Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Should Everyone Be Required to Have Health Insurance?

Read this online article about should health insurance be required.  Which side do you agree with and explain why?
This article is due April 20th


Krista House said...

I agree that we should be required to have health insurance. I think that we should be held responsible for making sure our wages are covered after we die. I'm a single mother and I definitely plan to get health insurance in case something were to happen to me, I want to make sure my wages are covered and it wont have to end up being my son's problem. Everyone should be held responsible for their own well being and I think this is also partly what is wrong with our economy. But, yes I agree that we should be required to have health insurance.

SHowarth per.2 said...

I agree with the "No" argument of the health insurance. Some people may not be able to afford the rising premium if they do not get health insurance, and on the other hand, they may not be able to afford the health insurance in the first place, and there are some people that do not need health insurance as much as other people. Some people are very sickly, and get ill often, but other people are completely healthy and almost never get sick.

Anonymous said...

I definitely side with the no argument. First off, the bill is completely unconstitutional and goes against the views and values that our country was founded upon. I believe personal responsibility is important. THe government needs to stay out of this and leave it to individuals. Why should I have to pay for an insurance coverage that I don't need? I do believe there needs to be a penalty for people who don't pay for their health care. However, it is not the governments job to require us to get healthcare!

Anonymous said...

I believe in limited government. Should the government start mandating that things be 'required' for our people, problems arise. An example of this is the welfare program, people abuse it constantly, millionaires gain money they shouldn't have. Our government is trying to regulate the market and that's not what we stand for. While its a good effort to help the people, this will just hurt those who already have healthcare by raising premiums, and if you don't want to pay the premium, you're disobeying the government.
Thus, I would have to say, "No" we should not have to purchase healthcare! It's our personal responsibility for our own lives, not the governments.

TerryLovelace2 said...

I agree with the no argument. I believe that people should have personal responsibility over if they have healthcare or not. The government should not make everyone get healthcare if they do not need it. If people do not necessarily need healthcare, they should not be forced by the government to get it.

bhickman1 said...

I do not completely agree with one argument or another after reading the article, both make good points . I agree with the yes side because health insurance is smart to have and some people may not realize the benefits of health insurance until they are forced to have it and some day use it. Also I agree because although it does cost money the amount of money it cost to pay for medical expenses out of pocket if not insured is rediculous also you may not be treated of not insured at some places . I agree with the no side because it is Definitely unconstitutional and no one should be forced to make a purchase they do not want or will not use. The government has too much control and should not control our personal health as well

JDailey 2 said...

I believe in personal responsibility as afar as insurance goes. The government should stay out of people's lives in most cases (terminally ill may be an exception). People should not be forced to pay for insurance that they do not need. I think we should have health that everyone should have to pay for but it should be extremely restricted. Over all I agree with the no argument.

Joe Lietz said...

I dont believe that you should be required to buy life insurance because if you do not need it you should not be forced to buy life insurance. The government needs to stop telling us what to buy and not to buy. Its unconstitutional.

akalickji2 said...

This is a very tricky argument. I would have to say that I do not believe that healthcare should be required by the government. It is each individual's own responsibility for whether or not they choose to have health insurance. I do think that it would be in our best interest to have health insurance, I don't think that it should be forced upon individuals.

BrittanyButler1 said...

I believe that there should be a minimum insurance you have to have- like with car insurance- just in case an emergency were to happen. Just last year I had to have over ten medical tests and 5 surgeries done that without some kind of insurance I would not have been able to have. The tests I had literally saved my life. I dont thjink the premiums or prices should be as high as they are but I do feel a small amount of health insurance IS necessary.

Whitley Beachler said...

I don't think you should have to buy life insurance, I mean, it is a good idea to have it, but it shouldn't be required.

Tiffani Smallwood said...

I don't believe that health insurance is necessary to peope because it is't fair for people to pay for something that they believe they don't need. It is kind of like it is a way for the government to get more money from us instead of taxes. I do however think that health insurance should be provided and given to people who are terminally ill or seriously injured because it can help pay a substancial amount of the medical bills.

fotistperiod1 said...

I believe that this is a very complicated argument because I do believe everybody should have life insurance but not everyone can afford it. Although, medical bills are very expensive to pay without insurance and it would be wiser to have insurance if you are a person that frequently takes visits to hospitals. But I still believe you should have a choice to have life insurance.

JaneLakes said...

I dont believe that you should be required to buy life insurance because if you do not need it you should not be forced to buy life insurance. The government needs to stop telling us what to buy and not to buy. Its unconstitutional.

kristen larson said...

i do think everyone should have health insurance but if they cant afford it they shouldn't be forced. i just think its smarter in the long run because you never know what will happen and you might really need it.

Brandon Rodriguez Per. 1 said...

i think everyone should have health insurance because you never know what might happen and if your the only provider and you happen to de, that would put your family in a hole and they wouldnt be able to se=urvive easily so i think evryone should have it

baileyjohnston2 said...

I'm borderline, I agree with both arguments. Some people can't afford insurance, but I do believe you should have some insurance just incase something were to happen. I believe that if you go to the doctor frequently then you should have medical insurance.

MadisonW1 said...

I side with the "No's." A lot of people can't afford life insurance already (my family included) and that would raise the premiums to the point where we have even more debt piling up. Some people don't even need it that much, like singles that are living on their own.

Kyle Pheanis said...

I am on the side of the no arguement. The government should stay out of this one because its not there job too. Besides the fact that its unconstitutional people should decide whether or not to get it its there decision. Its not the governments job to inforce this.

JacobRiceperiod1 said...

I agree with the "no" part of the conversation because of the rising premiums many people cannot afford it. The debts we owe are rising and that means we can't and or don't want to buy it most people dont need it except for singles

Leslie Rhodus said...

I think that people need to be smart enough to make the decision to have life insurance on their own. It shouldn't be required, and I think most people have the common sense to at least have the minimum amount that there is available. Otherwise, if someone gets sick, and doesn't have health insurance, well, it's their problem. Also, some people just don't get sick that often, so they don't have as great of a need as others.

Sierra Kelly - Period 1 said...

I agree with the "no" P.O.V. For one, most people do not even need this insurance. For two, most of the people who do need this insurance cannot afford it, and if the premiums go up then it makes insurance even harder to afford. And for three, the government does not need to get involved with insurance, it is none of their business. This will make debt rise even more than it already is. This is an all-around bad idea.

Matt Current P1 said...

I think the government should let americans take care of themselves. If they want health insurasnce, they can buy it. If they don't want it, it's their own fault, but they should have the right to choose.

Matt Current P1 said...

I think the government should let americans take care of themselves. If they want health insurasnce, they can buy it. If they don't want it, it's their own fault, but they should have the right to choose.

P. Stephan said...

I believe that health insurance should be the individuals choice. If someone chooses not to get some, then it is their responsibility to pay the bills they get from any unexpected injuries or illnesses. So I believe that mandated life insurance isn't the way to go.

Jason Gibbs Period 1 said...

i think that the american government should let the people fend for themselves... not everyone has the money to do it and in return its going to result in a bigger bill but its an individuals choice.

Haley Kroger period 1 said...

I don't believe that health insurance should be required. I think it should be the individuals choice. Many people probably can't even afford it or they never get sick and think they'll never need it. Our economy is bad right now and trying to make everyone pay for health insurance even though they don't have money, which will make more people in debt. Overall I think health insurance is good to have, but everyone should have a choice on whether they want it or not.

Aidan2 said...

After reading the article, I have mixed feelings because both make good points . I think health insurance is a good thing to have and most people don't realize the benefits of health insurance. But, it is unconstitutional and no one should be forced to buy something they don't want. The government has a lot of control and should not be able to control our personal health.

Destiny Hammitt said...

I do believe most everyone should have heath insurance. I also believe that some people do not have the money for health insurance and should not be punished for not having the money. But clearly people with the money should have the insurance so tjey dont leave tjeir loved ones with the problem when they die. I am on my grandma's insurance for now but eventually will have my own.

jgroves2 said...

I am siding with the no argument. I think that health insurance should be up to the individual and should not be a forced thing. I believe the government should be less personally involved and if a person thinks they don't need health care that should be their decision. Enforcing health care seems unconstitutional to me because it a persons right to take care of themselves the way they see fit.

CaseyMays08 said...

After I read the article I was a few different feelings towards it. I do believe that health insurance should be a requirement. There are so many benefits that come with health insurance. You never know when you would need this insurance, because something could happen to you or one of your family members any day.

Vada Edwards said...

I personally think that everyone should have health insurance because you never know what is going to happen to you and when it's going to happen. Accidents happen everyday and you could easily be in one, so it's better being safe than sorry. I also believe that they should force this on everyone. I really don't understand why anyone wouldn't want health insurance.

Ravensimmonspd1 said...

I'm not exactly familiar with the whole insurance thing, but after reading the article and hearing bits and pieces on the news, the argument comes down to fairness. Is out fair to force people to get insurance? Or, is it fair to allow people to be a"free rider?" I think I agree with the no but understand the yes.

mchristianson said...

I don't agree that we should actually be required to have health insurance because that's someones own responsibility. I, myself, would get health insurance but some people may not be able to afford it and shouldn't be penalized for that.

mchristianson said...

I don't agree that we should actually be required to have health insurance because that's someones own responsibility. I, myself, would get health insurance but some people may not be able to afford it and shouldn't be penalized for that.

Alisha Ferguson said...

i think that health insurance should be up t the individual on whether or not they want it. Even though there is a chance that something could happen to them and they might not have insurance thats on them. Noone should be required to have it especially because there are people who cannot afford it.

Alisha Ferguson said...

i think that health insurance should be up t the individual on whether or not they want it. Even though there is a chance that something could happen to them and they might not have insurance thats on them. Noone should be required to have it especially because there are people who cannot afford it.

brian johnson said...

Yeah I think it should be up o the individual it's helpful but not required if people want it then yeah by some people won't participate because it's gov involved

jacob globke p1 said...

I think health insurance should be optional if people want it or not. I personally it is a necessity for me but everyone has a different opinion on it and they should be able to do what they want :)

macyfaulkner1 said...

In my opinion health insurance should be given to people by choice. If they do not want it then they do not have to have it. If they do then they should get it. Everyone should have health insurance though; to take care of unexpected expenses.

A. Wright Per 1 said...

i think health insurance is a good thing to have, but it should be made optional because not every wants it. poeople can get in trouble if they dont have liability but i dont think thats fair since not everybody wants it, but they do need in case of emergency.

Cameron Everage prd1 said...

I agree with the "no" argument. This bill is not consitutional and goes against personal responsibility. Though yes, all persons should be required healthcare, it should not be up to the government to provide.

Cameron Everage prd1 said...

I agree with the "no" argument. This bill is not consitutional and goes against personal responsibility. Though yes, all persons should be required healthcare, it should not be up to the government to provide.