Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Is Cursive Writing a Skill Your Generation Needs?

Read this article about cursive writing.   The article points out arguments from both sides about this skill and its importance.  What are your thoughts?  Do people in today's world need this skill? or do you support the philosophy that this is a skill that just needs to fade away?

This article is due Friday, September 30th.


SavannaMcIntosh said...

I think cursive writing is a skill that our generation needs. We have to sign all of our important papers and documents with our signature and that means that you have to write it in cursive. If you don't know how to do that , what are you going to do? Sometimes your papers won't be accepted at all if you printed your name instead of writing it in cursive. Its not that hard!!! :)

McKaylaChandler2 said...

i think we need to keep teaching kids how to write in cursive because it is important. there will always be important doccuments to sing and how else will people really identify you. they always check your liscens with your signature. its overlooked on how important it is.

austiny2 said...

I feel that cursive handwriting is still important. People in today's world still need this skill, because it is understood that everytime you have to sign something of important that you do it in cursive. I feel that if its not broke don't fix it.

ShelbyS2 said...

I think that cursive writing is important and should still be taught in schools. Most people do write in print most of the time, but when it comes to signing your name on an important document cursive writing comes in handy. It better identifies who you really are because no signature is the same, especially in cursive. Therefore, it's a needed skill and there's no harm in learning how to write in cursive anyway, so might as well learn it.

codyh2 said...

I think that cursive should still be taught to children. People still need this skill to ratify important documents. Also, personally I believe that writing in cursive is faster than writing in print.

Jeremy_S2 said...

I do think that people should know cursive and they should tech it in schools. You need cursive in every day life. Like for your signiture.I do think people should know it and it should not fade away. It really is not hard to learn because I learned it in 3rd grade and if a 3rd grader can learn it I think it would be easy for a high schooler or adult to

DanielleH2 said...

I think that writing cursive is important. Not only do we need it to sign our signatures on important papers, but if people from the older generation use cursive, younger kids will not know how to read it. i feel that just because our society has gotten hi-tech doesnt mean our writing should change. Somethings are fine just the way they are.

DaltonR2 said...

I think that cursive writing is a skill still needed today as there are still many things that require you to use cursive. I think that cursive writing should continue being taught in schools as it is still used.

Anonymous said...

I think that so man people in the world today don't undestand how important cursive. To me that is one of the most used things in the works today just because everything uses cursive writing! Documents, bill, and also any important papers. So we need to teach kids these days how to write like that! So let's teach them!!!!

Oliver S. Ogden2 said...

by the gods yes, you should know cursive, i'll admit it, i can read it, but i can't write "it" in cursive if my life depended on it

plus just like Steve Graham said, people are bias about handwriting, it was proven, people who wrote in cursive on any standardized tests(OGT, ACT, SAT)

as Kathleen Wright said, "if the computers fail, what have you got?" the answer is nothing

besides, what ever happened to writing a letter to granny? i do that twice a year to my grandma in Toledo, it's actualy fun if you try it, you get the chance to relax and reflect on your life.

sorry it's late, but i did it, unlike most people. . .

Anonymous said...

I think the skill of cursive writing isn't necessary in today's world anymore. Because we moved into an age of technology based word processing, cursive writing now falls in the same category as an encyclopedia. No offense to encyclopedia's, but wiki's got that covered. I would say the skill has become irrelevant, even in the field of banking. Now we have credit cards that dont even require a signature when a purchase is made. In my opinion, cursive writing is a thing of the past.

JenniferDoerr2 said...

I think writing in cursive is a skill we need. We use cursive to sign important documents like checks, job applications and other important things. If we don't have cursive then it will be so much easier to forge papers and documents. If we continue to not use cursive, it will eventually just fade away, but for now it is important.

The Odd One said...

With the keyboard age upon us, I do agree with the fact the cursive is becoming less important in the minds of many. I believe cursive is a lot of trouble to learn and maintain, especially if you do not use it often. It is true that cursive handwriting is important when it comes to signing legal documents such as job applications *when they are printed on paper*. However, in today's world, most job applications can be done online with a special signature which can only be yours. How? Social Security. Thanks to that feature, cursive is even more pointless.

However, if you cannot write in cursive, you should at least be able to read it. Many teachers write only in cursive, and while they do not expect you to be able to write in cursive, they expect that you can read what they write on the board. The inability to read cursive has gotten so scarce that one of my teachers actually gave the class extra credit packets which taught every uppercase letter, every lowercase letter, numbers, days of the week, months, and planets.

megan willis2 said...

i think cursive is a great skill to have. i dont think they should take it out of schools because it will just be a waste. we sign everything in cursive therefore if we dont knoe how to then were going to have to print our name. printing your name is not professtional at all.

samshort2 said...

cursive skills are very useful to have especilly when you hit the real world. you have to know how to sign your sinature in cursive on everything. if they ont teach it them the next enertions are not going to know how the heck to do.

BryceWeidlePD2 said...

I think that cursive writing is just as useful and relevant as Egyptian heiroglyphs. There just is not a lot of room for this formal writing style in modern writing. Although it is pretty and impressive, I think that it has become irrelevant.

brittanyt2 said...

i think cursive writing should still be taught to young students, but we don't use it like we should anymore. I don't think we need to use it but i still feel they should teach it. there are several important documents you will have to sign in your life, so in my opinion as long as you know how to do it, you will be able to use it whenever you want or need to

Taylor Harris2 said...

Honestly , I dont think our generation even cares about cursive writing. I don't remember how to even write in cursive , I make up my own little cursive when I sign anything like my check. I think we need to put teaching cursive back into school. I would want to relearn how to but if we would just teach it it wouldnt have to be relearned.

Levi C. Pd. 2 said...

I think that really, the only cursive someone needs to learn, is enough to write their own name.Beyond that, I don't think its really needed. I could how ever see where a girl would need to learn it seeing as more than likely their last name will be changing someday in the future

KelseyStone2 said...

I think that cursive is an important thing that needs to be taught in school. With out cursive our generation wont know how to even write their own signature. So i do believe that cursive should still be taught because its something that you need in daily life.

katelynmoore2 said...

I think that writing in cursive is deffinently a skill we need in our generation. We all have to use our signatures almost daily and have important things to sign using cursive. If it is not taught, are we not going to sign papers? Because, unless you are taught you cannot write your signature without cursive writing. It's an easy skill that everyone should know.

taelerbennett2 said...

Cursive writing makes people look more professional. It isn't hard to learn, and your writing is unique. Your signature is something very important in your life, and I think this should keep being taught because it is a key aspect in being more professional in everything you do.

markaya2 said...

i think cursive writing should still be taught to young students, but we don't use it like we should anymore. I don't think we need to use it but i still feel they should teach it. there are several important documents you will have to sign in your life, so in my opinion as long as you know how to do it, you will be able to use it whenever you want or need to