Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What Kind of Car Do You Plan To Drive?

Read the following article about the cost of insurance for certain types of vehicles.  What type of car do  you currently own or drive?  How much is your family paying for you to drive that car?  List and discuss an important fact from this article.
This article is due April 13th, 2012 


Vada Edwards said...

Right now, I'm driving a 2008 Malibu and I thought it was suppose to save my family and me a lot of money. I think my parents are paying more than $2,000 annually. What I'm really supposed about is that the cars that are suppose to save you lots of money and are energy saving really aren't doing any of that. These manufacturers are tricking us into buy things a lot more expensive that don't really do what we were told that they done. I personally think this is ridiculous, but I guess my opinion doesn't count anytime.

mchristianson said...

I drive a '09 G6 and I thought the insurance would be better than it is. I pay about $150 a month and since my two speeding tickets, it's going to go up even more. The gas milage isn't as great as other cars but it's not as much as an SUV. The fact that insurance is more expensive for little cars with the best gas mileage is kind of contradicting. There really isn't any way to get out of paying for either a lot of gas or a lot of insurance.

ebonyhoward13 said...

I currently do not drive. My family drives a Mini Van and it is not that good on gas. My family is paying more that about $2,000 annually on gas. I think that all these energy efficient cars that are suppose to be good on gas is not true. They probably take more gas than the average car would. I think that is horrible because a customer should get what the manufactures are telling them they are paying for.

Joe Lietz said...

Right now Im currently driving a 1996 dodge avenger. I dont know what my parents are paying. These manufactures are tricking us into buying the most high tech cars available.

JaneLakes said...

Im driving a 2004 Mitsubishi Lancer. I'm paying for a little bit of the insurance and my mom pays for the rest. the car is paid off, so there is no car payment. these manufactures are tricking us into buying the most tech cars available.

SHowarth per.2 said...

I don't drive a car because I don't have my license or my temps. The article said that the smaller and more sportsy your car, the more you have to pay for it in insurance, and a monster truck would be better on insurance on, say, a camero.

CaseyMays08 said...

I currently do not drive yet. Im not really sure about what my parents are paying though. However they don't have to pay as much on gas. My mom drives a 2012 Kia Soul and it gets really good gas milage, because of the fact that it said to be an energy efficient car. I do believe though that when they say that the car is "energy efficient," they bend the truth, became people still continue to pay a lot of money on gas.

Krista House said...

I drive a 1996 Toyota Corolla. My family only pays my insurance for me to drive but I even pay for it. My car gets about 18 miles to the gallon in the city and about 25 on the highway. My car needs some more fixing up but I am pretty happy with the car I have, even though I am continually paying more and more for gas it is really hurting me and my family.

Krista House said...

I drive a 1996 Toyota Corolla. My family only pays my insurance for me to drive but I even pay for it. My car gets about 18 miles to the gallon in the city and about 25 on the highway. My car needs some more fixing up but I am pretty happy with the car I have, even though I am continually paying more and more for gas it is really hurting me and my family.

Destiny Hammitt said...

I currently do not drive but my boyfriend has a 1991 Camaro and he pays about $140 a month. I honestly do not know much about cars but I know that I am getting a Jeep Wrangler on my birthday all the way in September. I looked up how much my insurance will cost and it will be about 120 a month for the minimum. Plus gas each month it will be hard to pay for the car, the gas, and the insurance. I have a feeling this is going to be a difficult year because I know I will be paying for the car,the insurance and the gas on my own. Even with two jobs I make only enough to cover the car and the insurance this will be tough.

Whitley Beachler said...

I don't drive, nor do I know much about cars other than that they're expensive. Manufactuors want us to buy more high-tech cars, but really, they're just more expensive, better way for them to make money.

Sierra Kelly - Period 1 said...

Currently, I do not drive. But, my boyfriend drives a Buick Century and it sucks on gas. It costs $40 to fill up his gas tank and he goes through it in about three days. So, as you can see, him, his parents and I are all paying a lot to keep gas in his car. I think that the manufacturers that are trying to get everyone to buy these new, high-tech cars that will be better on gas aren't trying to "trick" anyone. Yes, I know they will be wayyy more expensive, but if you think about the amount of money people put into their gas tanks, it's really no different (if it will actually be better on gas).

BrittanyButler1 said...

I own a 2001 Red Ford Focus and I personally pay 122 dollars a month on my car. This is primarily because the car is in my name and I am underage. Insurance being more expensive for smaller cars is crazy! Smaller cars I feel would be less likely to be involved in an accident.

jgroves2 said...

I currently drive a 1992 Jeep Wrangler. My family pays a lot because I am a teenage boy. But I get discounts for safe driving and good grades so that helps. The fact that small SUVs and minivans are better on insurance is logical. They don't go as fast or have as much horsepower/torque as a sports car, which means they are more likely to be less dangerous.

fotistperiod1 said...

I currently drive a 2004 Ford Explorer. I'm not too sure how much my family payed for it. It has got 30 miles to the gallon and I'm not too sure how much my family pays for insurance but why should I tell the whole world anyway. I do want a car that is a little more energy efficient but I'm fine with any car really.

MadisonW1 said...

I don't drive, don't even have my temps, I've been too busy to take time to practice driving and what not. It seems weird that the bigger cars are better on insurance, but it makes sense from all the accidents in the little cars. I don't care what type of car I get when I have my license as long as it's cheap.

Jason Gibbs Period 1 said...

i drive a 2003 pontiac. its a v6 and doesnt get that great of gas mileage but its a nice car. it cost a little more than one hundred dollars to insure my car every month. and if bigger is better than i might consider getting a car or truck with a v8

Cameron Everage prd1 said...

I currently have a 2005 Ford Focus. The insurance my family pays on this is high, but in comparison to others my age not bad. Due to good driving and grades it is lowered. But as the article mentions, my cars insurance is high one, cue to my gender, and two, due to its size and fuel efficiency. I don't deem it logical that the insurance of my 4-cylender should be higher that that of some one with a mini-van containing an 8-cylender engine.

Alisha Ferguson said...

i currently drive a 2002 ford focus. i pay 50 dollars a month for my insurance, its not a lot. my car also gets pretty good gas. my grandma pays for my gas most of the time because i pay for the insurance every month. i can put thirty in it and it lasts about a week in a half. i like my car i dont realy want a more fuel effiecceient energy car.

Haley Kroger period 1 said...

I currently drive a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I honestly do not know how much my parents pay for my insurance. I love my car, but it is not very energy efficient. My parents gave this car though because they knew a new car would have higher insurance and they did not want to pay a lot.

jamespenny2 said...

i drive a 1999 honda passport SUV, i have to pay my own insurance. I think i pay around 35-40 every month because im on the same bill as my parents so its a little cheaper.

kristen larson said...
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kristen larson said...

i drive and my car is old so im currently looking for a new car but cant decide. i think the manufactures try to trick people into buying cars they need to sell

Tiffani Smallwood said...

I currently do not have a car, but I do have my license and plan on getting a car in the summer time before the next school year. I do not know how much my parents would have to pay for insurance. My mom and me plan on getting me a Toyota Corolla because they are good cars and are good on gas, which is a big factor because of the high and rising gas prices.

Candace Lamb said...

I drive a 2005 Ford Mustang and my insurance is not cheap. My parents do pay for my insurance but me being a good driver and my grades sure help my parents with that money. Sadly, we must pay for insurance because you never know what could happen, its worth it to pay that money then to have to pay money to fix my car if i recked and to pay a medical bill, if that does happen they will have some help with money so i believe it is worth the money.

P. Stephan said...

I currently drive a 2002 dodge stratus. My family pays a lot of money for me since I'm a teenage boy. Luckily i get discounts and my car is a v4 with low torque so its insurance is less costly than a sports car. But my insurance is really high overall.

baileyjohnston2 said...

I currently drive a 2009 Kia Rio. It was about $9,000 and my parents make the payments on it each month. I use to split the cost of my insurance with my parents which was $100, but lately my mom has been helping me out and paying for it. My car gets about 35 miles to the gallon which is pretty nice. I think car manufacturers do bend the truth when they say the newer cars are "fuel efficient".

Leslie Rhodus said...

I have a 2006 Mazda 6 Sedan. It was a gift from my parents, so I honestly have no idea how much the insurance on it is. Luckily, I am a safe driver, so I don't really have to worry about damage or charges. I got into an accident in a Staples parking lot about two months ago, and long story short, it was deemed that it wasn't my fault, so my insurance didn't have to pay for the damage, the other person's insurance did.

Anonymous said...

I drive a 2008 Honda CR-V but I'm not sure how much my insurance is. The gas mileage is decent but not great, I think it averages about 20 mpg.

Anonymous said...

I drive a 2003 Ford Explorer 2 door. My parents bought it from a friend for about 3000 with only 30000 miles on it. My insurance is pretty good due to my good grades and the fact that I don't drive my car much. Also, my car gets decent gas mileage for the type of car i drive.

Ravensimmonspd1 said...

My family and I drive a 2000 Monte Carlo and I'm not exactly sure what the gas mileage is, but I think it's decent. It's not the worst. It's not much to cover our my dad says that it's about $100 which, compared to what I've heard other people pay, isn't that bad. The thing that I was most surprised about is that it's more expensive to cover a really big car than it is to cover a sedan. That was new news to me. At first the part about the more expensive cars being more to cover surprised me, but I could see that.

Ravensimmonspd1 said...

My family and I drive a 2000 Monte Carlo and I'm not exactly sure what the gas mileage is, but I think it's decent. It's not the worst. It's not much to cover our my dad says that it's about $100 which, compared to what I've heard other people pay, isn't that bad. The thing that I was most surprised about is that it's more expensive to cover a really big car than it is to cover a sedan. That was new news to me. At first the part about the more expensive cars being more to cover surprised me, but I could see that.

JacobRiceperiod1 said...

I drive a 1999 Buick le sabre. My parents put in about 30$ a week. I don't need to pay for repairs because my family works on cars. My insurance is good since I have good grades and haven't been in any accidents and my car gets good gas mileage .

Kyle Pheanis said...

I currently drive a 98 Chrysler. My family has had to make a lot of repairs to it estimating around $500 and monthly on gas we pay around $180.I disaprove of salemen saying cars are "fuel efficiant" because honestly they are bending the truth trying to convince people that buying a new car will help with gas.

akalickji2 said...

I currently don't drive because I don't have my license yet. My mom drives a Dodge Durango, & it gets alright gas mileage. I don't know what kind of car I want to drive, but I would like for it to be fuel efficient.

Matt Current P1 said...

I drive a lexus right now but I dont really pay for it or the gas. I dont drive a ton unless it is to school or to do errands so my parents dont really care. I know when I buy a car Im going to buy one with good gas mileage though.

brian johnson said...

I drive an integra it's good on gas fast and cheap on insurance I'm set

JDailey 2 said...

I currently own and drive a '96 Chevy Cavalier Z-24. My family bought it for $1,000 and put $3,000 into the engine. $45.00 fills up my gas tank. I spend about $100 on gas a month and my car usually needs something fixed about every three months. My dad probably spends about $2,000 a year. I understand that larger cars cost less on insurance because they are less dangerous. They are stronger and have less horsepower so safer.

Katy Faulkner said...

I currently drive a 2002 Jeep Liberty. I'm not really sure how much my parents are paying for gas and insurance, but I know that I will probably start having to helping them pay for it. I am most surprised by the fact that smaller cars with better gas mileage have more expensive insurance. I guess it's to make us decide between paying more for insurance or more for gas.

bhickman1 said...

I drive an older buick , it's okay on gas I have to fill up about once a week but considering I drive to school, work, and soccer 45 minutes away twice a week that's not bad. I pay for my own gas and insurance which is 60 dollars a month . I'm also saving up for a new car, and i am planning on buying one good on gas even if it's not the newest most tech advanced car!

TerryLovelace2 said...

I drive a '95 Honda. I pay 50 dollars for the insurance and my parents pay the rest. My car is paid off so there are no more car payments. These manufactures are tricking us into buying the most high tech cars available.

Aidan2 said...

I drive a 2005 Carrola. It's my grandma's car so I'm not sure how much the insurance for the car is because I don't pay for it. But, the gas isn't too bad, considering it's a smaller car. I never fully fill the tank because I'm cheep, but I usually get $15- $20 worth of gas, and that gets me a half tank. This usually last me a week, week in a half because really the only places I drive is to school and around town.

Brandon Rodriguez Per. 1 said...

at the moment i dont drive so my family doesnt pay anything for me to drive, i figured the energy efficient cars were good on gas but, as usual i was wrong and its not right what manufactures are doing what they are doing. thats almost like false advertising

jacob globke p1 said...

I used to have a 2000 dodge neon until I wrecked it :( the insurance wasn't bad and it got good gas mileage. My parents paid for everything. I used it all the time for whatever I needed :)

macyfaulkner1 said...

Currently I do not drive. I have my license but I do not have the money to get a car yet. My mom drives a Mazda. I know it gets pretty good gas mileage but gas is expensive so it doesn't really make a difference.

A. Wright Per 1 said...

I drive a 1996 Chevy Cavalier, and it is realllly good on gas. i can put $25 or $30 in and have a full tank. most companies say they have the best mileage on the new cars, but personallly i find the smaller and older cars to be more efficient. i dont pay my insurance, but i know that it recently went up because i got a speeding ticket last november.

A. Wright Per 1 said...

I drive a 1996 Chevy Cavalier, and it is realllly good on gas. i can put $25 or $30 in and have a full tank. most companies say they have the best mileage on the new cars, but personallly i find the smaller and older cars to be more efficient. i dont pay my insurance, but i know that it recently went up because i got a speeding ticket last november.