Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tax the rich?

Read this article about taxes and comment.  This article is due April 18th.


D.x.Hall2 said...
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D.x.Hall2 said...

Alot of numbers and percents, but from what I can tell, Williams... who i assume is a Republican, is insinuating that Obama is completely trying to rid the deficit with one decision. Yes, that is every one's dreams, but you have to take the defecit with one action at a time. Williams thinks we should rid the tax breaks, which would give us a trillion per year, but instead of just upsetting a few of the rich, who can mostly do without the money anyways, you are attacking the nation as a whole. The rich, poor, and middle class... and anything inbetween for that matter.

Awilliams2 said...

"Tax the rich," is an interesting article. I do believe that the rich should be taxed a little more than the middle class and lower class, but not anything that is as much as double. The rich have obviously earned the money they have so I don't think it's necessary to take it away from them. I think that getting rid of the tax breaks is a good idea because it would give us a trillion per year.

m.hardin4 :) said...

I think this Williams guy is an extreme conservative, and is basically pointing fingers throwing around a bunch of percentages and hollow facts. However, taxing the rich is not the outcome to out economic crisis. Why do those that work the hardest to gain their wealth deserved to be taxes the heaviest? Though they aren't doing anything with the money, its not fair. But, it has to be fixed somehow.

Tyler S. Males said...

I do believe that we should tax the rich more than the other classes.and some people really didn't earn their millions of dollars.some just inherited it from their fathers..aka Donald Trump.. although yes many have earned it.i say tax football players. albert haynesworth does not need to make 100 million over 6 years.

AleisheaT pd4 said...

Getting rid of tax breaks will be good, because it will give America trillions per year, and thats what we need to get out of the bind we are in. I also feel that the rich should be taxed a little more because they do have more money, but people have to also realize that these people who are wealthy earned their money so they cant try and tax them double. It just wouldn't be fair.

dvglunt4 said...

I think the amount people should be taxed should be a certain percentage of their income. For example, all people would pay 30% of what they make in a year to taxes, regardless of how much they make. I think it is good to tax rich people more but not by that much. If you tax the rich too much then people won't have any incentive to try to get rich. People not wanting to make money would be bad for the economy.

djH-4 said...

an increased tax on the rich is not unfair. i beleive it to be just a perk of being wealthy. those who canafford and live comfortably should not be afraid to help the gov. i little more than the poor who cant afford it..

KSprowles4 said...

Go ahead and tax the rich a bit more. Have fun making those who are probably helping pay for your elections angry, but hey if it means helping by the country by all means go a head. Those of us in middle class and lower would certainly like to see some of the counrty's money problems sovled by someone other than us.

Anonymous said...

I think that this is a good plan. If the rich have more money we should tax them more. It won't hurt them in anyway and will help the middle class and the poor. If our country needs so much help ask the people who have the money to give. Most likely the rich will have money when they pass so we should use it now. Also I think the " Zero Plan" is a good idea.We don't need to take a break from paying taxes. That would totally ruin Obamas idea of paying off our national debt. It said if we did continue with the " Zero Plan" It would save us 1 trillion a year which isn't much but will be in a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

I think to tax the rich a little more than the rest is a great idea. I don't think it should be doubled or tripled. They did earn that money and worked hard to get it. Plus it wont solve all our problems to just tax the rich. We should also do the tax breaks which would give us a bunch of more money every year.

MSorrell4 said...

I feel that taxes should be partially based off of income. I feel that's only fair because the people with higher income, a higher income tax would level out some of the heavy taxes for those who can barely pay what they owe.

t.davis2 (: said...

I don't believe that the rich should be taxed a little more than the middle class and lower class. The rich have obviously earned the money they have so I don't think it's necessary to take it away from them. It's there fault they're rich. Why would you take that from them ? It's not their fault the poor are poor.

Jbrown4 said...

I don't agree with the article tax the rich because people who are wealthy have worked to earn their money just like everyone else, so why we should we take more away from them just because they are wealthy. To me that makes no sense. I feel like everyone should be taxed equally and the government should keep a better watch on what they do with the tax money instead of trying to find a way to get more.

Anonymous said...

I do believe that the rich should be taxed more than the rest but not double. I also feel that getting rid of the tax breaks is a good idea because it would give us a trillion per year.

Kspencer4 said...

Taxing the rich.....? That's a GENIUS idea to me. Haven't lower and middle classes suffered enough? I think taxing the higher class would be a good idea because they have the money to where taxes probably wouldn't harm them. Just because people are rich doesn't mean they earned the money anyways. It could be pointless money that people are randomly receiving, so its only right to take the money back as taxes. Sure there are some people who don't do anything with their lives and just sit at home, so maybe taxing them would serve them right; but the lower classes have families to tend for and are getting taxed while rich adults hold onto their money in a stubborn mannor. So PLEASE, bring on the taxes to the rich.

kbrown2 said...

Taxing the rich is a good and a bad move. They should not be punished for being more financially stable. They made good choices to get where they are. But then again they have the money to give up, unlike the poor.

Anonymous said...

I feel that just because you are rich doesn't mean you should be taxed more. People that are wealthy work hard for thier money. Taxing the rich is not the outcome to out economic crisis. Why do those that work the hardest to gain their wealth deserved to be taxes the heaviest? I think that getting rid of the tax breaks is a good idea because it would give us a trillion per year.

CaraRhea:)4 said...

This article is pretty interesting. I do feel like the rich should be taxed a little more the the middle class or lower classes. They are getting more money and are able to give more than others can. They deserve the money that they work hard for but they do make more and can help more.

SJohnson4 said...
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SJohnson4 said...

I don't agree with the article, taxing someone with more money than others doesn't seem fair. They worked hard and deserve the money that they are earing. I do think getting rid of the tax breaks would be a good idea, so we could get more money each year.

ephillippe4 said...

By reading this article, I can definitely see both sides to this problem. I do believe that eliminating tax breaks is a great idea because it would give the U.S. a trillion more dollars per year. However, I believe that it is unpfair to tax the rich more than the middle and lower classes. Everyone works hard for the money they earn no matter which class they fall into to. With that said, some of the rich really do not earn their money, sometimes they inherit it from family members. Personally I feel like the government should think of a more effective way to eliminate tax breaks.

tglunt2 said...

i do think that taxing the rich would be a good thing to do. sense they do have some extra money it would be good for them to pay a little more than the middle and lower class cant afford as much. yes they have earned that money but its only fair to make them pay more sense they have so much more.

Anonymous said...

well williams seems a little one sided, but i personally think that the rich should be taxed more. i mean if you have more money available you should be able to spend it on what is needed from you for yout country.

courtneycolliver4 said...

Taxing the class with a higher income is a better idea than what were doing now. Right now its hard for some types of people to afford taxes. The higher class are more easily able to pay it so they should have a higher rate. It would help reduce our defict. Yet they shouldn;t be taxed way to much just high enough to reduce our budget. If we do this they estimated a trillion a year, which will help imensly.

JBrown4 said...

i think we should tax the rich because they dont need more money and are crippling the nation by them making huge independent gains in the private sector and destroying the rest of the country.

klovelace2 said...

I do believe that the richer should be taxed more, but I think it;s dumb for people to believe that simply taxing the rich more is going to take care of the debt that our country is in. Although I do believe the rich should be taxed a little more, I think it's unfair to double it. For the most part, rich people worked hard to earn their money and it's not fair to punish them for being successful.

OliviaKidwell4 said...

I think the rich should be taxed at a rate that they'd be losing the same average the middle and lower class are so it's equal, especially the way the economy is. If the middle & lower classes have to sacrifice for taxes, the rich should as well in all fairness. Although taxing the rich more won't solve our economic crisis overnight, it will definitely be a start to helping out. Also doing away with tax breaks seems like it would help out significantly as well.

AlexGetter4 said...

I think taxing the rich is a decent idea, it really does not help any problems we're having just by that one solution. For one, if we increase the taxing on rich that's only affecting what, like 2% of the overall money holders? I think we should increase taxes just a little for everyone(including a little more than the others for the rich) to make more money.

Looney2 :) said...

In my opinion I think we should tax the rich more than any other classes. They have more than enough money so wy not give more to the country. It's only fair

btimberman2 said...

I do believe that the rich should be taxed more than the lower classes. But then again the rich shouldnt be "punished" for having money. They worked hard to get to where they are. The lower classes need all the money they have just to get by. They dont have any extra to give up to the government.

Vanessa Vest said...

I don't think the rich should be taxed more than the middle class or anyone else. If they are rich then its because they earned their money, I don't think that would be right at all.

S.Slamka4 said...

I have to a agree with the idea of taxing the rich alittle more that someone in lower or middle class. Due to the fact that they are the upper class and have the money to pay more taxes due to the fact that they can be considered upper class. Not that the tax increase should be an outrageous amount of money because its true they did earn it one way or another but still.

AndreaWallace said...

If the rich have more money we should tax them more. It won't hurt them in anyway and will help the middle class and the poor. Why should people who struggle from day to day just to eat or get by have to pay as much taxa as people who have money to blow

sFening4 said...

I think that taxing the rich is a no brainer. They don't need millions, it's stupid and selfish. I think that the more money you have, the more you should be taxed. The lower middle class families shouldn't be taxed as much as a millionaire.

brittanyblankenship2 said...

i think taxing the rich is a good ideal. people who make a larger amount of money should have a higher tax. it would even things out a little in the economy.

astephan2 said...

I believe taxing the rich more is wrong because they earned what they have. We should tax everyone the same and it is sad that the people who may have worked harder are having to pay more. It just doesn't see right. This could make the slackers work harder and maybe our economy wouldn't be as bad. I wish more people felt the same way.

briebrown4 said...

Taxing the Rich was an interesting article. i think that the rich should be taxed, but not necessarily more than the middle or lower class. They are the ones with the money no the other classes, so they shouldn't get out of taxes. Plus, it would give the country more money and help out everything going on. If anyone should get out of paying taxes it should be the lower class.