Monday, October 8, 2007

Opinion: Charge It To My Kids

This is an opinion article. If you read it, it should stir thoughts one way or the either. Do you agree with this person? or disagree? Explain who you think should be responsible. Who should pay?

1 comment:

Alec RUdd said...

This is an interesting one. Bashing both on teh democrats and the republicans. Do we really think tasing will stop with party change? No. Taxing will not stop fromt teh way it is now despite what promises are being made. And on the note of war, this is teh only war where taxes have not increased. One would think that spending billions dollars on Iraq and the government would be needing more money. According to this article we have all we need as long as we continue to borrow from china and other countries. our economy and government is not getting better while other countried who are not as powerful are continually progressing. we need to get ourselvesout of the war and back to addressing our own issues.