Friday, March 6, 2009

Unemployment is How Much?

This article is for March 9th.


Corey Bush said...

From the article, it amazes me that about 3.3 million jobs have been lost in the last six months. Something must be done, now that the unwmployment rate has reached 8.1%, or the highest since 1983.

Lorena said...

I think unemployment is the number one problem in this country now. 12.5 million people are unemployed. That's ridiculous. What's happening with the country? Everyone's pretty much losing their jobs. Someone's got to do something about this before it gets worse!

Lorena said...

I think unemployment is the number one problem in this country now. 12.5 million people are unemployed. That's ridiculous. What's happening with the country? Everyone's pretty much losing their jobs. Someone's got to do something about this before it gets worse!

Dylan said...

Employment is very important to our economy and I think it is where this country needs the most help. We need implementation to create jobs in the suffering areas and we need it quickly. The citizens of our country can't afford to support their families because there aren't jobs available, and it's only going to get worse. The government needs to take more steps in fixing the unemployment issue.

laurenwood said...

A lot of jobs have been lost, yes, and a lot of jobs will continued to be lost. The rates are increasing with each passing day. But in order for the unemployment rate to decrease, we can't just sit back either. We have to go out there and get the education and training needed to get jobs. We can't expect the government to do everything for us.

Farzana said...

Its scary to see that the unemployemnt rate is the highest it has been in 25 years. Its even scarier to hear that in the past 6 months 3.3 million jobs have been lost. Thats almost half a million jobs per month!

Boyce Tolson said...

The unemployment rate is just going to keep rising, 4.4 million have been lost since the beginning of 2008. The unemployment rate is now at its highest since 1983, 8.1%. I would expect the unemployment rate to continue to rise, past 9% sooner than most people would expect.

Tyler Baker said...

Unemployment is at its highest with 3.3 million jobs that have been lost. That is alot of jobs. I think that the rates will continue to increase and a college education will be more needed than it was 25 years ago.

Tamika T said...

This article shocked me buy just viewing how the numbers and graphs that show us how bad unemployment really is now. It is very scary, especially for those who are looking for a job right me! My only question is whether or not the stimulus package could help before the year 2010.

colin0189 said...

holy crap. 3.3million in the last 6 months. thats alot. I agree something needs to be done to help this! persoonally, i dont see it improving anytime soon. I dont wanna be "that guy" but outsourcing kinda sucks for america. People need to be willing to work, and CEO's need to be less greedy and stop giving jobs away.

JoeyR said...

The loss of 3.3 million jobs in the last six months is nuts! There really needs to be something done to prevent this from becoming even worse. Unfortunately I do not see any help in the near future and I believe that unemployment rates will continue to raise.

StephanieC said...

What Kurt Karl said in the article, "The economy is headed south with a vengeance" is very true. 3.3 million jobs lost in 6 months? That's crazy! The unemployment rate being the highest in 25 years? The economy really IS "heading south with a vengeance". Going off to college is going to be tough, and paying for all those fun school events like prom is going to tough for a lot of people. Not all of us are going to get jobs locally, and maybe even in bigger cities. It really is terrible.

Jake Wilson said...

Jobs are obviously the driving force of the economy and much needs to be down to fix that. One option being infrastructure, education and other jobs that aren't outsourceable. One thing we cannot afford to do is let the automakers fail while we stand idly by and curse them for ill forged decisions and watch them fail on principle. The failure of the auto industry would wreak havoc on our unemployment numbers and the economy in general.

Justin D said...

4.4 million jobs lost in only a year is pretty crazy, but 3.3 million of those were in the span of six months. That's pretty ridiculous. The economy is out of control and I hope something will be done soon .

Aaron.L said...

With unemployment so high things look really bad right now. Worst yet they predict that it is going to get even worse. Someone needs to think of something because 3.3 million jobs in the past six months is rediculous.

ellie said...

The unemployment rate is ridiculous. How can that many jobs be lost in less than a year? Hopefully something will be done to change this before it gets way worse.

jburg#41 said...

This article states that 3.3 million jobs has been lost in the last 6 months, thats crazy. I think the bosses and ceo's of companys are being too gready about the money they are giving to the people so less people makes more money. And for them to say it might get worst, itts already worst and we are just not hearing about it.

Jessica Roberts said...

Sigh... It seems that lately every bit of news concerning our economy has been bad news. It's terrible that so many people are losing their jobs, and the fact that people don't have money to spend to improve business only exacerbates the problem. We are all aware that something has to be done, or else matters can definitely get worse.

still said...

I really cant believe 12.5 million people are unemployed. It seems like its just getting worse and worse. This is a serious problem. I hope this problem will soon get better.

TonayaB. said...

Thats a lot, those unemployment rates are crazy. I can only imagine how some of the people feel, Im in desperate need for a job at this time. But I can wait, hopefully this stimulus bill will take in effect here sooner or later.

CJohnson said...

Unemployment has been rising and will keep rising for about a year. also, 3.3 million jobs has been lost in the last six months we will see how much it will keep rising!!

tramz09 said...

this is sad how much unemployed people we have. 3.3 million is insane. The sad thing about it is that uneployment is going to keep rising.

Stephanie said...

WOW! 4.4 million jobs lost!? I think that this should be the governments top priority. It sucks because I am looking for a job and with it being this high I dont think Ill ever find one until this is fixed.

DanTheMan said...

I really hate seeing things like this, i know it cant exactly be ignored, but it's startting to pile up, and us average citizens cant exactly help. It hurts to have to sit by and watch as our economy plummets while (and partly because of) our unemplyment rates...

Alexis.K said...

This is so crazy that we are going through this problem of unemployment rates being sky rocket high! We really do need help economically! People are suffering and these people could possibly have children and it could and probably is effecting them financially and emotionally.

Jalepera2121 said...

Im amazed that about 3 million jobs have been lost in the the last few months. also because the unemployment rate has reached the highiest since 1983

Derreck59 said...

that many jobs have been lost in only the last 6 months?! thats pretty amazing. an unemployment rate at 8.1% is not good. something has to be done to fix this fast.

tramz09 said...

How many jobs are lost, almost 3.3 million. Thats crazy and the number is steady rising up, but people need to just relax and not do anything stupid because thing are going to get better before they get any worse

Megan A said...

Really, I just can't grasp this issue. It doesn't seem that hard to get a job, but looking at the numbers, it seems ridiculously hard. I feel bad for those people that are unemployed, and are actually trying to get a job.

JChrobak said...

i never thought i would see the day when the unemployment rate would reach 8.1% which has never been this high since the early 80s
That recession was bad enough, cant imagine how bad the peak is for unemployment before it starts dropping down

GarrettLebo5 said...

It's amazing to see that 3.3 million jobs can be lost so fast. Obviously, we are going through many hard times right now but I think we can fix it by picking ourselves up, like Obama said, and try to become a better and maybe even stronger nation