Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Planning Your Future

Read this article about Personal Finance.   What were 2 things that surprised you from this article and or what were 2 important facts that you plan to include in your personal finance plan. 
This article is due March 30, 2012.  


Sierra Kelly - Period 1 said...

I found it surprising that 98 percent of young adults plan to save and budget their money. Also, I thought it were interesting that more young people planned to save their money than older people. Two important things that I plan to do is save my money by putting it in a bank and having someone monitor me and make sure that I don't take out any money that I'm not supposed to. Also, I would really like to start budgeting my money. I hardly ever have money now, but I just started a job so when I start getting pay checks, I plan to budget it.

Destiny Hammitt said...

What surprised me was that more young people plan to save their money than older people. I thought if you were older you should be smarter and the smarter thing to do is to save money. Also, I thought it was interesting and amazing that young adults are learning from this terrible recession. They are learning to save money and spend less to do well in life. Those are key things to learn and know. Obviously the last generation of people who are now adults did not learn this because those are the people who still tend to save less and spend more. Two important things I plan to do is start to save more and more of my money but soon I will be renting an apartment with my boyfriend. So, I also need to work largely on my budgeting and learn how to pay bills the right way. I have money a lot now that I have two jobs but always seem to spend my money very fast. Learning to save and budget will help this.

Krista House said...

I found it surprising that only two out of every ten young adults said they wanted a better job. I thought it would've been a higher number than that. I also found it surprising that young adults ages 18 to 34 said they wanted to save money better and pay down debts. I found that surprising because usually younger people aren't as smart about their money. I think that because of this reecession, people are learning at a younger age at how important it is to save money. An interesting fact that I learned was online money management has become popular among young adults because it is fairly new. Another interesting fact I found was that the most popular New Year's resolution was to save more money and pay down debts. I hope that if I start saving money now, I can develop better money saving skills at a younger age and not find out the hard way like how people have now because of this recession.

JaneLakes said...

I was surprised that 2 out of ten young adults want a better job. You would think that since they just got out of college they would have their dream job. Also, I was surprised that more young people are saving their money instead of the older people because you think the older people would have learned the hard way how to saving their money. To help me save money i would like to eventually get a real job or get more hours so i can save money for college.

ebonyhoward13 said...

Two things that surprised me about this article was how young adults between the ages of 18 and 34 are more likely to say they want to save more, spend less, develop a budget, and pay down debts in 2011 than older generations. To help me save money, instead of spending my whole pay check I will out money in my savings accountant.

MadisonW1 said...

I'm surprised that more young adults want to save than older people. Also, that 7/10 young adults reported being more optimistic than they were last year, compared with just 61% of the general population. I'd like to work on staying out of debt by paying off my school fees as soon as possible. Once I get a job I'd like to start saving.

mchristianson said...

That 98% of young adults actually want to save more and do better than last year. I thought that was surprising because some young adults don't even bother with saving money or being responsible. Another thing is that people are actually using online budgeting tools, especially in young adults. I thing that is a good thing though, because our generation wants to prevent the recession we had to grow up through. 2 important facts that i want to include in my personal finance would be taking small steps to save and earning extra money. I also want to work on spending less money on pointless little things.

Haley Kroger period 1 said...

One thing that surprised me was more young people wanted to save their money than older people. Another thing that surprised me was 7 out of 10 young adults were more optimistic than they were last year. In a way this recession has taught young people to be careful with their money. I believe it is extremely important to save your money. When I get a job my main priority will be to save my money even if I have to cut down on things that I don't necessarily need.

Whitley Beachler said...

Two things that surprised me were that the most popular New Year's resolutions were to save more money and spend less.Two important things I'm going to do to save my money is invest in mutual funds and put what I'm not in need of in a savings account.

Alisha Ferguson said...

Two things that surprised me from this article was that seven in ten young adults are more optimistic this year than they were last year compared with just 61 percent of the population and almost 2 in 10 young adults say that they want to find a better job or work more in 2011. two important facts that i want to include in my personal finanance would have to be to take small steps and share my plans with others.

brian johnson said...

I think it's stupid they set goals who cares it doesn't matter it's up to you what you do with your money and to be honest I could careless what some kids do that hot interviewed by the news or whatebwr. It's dumb how everyone wants to try to be in other peoples business and try to discusss it like stop trying to give everything such perfec form and guidelines and ideas let people be whatever they want an do what they want. Gtfo

Matt Current P1 said...

I found it surprising that only two out of every ten young adults said they wanted a better job. I also found it suprising that 98% of young people plan on saving their money. In my personal finance plan, I plan on starting very soon and start developing better budgeting skills.

fotistperiod1 said...

1 thing I found surprising is that 7 out of every 10 adults said they wanted a better job than the one they have now. Also, I found it surprising that most people's new years resolutions were to save more money and spend less.

BrittanyButler1 said...

A thing I found surprising in the article was that most new years resolutions were to save money and spend less in the upcoming year. This require a lot of planning on their parts. I also found it surprising that only 2 in 10 adults want a better job, with the economy how it is I expected it to be a larger number. I plan to implement budgeting into my own personal finance and also saving 20% of each paycheck that I recieve.

Cameron Everage prd1 said...

One thing I found surprising is that Americans listed fixing the national budget as their number one concern. Another thing i found suprising is that only 20% of young adults want to improve their job position. I plan to implement a better savings program to my own own personal finance, and also to get a side income along with my full-time pay.

JacobRiceperiod1 said...

One thing that I found surprising is that the most popular New Year's resolutions were to save more money, spend less money, and pay down debts. This surprised me because we as American love to not only have money but also spend it. It also surprised me because these three things were all above 50%. A second thing that surprised me was more young people want to learn to manage their money better more than older people did.

Jason Gibbs Period 1 said...

one thing that surprised me was that seven of every 10 adults said they want a better job.And i plan on saving as much much money as possible.

Ravensimmonspd1 said...

One thing that surprised me from the article was that more people in the younger generation said that they want to save more money and make a budget than the older generation. You'd think it would be the opposite. Another thing that surprised me was that 20 year olds took part in wanting to learn about saving money and making budgets. They wanted to have a plan. I did not know that people at this age want to save and thing for the future. One thing I learned from the article that I will keep for the future is that I will not pay and buy a lot of things with credit. I will barely ever use it. The other thing is that I will do year end reviews to see where my money is going and what I can change about my budget to save more money. I'll also use electronic money management to help me out.

kristen larson said...

this surprised me because i didn't think the younger generation would be saving more then the older generation. another thing is i didnt think people in there 20's would want to learn more about saving money. i would like to learn more ways to save money.

jamespenny2 said...

i found surprising that every two adults want a better job. its not surprising however that the younger kids are trying to save money. I'm young adult who likes to save money. i think its better to save money just in case you need it for something important.

Joe Lietz said...

one thing that surprised me form the article in the younger generation want to save more money than the previous. I thought it would be the complete opposite.

CaseyMays08 said...

The thing that I found surprising was that some people had the New Years resolution to start saving money. Even though these people say this, it is most likely that they will end up spending the money. It is also shocking that 7 out of 10 adults wish to have a better job then they already do. Two important things that I hope to do is put some money in a savings account, and manage my money a little differently.

SHowarth per.2 said...

It surprised me that more young people plan to save their money than older people, and that on 2/10 people wanted a better job. I will budget my money, and invest more money, and invest in a variety of funds and stocks

JDailey 2 said...

I thought it was surprising that most Americans thought that fixing our national debt was number one out of all our problems. Also it was surprising that most people picked saving money as their New Year's resolution. I plan to implement budgeting into my personal finance and rent homes to people for a small side income.

akalickji2 said...

I was surprised to learn that people in our generation are more likely to be optimistic about money now and in the future. Older generations aren't as optimistic with their money. These young people are beginning to develop savings plans to help them in the future. Young people are more apt to develop savings plans than older people. I hope that I can learn to save and budget my money the right way in order to avoid financial turmoil in the future.

Katy Faulkner said...

I found it surprising that young people plan to save their money more than older people do. I also was surprised by the fact that the younger generation is more optimistic about the future financially. I plan on saving as much money as I can and spending it only when I need to.

Leslie Rhodus said...

I found it surprising that my generation has higher standards than previous ones. Only 2 out of ten adults say they want to find a better job, and 18-36 year olds find more need for being on a budget. This comes as an extreme surprise to me, since I would have expected it to have been the other way around. It does make me happy though, that even though the government gives us everything we need to survive, our younger people are getting out there, trying to raise thheir own standard of living, and being responsible with their finances. I personally plan to be the same. I am going to start living out on a lower standard of living, keeping student loans and morgages a priority, and as I make more money and my debts start to shrink, I will have the opportunity to live the way I need, and then some. I will also start saving for retirement early.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised that the young adults want to save more. I was also surprised that a majority of young adults made saving a New Year's resolution. My goals are to budget my money, invest in stocks and mutual funds, and to plan for retirement at a young age so I do not have to worry about it further down the road.

Aidan2 said...

I found it surprising that The most popular new years resolution was to save money, when usually the most common is losing weight or world peace. Obviously the recession has shook people up and statistics show that. Consumer Monitor also revealed a strong commitment to better money management in 2011, especially among the younger generation. This surprises me because it seems that it is now the you get generation that wants to be more economically aware. For me, I plan on making sure I have organized and separate saving accounts, one for future savings and one for every day living, etc.

Vada Edwards said...

I was surprised that the younger generation, ages of 18 and 34, are more likely to say they want to save more, spend less, develop a budget, and pay down debts in 2011 than older generations. I know I even try to save every chance I get to. This economy is definitely like it use to be. Also, who would think that saving money is EVERYONE's resolution. It's really weird to think that everyone this alike.

bhickman1 said...

I found it surprising that 7 out of 10 adults want better jobs , you would think that by the time you are adults you'd have found a job your happy with and you'd have plenty of time to go back to get a degree to do something different , also I found it surprising that 98% of young adults save money . All the young adults I know like myself spend their money, even though I'm trying to develop a better money saving plan

baileyjohnston2 said...

One thing I found interesting in the article was that our generation is more concerned about saving money and the older generations aren't as optimistic about it. I would have thought it would be the opposite. I also find it surprising that 7/10 adults aren't happy with their career. By the time you an adult I would think you would have picked a career you actually enjoy, or gone back to school for something you enjoy.

P. Stephan said...

I am pleasantly surprised by this article. It's nice to see that young people are mostly doing the right thing, saving money and paying off debt. Also the fact that most youth are happy with their jobs is shocking. I would think most are displeased and trying to find a new better job. I save most my money and am planning on continuing this trend, so that by the time i need money i have a nice cushion that is able to be accessed.

Tiffani Smallwood said...

I am very surprised by this article. I was surprised that our generation is more interested in saving money than the older generations. I would have thought that the older generation would be more interested in doing that because our generation seems to spend all the time. I am glad that a lot of our generation are happy with their jobs. I do currently save my money. I have a lot of it saved up and I plan to keep saving it up until college.

Brandon Rodriguez Per. 1 said...
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Brandon Rodriguez Per. 1 said...

i think its crazy that 98 percent of young adaults plan to save their money. i also think its crazy that only 2 out of 10 people want a better job.

TerryLovelace2 said...

I was surprised that most young adults want to save more. I was also surprised that a majority of young adults made saving a New Year's resolution. My goals are to budget my money, save up a lot of money and to plan for retirement at a young age so I do not have to worry about it further down the road.

jacob globke p1 said...

I was pleased to read this article because saving money is a big thing for adults nowadays. I see a lot of people that blow their paychecks on anything and everything and it's kind of funny to watch them complain about not having any :)

A. Wright Per 1 said...

it didnt really surprise me that more young peolpe save money than old people. i can understand that times have changed and the younger generation has more risks than the older generation. our times are more complex and complicated than theirs was.im glad that society learned from the recessin and are taking something away from it. americans need to learn how to budget and save better

jgroves2 said...

I plan to start saving early on to always have money to support my future self. This will be important due to normal business cycles and recessions such as the one we are beginning to come out of now. It was also surprising to see that many people's New Years Resolution was to save more money and do better than last year. This shows how finance is a growing priority and how budgeting is becoming so much more important with inflation and unemployment rates etc. to look out for.