Monday, September 19, 2011

The Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition

The Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition

How much information do you want advertisers to have about you? What are the benefits and drawbacks for you of making that information available? How might the information benefit advertisers?

This article is due September 23. 2011


austiny2 said...

I don't want advertisers to have information about what I watch. A benefit would be commercials wouldn't be so annoying and a drawback the company would know everything you watch on tv. This could highly benefit advertisers because people who want your product would see commercials of it.

McKaylaChandler2 said...

i dont think its right for advertisers to have my info.. the only good thing that would come from it is that the commercials would be of some interest. the commercial company would benefit from knowing so they could advertise things they know you would be intrested in buying and they could sell more, the only drawback is i just dont want people to know my info.

ShelbyS2 said...

I don't want advertisers to have access to what I watch on TV because that's a violation of privacy. A benefit would be that the commercials would be more interesting and entertaining, but a drawback would be that it might get repetitive and the advertisers would have information on everything you watch. I believe this would benefit advertisers very much because their products would be directed toward a more willing audience and sales would increase.

taelerbennett2 said...

If an advertiser knew my business, they would do what they could to make their product relate to me. Whether it be something they are selling, or something they want me to be involved with. The company would benefit from knowing my personal information only because they would be able to relate their product to me on another level, and be more successful with their sales. The only thing is, it might come on too strong and push the costumer away.

katelynmoore2 said...

i think it is very weird and i would not want any advertisers to have information about me, but it would benefit because i would enjoy to watch the commercials more and actually have interest in them unlike the ones normally on. Commercials wouldn't be such a bad thing because they would be things you would actually be interested in partaking in or buying so it would benefit the advertisers because they would have more buyers.

megan willis2 said...

The goal is to emulate the sophisticated tracking widely used on people's personal computers with new technology that reaches the living room. personally i do not think its a good idea for advertisers to have random peoples information because we already have enough trouble with identity theft plus theft in general. the only good thing that comes out of it is they can do more advertising which means more people get interested the more money the company will get.

Oliver S. Ogden2 said...

i dont care if my TV "watches" me or not because i don't watch it. i prefer to read, newspapers, magazines, and books. besides, TV is going to wither away, like the town-cryer did with the telegram, like the newspapers to TV. Only now, the newspapers are returning with the web, helping youtube wither away TV. although youtube is much easier to monitor than TV, with its "views", and "ratings"

DanielleH2 said...

I don't want advertisers to know my whole life story, but i don't really think them knowing what i watch on t.v. is any different from suggesting songs on ITunes, or listening to my phone conversations. A benefit of the information being available is i would know when the things i am interested in are happening or coming out. A disadvantage is i'd be so interested in seeing what they think i am interested in, that i would not be able to do other things during commercials. It would benefit advertisers because it would bring more money into their businesses because more companies would want more advertisements.

codyh2 said...

I don't mind advertisers knowing information about me. It would benefit me by advertisements being more personalized to me and might even introduce me to new products I'm interested in. This could benefit advertisers by having an increase in sales for their companies.

samshort2 said...

i dont like the fact for advertiesers to have my info. commercials would be a benefit. the can adverties things the know watchers like. they could persude us to buy more and help there production sells go up. i just dont like people knowing my information.

Levi C. Pd. 2 said...

I really don't want advertisers to have ANY information about me. Putting this information does however help advertisers find out what ads would work for me, but I still feel weird, knowing they have information on me. The advertisers benefit from this because it helps them pick the most effective ads.

BryceWeidlePD2 said...

Most people don't realize that their ads are already personalized with information that has been collected from them. Facebook records every word that you post and sends ads that are compatible with those words. TV would just be a late entry into this service that you're already a part of.

I've also written a Haiku:
T.V. is stupid
The government watches us
Get out of my head!

Anonymous said...

To me advertisements are way to dramatic and annoying because if people wanna buy your product then why would advertisements say bad things about it? Also if people don't need to have my personal information because it's my information and not anybody else. So advertisements need to be more "eye catching" and less informational. The only drawback is i just don't want to give any of my information out to other people that i don't know.

DaltonR2 said...

I don't mind advertisers having information about what I watch. It benefits me by seeing advertisements that are more relevant to my interests. Having this information benefits advertisers by allowing them to advertise more easily to their target audience.

SavannaMcIntosh said...

I don't wants advertisers to know what I watch so that they can use it against me and get me to buy more things. Commercial companies would benefit from knowing what you watch but do you really want everyone knowing what you watch??? A Big set back of all of this though is that the commercial companies would know all of your information.

KelseyStone2 said...

It benefits for advertisers to see what you watch and have all your information, because they can make commercials relate more to you. But I still don't want them to be able to get to such information, because its a violation to privacy. So there are benefits and downsides to advertisers being able to see all your information.

JenniferDoerr2 said...

I wouldn't really want advertisers to know too much about me, but it would help make the commercials more interesting to me. The benefits are that commercials would be more for me and I would maybe watch them and the places with the ads would get more business. The drawbacks are that these companies would know what you watch, when you watch it, and how often. The information would help the advertisers get more business because the people watching the commercials would be more interested in them instead of annoyed by them.

Jeremy_S2 said...

I do not want advertisers to really know anything about me excpet what i watch. I do not like that they can look at the medicans you buy and can look at your insurence. The benifits for leting the advertisers to have your information is, there will be more things that you like to come out or new products and new deals. The draw backs are that you have to give them some information and some people like me would not like to give your information out to people you dont know. This could benefit the advertiers is that it will get them profit and more customers.

The Odd One said...

I don't mind advertisers having information on me, depending on the information. I don't want them to have any information that could be considered private. However, information about interests in certain products is not necessarily harmful. It would not be a bad thing to see only commercials that pertain to your interests, or similar products. It would take away from the annoyance caused by commercials you really don't want to watch. However, one thing ad companies aren't considering is the fact that due to busy schedules, many people record their shows and just fast-forward through the commercials anyway. Therefore, it does not really bother me majorly that companies are getting my information as long as it is not private information.

Anonymous said...

I don't want advertisers to have any of my info, because it's kind of creepy. Then again, it is boring watching commercials about cholesterol medication and power chairs. However, it's still creepy if the advertising companies know more about me than I do. It's a productive way of advertising, though, because the more commercials they have that interest me, the more likely I am to buy one of those products.

brittanyt2 said...

i dont think advertisers should be able to have very much information about me, the only good thing would be commercials would be better

markaya2 said...

The company would benefit from knowing my personal information only because they would be able to relate their product to me on another level, and be more successful with their sales. The only thing is, it might come on too strong and push the costumer away.commercials would be a benefit. the can adverties things the know watchers like. they could persude us to buy more and help there production sells go up. i just dont like people knowing my information.