Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Age of America End Near?

Read this article about the race for the top economy in the world.  What are your thoughts?
This article is for May 9


AleisheaT pd4 said...

"Age Of America End Near" was a scary article for me. To know that Americas economy could be taken over by China by 2016 is very scary. Obviouly America isn't doing enough to prevent that, 5 years is a very short time period and not enough time for America to even come close to picking America up again. In my opinion their might not be any hope for our home of the free.

brittanyblankenship2 said...

Under PPP, the Chinese economy will expand from $11.2 trillion this year to $19 trillion in 2016. Meanwhile the size of the U.S. economy will rise from $15.2 trillion to $18.8 trillion. so basically china is taking over. i dont really know what to think about this or how to feel. i guess we all will just have to wait and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

This is shocking news. I would have never guessed that our economy was so bad that china is going to take over. I mean is china really planning this or is this America's guess? It's sad to know our economy was ten times stronger than china ten years ago and now we are right with them. We shouldn't be declining this much. We need to pick it up and have a fresh new start. We haven't been doing well and obviously were getting worse each year.

AlexGetter4 said...

In my opinion, I really don't think that China will "take over" as the leading economy in the world. That seems a little ridiculous. The IMF reports that right now our economy is 130% bigger than Chinas and in 2016 it will still be 70% bigger. So, obviously we are on a decline. But a takeover as leading economy? I don't think so. I don't think that the U.S should be concerned about being the leader. We should fix the economy for self-interest, not competition.

JBrown4 said...

well if you think about it. where do e get all of our things from? right china so this isnt a big shock to me since we give them a ton of money and buy like 90% of everything from them. its kinda sad how much the us has dropped in vaule just in our lifetime...

S.Slamka4 said...

I realize that our economy is in the garbage but it never once crossed my mind that China would take our place. But its our own doings. China's economy will raise 17% while we drop a significant precent, but at this point there is really nothing we can do we are in too deep. We will just have to sit back and wait for things to unfold.

OliviaKidwell4 said...

Although this is a negative prediction, it's not necessarily going to come true. It's basically just a forecast that we should take as a warning. If our job market expanded and our economy started thriving the way it used to and more businesses opened up, we can climb back out of this recession. If people could easily get jobs, they would get more money and therefore spend more money, which could eventually bring our economy back to the way it used to be, and hopefully this happens soon.

dvglunt4 said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again: China is going to take over the world. We should probably learn some Chinese to prepare. We will probably lose many of our freedoms. Fortunately, I am completely sick of freedom because I've had to write countless essays about it in Mrs. Webb's class this year. I shall welcome our new Chinese overlords. Maybe they'll at least get gas to under $4.20 per gallon.

SJohnson4 said...

The "Age of America End near" article didn't really surprise me. Almost everything sold in the America is made in China. I don't believe that in 2016 the Chinese will "take over" but, if we want to fix this problem we're going to need to stop being so dependent on China.

D.x.Hall2 said...

Alot of Statistics, alot of reading. But what I got from the article, and other's people's post was how China is passing us and our reign of the world is coming. Well maybe i read wrong, but it was only in Gross domestic product and how much money they're making. and I also saw soemthign that said they don't even count they're products correctly, so all those numbers are inaacurate.

astephan2 said...

I feel that everyone nowadays wants to find an easy way out of things and for us its using china for mostly everything...this may be cheaper but is it worth giving up our country? this is really something to think about and it is important...a lot of americans have forgotten how great this country is and what WE are worth...not china.

Jbrown4 said...

I think that this article puts a lot into perspective. To know that our country's economy could be taken over by China by the year 2016 scares me. We need to stop worrying about other peoples problems and start worrying about the problems that we have in America. We need to focus on getting our country back to where it should be and then we can go waste our time on helping other countries and to think that we could be taken over by CHINA!!!!! I don't even know how to speak chinese.

ephillippe4 said...

It's really scary to think that the U.S. will be taken over by China in terms of the economy. This article claims that by 2016 China will surpass the U.S. This is only 5 years for America to turn our economy around, and honestly I don't think it will happen. The economy still has not seen real improvements, and I feel as if the government is not taking any real steps to fixing our problems. There is really nothing we can do as citizens to fix our economy, and who knows how our economy will look 5 years from now. Basically all we do is hope for the best.

djH-4 said...

Leave it to the chinese.They make everything. I can't remember a time i have ever seen "made in america" on anything, but i know i have seen china, japan,and countless others. so is this artical surprising? NO!

t.davis2 (: said...

I would have never guessed that our economy was so bad that china is going to take over. I mean is china really planning this or is this America's guess? It's sad to know our economy was ten times stronger than china ten years ago and now we are right with them. We shouldn't be declining this much. We need to pick it up and have a fresh new start. We haven't been doing well and obviously were getting worse each year.

klovelace2 said...

Wow this article is very scary to read. For them to say that in just a short 5 years, China might take over, is hard to believe. America has basically been in control sine the late 1800's and to think about it being any different is scary. To think about how life would change with China taking over is a very terrifying thought. Our government needs to start fixing things ASAP, before it's too late.

Awilliams2 said...

"Age Of America End Near?" scares the crap out of me. Sitting here thinking that five years from now in the year of 2016, China will be taking over the U.S. is so hard to believe and understand. Ending the U.S. is terrible to even think about. Someone needs to step up real fast in the government and change things, otherwise it's over for us. China will be expanding from $11.9 trillion to $19 million which is absolutely incredible. Thinking that our economy ten years ago was triple the size of China's is crazy to even think about. We need to pick ourselves back up.

courtneycolliver4 said...

I would never have guessed that this could come into play. I mean we were so above them on the scale 10 years ago and now were slowly falling behind them. It's sad to see that China is planning this. This is one thing that the United States needs to work on. I think everyone gets a little bit scared when they think of what china could do by 2016. Declining this much this fast shouldn't happen. If we don't get somewhere fast we will be in big trouble.

Anonymous said...

This article is very shocking. That China could take us over and have the biggest economy in the world. In just five years. We need to do something very very quick. We have been declining so much that everybody is catching up mostly China. So who ever the next president is they really need to be thinking about howto fix this.

CaraRhea:)4 said...

Its a little scary to think about China taking over Americas economy. Its surprising to see that we are in such a bad situation that another country could take it over. Its shocking to see that our economy was three times the size of chinas and now they are getting ready to take ours over. I feel like we might not be as successful as we once were and thats a terrible thought.

AndreaWallace said...

I really don't think that China will "take over" as the leading economy in the world. That seems a little ridiculous. The IMF reports that right now our economy is 130% bigger than Chinas and in 2016 it will still be 70% bigger. So, obviously we are on a decline. But a takeover as leading economy? I don't think so. I don't think that the U.S should be concerned about being the leader. We should fix the economy for self-interest, not competition.

m.hardin4 :) said...

This article is true, but a bit overkill. Its true that a lot of our things are made in China, but there are enough American companies and jobs to keep our economy. I mean, come on now. Our government officials arent going to let another country, especially one we dont like a lot, take over and run our economy. Its expected to happen in 5 years, but hopefully, our economy will be out of this slump and back to normal by then.

KSprowles4 said...

To think that America might not be a superpower anymore is a little frightening. However this problem is within our means to fix. If we would stop sending jobs overseas, things would get better. Our unemployment would go down and our economy would get better. We have the means to fix it, it just might take some new leaders and the people to get involved. Im not worried, for now.

MSorrell4 said...

I realize that our economy is in the garbage but it never once crossed my mind that China would take our place. But its our own doings. China's economy will raise 17% while we drop a significant precent, but at this point there is really nothing we can do we are in too deep. We will just have to sit back and wait for things to unfold.

btimberman2 said...

Can China really take America over? I sure hope not. Its scary to think that this can actually happen. According to the IMF, right now our economy is 130% bigger than Chinas and in 2016 it will still be 70% bigger. But this doesn't mean this is the way it will go. America really needs to do something fast.

Kspencer4 said...

WELL! I cant say I didnt actually see this coming. China has reigned far above us in producing products and goods, so why wouldnt China take over our economy? If we cant handle our economy maybe they can since they actually do more work than us in most ways. Sure "Made In China" is usually stamped on toys and other cheap products, but at least the things made in China arent depressing our economy like how Americans are with the things we use our money on. Not saying that this is a good thing if China takes over, I just saw it coming.

Anonymous said...

This is shocking news. To know that Americas economy could be taken over by China by 2016 is very scary. China's economy will raise 17% while we drop a significant precent. This article claims that by 2016 China will surpass the U.S. This is only 5 years for America to turn our economy around. America needs to get back in the game before this really happens!!

Looney2 :) said...

To know that Americas economy could be taken over by China by 2016 is very scary. by then Chinese economy will expand from $11.2 trillion this year to $19 trillion, while the size of the U.S. economy will rise from $15.2 trillion to $18.8 trillion. this pretty much means that eventually, we wont be top dog in the world anymore. i mean thats depressing but at the same time its kinda expected. we couldn't be up there forever.

Anonymous said...

it seems unreal that america is to be taken over, it doesn't seem like that could really happen. but if that were to happen i don't know what i would do. probably move to england or something. but for now i'm going to have faith in america and that we could do something to make a difference

dRogers4 said...

Im not shocked that were losing things to other countries and technology. but, to be honest we've just let it happen. just sat back and let them start doing things for us. its no wonder we don't have anything that says "made in the us" because America is known for having others do our work for us. its sad, but americans are lazy. its our own fault this has happened.

Vanessa Vest said...

I've always thought that our country was the most stable, and I'm kinda shocked that china took our place. but now that i think about it almost everything we buy now days is made in China. But I don't think china will "take over"

kbrown2 said...

I hate when people act as if this kind of thing really matters. We really just need to worry about ourselves not what other countries are doing. I honestly do not care who's market is bigger. There are much more important things to worry about than stupid, gullible, paranoid people's worries!

Tyler S. Males said...

this article brought up a kind of fear in me. To know that we could be taken over within 4 years? i never thought that would even be possible. now i'm not so sure. and we were 10x stronger ten years ago?? how does a country decline that fast?? we must pick up the slack soon

tglunt2 said...

This article was a little scary, thinking that China could take over Americas economy in 2016. I think America should be doing more to prevent this from happening. 2016 isn't very far away they should be doing something to stop all this. There economy is at $11.2 trillion and by 2016 it'll be $19 trillion. We will see what happens.

Anonymous said...

To know that our economy could be taken over by the chines by 2016 is pretty scary. It sad to see that we were stronger than china ten years ago and now they might take over us. this is crazy and make me wonder what is going to happen to our country.

Anonymous said...

this article is crazy, i never thought about it i was like Wow this article is very scary to read. For them to say that in just a short 5 years, China might take over, is hard to believe. America has basically been in control sine the late 1800's and to think about it being any different is scary. To think about how life would change with China taking over is a very terrifying thought. Our government needs to start fixing things ASAP, before it's too late.

sFening4 said...

I know that our economy is not doing well at all but I never thought that China would take our place. China's economy will raise 17% while we drop a lot. I always thought America was the best country there is, but now this article is telling me otherwise.