Monday, March 7, 2011

Is The US Heading Into A Double Dip Recession?

This is NOT an article, but something you should read so we can discuss in class.   Topic: what is a double dip recession?  


Awilliams2 said...

Gas has risen 15 cents higher in a week and to a total of $3.50 per gallon. I think this is ridiculous and that our country needs to find something else to use besides oil. We need to be creative and produce something that will be useful without having to use oil. Companies like Mcdonalds and technology businesses are going to be hurting and raising their prices on items. It takes money and oil to ship things over seas. I see another recession coming without a doubt if something isn't done about our use of oil.

D.x.Hall2 said...

I think a douuble dip recession is entirely possible. With the extreme rise in gas prices, effects have taken part in literally every goods and service company. They now have to pay more money to ship their items forcing them to raise their own prices of what they provide. Leading to some consumers disloyalty and perhaps switching companies. It's one big chain reaction that can be easily set off.

Anonymous said...

I think it is total possible for the U.S to go into a double dip recession. The way it is looking it most likely will happen the way gas prices are going up and food prices suppose to be going up. Gas is up to 3.50 a gallon bout 38 more cents than last month and increased 15 cents in one week! Thats insane if the U.S don't do something and find other methods soon our economy will crumble.

JBrown4 said...

i think it will happen because just look at or gas prices! there like 3.60 a gallon which is crazy. we dont have that kind of money to just go to or gas tank. its probally going to happen

Looney2 :) said...

i think that the US is headed for double dip b/c of the nations around us and cause of the economy. Every nation around us are having problems which will effect us even in the smalllest way. Egypt and Japan. And the states are even having problems like Wisconsin. It's just a matter of time before we hit another recession. And gas is high as ever.

BrandenP4 said...

we will go into a double dip recession because the economy is still failing and the government has not came up with a plan to get away from debt