Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Case for Saturday School

What is your opinion about China's educational system, Saturday school plan, in comparison to the United States?  How do you believe a 4 day school week would impact education?  Discuss the impact  on education if we added Saturday school?

This article is due October 7th. 


JenniferDoerr2 said...

I think the Chinese have a good educational system and obviously it works. It works a lot better than our school system which is why they do better than the U.S. A four-day week is not a good idea and it definitely is not enough time to teach what needs to be taught. In our school, teachers complain about not having enough time to teach all of the material, so shortening the school week is going to make it so much worse for the teachers and students. Adding school on Saturday is a good idea because we would have more time to learn the information we need to do well on tests and in life although many students would not like that.

The Odd One said...

The Chinese educational system is very successful, and in the eyes of many, ideal.

I do not believe that a four-day week is a good idea. It takes away from learning time, which takes away from the amount a student can learn in the time they are in school. While most students wish that three-day weekends were a permanent thing, in the long run, a four-day week would take away from their education. Sure, it would just be one less day each week, but those days add up.

Adding school on a Saturday, however, is also not a good idea. Because weekdays are taken up by school, and Sundays are church days for many, Saturdays are the only days that students have to truly spend time with their families, in many cases. Also, many students need the free day to take a break from the information overload of the previous week. Many students can only ingest so much information.

It would be a better idea to lengthen the school year by adding more weekdays to the end of the school year. Saturdays just won't do it. Adding days to the school year will add to the time that students have to learn the needed material, but it will also allow students to keep their weekends free for religious purposes as well as family time.

ShelbyS2 said...

I believe the Chinese have a very effective educational system that highly benefits their students academically. A four day school week would be a bad idea because it would provide less learning time for students which would lead to a decrease in test scores. However, it would also depend on how long the school year would be. If it was year around (including Summer) then maybe it would only lead to a slight difference, but over all four days a week would just not be enough time to learn everything a student needs to learn within the year. Adding a day to the school week would definately benefit students because they would learn more and would have more time to improve test scores. However, students would not like that even though it would be greatly improving their learning skills, but it is also a bad idea because people need to have free time along with school time. So everyone would be out of balance.

megan willis2 said...

i think the system is a good idea and obviously it works but i do disgree with it. kids dont have a life as it is because we are at school all day. therefore we arnt going to want to sit in school an extra day of the week.

samshort2 said...

i think that system is a ba idea becuse we already dont have a life because we have to sit in school for 5 days a week. i mean its a good idea obviously for other countries cause their used to it . for the united states to adapt to the new schedule would be like world war 3 (:

Anonymous said...

The chinese obviously have a better school system and it works! Also i do not agree with it because we are in school enough and cant be in school for another hour just to learn the same thing again and again. To me i disagree with this idea just for the common fact that school is 8 hours long as it is and it should not be an extra hour because everybody has their own ways of learning and not everybody is the same.

BryceWeidlePD2 said...

Although a 4-day school week would be a lot cheaper, the students would suffer greatly in a lack of education. On the other hand, Saturday school would be a great impact on education, although definitely expensive. I think that students would have a harder time getting motivated for the new school schedule, and would probably just use the new Saturday school schedule as a time to moan and sleep in class.

brittanyt2 said...

i think they obviously have a good and working school system, but i don't agree with it. i think that we already go to school for 5 days a week, 7 hours a day and we don't need to go another day. Obviously it would take a lot for the United States to get used too, but i think it is better to just keep the other countries doing that

SavannaMcIntosh said...

A 4 day weekend isn't a very good idea, because it doesn't really give us any time to really learn anything. Plus with 4 day weekends we would have to extend the school year and we would most likely end up having to go year round with 4 day weekends and possibly have longer or shorter breaks. I like our school system just how it is. I don't think it should be changed at all.

austiny2 said...

China's educational system is doing vey good. A 4 day school week would not be a good idea because it's less learning time. Although as a student i would't want a saturday school but it would help improve our education.

Oliver S. Ogden2 said...

i see the usefulness of this, i've seen where schools go on saturday, don't on wednesday, have slightly longer vacations, but go all summer, making students remember more without summer break, because, as the article said, ' "Summer learning loss" is no joke. '
but ultimately giving students only 150 DAYS OF SCHOOL i would prefer that rather than our current schedule,

but over all, the Japanese have the best education system, i would like theirs, but i don't want it because japans suicide rate is highest in the world because of it

DanielleH2 said...

I think that the chinese educational system really works for them. They get to learn more stuff in one week, which improves their test scores. I don't think that school four days a week is a good idea because the teachers would get to teach less in a week, or they would cram to much stuff in a week. It would be overwhelming for both student and teacher. I Also don't think that saturday school is a good idea. This is because most kids sleep in on saturdays or hang out with family, and if they didn't get to anymore, i think they would start to resent school. Also i think that most kids would toon out what teachers said anyways.

McKaylaChandler2 said...

chinas educational system is highly effective, but i dont think our school would benefit from it. being honest, most people wouldnt even show up to school because they would think it is rediculous because they are used to having a full weekend off. but a 4 day week would be even worse because we need to stay in our normal system.

taelerbennett2 said...

The Chinese school system works for them, but I don't think it would work for the U.S. The Chinese society is a lot harder on the children there, and they expect a lot more out of them then what is expected of us. It's hard enough for us to get out of bed, and find the strength to carry on 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. Not to mention the hours we spend on homework from our 7 classes each night. We would feel overwhelmed, and most students would most likely give up. Shortening the school week might make students happier, but we wouldn't get half the education we need to succeed in life.

KelseyStone2 said...

I think the Chinese educational system seems to be very successful. I do not believe that a four-day week is a good idea. It takes away from learning time, which takes away from the amount a student can learn in the time they are in school. But I believe adding school on Saturdays is not a good idea because thats the only time of the week that most students get a break from school.

KelseyStone2 said...

I think the Chinese educational system seems to be very successful. I do not believe that a four-day week is a good idea. It takes away from learning time, which takes away from the amount a student can learn in the time they are in school. But I believe adding school on Saturdays is not a good idea because thats the only time of the week that most students get a break from school.

katelynmoore2 said...

I think that the chinese educational system is a very successful system and it is good. But although i believe that, adding school on a Saturday, however, is also not a good idea. Because weekdays are taken up by school, so the two weekend days are the only two days that students truly have to their selfs, whether that is important to the system or not, i think it should be. Because if students don't have a little time to relax they would have a nervous breakdown and not do as good.

Levi C. Pd. 2 said...

The Chinese system is working... for them... That does not necessarily mean it will work for us. If you were to start adding time and days in America, students would only be angered, and start to rebel, as in our human nature. Lessening time is defiantly not an option either, when third world countries are beating us we MUST be in the classroom.

Taylor Harris2 said...

I think that the Chinese have a very sucessful educational system. But here in America it would not do a very good job at it. We are already in school for 5 days a week and teacher already have enough problems trying to keep up with the work and what we need to learn. adding saturday school would probably be the worst thing ive ever heard of . I work on weekends and thats my time to do what i want not worry about school more !

MeganStouffer2 said...

i think that the chinese educational system isn't the smartest thing. but neither is ours. we could both use improvements and for the US, saturday school is NOT one them, nobody would go to them and many kids would object because thats the time when we are suppose to not be in school, thats our weekend.

Time Vortex 2.0 said...

Obviously they're doing SOMETHING better than we are. But, in the U.S., I think a four day week would be a bad idea because most American students aren't learning anything with five days and our teachers sometimes aren't able to teach the right amount of material in five days so, why take some time away from them. However, adding another day would make students even more upset.

Jeremy_S2 said...

I think that the saterday school is good and bad. it is good because it gives the students more time to learn and get a good education but it si bad because the kids wouldnt want to be there and wouldnt stay focesed. There are smarter kids and more well be haved kids over there because of it compared to the U.S it is better. I feel like a 4 day week would be good because you wouldnt be so stressed. If we added the saturday school it would be bad because no one wants it.

DaltonR2 said...

I think that the Chinese education system is obviously more effective than ours. I think a four day school week would negatively impact education, as there would be even less time to learn things. Adding school on Saturdays would obviously have a positive impact on education, although I believe we spend enough time in school currently. I believe that finding a way to use the amount of time we spend in school currently more efficiently is a better solution than adding another school day each week.

codyh2 said...

Although the Chinese system works well I would not want it in the U.S. This of course, is probably the same opinion of many students due to the fact that 5 days of school a week is tiring enough.

markaya2 said...

To me i disagree with this idea just for the common fact that school is 8 hours long as it is and it should not be an extra hour because everybody has their own ways of learning and not everybody is the same. i think they obviously have a good and working school system, but i don't agree with it.

Anonymous said...

I would love a 4 day school wee, but of course I would, because I'm lazy. Look at me, I can't even remember to do a blog on time, and this is probably gonna be a zero, but it's worth a try. I personally would hate Saturday school, but it might be beneficial. Don't ask me, I have no clue if it would actually. It might of worked for the Chinese, but I'm thinking it might fail in the US. Different cultures and all.