Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Social Networking? Help!!!

I'm betting most of us in this room have a Facebook account..........am I right?  Read this article and read what some people are having to do due to their use of social networking.
This is your final article - Due date May 16th.


brittanyblankenship2 said...

basically this article is saying that watch out what you put online it could destory your life or make it. The study they did also found that 86% of employers reported that a positive online reputation factors into their hiring decision. so online things could get you a job or make your chances of getting one slim to none.

JBrown4 said...

wow 86% of employers look at a facebook account for job interveiws and when you seach a name today it doesnt bring up your accomplishments. Its brings up your facebook,myspace, or twitter and they get an idea of who you are and how professional you look. basically just be careful what you post

AlexGetter4 said...

The idea of someone cleaning up mistakes on the internet that you made is somewhat of a good idea, but what are you doing putting bad stuff up on Facebook anyway? In all honesty, if there are pictures of a teacher drinking on Facebook I don't think they should be told to take them down. It's not illegal to have a personal life, but people do need to be careful about doing anything offensive because it can cause you a possible job opportunity.

OliviaKidwell4 said...

It's odd that now up to 86% of employers will search your Facebook account, that's something I've never thought of. But if you do something that you don't want your bosses or employees to know or gossip about, then you shouldn't post it. It's that simple. But if it's not that bad, you should have the right to post it. It's like a freedom of speech kind of thing. The best thing to do is not post anything obscene about yourself or someone else, because they could try & do something to make you look bad as well.

dvglunt4 said...

While search engines and social network sites can help us find important information, they can also be grossly misused. If you are not careful what you (or anyone else, for that matter) puts online, people can find out things about you that you don't want them to. Someone you have never met can know everything about you. Just be careful with the internet, kids.

D.x.Hall2 said...

I personally don't have much input on this subject due to the fact that I currently don't have a Facebook, believe it or not.
But I say it's dumb...as far as the humiliation and accomplishments go. You should have enough common sense to realize that what you say is going out there into mainstream America. An regardless of whether or not you delete it, its already out there.

SJohnson4 said...

If 86% of employers have access to any of your online Social Networking you should think about what you post before posting it, because once it's out there anyone can see it, even if you are to delete it. Employers can look at these pages and get an idea of what kind of person you are and this may affect there hiring decisons. The main idea of the article is to just be smart with what you're posting.

astephan2 said...

I believe it is a great concept for people and possible employers to be able to see you through your facebook or twitter or whatever because that shows your TRUE colors. Anyone can say whatever they want in an interview but you never know the real person you're hiring until you see what they say when they think you're not working. This is truer than ever especially since 86% of potential bosses are searching for you so be careful!

astephan2 said...

I believe it is a great concept for people and possible employers to be able to see you through your facebook or twitter or whatever because that shows your TRUE colors. Anyone can say whatever they want in an interview but you never know the real person you're hiring until you see what they say when they think you're not working. This is truer than ever especially since 86% of potential bosses are searching for you so be careful!

Jbrown4 said...

I had to no idea that so many employers looked at Facebook before hiring someone. that makes me want to go and check my Facebook to make sure that I don't have anything that should not be on there or that would make me look bad. I hope that people know that 86% of employers look at social media sites because with the way unemployment is, it would be messed up to lose out on a job opportunity because of something you posted on Facebook or Twitter.

ephillippe4 said...

I had no idea that 86% of employers look at a person's Facebook or Twitter account for job interviews. I've always heard of companies and universities looking at these accounts, but I never knew just how many actually did. Honestly, I think it's the individuals responsibility to make sure they don't have anything damaging on their Facebook or Twitter. People need to be careful of what they post, because it could potentially ruin their chances for an important job or interview.

djH-4 said...

Personally there is nothing on the internet i am ashamed of. Later in life this will not change. i see it one way. nude pictures are the only thing that can harm a person. this is why i only plan on stripping through college. will some people not like that? yes. will i deal with those people? no. life is made of choices, and if we as unique individuals don't back up our choices then why even live? i plan on becoming some type of doctor and can stripping picture leaks effect that? yes it can. yet, as of this moment i live in America and rags to riches can happen. i plan on it happening for me. it only takes determination to get what one wants , but determination is all one need to acquire the goals. i agree, be careful what is put on the internet. but i disagree to let it affect my life. plans are meant to be followed through and if anyone wants to comment on one's plan, we as the plan makers should be ready to argue our side!

t.davis2 (: said...

It's weird that now 86% of employers will search your Facebook account, that's something I've never thought of. But if you do something that you don't want your bosses or employees to know or gossip about, then you shouldn't post it. It's that simple. But if it's not that bad, you should have the right to post it. It's like a freedom of speech kind of thing. The best thing to do is not post anything obscene about yourself or someone else, because they could try and do something to make you look bad as well.

klovelace2 said...

This article was pretty interesting. I remember when I first made my Facebook account, my mom told me to be smart about what I post on there because you never know who's gonna see it. Now I really understand what she means. In my opinion, I think that if your irresponsible enough to put something online that could jeopardize your career or even your life in the future, then you should be responsible enough to accept it rather than try to hide it. You have to be smart about what you post online, because you really never know who is going to see it.

AndreaWallace said...

86% of employers look at a facebook account for job interveiws and when you seach a name today it doesnt bring up your accomplishments. Its brings up your facebook,myspace, or twitter and they get an idea of who you are and how professional you look. basically just be careful what you post basically this article is saying that watch out what you put online it could destory your life or make it.

KSprowles4 said...

I totally agree that people should be cafeful about what they post, but as of right now I am not worried about what I post. I am a colege bound/ job seeking teenager and I am well aware that schools and companies check those site but I am not ashamed of anything I post and I have not posted anything inappropiate. Could it affect my job choice of teach later? Maybe, but I highly doubt it. Like I said I'm very careful about what I post. If people are simply careful there are no real problems with posting things online.

dRogers4 said...

This is why most adults i know refuse to make facebook pages. I agree that people need to watch what they post on the internet. nowadays its really easy to look at who a person is just by looking at there internet pages. where you are, who your with, what you like, everything that makes you YOU is right at the worlds fingertips. this is why i don't put up things that i know could harm me in the future.

S.Slamka4 said...

I think its a good idea to have a company to cover up a bad facebook reputation to a degree. Honestly its good that these peole are given a second chance but its their own fault for posting it in the first place. They knew when they first posted it that everyone could see it and that it could be used against them. You also hear all the time about how employers look at your facebook profile. If you post something that could be used agaisnt you even after youve had people warn you,then its your own fault and you should have to deal with the consequences.

Looney2 :) said...

the social networking world is a big part of everyones everyday life. its crazy that when apply for a job 86% of your employers look at FB. That really says alot and should make some people concerned on what they post or upload. but at the same time its people just having a personal life and shouldn't be punished

Anonymous said...

i think its a pretty good stratigy for employers to check some ones facebook for anyone whos looking for a job at there company. and its smart because some people put there whole life on facebook. personally i dont do that because you never know who looks at your stuff, but it makes you think..

Vanessa Vest said...

I think its weird that 86% of employers look at a facebook account for job interviews. I think people need to realize that what they say on facebook is representing them and their image.

Awilliams2 said...

"Social Networking?Help!!!" is about the risks you take when you create a facebook, twitter, or myspace account and how it can affect you with job interviews and other things. For job interviews the person interviewing might pull up your myspace and facebook and see what kind of person you are. Such if you have pictures of partying and what not they probably won't hire you. I mean you shouldn't be putting bad stuff on facebook or these websites anyway, but I guess people have a point in it anyway. I think sometimes people are on facebook too much and they let it take their life away and they just become assumed with it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this article because so many people are basically living on their computers. People put all of their personal information on facebook or twitter etc. and they don't realize who all can really see it. Or they don't realize how bad they look. I feel even adults are starting to act more and more childish when they get on the internet. The internet is a good thing when you need to do work or research but for facebook and such its a waste.

CaraRhea:)4 said...

Its surprising to me that 86% of employers look at your facebooks to see your online reputation before hiring. I think this article is a bit of an eye opener because it shows that if you want to be successful in life you must watch what you put online about yourself.

Anonymous said...

This article is saying to watch what you put online because it could destroy or make your life. Its also crazy that 86% of employers look at facebook accounts for new job interviews. Also that when you search a name now you facebook is the first thing that comes up. And people just need to be careful what they put out onto the internet because its out there forever no matter what, and what you put out there could really hurt you when you get older.

courtneycolliver4 said...

With this article it's stating how risky it is to put information online. Once its out there its out there, no turning back. I am schocked at the % of employers who look at facebook accounts. If you put it online you better make sure you wan't someone like your boss to be able to see it. Tjis is an eye oopener since i have a facebook. People just need to take a precaution when they post ANYTHING but its not saying google or any of those search engines are a bad thing to use.

btimberman2 said...

I always knew employers looked at your facebook profile when deciding whether or not to hire you, but I didnt know it was 86%. I actually think this is a good thing they are doing. Looking at someones profile online can tell alot about that person. Basically what this article is saying is, becare what you do online.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that 86% of employers look at a person's Facebook or Twitter account for job interviews. That makes me want to go and check my Facebook to make sure that I don't have anything that should not be on there or that would make me look bad. I just think that people need to be careful what they put out onto the internet because its out there forever no matter what, and what you put out there could really hurt you when you get older.

kbrown2 said...

First off, Google is not a Social Networking site so get it off your picture. Secondly im not going to read this article and neither will anyone else. Just so you know. THis is my last post ever in your special ed of a class. I hope you get fired as your the worst teacher ever Mrs. Rowland :) Who needs econ when you have Racks on Racks?

briebrown4 said...

its weird to think that people could actually get hired because of what their employer saw on the internet about them. i was always told to always make sure what i but on the internet is safe for everyone to see, but it definatley puts a different perspective on things know that what you do put on facebook or twitter could actually help your future.

MSorrell4 said...

Its surprising to me that 86% of employers look at your facebooks to see your online reputation before hiring. I think this article is a bit of an eye opener because it shows that if you want to be successful in life you must watch what you put online about yourself.

Anonymous said...

This is a very important article for all internet users. It can help or hurt you in getting a job or not getting a job. About 86% look at internet accounts to see what kind of person you are. So just be careful on what you put on the internet.

tglunt2 said...

This article is telling you that what you put online could mess up your life. that when you go to get a job the ones that will hire you look online reputation. you have to be careful what you put online because if the job comes down to you and another person and you have a bad online reputation then the other person would get the job.

sFening4 said...

It's weird that 86% of employers will search your Facebook account. I always thought that it was just a fun friendly way to communicate but now it can be used against you if you say one word or have one picture that someone doesn't like. My mom told me to never have something on facebook that I wouldn't want her to see. I follow that now especially because I'm friends with my whole family on facebook.