Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kasich Education Plan

This article is due Friday, February 10th
Read the article about Kasich's educational plan.  Do you agree or disagree and why?


Destiny Hammitt said...

I do not, at all, agree with Kasich's educational plan. From my understanding he is wanting longer hours of school. Students already wake up before the sun is up and complain about that. By making the hours even longer there will be more complaints and more tired students. Students also have jobs after school, but it would be pretty hard for students to get to work at four if they get out of school at four. Longer hours would only make everything worse for students and faculty. Students already go to school for about 8 hours a day. This is just as long as a normal work day. That is enough schooling for one day, but added on to that 8 hours most students then go to work. That is a very long day. I just completely disagree with this educational plan.

Tiffani Smallwood said...

I do not agree with Kasich's education plan. Extending the hours that kids have to go to school will just increase the amount of more tired students, which will lead to lower test scores in the United States.

kristen larson said...

I do not agree. We have 7 hours of school if teachers can't teach us what we need in that amount of time that's not our fault. And if we add more hours to the school days kids will stop paying attention and would not want to be there. Most students get home from school then go to work giving them more hours of school on top of that would be too much.

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings towards his education plans because students do have jobs right after school. I also feel that the teachers do not teach us what we need to know in the 7 hours we have now so extending the time we would just waste more time. It would also cause students to complain more. If the students actually respected their free education and the teachers tried their hardest to teach students then extending the hours of school would be helpful.

ebonyhoward13 said...

I have mixed feelings about this. I feel like if they make school longer but not have 7 day week then this would be fine like maybe going 3 days out of the week. If not then then I think the school days should just stay the same because I think that 7 hours a day is enough time for one week.

Kyle Pheanis said...

I do not agree with Kasich's plan. For him to want longer hours of school is ridiculous. Students already don't get enough sleep and with this new plan it will only make it worse. I believe that there will be more dropouts. With the new educational plans i think that schooling will only get worse.

SHowarth per.2 said...

I dont agree. If you gave students longer hours and more homework, than they would be even less motivated at school, do less of the homework that they are given, be exhausted from working even longer than they did before, making the enrollment and graduation rates even lower than they already are.

Joe Lietz said...

I disagree with our governors education plan to make school days longer because if teachers cant give us the material in a seven hour period thats their fault and the students shouldnt have to suffer.

akalickji2 said...

I do not agree with Kasich's educational plan. However, I am willing to see things from his point of view. Middletown has an 82% graduation rate currently. This is good for us, but not nearly up to par with that of Hamilton which jumps up to 92%. Making the school hours longer will make the students even less focused than they already are. Many teachers don't know what to do with us in a 45 minute time period, so how on earth can they expect to handle us for even an hour a day? So much time would be wasted, even if allotted appropriately. Not only would students be even more worn out from school, many students have jobs, and they can't afford to be in school longer than they already are. I think that we do need to reform our educational system, but not through Kasich's plan.

Whitley Beachler said...

I have mixed feelings about his plan. I mean, high school students have jobs and sports. Extending hours would make people far more tired than they already are. For the elementary students though, extending their hours somewhat, could be helpful for when they go on to high school. Then again, extending hours all around, Could improve graduation rate, but that's not a sure thing.

Katy Faulkner said...

I strongly disagree with Kasich's plan. Extending the school hours won't do anything except make things worse than they already are. If kids don't care about school now, they're certainly not going care if they have to spend more time there. There will be more people sleeping in class because of the extended hours and a lot less people will graduate because there will be no motivation to go for that long.

Candace Lamb said...

I do not agree with Kaish's educational plan because this would only make test scores which seem very very very important to schools especially Middletown High School, worse. Kids would be worn out in longer classes and I'll admit attention spans are very low, no kid will be able to sit still for longer hours. I pray this bill never happens.

bhickman1 said...

I do not agree with kasich's education plan at all. Look at middletowns daily attendance rate now and the amount of skipping kids do now because they do not want to be in school for the full seven hours. If we extend the school day hours the less likely kids are going to attend and the more likely kids are not going to be willing to participate and learn in school. A school gets money based on their attendance so this new plan will not be benefitting anyone at all.

BrittanyButler1 said...

I feel like there are both positives and negative towards his plans. I personally have ALOT of activities and a job that I do after school, extending the hours would make school impossible to manage and still sleep at night. But, extending the hours might also make the school year shorter and also help us achieve more in class. If it was every other day that we had school (with the longer hours) I feel as though that would make up for some of the problems.

Vada Edwards said...

I definitely do not agree with Kasich's plan. First of all, he wants to expand school hours with makes it more difficult for students to go from school to sports etc. and then home to do their homework. Just adding school hours will push everything back; from actually experiencing urban education today, trying to play sports and stay up long enough to get my homework done is a hard task. Maybe if Kasich changed his plan up a little more and full describe what he wants to do with Cleveland area schools,until then i will always disagree.

fotistperiod1 said...

I do not agree with governor Kasisch's education plan. I believe that 7 hours is long enough for teacher to teach students. If you make the hours longer, more of the already tired students that have to wake up at 6 in the morning, will be much more tired than they usually are by the end of school. Also some of the students have jobs after school and need the money for multiple reasons like college or even for their family. I believe that the reason behind some of students low test scores at times is the teacher's fault not the amount of hours in school.

brian johnson said...

I do not agree with Kasich's plan. For him to want longer hours of school is dumb its just gonna make
Kids be more pissy about school and not wanna come do work or stay in class Students already don't get enough sleep and with this new plan it will only make kids care less forcing too much on the kids won't work it's stupid..

Alisha Ferguson said...

i do not agree with kasich's plan. i believe that if we went to school longer than how long we are already at school that test scores will be even lower and grades will be not as good. plus if people have jobs and have to be at work right after school, they will be even more tired now.

JacobRiceperiod1 said...

I am not in favor of Kasich's educational plan. I believe that if you give students a longer school day and more homework than students will become tired and not want to participate as much. Many students have jobs, and other outside activities like marching band, football, baseball, soccer, math club, chess team, forensics etc. and if you make school longer students will not be able to enjoy what they do because they will be so tired. I completely disagree with Kasich.

Cameron Everage prd1 said...

I agree with Gov. Kasich's plan. Thought extending school hours is negative, there is much more to this plan than just the school hours. I believe that the Gov. Kasich is on the right path in trying to promote better and more qualified teachers. Also, Gov. Kasich is right in promoting the reform of urban education systems, seeing as these urban systems, like Middletown, have the lowest graduation rates in the state and require the most attention.

clayton macdonald said...

i do agree with this i think it may increase the learning capability of the students and the learning capability of all the students, or i may disagree depending on if we get to take a nap in the middle of the day so i guess it all depends.

Cameron Everage prd1 said...

I agree with Gov. Kasich's plan. Thought extending school hours is negative, there is much more to this plan than just the school hours. I believe that the Gov. Kasich is on the right path in trying to promote better and more qualified teachers. Also, Gov. Kasich is right in promoting the reform of urban education systems, seeing as these urban systems, like Middletown, have the lowest graduation rates in the state and require the most attention.

Haley Kroger period 1 said...

I completely disagree with Kasich's educational plan. I actually think extending the school day will only make people furious and create more problems than it will solve. Many students have activities and jobs after school that take up a majority of their time. Some nights I don't even get home till almost 8 and it's hard to manage my time. Students will go to bed even later, getting less sleep, so everyone would be exhausted all the time. Being tired during school definitely does not help students learn.

Brandon Rodriguez Per. 1 said...

i disagree a lot, because it just seems like he's going to fire a lot of people and bribe people that are probably working for the government to come in and try to teach us. A bunch of kids like the way school is now and if there are failing kids in a district, in most cases, its because they don't try and just don't have the will to learn. Thats at least what i see in my school district.

Jason Gibbs Period 1 said...

i dont agree with his plan yoou cant want longer school days... kids dont get much sleep now just think when they leave school they work for 6 or seven hours

jamespenny2 said...

I do not agree. We have 7 hours of school if teachers can't teach us what we need in that amount of time that's not our fault. And if we add more hours to the school days kids will stop paying attention and would not want to be there. Most students get home from school then go to work giving them more hours of school on top of that would be too much.

JDailey 2 said...

I don't agree with Kasich's plan to increase hours of school time, but not because I don't like school. I think that the high school curriculum is based around getting good test scores, rather than actually teaching students the knowledge that they will need 10 years after they graduate high school. Increasing the amount of time that we spend at school is not the solution. I spent about 10-12 hours at school every day for the 7 hour day and then after school activities. When I go home I am beat. Adding more school will just make me even more tired and and therefore unable to get the proper rest I need for the next day of school.

baileyjohnston2 said...

I disagree with Kasich's education plan. Making school hours longer would not help at all. Students already have a hard time focusing in class for the amount of time we have now. Some teachers wouldn't have enough work for students to do, so it would be a big waste of time. We already have students skipping class and school so I think that rate would go up. His plan is just a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kasich that schooling needs to change, the current system does not work and too many children don't care what happens there or just skip. However, I feel that his plan isnt the right way to do it. I support GOP candidate Ron Paul's ideas for education and think we need to allow the schools to determine how the classroom works, not let the government infer and then impose their will that damages good teachers whether by firing or by damaging their way of teaching.

Anonymous said...

Though extending the school day may be extreme, I believe he has good ideas. I don't think the number of hours of studying needs to be changed I believe the type of studying needs to be changed. Instead of teaching students to pass the OGT let's teach them how to be successful at life. This means stop teaching kids to be poets, writers, or artists and lets focus on what will make our country great like engineering, manufacturing, and inventing new things to stay in the race with other countries.

P. Stephan said...

I do not agree with Kasich's educational plan. I think that the best way to make kids smarter, and have them participate in school is to make it interesting. If the plan is to just make the school day longer and harder, it will just overwhelm kids into submission. They will end up not trying as hard and it will just defeat the initial goal. Also if kids have more time invested in school it will limit there other options such as jobs or sports. So this plan is bad for just about everyone.

Krista House said...

I do not agree with Kasich's plan for our educational system. Our system is based on testing right now and the only way to fix it is by not making it about testing. Longer school hours and days will stress kids out more, and in my opinion more kids will drop out because they already feel that the school day is too long. It is just not worth it. Kasich's plan is a joke.

jgroves2 said...

I agree that schooling needs to change. But I don't think this is the way to go. It seems that students who don't graduate fail out of laziness and simply not caring. Adding school hours won't change this in fact it will most likely make this problem worse. It could lead to more students becoming overwhelmed and not caring. I think that Ron Paul's views on schooling are optimal. Schools should be allowed to decide how they teach and what teachers they higher. Standardized testing should be reduced and more interactive and open teach styles should be implemented. When teachers are allowed to teach their way they tend to be much more enthusiastic about education and sometimes slightly entertaining. (Dr. Tape)

Stone2 said...

I believe that Kasich's plan in some areas is right for a new education system. But making longer School days is not such a good idea. Teachers are sometimes confused on what to teach on a & hour day. And what if we have Substitutes? nobody would be in class. Also i think that this would disrupt sports. baseball games are at 4:30. That is my ticket to College. Do not mess with baseball Kasich.

Aidan2 said...

I have mixed feelings about Kasich's plan. Him to wanting the school day to be longer, will cause even more issues with schooling. Students already don't like going to school, and we only have a 7 hour school day. About half the school can't even handle going to their everyday 45 minute class, i couldn't imagine going for much longer. More people wouldn't come to school, and/or skip more class. There would be less focus which would lead to lower grades. But, I do think that there could be other ways to help improve schooling. And, I also think that teachers have a lot to do with our education. We need better teachers, who know what they're teaching and are good at teaching it.

CaseyMays08 said...

I do not agree with this education plan. If you keep kids at school for more hours then that will cause them to be more tired and to not want to learn anything. I feel that students spend enough of their life in school and when they get home their day is already half way over. School takes up so much time, however it is important that we do get a proper education. Students will just be angry and not want to pay attention in school if they were told to stay longer.

mchristianson said...

I do not agree with his plan. Increasing the hours that kids have to go to school will just cause kids to try less. If it were somewhere else, sure, maybe it would help but Middletown is who we are. The graduation rate is good for us and we get done what we need to. Many students also work and have life outside of high school. People don't think that our city is doing good but I think we're perfectly fine where we are with 7 hours of school a day.

Anonymous said...

I do not agree with Kasich's educational plan. The though of having longer school days is stupid. Clearly he does not spend time in high schools or he wouldnt have made this plan. Students go to school long enough as it is, and we have trouble getting kids to come for this long. I believe seven hours is plenty of time to learn for a day. Thats as long as a normal work day. Student like myself are involved in sorts, clubs, chiors, and work and have enough trouble fitting it all in along with homework. The only part of his plan i would agree with would be getting more qualified teachers.

jacob globke p1 said...

I do not agree with Kasich's plan. For him to want longer hours of school is ridiculous. Students already don't get enough sleep and with this new plan it will only make it worse. I believe that there will be more dropouts. With the new educational plans i think that schooling will only get worse.

Anonymous said...

I agree for the most part with him. Extending hours of school would allow us to better understand what is being taught, but for this to work the teachers would have to have a different mind set; instead of teaching the lesson and then leaving us to sit and talk/ do it before the bell rings, teachers now know they don't have time to thoroughly get into subjects so they do the bare minimum of what we need to know. Teachers would need to extend their lessons, instead of our homework load. I also fell that this plan would only work with some classes. It would take some time and trial and error, but I think this could actually be good for our education.

Sierra Kelly - Period 1 said...

I, personally, do not agree with this plan. It seems like Kasich's plan is to make students stay in school longer. Not only is this horrible because we already wake up way too early but if students have to stay in school longer they will be more tired and worn out. Therefore, no students will have motivation to do their work and especially their homework. Also, many students work outside of school, so if they have to stay in school longer they will have less work hours which will lead to less money to go to college. No matter what way i look at this plan, it does not look helpful, at least not to me.

Matt Current P1 said...

I do not agree with this. Making school days longer than 7 hours is pointless unless you want to reduce the amount of days you go to school per week. Students need to be focused all day for 7 hours to earn good grades and that is tough to do when you are a teenager only getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night.

A. Wright Per 1 said...

I don't agree with this at all. it's not about the quantity of schooling we get but the quality of it. we need better teachers who can teach what they need to in a productive manner.

Ravensimmonspd1 said...

The school system definitely needs to change, but i don't think that it needs to have extended school hours. I think him wanting to get better, more qualified teachers is a good thing, but I think he should make some more adjustment to his ideas.

TerryLovelace2 said...

I do not agree with Kasich's educational plan. If schools increase the hours kids have to attend, more kids will not want to be there. More kids will drop out, more kids will be tired, and more kids will dislike going to school in the first place.

macyfaulkner1 said...

Personally I do nor agee with this plan. Students already have to spend many hours of the day in school. Making students spend even more of their day in school would be terrible. There would be more drop outs and more acting out. I think we should come to school later. Students would be better rested and more alert.