Sunday, March 2, 2008

City Still Recovering: AK


Michael Cole said...

I have to agree with the woman that said people don't buy tickets to sporting events if they are hard off. The game was completely packed last week... it was an amazing thing to see after the AK lockout and the seemingly loss of middie pride with the failed levys. Especially for at 2pm on a sunday afternoon!

BigDawg09 said...

I would have to disagree with the women that said people dont buy tickets to sporting events if they are on hard times. Because there was maybe 600 Middies fans at the game on last thursday. There are 60,000 people that live in Middletown. AKSteel's lock out affected 2,300 people, so the 57,000 cant all be hurting from the lock out. Those that did buy tickets to the game were probably not having hard times in Middletown. I dont think we are even close to what we were before the lockout, and it will take at least a good couple more years before we are. By the way I heard some rumors that AK is expanding their factory in Middletown to create more jobs. And before the lockout, AK helped pay for almost al the activities that went on in our community and I hope they will start doing it again.

Spencer Harmon said...

The city shall recover. One could see the reprocussions throughout the city when the lock out was among us. Not only did the economy drop, but it seems that the morale dropped as well. There seemed to be a universal cynicism in our town to anything that had to do with our heritage and steel. And I suppose that there still is. But I think the city will recover like America recovered from the Depression...slowly, but surely

Spencer Harmon said...

The city shall recover. One could see the reprocussions throughout the city when the lock out was among us. Not only did the economy drop, but it seems that the morale dropped as well. There seemed to be a universal cynicism in our town to anything that had to do with our heritage and steel. And I suppose that there still is. But I think the city will recover like America recovered from the Depression...slowly, but surely

Carolyn Bolin said...

AK steel lockout was a big deal for a long time and still remains a big deal. we will for a long time be feeling the results of the lockout. even though they settled the country is now heading into a recession. and when AK did settle their health benefits decreased. that is not helping middletown. i feel that eventually things will return to normal in middletown it just might take more than a year.

bjsmith said...

We have come a lot farther since the AK lockout. It did effect a lot of people but not the whole city. People can still buy sporting tickets and they still do. I think we were starting to slack on school spirit but we all brought it back this year and it can only keep getting better.

Anonymous said...

I believe that city will recover eventually. It is a slow and long process, but i think it will happen. AK was lockedout for a long long time. Once AK closed our city and economy went way down. People can't expect that because AK reopened that we will go right back to where we were. We'll be alright.

Anonymous said...

Well of course the city is still recovering from the lockout. The lockout affected everyone and the economy isnt going to just bounce back just because the lockout is over.Many people aquired some pretty heavy debt during it and is going to take a while to come back from that.

Austin Georgia said...

we just need to think about how things are better now than during the lockout and they are slowly getting better. Be patient.