things like cell phone bills and gas.

My favorite story was the one about Belma Ahemtovic and Zermina Velic and their computer help business. I like the way the girls are donating 5% of their $2,400 profit so far to One Laptop Per Child, rather than keeping the money only for themselves.

ShelbyS2 said...

I do know a high schol student who has had thier own business before.The idea was to do yard work like, mowing grass, getting rid of leaves and weeds, and etc.. From my knowledge I believe he was successful because he has a lot of people whom he does work for and gets money for it.

Over the summer I did not have a job. However, i didn't start looking or applying for jobs until very recently.

DaltonR2 said...

"According to a survey of 1.9 million students, approximately 3.7% are interested in becoming business owners." I think that it is interesting that so many students are interested in starting their own business. I think it could be difficult for a teenager to start their own business and I think it is cool to see stories of teenagers who took a chance with starting their own business and were successful.

markaya2 said...

I have never heard of a high school student who has started their own business. I'm guessing that it would be to complicated to do that while going to school. I have never had a job but i am in the process of looking for one.

katelynmoore2 said...

It's hard for a teenager to start their own business because we are young, and may not be as qualified as an older person starting their very own business. It's a good idea to try and explore what you're good at, But like any other business owner, success may not be the end product.

MeganStouffer2 said...

i think it would be cool to start my own business in the summer, because this past summer it was very hard for me to find a summer job. but i also think i wouldn't be as qualified as someone who went to college for business so i wouldn't be as successful.

KelseyStone2 said...

Over the summer I was able to find a job, and it was also the first place that I had applied. Most teenagers aren't lucky enough to get a summer job so they try to make their own businesses. I think its very impressive that a kid can make $15,000 just from washing cars. I really doubt that anyone can do that well from a car wash, but i do suggest trying to make your own business.

Anonymous said...

I have had a job since june 29, 2010 ! To me a job is an awesome way for younger kids to meet new people and make their own money. To be honest i have never heard of a teenager having there own business while they are still in high school but that does not mean that a teenager out there hasn't! A teenager can do anything if they set there mind to it and maybe some teenagers coming up to the high school in the next few years might end up having there own business and making their life their dream.

Taylor Harris2 said...

Its crazy to see that their are high school students my age having their own businesses . I have my own job at Penn Station and in the summer i could have my own little side job to get some extra cash! I never thought kids my age could have major business , blows my mind . Awesome article makes me think differently about my job. (:

codyh2 said...

I did have luck finding a summer job. The slow economy did impact my ability to find a job, but luckily my sister was able to get me a job at work. I found the story about the snow-cones most interesting, because I enjoy snow-cones.

Jeremy_S2 said...

A.) Yes one of my friends have it was a doggy day care. and it was pretty successful.
B.)i tried so heard to find a job this summer but it did not work so i ended up starting my own grass cutting business and cleaning my church

samshort2 said...

it really surprised me that josh made 15000 dollars. i think having a job really shows teenagers responsibility and shows them good work ethic. i have job, it really shows me i need to work for everything i have.i dont know anyone who has started their own business.

Oliver S. Ogden2 said...

i kind of started my own business, mainly yard work including mowing, weeding, the like, i made around $400 to $600 a month total profit (including costs) amounting to around $2000. a nice turn-out for a guy of 16 that doesn't have any real job.
i just didn't have any plan, if i did, i might have made even more. i'll need to "refine my strategey" like the others heck i even got some new ideas from these other students i could use. :D

Time Vortex 2.0 said...

B. Discuss whether or not you have found a job this summer or not? Has the slow economy impacted your desire and ability to find a job?

I have no job. I wouldn't mind one but I often find myself too busy for all of the things that I am doing. So, no the economy hasn't affected any job search of mine.

D. Do you know someone that started their own business? If so, what was it?

My mother has started a cupcake business.

austiny2 said...

(Sorry but somehow my post on this got deleated?)
C- My favorite story was Josh's. I liked it best because it showed how big a business can grow over time
D- Some that stated a businesses is my grandpa. He started a successful blacktop business that my dad and uncle now run

megan willis2 said...

As students begin to get older we all start thinking about what we want to do with our lives. For example what college to go to or the career we want to do for the rest of our lives, but theres always another option. About 3.7% of high-school seniors are interested in becoming business owners or entrepreneurs. based on a survey of 1.9 million students by the National Research Center. I personally do not know anyone that has started there own business. I think this is a good way to make money fast and a way to become a big part in the economy.