Monday, February 13, 2012

Cost of Valentine's Day

Read this article about Valentines Day.  Is this a holiday that you celebrate? Will you be spending money this year?  If so, what is your projection of how much you will be spending? How do you feel about this holiday?

This article is due February 17th

You must do ONE for this week.  You can either choose this article or the one below.


Whitley Beachler said...

I usually don't celebrate this holiday as it's not really a holiday. I did spend $26 dollars this year though. I think it's an idiotic holiday. Simply because you shouldn't need a holiday to spend money on the one that you're with. And thousands of dollars are wasted each year on foolish holidays like this one.

BrittanyButler1 said...

I celebrate this holiday mostly. Its a nice fun break from stress. I spent around $10, so not too overboard. I think its a nice time for families,couples, friends, or anyone really just to remind someone that they care about them and are thinking of them. And really you don't have to spend anything on anyone just make them something.

Kyle Pheanis said...

I only celebrate this holiday when I'm dating someone before hand. I spent no money this year but in past years i usually spend mostly $20. I think that its a holiday but people shouldn't make that big a deal of it. You should want to give your better half something anyway regardless of the day. America markets this so that thousands of dollars are spent on candy and chocolates.

TerryLovelace2 said...

I usually do celebrate this holiday as long as im with somebody. This year i will probably spend 20-30 dollars, but i dont think people should buy their significant other stuff just because its valentines day. This holiday is not a huge deal to me, but i still do celebrate it.

Anonymous said...

This year I spent around 20-30$ of Valentines Day things. I think the holiday is made up just so the stores can get our money. The prices of flowers go way up around Valentines Day and i feel like that proves that the stores just want our money on Valentines Day. Even though I think this I still buy things for Valentines Day.

SHowarth per.2 said...

I normally celebrate this holiday, and I spent 15$ this year so far. I think its an odd holiday because it was based on the day that saint Valentine was killed, and we celebrate love n this day.

akalickji2 said...

I tend to celebrate this holiday every year just because I love the feeling of love and happiness in the air. Granted, I wouldn't rank this holiday as important as Christmas or anything, but I think that it is important to set aside a special day to really show your love and appreciation for everyone. I normally don't spend a whole lot on Valentine's Day, maybe about $20. I like to celebrate this holiday regardless of my relationship status.

JDailey 2 said...

I never really put much thought into this holiday until about two years ago since it is mostly a day for dating teens and married adults. This was the first year that I spent money on Valentine's Day and it about $15.00 to $20.00. I really think this holiday is important to couples, because it helps them reevaluate teir relationship, but at the same time it can really put single people in a bad mood.

Anonymous said...

I do not celebrate this holiday. I think it is a waste of money and a holiday that corporations promote to make profit. It's a very dramatic day where teens think they are in love.

Krista House said...

I do not celebrate Valentine's day because I feel it is a made up holiday just so companies can do better on sales of cards, candy and teddy bears. I think that Valentine's day is all commercial and if you are in such financial hardship, don't waste your money on this holiday that doesn't mean anything. I spent three dollars this year on Valentine's day because I bought my son an I heart mom T-shirt. That is about as much celebrating that I would do, I wouldn't waste my money on this pointless holiday.

Anonymous said...

This year is the first year i've actually spent my own money to get a gift for someone and i spent a lot more money then i thought. Now i feel sorry for my parents for buying me stuff every year for such a non-important holiday. I never really liked valentines day, it's great to tell the people you love that you love them but buying them $20 box of chocolates is just crazy! Plus you should tell and show the people you love them each and every day not just on a made up holiday. Anyways, I usually make some of my family members a card, because thats usually more special then a bought card. Next year, i'm not gonna spend as much as i did this year, i've learned better and start doing home made cards and items.

bhickman1 said...

I normally do celebrate this holiday mainly because i think its adorable to see all the couples enjoy a day together. I only have to spend money if im in a relationship although. I normally spend anywhere from 10-20 dollars on a little something. I dont think people should go to such extremes though, you shouldnt have to spend hundreds of dollars to tell someone you love them. Todays society makes it seem unacceptable if you do not have someone to spend money on for Valentines day.

Destiny Hammitt said...

I have always celebrated this holiday. Although, I do not consider this to be a real holiday. I always have celebrated with my family but for the past 3 years I have also celebrated this so called holiday with my boyfriend. I didn't spend a whole lot this year only because I am planning to do something big for him this weekend. I believe this is a fun holiday to celebrate with or without a boyfriend/girlfriend.

Haley Kroger period 1 said...

I don't really celebrate Valentines day. I think the only time I've bought something for somebody on Valentine's Day was when I was little. I probably only spent at most $10. This year I spent nothing. I don't think it's a true holiday, I believe it is a made up hallmark holiday just to bring in money.

mchristianson said...

This is a holiday I usually celebrate, I usually buy like my close friends & my mom a Valentine but I don't spend that much money. I probably only spent around $20 total this year. If I'm with someone or go out, the guy can pay for it. I feel like it's a good holiday but people get caught up in spending money. I had many guys tell me they spent$50+ on their girlfriends and i think that's kinda ridiculous, I think it's more of the thought that counts than the money spent.

Anonymous said...

I celebrate it, but not till 2days after; this way I get all the clearance chocolate- 50% off. I spent around $20 for heart-box chocolates for me and my friends. I like this holiday because I get to show people how much I care about them, and while they might be sad on the real date, 2days later I get to brighten there wek with lots of chocolate. (:

Sierra Kelly - Period 1 said...

I usually don't celebrate Valentine's Day because I have never really had a "valentine". But I did this year, so I celebrated it. I only spent a little over twelve dollars, though. I went to the Dollar Tree in Miamisburg and bought poster paper, candy, coloring books, markers, crayons, stickers, and construction paper. I got lucky because my grammy gave me a lot of stickers and bags and tissue paper. I believe that Valentine's Day is just a good time to show someone that you care about them. But I also think that it is a little overrated. I believe that if you truly care about your boyfriend or girlfriend or whoever you spend your time with on Valentine's Day, then you should buy them flowers or make them something on any random day, too. It's more meaningful to do something for someone on a day they don't feel good or something than on a day that the world makes you believe that you have to care for someone. But, I still celebrated it this year because it's just fun and makes others feel important.

Tiffani Smallwood said...

I do celebrate this holiday because I feel like it is so sweet. I don't spend much on Valentine's Day though because my Valentine feels and believes that this is a holiday more for girls than guys. I do get things for my mother and step-dad though. I don't think that this holiday is that big of a deal but I still celebrate it because it is a cute holiday.

Joe Lietz said...

I do not celebrate Valentines day because its just made up just so card and candy companies can make money. This year I spent $0.00 on Valentines day because i think its just a waste of money. I think this holiday is a scam.

ebonyhoward13 said...

I don't celebrate Valentines Day in a huge way, but I do wear pink and red just for the festivity. I will not be spending any money because I didn't have a Valentine. I think this holiday is very overrated and girls more than guys take the meaning away because they think because it is Valentines Day they have to get a gift. I don't like this holiday that much.

kristen larson said...

i think if your in a relationship this holiday is nice to celebrate, but its not worth getting upset about if you don't. i spent around $20 this year on valentines day. i do think stores raise their prices on cards, flowers, candy, and things like that around valentines day but i feel they do that on any other holiday too.

Jason Gibbs Period 1 said...

U celebrate this holiday when I'm with someine because its a reason to make another day special. But I don't think that this holiday is that big of a deal ....its a hallmark holiday

JacobRiceperiod1 said...

Normally I don't celebrate Valentine's Day but this year I did. I spent about 18 dollars this year. The holiday isn't really that great except for people whom do not have a significant other. It's a Hallmark Holiday so it's basically for the store to gain in wealth.

Katy Faulkner said...

I don't really celebrate Valentine's day. It's my mom's birthday too, so we usually combine the two together but that's about it. It's a cute holiday, but it's overcommercialized. You shouldn't have to spend a lot of money on someone to show that you love them.

CaseyMays08 said...

I dont necessarily celebrate this holiday unless I have a Valentine. This year I didnt spend over $40. I feel like this holiday is made up because it gives the stores an excuse to get more money from you. I feel like there shouldnt be one day in the year like a "holiday" just to let someone know that you love or care about them.

Ravensimmonspd1 said...

I enjoy Valentine's day. I think it is a really sweet holiday, but spending a lot of money on it is going way overboard. It's just a holiday; it's not that big of a deal.

baileyjohnston2 said...

I don't think valentine's day is that big of a deal. I would never spend a lot of money on it. I think if you are going to celebrate valentine's day a really simple gift would suffice. People take this holiday so seriously though.

Alisha Ferguson said...

i dont really celebrate valentines day. i might buy osdmething little for some of the poeople im really close to but ive never really spent over 20 dollars on calentines stuff. its prertty much just a way for businesses to make more money because they raise prces on chocolates and other things.

Stone2 said...

Valentines is a very controversial topic. I believe people that don't have vbalentines or don't have a special person says they do not like this Holliday. On the other hand the people that do are gun-ho for it. I think it's a great Holliday and if people show hatred to you then so be it. It's not like you are trying to be there valentine. Like my mom says " haters gon' hate and potatoes are gonna potate".

Aidan2 said...

I love Valentine's day, just for the cuteness. For me though it's the little things that count. But, in reality you really don't need to spend anything unless your in a relationship. But, depending on the relationship, you might not even buy anything at all. This year I didn't buy anything. I'm a crafty person, so I usually just make something, instead of buying something. I think it means more. If I do spend money it wouldn't be more then $20. It really isn't that important of a holiday but it's something fun to look forward to.

Brandon Rodriguez Per. 1 said...

i kind of celebrate vanentines day, and i did spend money this year but, it was less than ten dollars. i feel like this is a very unneeded holiday if you can even call it one

P. Stephan said...

I celebrate this holiday every year. I don't do much for it though, the most I have spent is $20. Valentines day is't just about gifts though, the main idea is to just be nice to everyone and have a good day trying to make as many people as happy as possible.

brian johnson said...

i have been with the same girl for 16 months so we did buy eachother stuff but we didnt spend more than i think 20$ so its still reasonable

fotistperiod1 said...

I usually don't celebrate this holiday. I believe that this holiday is not a very important holiday to celebrate and does not have much purpose to it but i really don't care for it much

A. Wright Per 1 said...

I never celebrate this holiday. i think it is just a made up holiday that Hallmark is trying to make more money off of, and it works. Honestly, if youre with someone then you should spoil them all year, not just on February 14th. i seriously dont think ive ever spent money on this holiday, and nor do my parents.

Cameron Everage prd1 said...

I celebrate Valentine's Day almost every year. i will usually spend around $20 or so. I feel that this holiday is a nice day to show somebody what they mean to you. Although sometimes I feel that some people take advantage of this holiday as the one day they "have to be nice", I still enjoy the holiday and enjoy celebrating it.

Cameron Everage prd1 said...

I celebrate Valentine's Day almost every year. i will usually spend around $20 or so. I feel that this holiday is a nice day to show somebody what they mean to you. Although sometimes I feel that some people take advantage of this holiday as the one day they "have to be nice", I still enjoy the holiday and enjoy celebrating it.