This class is about you and your future. This blog will allow you to think about topics and how they relate to you. This site is for you to read, think, write and discuss your opinions and thoughts
Mrs Lisa Rowland:
My Understanding of the article was very point blank, people are getting aid from the government for food more, and more. In a way i kind of side with the stand point that stands as i believe people do need help but as always, you always have people who take advantage so in a way its a sour idea. But there is no excuse for a child to go hungry so i do kind of agree with more families getting more help especially with the recession.
Government aid is increasing significantly. There will be people who take advantage of the system but yet there are many others who need it. Adults need to learn how to manage money. People need budget classes.
I think it is great that many people are able to get government aid during hard times but there are and always be people lying to take advantage of food stamps.I just hope sooner than later they will realize that it is extremely wrong and grow up.
People need help, this is true. But sometimes i think they lean on it too much. its become a crutch for the lazy and with the government constantly giving out money more and more its just going to hurt this failing or rising economy even more.
the people that need government assistance is not a bad thing. if you need it you need it. no one can help that. but people that take advantage of this program are suckers! losers! there is a reason that you dont qualify for this program you make enough money to buy food your self. and if you dont think so or you dont have it that mean your doing something not needed with your money!
Hawaii is a great state to live in to get food stamps. if you make an income of 50,000 dollars then you are still qualified. That income is very high for the government to be assisting. People need to start doing their part and not just rely on the government. People can plant their own gardens for food.
Some people really do need the help of government aid, but many people do not and they are still getting the help. People are taking advantage of the government.
Increasing government aid is a positive thing for people. There are many people out there in the world that are suffering and could really use the aid but hen there are people that would just take advantage of it.Hopefully things will get better so then we wont have many people needing aid and the government can lower it.
Of course there will be people who will abuse the system as there always are and get food stamps just to make their life easier and allow them to get the more luxurious life styles, but oh well thats human nature. On the other hand, the people who need it and are now getting the help they need to make ends meet with their family and lives are doing wonderful because of this increase in government spending to make sure everyone has a good healthy 3 meals a day, and its about time that people do this for others, no one deserves to go with out.
I think it is a good thing that there is so much government aid and it is really good for the people that need it but there are still those many people out there that lie and take advantage of all the systems.
I think people take advantage of what the Government is giving them.. Maybe the Government needs to stop being so gracious and get them a specific amount and leave it set at that without changing it.
I think its good that there are government has financial aid programs, but too many people take advantage of it. A lot of people definately need it, but so many people pretend that they need it, and its not fair. If they can support themselves, they don't need things like welfare or food stamps.
Hawaii is a great state to live in to get food stamps. if you make an income of 50,000 dollars then you are. I think it is ridiculous that people are taking so much aid.
The government is increasing the number of citizens eligible for food stamps at a rapid pace. I believe that like anything, this has its positives and negatives. I feel that if you are truly too poor to buy food to live on that you should have help so you and your family can survive. At the same time though its different if you are poor just because you aren't working or trying to get a job to support your family and you are just relying on the governments money (aka the American peoples money) to make their way through life. I hope that people that are using this program are actually hardworking people who are just having a hard time making ends meet and not someone who is lazy and just waiting for someone else to pay the bills.
Government Aid Is Increasing A Lot. Some People Actually Need It Because We're In Such Economic Turmoil. But At The Same Time I Think Its Unfair To The People That Work And Use All Their Money For Food. Some People Just Take Advantage Of Things Like That. I Understand Some People Really Need It. But It Should Only Be Given To People That Honestly Need It.
many americans need the this system to support their families and many others need to take advantage of it while they can if they are not already. This is critical to in a recession.
I think it is a brilliant idea for helping people. These hungry people can finally get the food they need. The other thing is people wont abuse this like other things. This is just food so it cant be that bad. I believe a lot of people will now not be struggling as much, becaue of this good program.
1 of 8 Americans are now on food stamps! I think this is outrageous. The government can't afford to feed people who can probably feed themselves. The program should not give away money to people who don't nessiarily need it. It's a great political stratigy but not a good economical one, for the government, and for us in the future.
That is seriously rediculous that so many people are on food stamps now. People have always abused the system, thats nothing new, but now with a 70% increase in users, I'm sure the abuser percentage is a lot higher too...
I think its great that more people are getting help from the governemt, but I feel that a lot of people lie and chaet to get benefits from them. I also feel that sometimes the government helps too much, i understand that there are some very unfortunate people... ut if we keep paying for them instead of fixing our deficit then we're all going to be very unfortunate!
Seeing as though our wonderful president has raised our taxes to fund his "wonderful" programs, it doesn't surprise me that more people are having to rely on the very system hat is using them to stay alive. Its the most disgusting form of manipulative control possible.
"Here, we'll raise your taxes for a program that may not even work, but we'll graciously give you food so you dont starve." Yea, real generous there Obama,thanks...what a creep.
Government financial aid should only be for those who genuinely need it. Unfortunately, the lazy are always smart enough to find a way around it...go ahead, have 4 or 5 kids, and dont bother getting a job, the government will take care of you! Or, you can spend all your money on phones and televisions and technology and cars and big houses, then claim you dont have any money. Thats how a lot of it is taken too. People who make plenty of money making horrible fiscal choices, and are encouraged to continue to do so through federal aid...if the feds really wanted to "aid" people, take the help away and force them to succeed. Or else, let social Darwinism take over!
The government is too big on the political aspect of government rather than being economical. Yes it's a good idea to aid those people struggling to make ends meet. It gives them a shoulder to lean on while they improve their monetary situation. However, there are some people who tend to use the government and have no plans on helping their situation. I believe the government should be a little more thrifty on how they spend the governments money.
I find it interesting that more families are able to get financial aid from the government with a substantial amount of income coming from their careers.
As someone who is to say an expert on being poor, I know foodstamps are necessary to the survival of so many working families and to the one in ten americans who are already unemployed
The article is about more and more people getting goverment aid. Even through I agree with people who needs help to get aid I think that most people take advantage of it. When I walk around the high school, I see kids who are on aid wearing $200+ shoes that could have been used in more productive ways. I think that if you get aid you should have to take a finance class and be helped to get a job.
I agree with helping out the families that need it, but I also think that some use it for the wrong reasons, or use it as a crutch. If they are going to give out more help then maybe the qualifications should be stricter, or the families should be checked on more often, to make sure they are using the food stamps correctly and not abusing what they are given.
The government providing financial aid those who need the assistance is one thing, but people being lazy and taking advantage of this is just sad. It's unbelievable that we have gotten so lazy and the really sad part is that people are completely fine with living this way. Do they have no shame!?
I hate how everyone thinks that everything in life should be handed to them, I believe that no one should be given free anything cause its just not what life should be.
personally i dont really think foodsamps and food aid are so long as your family really needs it then y not? if it will make sure your family will have food for a month then y not?
1 of 8 Americans are now on food stamps! I think this is outrageous. The government can't afford to feed people who can probably feed themselves. The program should not give away money to people who don't nessiarily need it. It's a great political stratigy but not a good economical one, for the government, and for us in the future.
i believe that government aid for low income familes is a good thing but people do abuse it o believe that people who make 50,000 dollars a year should not be able to get food stamps.
Getting aid from the government for food can be both a good and a bad thing. Many people are taking advantage of the government aid, and not really understanding the point in having aid like this. But yet, there are very many people out there in the United States that really need this government aid. Some people live off of the government food aid. Maybe if people would learn how to manage their money better, we wouldn't need as much government aid.
I do believe that people abuse the system but I don't think the abuse is as out of hand as everyone thinks. Even people who make a decent income have bills to pay and are barely scraping up change to feed their families. Also when I used to work in a grocery store the people who had food stamps and WIC were never people who seemed like they were extremely well off. The economy right now as everyone knows is not the best so of course more people are going to be getting aid.
this article is about how the government is giving more money to people that i believe should just go get a job. but then again the kids did not really ask to have such disabled parents there for i guess the government aid does help out
Its honestly quite sad that the government will hand out everything free to the lazy Americans who dont want to work an hour in their life. Now to some, like in this article, acceptions can be made. The "system" is at fault and needs to be fixed so that the hard workers of this country are not paying their tax dollars for those who just want everything handed to them.
Hawaii is a great state to live in to get food stamps. if you make an income of 50,000 dollars then you are still qualified. That income is very high for the government to be assisting. People need to start doing their part and not just rely on the government. People can plant their own gardens for food.
I think that it's sad the greatly increasing amount of people that need government help for food. I know a lot of people truly do need assistance and that's okay, they apply for it and they should get it. The people that apply for it because they've spent their money poorly on something else and just want the easy way out to get "free help" that's uncalled for. I don't have a problem when I'm helping someone out, but I don't want to pay for others who are lazy and just don't want to do anything with their life. It's called quit being lazy and get a job.
There will always be the people who take advantage of the programs that give you free anything. If you can get and don't have to work for it, that's great to them. But the people who actually need it should get it. Not the people who are too lazy to do something with their lives.
Having the government give aid to it's citizens, although it sounds honorable, sounds like socialism to me. Of course they're are those people who can't afford to live for themselves, but there's a fine line between them and the people who can't actually fend for themselves but are too lazy to.
I think the food stamps are a wonderful thing. A lot of people need them. It is true some people take advantage of them, but that is true with almost everything. If the govt stoped the food stamps because of some people taking advantage of it, then a lot of people could go hungry. They shouldnt have to suffer because of the irrisponsible choices others made.
I belive that gov aid for food is a good service for those ho need it but when people take advantage of the system that is a problem and not fair to those who need it. Cmon people cut the greed!
In 38 states they have loosened eligibility standards to make it easier for families who dont make enough money. I like how the governments are see that their are families who can't feed their kids because the parents don't bring enough money home. Make food stamps easier to get makes their lives so much happier, now that they can feed thier kids three meals a day. But also some people might take advantage of this. So this could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you look at it.
It seems to me that there are some people who really need this system, but there are some people who take advantage of the system. I would be embarrassed to be one of the people taking advantage of the system because they are too lazy to go earn it themselves. I feel for the people who really need this system even though i've never been faced with this problem.
i think that people getting goverment assistance is fine, you gotta do what you gotta do to support your family. but i know this will be taken advantage of. i know that it's hard times, but i hope the aid goes to those who need it the most.
I think it's always good to have programs such as these to help people who are less fortunate. But I also think that some people take advantage of these programs. (I.e people getting food stamps every month and them having the assumption of not having to work at all). That's when I have a problem with it. I think you should first work hard and try to help support yourself or your family. I think financial aid should be used as a last resort after trying everything else to help support and still struggling.
I think government aid is really good. It can really change lives. However, people are taking advantage of it. If someone really need it to feed their family, that's fine. But if people are taking advantage of it, it can take a toll on the government.
I believe its a good thong we have programs to help people that are less fortunate. But I also believe they should be regulated. The article said that the states only have to pay half of the money they put out for these programs, and the government pays the other half. So if the states increase funding they're not the only ones who have to put money out there. Thus pushing our national debt up.
People are getting aid from the government. They are getting money for food and more. There are many people who need this but a lot of people who are taking advantage of it. The people taking advantage of this are in the wring. It's not right for them because those who truely need the help aren't getting all the help they could.
This article is about the government helping people in need out. The government provides money for food and other needs.I think that everyone has been given an oppurtunity to not need government help. Some people lose jobs and then the government supports them for a while till they are back onn their feet.
Government aid is increasing significantly. but i mean there are and always be people lying to take advantage of food stamps.but there are also the people that work their butts off and still need the help here and there. especially during a recession. and its a good thing that the government is willing to help people out in a time of need.
People are starting to get more and more government aid. This is because more and more people are starting to be out of work. I do think that people need government aid but peopel also abuse the privilege. But for the families that really need I am very glad that is is offered to them.
People continue to get help from the government and it will always be like this. Not everyone can make ends meat and for the families that are working and at least trying to support they're families do deserve the help.
My Understanding of the article was very point blank, people are getting aid from the government for food more, and more. In a way i kind of side with the stand point that stands as i believe people do need help but as always, you always have people who take advantage so in a way its a sour idea. But there is no excuse for a child to go hungry so i do kind of agree with more families getting more help especially with the recession.
Government aid is increasing significantly. There will be people who take advantage of the system but yet there are many others who need it. Adults need to learn how to manage money. People need budget classes.
I think it is great that many people are able to get government aid during hard times but there are and always be people lying to take advantage of food stamps.I just hope sooner than later they will realize that it is extremely wrong and grow up.
People need help, this is true. But sometimes i think they lean on it too much. its become a crutch for the lazy and with the government constantly giving out money more and more its just going to hurt this failing or rising economy even more.
the people that need government assistance is not a bad thing. if you need it you need it. no one can help that. but people that take advantage of this program are suckers! losers! there is a reason that you dont qualify for this program you make enough money to buy food your self. and if you dont think so or you dont have it that mean your doing something not needed with your money!
Hawaii is a great state to live in to get food stamps. if you make an income of 50,000 dollars then you are still qualified. That income is very high for the government to be assisting. People need to start doing their part and not just rely on the government. People can plant their own gardens for food.
Some people really do need the help of government aid, but many people do not and they are still getting the help. People are taking advantage of the government.
Increasing government aid is a positive thing for people. There are many people out there in the world that are suffering and could really use the aid but hen there are people that would just take advantage of it.Hopefully things will get better so then we wont have many people needing aid and the government can lower it.
Of course there will be people who will abuse the system as there always are and get food stamps just to make their life easier and allow them to get the more luxurious life styles, but oh well thats human nature. On the other hand, the people who need it and are now getting the help they need to make ends meet with their family and lives are doing wonderful because of this increase in government spending to make sure everyone has a good healthy 3 meals a day, and its about time that people do this for others, no one deserves to go with out.
I think it is a good thing that there is so much government aid and it is really good for the people that need it but there are still those many people out there that lie and take advantage of all the systems.
I think people take advantage of what the Government is giving them.. Maybe the Government needs to stop being so gracious and get them a specific amount and leave it set at that without changing it.
I think its good that there are government has financial aid programs, but too many people take advantage of it. A lot of people definately need it, but so many people pretend that they need it, and its not fair. If they can support themselves, they don't need things like welfare or food stamps.
Hawaii is a great state to live in to get food stamps. if you make an income of 50,000 dollars then you are. I think it is ridiculous that people are taking so much aid.
The government is increasing the number of citizens eligible for food stamps at a rapid pace. I believe that like anything, this has its positives and negatives. I feel that if you are truly too poor to buy food to live on that you should have help so you and your family can survive. At the same time though its different if you are poor just because you aren't working or trying to get a job to support your family and you are just relying on the governments money (aka the American peoples money) to make their way through life. I hope that people that are using this program are actually hardworking people who are just having a hard time making ends meet and not someone who is lazy and just waiting for someone else to pay the bills.
Government Aid Is Increasing A Lot. Some People Actually Need It Because We're In Such Economic Turmoil. But At The Same Time I Think Its Unfair To The People That Work And Use All Their Money For Food. Some People Just Take Advantage Of Things Like That. I Understand Some People Really Need It. But It Should Only Be Given To People That Honestly Need It.
many americans need the this system to support their families and many others need to take advantage of it while they can if they are not already. This is critical to in a recession.
I think it is a brilliant idea for helping people. These hungry people can finally get the food they need. The other thing is people wont abuse this like other things. This is just food so it cant be that bad. I believe a lot of people will now not be struggling as much, becaue of this good program.
1 of 8 Americans are now on food stamps! I think this is outrageous. The government can't afford to feed people who can probably feed themselves. The program should not give away money to people who don't nessiarily need it. It's a great political stratigy but not a good economical one, for the government, and for us in the future.
That is seriously rediculous that so many people are on food stamps now. People have always abused the system, thats nothing new, but now with a 70% increase in users, I'm sure the abuser percentage is a lot higher too...
I think its great that more people are getting help from the governemt, but I feel that a lot of people lie and chaet to get benefits from them. I also feel that sometimes the government helps too much, i understand that there are some very unfortunate people... ut if we keep paying for them instead of fixing our deficit then we're all going to be very unfortunate!
Seeing as though our wonderful president has raised our taxes to fund his "wonderful" programs, it doesn't surprise me that more people are having to rely on the very system hat is using them to stay alive. Its the most disgusting form of manipulative control possible.
"Here, we'll raise your taxes for a program that may not even work, but we'll graciously give you food so you dont starve." Yea, real generous there Obama,thanks...what a creep.
Government financial aid should only be for those who genuinely need it. Unfortunately, the lazy are always smart enough to find a way around it...go ahead, have 4 or 5 kids, and dont bother getting a job, the government will take care of you! Or, you can spend all your money on phones and televisions and technology and cars and big houses, then claim you dont have any money. Thats how a lot of it is taken too. People who make plenty of money making horrible fiscal choices, and are encouraged to continue to do so through federal aid...if the feds really wanted to "aid" people, take the help away and force them to succeed. Or else, let social Darwinism take over!
The government is too big on the political aspect of government rather than being economical. Yes it's a good idea to aid those people struggling to make ends meet. It gives them a shoulder to lean on while they improve their monetary situation. However, there are some people who tend to use the government and have no plans on helping their situation. I believe the government should be a little more thrifty on how they spend the governments money.
I find it interesting that more families are able to get financial aid from the government with a substantial amount of income coming from their careers.
As someone who is to say an expert on being poor, I know foodstamps are necessary to the survival of so many working families and to the one in ten americans who are already unemployed
The article is about more and more people getting goverment aid. Even through I agree with people who needs help to get aid I think that most people take advantage of it. When I walk around the high school, I see kids who are on aid wearing $200+ shoes that could have been used in more productive ways. I think that if you get aid you should have to take a finance class and be helped to get a job.
I agree with helping out the families that need it, but I also think that some use it for the wrong reasons, or use it as a crutch. If they are going to give out more help then maybe the qualifications should be stricter, or the families should be checked on more often, to make sure they are using the food stamps correctly and not abusing what they are given.
The government providing financial aid those who need the assistance is one thing, but people being lazy and taking advantage of this is just sad. It's unbelievable that we have gotten so lazy and the really sad part is that people are completely fine with living this way. Do they have no shame!?
I hate how everyone thinks that everything in life should be handed to them, I believe that no one should be given free anything cause its just not what life should be.
personally i dont really think foodsamps and food aid are so long as your family really needs it then y not? if it will make sure your family will have food for a month then y not?
1 of 8 Americans are now on food stamps! I think this is outrageous. The government can't afford to feed people who can probably feed themselves. The program should not give away money to people who don't nessiarily need it. It's a great political stratigy but not a good economical one, for the government, and for us in the future.
i believe that government aid for low income familes is a good thing but people do abuse it o believe that people who make 50,000 dollars a year should not be able to get food stamps.
Getting aid from the government for food can be both a good and a bad thing. Many people are taking advantage of the government aid, and not really understanding the point in having aid like this. But yet, there are very many people out there in the United States that really need this government aid. Some people live off of the government food aid. Maybe if people would learn how to manage their money better, we wouldn't need as much government aid.
I do believe that people abuse the system but I don't think the abuse is as out of hand as everyone thinks. Even people who make a decent income have bills to pay and are barely scraping up change to feed their families. Also when I used to work in a grocery store the people who had food stamps and WIC were never people who seemed like they were extremely well off. The economy right now as everyone knows is not the best so of course more people are going to be getting aid.
this article is about how the government is giving more money to people that i believe should just go get a job. but then again the kids did not really ask to have such disabled parents there for i guess the government aid does help out
Its honestly quite sad that the government will hand out everything free to the lazy Americans who dont want to work an hour in their life. Now to some, like in this article, acceptions can be made. The "system" is at fault and needs to be fixed so that the hard workers of this country are not paying their tax dollars for those who just want everything handed to them.
Hawaii is a great state to live in to get food stamps. if you make an income of 50,000 dollars then you are still qualified. That income is very high for the government to be assisting. People need to start doing their part and not just rely on the government. People can plant their own gardens for food.
I think that it's sad the greatly increasing amount of people that need government help for food. I know a lot of people truly do need assistance and that's okay, they apply for it and they should get it. The people that apply for it because they've spent their money poorly on something else and just want the easy way out to get "free help" that's uncalled for. I don't have a problem when I'm helping someone out, but I don't want to pay for others who are lazy and just don't want to do anything with their life. It's called quit being lazy and get a job.
There will always be the people who take advantage of the programs that give you free anything. If you can get and don't have to work for it, that's great to them. But the people who actually need it should get it. Not the people who are too lazy to do something with their lives.
Having the government give aid to it's citizens, although it sounds honorable, sounds like socialism to me. Of course they're are those people who can't afford to live for themselves, but there's a fine line between them and the people who can't actually fend for themselves but are too lazy to.
I think the food stamps are a wonderful thing. A lot of people need them. It is true some people take advantage of them, but that is true with almost everything. If the govt stoped the food stamps because of some people taking advantage of it, then a lot of people could go hungry. They shouldnt have to suffer because of the irrisponsible choices others made.
I belive that gov aid for food is a good service for those ho need it but when people take advantage of the system that is a problem and not fair to those who need it. Cmon people cut the greed!
In 38 states they have loosened eligibility standards to make it easier for families who dont make enough money. I like how the governments are see that their are families who can't feed their kids because the parents don't bring enough money home. Make food stamps easier to get makes their lives so much happier, now that they can feed thier kids three meals a day. But also some people might take advantage of this. So this could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you look at it.
It seems to me that there are some people who really need this system, but there are some people who take advantage of the system. I would be embarrassed to be one of the people taking advantage of the system because they are too lazy to go earn it themselves. I feel for the people who really need this system even though i've never been faced with this problem.
i think that people getting goverment assistance is fine, you gotta do what you gotta do to support your family.
but i know this will be taken advantage of.
i know that it's hard times, but i hope the aid goes to those who need it the most.
I think it's always good to have programs such as these to help people who are less fortunate. But I also think that some people take advantage of these programs. (I.e people getting food stamps every month and them having the assumption of not having to work at all). That's when I have a problem with it. I think you should first work hard and try to help support yourself or your family. I think financial aid should be used as a last resort after trying everything else to help support and still struggling.
I think government aid is really good. It can really change lives. However, people are taking advantage of it. If someone really need it to feed their family, that's fine. But if people are taking advantage of it, it can take a toll on the government.
I believe its a good thong we have programs to help people that are less fortunate. But I also believe they should be regulated. The article said that the states only have to pay half of the money they put out for these programs, and the government pays the other half. So if the states increase funding they're not the only ones who have to put money out there. Thus pushing our national debt up.
People are getting aid from the government. They are getting money for food and more. There are many people who need this but a lot of people who are taking advantage of it. The people taking advantage of this are in the wring. It's not right for them because those who truely need the help aren't getting all the help they could.
This article is about the government helping people in need out. The government provides money for food and other needs.I think that everyone has been given an oppurtunity to not need government help. Some people lose jobs and then the government supports them for a while till they are back onn their feet.
Government aid is increasing significantly. but i mean there are and always be people lying to take advantage of food stamps.but there are also the people that work their butts off and still need the help here and there. especially during a recession. and its a good thing that the government is willing to help people out in a time of need.
People are starting to get more and more government aid. This is because more and more people are starting to be out of work. I do think that people need government aid but peopel also abuse the privilege. But for the families that really need I am very glad that is is offered to them.
People continue to get help from the government and it will always be like this. Not everyone can make ends meat and for the families that are working and at least trying to support they're families do deserve the help.
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