Tuesday, May 1, 2012


This article is due May 4th

Read this article about paying off student loans.  What were some issues people faced?  What are your concerns after reading this article?   


Destiny Hammitt said...

Student loans seem hard to pay off because people get such big loans and don't pay them off in a good amount of time, so the interest rises and keeps adding money to the amount owed. People also decide to get a loan to pay off a loan and that doesn't seem smart at all it is just more to pay again. I believe that loans should be small amount of money at a time not huge amounts. That way it is easier to pay off. I do not like student loans.

Krista House said...

Student loans are a huge part of why alot of people are in bad debt. I'm wanting to go to college for a while so I will have a lot to pay off, I'm really worried about it and I hope to get them paid off so I'm not spending the rest of my life paying off student loans.

Whitley Beachler said...

Student loans are hard to pay off because of the interest that starts to pile up as they're still in school and thus, usually not working. I am worried about paying off student loans, but as I'm not going to college for a while, I'm hoping to not have any loans.

Aidan2 said...

An issue many people face is taking out too big of a loan that they will bot be financially able to take care of and not realizing how it will affect them in the future. I hope that I learn how to work with and organize my money. I hope I'm smart with what I do and make sure I don't end up in a bad situation.

fotistperiod1 said...

Not paying student loans are a big issue many people face. Especially if that person takes out a huge loan that they will not be able to pay off. I will try to avoid taking to high of a loan or not have any loans in the future.

Brandon Rodriguez Per. 1 said...

many people take out too big of a loan and dont pay them off so they get stuff with higher interest rates and more money to pay. im concerned on how i might be able to go to college now because student loans make it seen like i wont be able to pay it back and id be stuck in the situation as those people.

akalickji2 said...

Student loans are a huge issue that many adults face. The bigger the loan you take out, the longer it will take you to pay it back. It is a better idea to look for grants and scholarships versus too many loans that you will need to pay back. I hope that I can manage my money well and no be in debt due to student loans for the rest of my life.

Vada Edwards said...

The lady in this article has to put everything on hold because of her getting a loan for college. Her husband and her are working extremely long hours each week, almost double a normal working schedule of an average worker. They even up having kids and their marriage on hold because they think that they cannot support the children and handle having a wedding right now. It's kind of sad that they have to do this, but I'm guessing that a lot more people are going through this exact same problem in America. I'm nervous about financial help as well; the whole borrowing money thing seems alright at the time, but in the long run, not so much. This is very confusing.

ebonyhoward13 said...

A concern in this article was that student take out too big of a loan & not able to pay all of it back after college. I hope that in the future I am able to organize and be able to save money so that if I need to pay back student loans I will have it avalible for me.

Alisha Ferguson said...

some issues that people faced were one girl had a 900 dollar a month loan payment which was 60 percent of her paycheck.Because of this, her and her fiance cannot buy a house or visit family in Ohio as much as they would like to. they also have to put off plans of getting married due to how big their loan payment is. My concerns after reading this article is that many more people will take out these big loans and then they wont be able to afford anything because they have big payments each month because of these loans.

Matt Current P1 said...

I am going to try and get as much money for scholarships that can so I don't have to take out too many student loans and I won't have to worry about being in debt out of college. If I do have debt, I will hopefully not have much at all.

Kyle Pheanis said...

Some issues were. Student loans can get out of hand very fast. There one reason why students get in bad dept.I think I will do smaller loans so i dont bite off more then i can chew.

MadisonW1 said...

A lot of people have to put things aside in order to pay off student loans, some people in the article had to postpone getting married and starting a family. I'm worried about what my loans are going to be and what I may have to sacrifice in order to pay back those loans.

Tiffani Smallwood said...

Some issues that I noticed were that many student loans can get out of hand. Also many students weddings and starting a family because the loan debt would be so high. My concerns after reading this article are that I am going to be very careful of how much money in loans I borrow, if I even take out a loan. I will also be applying for as many scholarships as I can so I won't have to worry much about paying off loans.

jgroves2 said...

This article honestly sounds like the opening plot to the movie Idiocracy, which if you have ever seen that movie is a little worrying. Issues people faced was debt due to private student loans. They can't afford to move up in their lives because they are stuck working extremely hard to get out of this debt. They can't get a house or a new car or even have kids. My concern is that I will be faced with this challenge very soon. I have already accepted my financial aid from Ohio State University and it makes me want to research and plan an appointment with a financial adviser at OSU to make sure I'm not hurting my future self.

SHowarth per.2 said...

Student loans are hard to pay off and put people in debt giving them a bad credit score. It worries me because it might put me in debt when im older

JacobRiceperiod1 said...

Student loans seem like a really big thing. My family has been asking our bank about student loans and they said that they don't give out student loans anymore. I don't even know if I'll be able to go to college it really worries me. Even if I could go to college it would put me in debt which would gain a massive amount of interest. My biggest fear is all of the debt i'll be in.

Sierra Kelly - Period 1 said...

Student loans seem extremely hard to pay off. Many adults face this problem in today's society. I'm not really worried about loans right now, because I think that I'm wanting to go into the army or military or something and they will pay off my college. But if I do not go that route then I'm going to be worried about paying off my loans. But I will most likely get a savings account that way I won't have to worry about my loans in the long-run.

JDailey 2 said...

Student loans can ruin a person financially. They take decades to pay off and just aren't worth the money. I mean why get student loans if you can go after grants and scholarships. I probably won't have to worry about this problem because I hope to join the army as a doctor. If I do so the army will completely pay off all schooling debt that I have, which is amazing.

jacob globke p1 said...

I feel like student loans are a bad idea. They help pay for college, then leave the student in debt for a long time after college. I want to get as many scholarships as possible to avoid student loans :)

jacob globke p1 said...

I feel like student loans are a bad idea. They help pay for college, then leave the student in debt for a long time after college. I want to get as many scholarships as possible to avoid student loans :)

bhickman1 said...

After reading this article the biggest concern I have is loans. People take out large loans that they are unable to pay off in time and the interest rates continue grow and in the end you can end up paying tons more then the initial amount was. This scares me because when I am ready to get married or anything else I don't want to be held back because of the loans I took out earlier in life. I am really going to look at as many other options I can for paying for school before I take out such huge student loans because I do not want to be working towards paying those off forever .

CaseyMays08 said...

I feel that student loans are not a good idea. People think they are able to pay off these loans, but they are too large for them to pay them off. It could possibly take w decade to pay a loan off.

P. Stephan said...

Student loans might be a pain to pay off, but without them anyone trying to go to college would be basically shooting their credit score. So i am going to have a good chunk of loans but I'm just happy that they give me a way to afford school even though they might be a little hassle

Anonymous said...

Of course people are going to have trouble paying off loans. They are massive. However without them there would be no way to pay for college. My concerns are that I want be able to do what I want for a while after college.

Joe Lietz said...

I feel like student loans are a bad idea.They help pay for college but leave you in debt for a long time after you graduate from college. My plan is to get as many scholarships as possible to avoid student debt.

mchristianson said...

I do feel like student loans are a good idea but my biggest concern just like everyone else's is that it builds up & once you get out of college you are overwhelmed in debt

baileyjohnston2 said...

Student loans are a big issue because people take out too big of a loan and they won't be able to take care of it financially. I hope I will have a good job that will help me pay the loans off quickly.

JaneLakes said...

A concern in this article was that student take out too big of a loan & not able to pay all of it back after college. I hope that in the future I am able to organize and be able to save money so that if I need to pay back student loans I will have it avalible for me.

TerryLovelace2 said...

Student loans are hard to pay off because of the interest that starts to pile up as they're still in school and theyre usually not working. I am worried about paying off student loans, but i hope to get a good paying job to pay it all off.

TerryLovelace2 said...

Student loans are hard to pay off because of the interest that starts to pile up as they're still in school and theyre usually not working. I am worried about paying off student loans, but i hope to get a good paying job to pay it all off.

macyfaulkner1 said...

In my opinion student loans are a good idea. The downfall of receiving student loans is paying them back in the future. After so many years the interest piles up.

macyfaulkner1 said...


I think student loans are a good idea giving young adults a chance at life. paying them off is a long hard road but for most people have to go down that road.

Jason Gibbs Period 1 said...

student loans are a very big deal and is the reason why most people have bad credit and are in debt. i dont barrow money from anyone and i dont feel comfortable using a student loan and or a credit card. theres no way i could spend it unless i had the money in my pocket

A. Wright Per 1 said...

I feel like college students really appreciate student loanswhile in colllege, but regret them after school is over because they have to pay so much. for instance, my brother will be paying student loans for a long time even with scholarships. but my sister would never have to pay for school, because she is in the military. i dont ever want to have student loans.

Candace Lamb said...

Student loans can help at first but when your out you end up with alot of stress because u have to pay ALL of those loans back.

Haley Kroger period 1 said...

Student loans help numerous students attend college every year. The only problem is they can be very hard to pay off. Many students have a lot of money to pay back, but don't have the money and can't pay off their loans. If you do get a loan you have to be very wise and careful with your money.

Cameron Everage prd1 said...

Student loans are so dificult to pay off due to their size, and the immaturity of the applicants. These makes me fear my upcomming loans, but because of my knowledge of money and outside help i have no fear of paying mine off.

Cameron Everage prd1 said...
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