Monday, June 9, 2008

$5 Gas..... how realistic is it? The first article for summer reading

This is the first article for summer reading. Click on the title above..... $5 Gas and it will take you to the article. Read the entire article and respond with your opinion about topic of article and your own personal feelings about the issue. I will be posting several articles each week...... you do not need to do all them. Keep track of which articles you post.
Please keep in mind that your comments are read by everyone, anywhere......yep, all over the world. Keep them school approrpriate. This might be a blog..... but it is a school associated blog. Abuse of blog with language etc.... could lead to removal from the site and other displinary measures.


caroline said...

I found that this article was very interesting since it relates directly to me. Like the 66% of those surveyed, I am also cutting back on the amount of driving I do other than what is absolutely necessary. Hopefully the 86% who believe gas will top five dollars a gallon at some point this year are not correct.

Tamika T said...

After reading the article, I was not surprised by the 86% who think gas prices will rise to five dollars a gallon. It is sad to know that, many families are now not planning on summer vacations because of gas prices. Though I am hoping that in the near future the economy would get a little better. But we should not complain for there are other places where gas prices are up to six dollars a gallon.

Daniel J said...

My feeling is that what goes up must come down. Im with the 71% that is looking to purchase a more fuel efficent vehicle. I too am having to cut back. This whole gas situation is new to us Americans but how would we feel if we were paying $7 a gallon like some people in Europe. I also feel that many people will be cutting back on things like vacations and driving. Some people can no longer afford to even drive to work. People who own huge SUV's should really consider purchasing more fuel efficent vehicles. Not only would that save money, but also they would produce less emissions.

rowland said...

Hi crew, Mrs Rowland here talking with you. Good job on your first posts. I will be posting many articles throughout the summer.... try and read them all, but remember you only have to comment on 15. Feel free to comment on more than assigned. Most students found they enjoyed posting comments...your class interaction will make the class only better.
I will be posting more articles soon. The more you read, the more informed you will be to talk about the issues in the Fall and or 2nd semester.

Whitney said...

Everytime I'm with my mom or dad at the gas station, I hear them blab on about how they remember when gas was $.99. This article was pretty interesting considering it effects everyone in someway. Im with the 86% of people that believe that gas will raise up to $5 per gallon.

Whitney said...
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Farzana said...

After reading this article I'm not surprised that families aren't goin on vacation because of the gas prices. The 86% that think gas prices will go up to $5 a gallon are probably right. I don't drive yet but my family is trying to cut back on the amount they're driving just like the 66% of those who were surveyed.

Sean Howard said...

Personally i believe that gas will reach $5 a gallon but sooner than most people think. Around my home there are three gas stations all with prices that have teetered up to $4.10 a gallon back down to $3.50 and have now evened out around $3.87. Every time i travel with my mom and dad they complain constantly how much gas costs and how much we have to cut back on just about everything.

Charles Orth said...
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Charles Orth said...

I don't think gas will hit $5. It may hit $4.50, but no higher than that. Unless there is a major supply disruption, such as war or a hurricane. Drivers are cutting back, and it should show at the pump later this year.

I have cut back on my driving. I take fewer leisure trips and plan my trips more carefully. My family is cutting back too. Our whole family drives SUV's, and we cannot afford to spent that much on gas.

But Americans should drive more efficent vehicles. The Europeans have been doing it for years, and if we were, then the gas jump would not be as big of a deal.

Hannah said...

Gas prices are going to continue to rise in the near future. However, they'll decrease eventually. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised to see it reach six dollars on the increase it has been following. My family will still be vacationing regardless of high gas prices. Nobody should let money come between the memories your family will create.

SamanthaW said...

It doesn't surprise me that 86% of people surveyed believe the cost of fuel will rise to 5$. I'm with those people. But what I don't understand is that the people we buy fuel from in the Middle East pay very little per gallon. Yes, their supply of fuel is close by and they don't have the costs of shipping and such, but when you think about it, how much do we supply THEM with? We've been sending over medical supplies and food and such for years, but when we need fuel, they jack up the prices? I may be wrong, but from what I know, it sounds just a little corrupt.

Barbara said...
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Barbara said...
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Barbara said...

In my opion to this article I agree with the 86% percent of the people that think that gas prices will increase.
I believe that it will increase up to 5 or even more for that matter. Not only gasoline prices but everything else.

My family has been cutting back like those 66% percent of people surveyed, simply because the gas prices have inflated about 3 times to 4 times more of what they have ever have been. So we cut back, to go out only when neccesary because of these heavy gas prices.

Aaron.L said...

Gas being over four dollars is a big thing for me because i have to drive alot as it is. Everyday i have to drive to lebanon and back and after awhile all that driving starts to add up. I guess all we can do is do our best with fuel efficiency and hope that our economic issues are resolved in the near future.

Stephanie said...

This article was interesting because it affects everyone. I agree with the 86% who think that gas will reach $5. My family also has cut back on driving and we haven't been able to plan any summer trips with tha gas price as high as it is.

laurenwood said...

Change is constant, change is inevitable. Of course, gas prices are going to rise with the struggling economy. Gas prices have gone up since the age of time. Back in the 30s and 40s when my grandma was a teenager, gas was only about 25 cents. Yep. Can you believe that? Five years ago at least or so, gas was about 95 cents. People claimed that once gas went above two dollars, they would stop buying it. Did they? No. People will never stop buying gas unless there is a more efficient way. Gas prices are only going to rise with time. While five dollars seems like a lot these days, eventually gas could be in the twenties. Think about it. Gas went from 28 cents to about four dollars in seventy some years. Maybe seventy some years from now, it will be even more outrageous. Maybe before then though, there will be a different method.

TonayaB. said...

This article was very interesting, since every time I have to get into the car with my mom or dad I have to hear about how gas use to be and how high that it is now.I was not suprised by the 86% of people who think that gas prices might right to $5 a gallon.When I was on my trip & I went to Hondruas the gas was $6 so I can only imagine what it will be like in the near future for the US.This is why im not a rush to recieve my license just yet.

Lena said...

I found this article to be very accurate. I have heard many people complaining about gas prices rising, but there is more we can do than just cutting back on how much we drive and using more fuel efficient cars. A was to lower gas prices is to start digging for oil in Alaska, The Great Lakes, Florida and even Cuba. Since we aren't using the resources we have and oil is continuing to increase in prices, what will happen when we do start using them? Surely they will not continue to increase but rather decrease.

Justin D said...

I feel that gas prices will stay below $5 a gallon. Especially since there is talk of tapping into North, Central, and South American oil reserves. I'm not sure why the U.S hasn't already done so, but I do know that it will help the economy tremendously. We will see a rapid drop in gas prices within a year or so. Cutting back on spending and driving are all good things to do to help prevent the further gas price increase, but it will not solve the problem.

Ashley said...

I thought this article was pretty interesting. A ton of people are complaining about the prices of gas and there really isn't anything that we can do about it but just deal with the problem of paying for the gas. My parents have been cutting down on how much gas that we use and just cutting down on a lot of stuff all together to save money.

Corey Bush said...

Im not surprised that the 86% in this article think that gas will reach five dollars a gallon. I recently traveled to Chicago earlier this month, and some of their prices have already reached $4.35/gallon. Although cutting down on driving and household spendings will help our wallets, I just do not think gas prices will decrease anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

It's not surprising that 86% of the people say that gas will rise to $5. Sadly, I agree with them. My parents are like the 66% of people that are cutting down on driving, but with the jobs they have, it's kind of hard not to do a lot of driving. My mom also has a full size van which doesn't help at all.

Amy said...

Personally, I'm not a driver. However, I have seen the effects of these gas prices in my friends and family. They are less-willing to take me places and complain constantly. They would probably agree with the 66% of people cutting back on driving.
My mom is also in the market for a new car. Her job requires her to drive at least forty minutes each way. She has been seriously considering some type of hybrid car-or at least one that gets amazing gas mileage.
This is also the first time in my entire life that my family has not taken a summer vacation. The major factor in this decision is in fact gas prices. But, I have no idea if gas will reach $5, I just pray that it doesn't.

Dylan said...

Of course gas will reach $5 dollars a gallon. This article is going on a national average. We already see prices in our area reaching almost 4 and a half dollars a gallon, and we're on the low side of the average. Prices go up that's how it works. What worries me more is the decreasing value of our money and lack of increase in pay to afford the increase in gas.

Audrey said...

I know that I personally have cut WAY back on how much I drive. Now I pretty much just drive where I know that I have to go, like work. Hopefully if people stop driving so much then the 86% of people who thought gas would be around $5.00 will be wrong and gas prices will drop a bit. But I think the gas prices will increase before they decrease.

jagel7 said...

I found that this article was interesting but it is a big issue in the U.S because over $4 of gas is too high to pay for a gallon i remember in New Jersey years ago it was under $1 but this is a big issue we need to find a way to end this problem before it gets to big of a problem

Lorena said...

Wow that's hard to believe. This really is a bad news to the people who have to drive to work everyday. Good thing it's summer and high school students don't have to drive to school. But what really sucks is that those people who are planning to go to a vacation has to either cancel their plans or go to some cheaper place to spend their summer vacation.

Lorena said...

Wow that's hard to believe. This really is a bad news to the people who have to drive to work everyday. Good thing it's summer and high school students don't have to drive to school. But what really sucks is that those people who are planning to go to a vacation has to either cancel their plans or go to some cheaper place to spend their summer vacation.

Lorena said...
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