Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Is this it? Finally a true recession?

Read the article and discuss why some are predicting this time we are truly heading into a recession? or not?


Daniel J said...

I think the US is going in to some very hard times. This will have a dramatic effect and everyone who lives and works in the US. I believe that this recession may actually reach the status of a depression and will last for a couple of years. Unemployyment will cap probaly around 8% would be my guess. Inflation will keep going up. Overall, its just bad times for our economy as a whole.

Zach McGlone said...

Overall the U.S. is having a very difficult time with the stock markets in general. If the U.S. keeps spending money they way they do then soon we may end in another depression era.

Allyssa said...

If this isnt a recession then im not sure what is. The critics say its inevitible. Currently the unemployment is high and like daniel said im sure it will least raise up to 8%, which definitely is not good! Im just hoping this will not lead to a minor depression or what people may think is a depression.