Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mark McKinnon: Do We Still Need Unions? No. - Newsweek

Mark McKinnon: Do We Still Need Unions? No. - Newsweek

Read this article that is negative to unions.  If you agree with this article respond here.  This article is for March 14th.


Anonymous said...

In a way I'm in between the subject of keeping unions. If they are "big money" then don't keep them, but if they are repaying the money they are earning in different ways whats the problem? It was mentioned that they payed millions into elections. I think that was a good way to payback the government. The issue being argued is if unions are good or bad for the government and this article seems to be more against it.

Anonymous said...
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S.Slamka4 said...

I personally am in favor of keeping the union. I don't see how a union giving money to a candidate silences the voters. No matter how much publicity one candidate has over the other should not be how someone votes in the first place. Also the money is being put back into the government.I also feel that the author f this article was trying to push his idea of unions are wrong on to the viewers rather than facts behind why they are wrong.

t.davis2 (: said...

I think unions should be kept. at least only if they are repaying the money they are earning in different ways. I don't see anything wrong with that. Also, if the money is for a good cause, like they payed millions into elections. That was a good way to payback the government. So if every union is like this, I'm perfectly fine with that.

D.x.Hall2 said...

In my opinion, i say we keep the unions. I can't see how a union could silence the voters. No matter how much publicity one candidate has over the other should not be how someone votes in the first place. Also the money is being put back into the government. So in reality, there's no money being lost or gained

Vanessa Vest said...

I don't really care if we have unions or not but I feel they are unnecessary. In the article it said they are "big money" well if its big money then why do we still have them.

brittanyblankenship2 said...

i dont think unions silcence the voters at all.yet i really dont care about theem. everyone has problems with unions one way or another.

AleisheaT pd4 said...

I dont have a particular side on union. But i do see how unions can be good, but i also see how they can be bad. But our government is haveing bad times as it is so if something is going to bring us even further down, get rid of it.

djH-4 said...

Unions are good and bad.. If its a big company then its bad, if its a small company its good for them. Big companies have such a presence and influence on the country as a whole they can hurt everyone really fast..

MSorrell4 said...

I believe that unions tend to hurt the business . The private sector is the goal type of business for everything it's like the highest standard. The private sector runs so much better than the public sector. Private sector is only 7% unionized where as public sector is 49% unionized. It seems to me that unions hurt business more than helping.

CaraRhea:)4 said...

It doesn't matter to me whether or not we have unions. The article says that its "big money" but they are also paying a lot into elections. Which in that way its good because they are paying the government back. But if they are paying a lot of money then why have them?

kbrown2 said...

As with anything, there are upsides and downsides to unions. They are sometimes required as a mediator for management and workers. I have mixed feelings for the unions most times, but i think overall they should stick around, but they really should not have as much control as they do.

ephillippe4 said...

Honestly, I'm not sure whether or not unions should be kept. I can see both sides of the issue. Because unions are "big money", I see why many people believe unions are hurting business and should be dissovled. However, the other side to unions is the claim that unions actually are repaying the money in different ways. This is positive and would be good for business as well as the government. I believe there should be some sort of compromise to resolve this issue.

courtneycolliver4 said...

I think unions can effect someone really harshly...yet help them emensly. At times big companies don't think locally which can hurt workers yet they do try to look out for whats right. Companies wan't to keep an open mind. If they are payig alot of money whats the point of having them? This article seems to be against unions, and they hope to stop them. I personally don't think they all should be eliminated.

Anonymous said...

I personally think that we should keep unions. I don't understand how a union could silence the voters. Voters wills vote for whoever they want to, a union should never change that.

Anonymous said...

I can't really say if we should keep unions or remove unions. In some ways they are good and in some ways they are bad. If they are big money or cost to much then we should remove them. Then again they do a lot of good like paying into elections and so on but, if we could find a happy meeting in between with not having so high prices and paying earned money back into to helpful things then we would be just fine.

KSprowles4 said...

Unions are a neccesity in this country, and they just need to be monitored. They don't take away anyone's voice and as long as they pay back the government they are a good tool for the working class people.

Anonymous said...

Unions were created to protect the individual from either harm at work or low pay. Now that we have laws to protect them i wouldnt mind getting rid of unions. in the past decade unions have taken workers money and used it on things like elections that dont nessesarly help the individual. so get rid of them i dont care.

tglunt2 said...

I think that the unions need to be kept. I don't really understand why giving money to a candidate would silence the voters? They are repaying the money they have earned in different ways also. But this article seems to be more against them

briebrown4 said...

Unions aren't anything that i find that would need to be stopped. They are hurting anyone or anything by being there. Even though they are throwing money to candidates doesn't mean they are bad. I think that the Candidates shouldn't be bought anyway.

sFening4 said...

I'm kind of neutral when it comes to . If they are "big money" then don't keep them, but if they are repaying the money they are earning in different ways Idon't see a problem with them. It was mentioned that they payed millions into elections. I think that was a good way to payback the government. The issue being argued is if unions are good or bad for the government and this article seems to be more against it.

AndreaWallace said...

unions i think cause problems and strif between people in a community and just is not a good thing