Thursday, March 17, 2011

Should We Pay Mommies and Daddies to be Better Parents?

Read this article from aolnews and comment on your opinion?  Is this a good idea or not?  This article is for March 28th.


djH-4 said...

it is the parents the children and the teachers that set limitations of good and bad. incentives help with the disciplines and punishment sets the standards. maybe if the combination with the close looking at teacher's involvement with respect issues will help the country better itself.

AleisheaT pd4 said...

No, i don't believe parents should be paid for being better parents. They had the child and its their responsibility, the only "incentive" the parents should have is wanting to see their child better themselves in this world.

OliviaKidwell4 said...

Although this idea could help kids become better students and people in general, it's ridiculous that this even has to be done. Parents are taking the responsibility for a child when they have one, so they automatically should be good parents. It's sad that some parents won't do as good a job of raising their kids without getting an incentive, when the money used for this could be put towards improving our economy.

D.x.Hall2 said...

I think this is a great idea, targeting child and childhood development at a younger age would make a student grow as an individual quicker and more successfully. I know for a fact parents have a big impact in a kids education and their motivations, so by giving the incentives to both students and parents, positive results will be shown, regadless of the category.
How could you disagree and say it's a bad idea with being taught better by your teachers and your parents?

CaraRhea:)4 said...

This idea could help with raising children to become better people in the world, but i feel as if its very unnecessary and wrong that parents should get paid to raise there children. It just one job in the world that you should do without having to get paid to do it. Children are to be taken care of and the parents should not have to be pushed to be good parents by money.

courtneycolliver4 said...

Parents should not be paid just to be better at teaching there kids, and taking care of them. It's there job in the first place thats why there parents. I mean yes it does improve students ability to learn but parents should work hard even without money. They should motivate kids on their own to do well and be good students and be the best that they can be. The need to set good examples for kids, and show them what its like to raise a family.

btimberman2 said...

If moms and dads were paid to be better parents then children might behave better..however, I do not think that should have to be done. If someone has to be "rewarded" to raise a child, then they shouldnt have had a kid in the first place. Its thier responsibility to take care of and teach the kid wrong from right.

Jbrown4 said...

I do not think parents should be paid to be parents. They knew when they decided to have sex that they could produce a child so if they wanted a child then they should be the best child they can be and if they didn't want to have a child then they should the child away to someone who wants a child but cannot have one so the child can have the best future that they can have. I do however believe that the incentive program is a good idea because it could parents and their children together because they want to work towards getting rewards but I do not think we should pay parents for something they should already be doing.

AndreaWallace said...

parents to be paid to be better parents i think this is so stupid are you kidding me some people might just try to have kids so they can make money from there poor little lives i believe that you shouldnt have kids unless you are going to be the best you can as a parent on your on not by somevody paying you too

dvglunt4 said...

I don't think that people should be given any incentives just to be better parents. That's ridiculous. When you're a parent, your child should be your #1 priority. No one should have to reward you to take care of your child. This is just my opinion, however, I'm pretty sure I'm right.

astephan2 said...

My first reaction after reading this was feeling pretty bad for our country that we have to PAY our parents to be better...they should love their child enough that no money can change it. Any adult that signs up for this experiment should be a little embarassed...

t.davis2 (: said...

I think this is a great idea, targeting child and childhood development at a younger age would make a student grow as an individual quicker and more successfully. I know for a fact parents have a big impact in a kids education and their motivations, so by giving the incentives to both students and parents, positive results will be shown, regadless of the category.
How could you disagree and say it's a bad idea with being taught better by your teachers and your parents?

Anonymous said...

I think this article is stupid. Like many others said I don't feel we should have to pay our parents to BE parents. They should learn how to raise a kid before having one if you ask me. We waste too much money in this country and there is no reason we should for this. The concept of teaching parents is a good idea but we shouldn't pay them. I do agree that the parents are a big part of education not just the teachers but they aren't big enough to be payed for being something they chose to be going into it.

Awilliams2 said...

I feel that this whole process of paying parents to be parents is a complete joke. It's sad that our country has to do such a thing. When someone has a child, they automatically should realize that they have a new job of being a parent. To pay parents $7000 a year to be better parents is ridiculous. That's what our economy's money is going towards? Wow. I feel like some people in this country need to be paid to be smarter about where they choose to spend money.

Anonymous said...

No i dont think that parents should be paid for being better parents. They wanted the responsibility of having a kid and their only reward should be wanting to see their child grow, lear and to become a better person.

KSprowles4 said...

I don't think we need to be paying the parents off to do what is right. They knew, or they should know anyway, what they were getting into becoming parents in the first place. Peolpe need to just suck it up and learn to handle their own children, and stop hoping the government will step in at every turn. It actually makes me kind of mad tho think that some people actually want this. How lazy and self-centered are people getting! Take control of your own lives!

brittanyblankenship2 said...

i dont think parents should get paid. it their children their responsibility. their child shoudn't be used to get an incentive.its wrong that you have to get paid to want to help or make your childs life better.

SJohnson4 said...

I think that this is a good idea, if parents are involved with your school work and you both recieve "incentives" then the child is going to try harder in school no matter what. I don't think that the parent should take the responsibility for their kids but if they're motivation them and having a postive impact on their school work then, yes I think this is a good idea.

Anonymous said...

I think that we need programs like this and start at a younger age to encourage kids to do better and become more well- rounded. The incentives are a good idea to a point like i don't think paying the parents but maybe thinking of another way to incentive the parents. Instead of paying them money in a time of recovery from recession.

Anonymous said...

No, i don't believe parents should be paid for being better parents. I mean yes it does improve students ability to learn but parents should work hard even without money. No one should have to reward you to take care of your child.

dRogers4 said...

Wow, thats nice! Kids your parents need to be paid to treat you like you should be treated in the first place! The idea makes me sick. if parents want a reward they should get it from seeing there child happy and healthy. if you believe in this i don't believe your fit to be a parent. The government is ment to be seperate from your personal lives and i think your children shouldn't have to be taken care of by the government unless neccesary.

AlexGetter4 said...

I think the idea of paying parents to be better parents is ridiculous. When you have a kid you inherit the responsibility to take care of them to the best of your ability. To be paid $7000 year for the incentive to raise a kid better is a joke. Although I could see the advantages in the incentives program, the idea of paying the parents for it is not a good idea.

BrandenP4 said...

no why should parents get paid for being a good parent i feel that parents that are completely fail at life they should have there kids taken away and what not

S.Slamka4 said...

I dont think that parents should receive incentives to be better parents. The child is the parents responsibility and the parents should already be doing all they possibly they can to give their child the best education possible. The same goes teachers.

Vanessa Vest said...

I don't think parents should get paid for being parents. It's a parents responsibility to take care of their kid and do all they can for them. Their shouldn't have to be a motive behind being a good parent other than wanting to make your kid all they can be.

MSorrell4 said...

Parents should not be paid just to be better at teaching there kids, and taking care of them. It's there job in the first place thats why there parents. I mean yes it does improve students ability to learn but parents should work hard even without money. They should motivate kids on their own to do well and be good students and be the best that they can be. The need to set good examples for kids, and show them what its like to raise a family.

tglunt2 said...

No I do not think parents should be getting paid to be better parents, I think that idea is ridiculous. I could maybe make the child behave better but that could not always be the case. You shouldn't be paid to be a good parent you should do that already when you decide to have a kid, you shouldn't have had children if you cant take on teaching them wrong from right.

Tyler S. Males said...

People should not get paid to be a better is their responsibility to raise their child right and help them with life. its their own choice to have a child anyways. for people to even think to not want to raise their children to be even better than themselves is rediculous

kbrown2 said...

If you want to be a parent, you should know/have the money to be able to do it. It should be natural not something the government needs to PAY you to do.

JBrown4 said...

no i dont think you should get paid to be a parent. They are the ones that choice to have kids and they should think about how much they cost before. it would just be another program draining the economy and we have enough of those

klovelace2 said...

I think this is completely ridiculous that we even have to go this far to get parents to actually be parents. Parents should not get paid to do their job. The only incentive parent should need is the fact that their children will have brighter futures if they actually succeed in school. If people think they're responsible enough to actually have children, then they should also be responsible enough to do their job as a parent and make sure their children succeed.

Looney2 :) said...

I don't think parent should be paid for being better parents. They're the ones who decided to have kids so therefore they should automatically be good parents. It's there responsibility.

Anonymous said...

if your going to have kids you should plan on being a good mom or dad. not lets have kids so i could get paid. but if your just naturally a bad parent then maybe its not that bad of an idea to pay them, or if you want to become more involved plus having a low income. it has its pros and cons

m.hardin4 :) said...

I think this is ridiculous. This is possibly one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard actually. There is no reason that these people should be paid to do what is already expected of them as responsible adults.

briebrown4 said...

i dont think that parents should get paid, mostly because they don't plan on being parents and its not fair for them to get that if its not what they wanted. being a parent must be hard but i doesn't need to be a job. plus it might even make the child think that the only reason their parents take care of them is because they are getting paid.

sFening4 said...

I do not agree that parents should receive incentives to be better parents. The child is the parents responsibility and the parents should already do all they possibly they can to give their child the best education possible. It is the responsibility of every parent to care for their child the best they can.

sFening4 said...

No, I don't think that parents should be paid for being better parents. They made the decision of having the child and they knew the consequences. The only "incentive" the parents should have is wanting to see their child better themselves.