Monday, April 4, 2011

What makes up the price of U.S. gasoline?

Read this article for April 11th and comment about how gas prices are determined.  


Anonymous said...

It makes me sad to see where gas was $2.86 just a year ago. But the thing that interests me is the fact that this article didn't really bring up government interactions with oil. I have heard that depending on how the governments act is depending on the price of oil. For instance Egypt right now isn't doing so well with their government therefore the price of oil was rising. But this article takes a different route by going into crude oil being 70% of the price. The rest involve tax etc.

courtneycolliver4 said...

Gas is getting way to high to just drive around town. The gov't interacton depends on how much gas is per gallon is what i heard how it happened, but right now were not seeing any government interactions. Hopefully with 70% of crude oil being the price it will lower not making gas so expensive, and the government can take a stand on what to do.

Anonymous said...

Its's so crazy how much gas has risen in the past year from $2.86 to almost $4.00. I don't think that crude oil is 70% of what makes the gas prices. It's the government's job and interactions but as you can see there not doing a whole lot to control the price from increasing.

KSprowles4 said...

This doesn't bother me to much, seeing as I don't drive yet. However I do deal with it within my family and I know that it upsets them greatly. Where $5 used to give you half a tank, it doesn't even give you a quarter anymore. The rising gas prices are more of an annoyance than anything.

CaraRhea:)4 said...

Its crazy to see that the gas prices have gone up so much. The government wasn't really even mentioned in the article. The government hasn't really done much at all to try and fix the gas prices. The gas prices will continue to rise until something is changed or fixed.

djH-4 said...

It's painful to think of the past when life was easier. The gas was cheaper and food was easier to buy. Some do not understand that when gas goes up other prices do to. Furthermore, the prices of gas has not been the same for a while and keeps continuing to rise. We can't do anything about it but we can try and make things right. Time and effort could change the course we are currently on.

dRogers4 said...

I don't drive yet. But, i really hope that the gas prices level out to a reasonable price soon. i know alot of people are being affected by the rise but to be honest it also has its benefits. People should take this advantage to get more exercise. Help make this country more healthy and a lot greener. the rise in price may be a burden, and the government does need to get more of a focus on it. But i'm fine with walking and car pooling.

Anonymous said...

i know this sounds kinda bad but i usually dont pay too much attition to gas prices, even though i drive. but i have noticed myself paying more attation one) because of this artice and two) its gone up soo much

briebrown4 said...

Gasis probably one of the most expensive things for people to buy. and it sucks to look back and see how low the prices used to be and then know look at the prices and see how high it is. It costs me around $50 to fill up my tank and that is ridiculous. The 70% of crude oil will hopefully make our gas prices go down and it will make driving less stressful.

btimberman2 said...

Its hard to believe that gas prices were $2.86 less than a year ago and peple thought that was too much. Now gas prices have almost reached $4.00 a gallon. Before reading this article I had no idea what made up the gas prices. According to this article, 70% of the price is from crude oil. If this is true then hopefully the price of gas will start to fall. Also, this article doesn't mention anything about the government. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not.

D.x.Hall2 said...

I really don't see why everyone's griping and complaining about why and how the prices of gas are being raised. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to go back to paying $3 dollars a gallon, but you can't expect the price of gas to stay the same when the the oil prices are being raised. If I was sellin pb&j's and the price of jelly went up, im not gonna decrease my profit by selling the pb&j's for the same price.

ephillippe4 said...

It's crazy to think that gas was only $2.86 a year ago! I filled up my tank today and the cost per gallon was $3.74. It totally sucked, and if gas prices continue to rise a bicycle will definitely be an option. I believe it is the government's job to help slash the price of gas, and unfortunately there hasn't been much action to decrease these ridiculous prices.

brittanyblankenship2 said...

In November 2010, when the average retail gasoline price was $2.86 a gallon, crude oil accounted for 71 percent of that price.thats really not that much so what about the other percent? i wish gas was this cheap again. everything is so expensive now in days its hard to even get by.

AleisheaT pd4 said...

The major thing that interests me is that this article didn't really bring up government interactions with oil, makes me wonder what else are they hiding. Its really bad to see how high gas has become, not to long ago it was only $2.86 or less. Now i understand what the older generations says when they say i remember when candy was only 5 cents.

Jbrown4 said...

It makes me upset to know that just one year ago gas was $2.86 and now it is $3.75. It costs me $60 to fill up a year ago and now im scared up fill up my tank because i have no idea how much it will cost. I already plan on walking around on campus at OU next year but i might have to start walking around a little earlier if gas prices continue to rise.

dvglunt4 said...

This is an interesting article. It is mostly informative so I don't really have an opinion on it. I don't like the fact that the price of gas is so high now compared to what it used to be. Hopefully, the price of crude oil will go down soon.

Anonymous said...

I think it is insane how much gas has risen in the past year from $2.86 to almost $4.00. Hopefully with 70% of crude oil being the price it will lower not making gas so expensive, and the government can take a stand on what to do. If not, then if gas prices continue to rise a bicycle will definitely be an option.

BrandenP4 said...

gas is up to 3.75 i believe today thats crazy and it to high to be driving around all over the place it still better than paying $4 and higher hopefully it will go down but i like to look at it with a glass half full by jst being glad there not higher

Kspencer4 said...

Gas is unbelievable in my opinion. This is the highest I've seen gas prices, EVER. I don't think that gas should be the number one concern on our families minds, yet for some reason it is. Government should do something to fix this, yet they aren't. Crude oil isn't exactly that costly, so why are we being taxed so much?

S.Slamka4 said...

Gas is insanely high i feel, I would love to see it as $2.86 again. This article was interesting to hear that the price of gas is as high as it is because of crude oil, transportation and taxes. I tend to forget that there are several factors that pay contribute to the cost of gas.

AlexGetter4 said...

I really hate that gas prices are on the rise most of the time. It's difficult to fill up your tank and it really empties your pocket as well. I was totally fine when gas was only under three dollars, but now that it's reached up to four dollars it's scary to think how much higher they will go. The thing is that gas is mostly a neccessity for most Americans and the oil companies are really making a lot of money off of all of this.

SJohnson4 said...

It's sad to see that gas prices have risen from $2.86 this time last year to nearly $4.00 now. In the article it didn't say anything about how our govenrment is trying to fix this problem, but in the article it did mention the price of oil going up. You can't expect oil companies to keep prices the same and lose their profit.

Vanessa Vest said...

I think the price of gas is getting ridiculous. Its sad that a year ago gas prices were only $2.86 and now its close to 4 dollars. And there are no signs that gas prices will decrease, the prices will only get worse.

MSorrell4 said...

Its crazy to see that the gas prices have gone up so much. The government wasn't really even mentioned in the article. The government hasn't really done much at all to try and fix the gas prices. The gas prices will continue to rise until something is changed or fixed.

OliviaKidwell4 said...

It's ridiculous how high the price of gas has fluctuated. It's made an impact on my family as of how often we get out and go somewhere, especially places out of town. I hope that the crude oil will help the cost of gas to go down to a more reasonable price like it used to be.

tglunt2 said...

I hate seeing that last year gas was just $2.96, and now its up to $4.00 and probably going higher. But it doesn't make sense that government interaction has to do with price of oil and it didn't really bring that up in this article. Sense with the 70% of crude oil will help the gas prices not be so expensive.

kbrown2 said...

It is very interesting to see the percentage breakdown of why the gas prices are the way they are. THis gives a new perspective and shows how difficult it would be to keep these prices down for us, the public. Seeing this makes me feel better about paying the prices that i pay for gasoline. BETTER... not GOOD though.

m.hardin4 :) said...

Oil prices And gas prices have obviously risen over the years, but its ridiculous when you really go back and think. I remember a year ago, when I started driving, hearing my mom complain about gas prices nearing $3. Now if you get it for under $3.70 a gallon, its a steal! Government is going through tough times, but so are the people. This definitely doesn't help it.

Tyler S. Males said...

it's kinda crazy that gas has risen so much over the past 3 just take a joyride through a city is even getting expensive.and idk if crude oil is 70% of the price

Anonymous said...

It makes me sad to see that gas has raised to $4.00. The government has not really done anything to try to fix it. I feel that we need to star to car pull now to save evey one gas.

Awilliams2 said...

Gas will reach $4.00 per gallon without a doubt, it's sad because a lot of people are unable to afford it. It's the government's job to determine the price of oil and I think they're way too high right now. It's weird to see what makes up oil, according to the article. 70% of the price of gas is from crude oil. Bikes and walking may be the way to go sometimes here soon!

klovelace2 said...

I think it's crazy that crude oil is supposedly 70% of what determines gas prices. Gas is getting WAY too high! I think government needs to take bigger steps in the process of decreasing the price of oil before it gets way out of hand. Gas prices will continue to rise until government does something to fix it, and they need to do that very soon.

JBrown4 said...

wow 70% is crude oil but we sit and pay 3.86 for gas when the price on the raw materials has barly rose. people are so greedy. why is it that the oil companys like bp can pay out million for an accident and it barley effect them? i just think people are really corupt

Looney2 :) said...

It's crazy to think that gas prices have almost doubled in the last year. Even though I don't drive, it's still affected me. Hopefully with 70% of crude oil being the price it will lower not making gas so expensive because gas is affecting everyone right now.

AndreaWallace said...

I have heard that depending on how the governments act is depending on the price of oil. Gas is getting way to high to just drive around town. i know a lot of people are being affected by the rise and its not helping anyone but the people who actually make money off of us having to spend every pennie and dime trying to fill are tanks

sFening4 said...

I don't have my license yet so i am not directly effected by the price of gas. I usually pay attention to the price though just because all of my friends drive and my parents take me places so I give more gas money to the people who take me places when it's higher.

astephan2 said...

I was completely shocked to realize I was only paying 2.86 for gas last shocks me to see how bad it has gotten. I hope it shocks the government too and they do something about it...soon because I don't think any of us can afford it anymore.

t.davis2 (: said...

I really hate that gas prices are on the rise most of the time. It's difficult to fill up your tank and it really empties your pocket as well. I was totally fine when gas was only under three dollars, but now that it's reached up to four dollars it's scary to think how much higher they will go. The thing is that gas is mostly a neccessity for most Americans and the oil companies are really making a lot of money off of all of this.

sFening4 said...

I don't drive yet. But, I really hope that the gas prices go back to normal soon. A lot of people are being negatively affected by gas prices. But, maybe this will help America become less dependent upon cars. People can start walking more and riding bikes.