Thursday, January 6, 2011


Read this article about Starbucks and comment on their changes. This article is for January 10th.


D.x.Hall2 said...

From what I understand, Starbucks has made the decision to change their logo. They claim that the change was made to support their decisions and to mark a new milestone they have reached. However, many people argue that the change was unnecessary.

IMO, people are blowing things out of proportion. If they want to change their logo, then let them do it. Is it gonna change the taste of their I agree that the previous logo was fine and looked better than the new one, but I know i won't be complaining about the alteration of their logo

Anonymous said...

I think that it was kind of point less to change the logo of Starbucks. It wasn't that big of a change anyways, so it really don't matter to me and it shouldn't matter to anyone else if they want to change it or not.

Tyler S. Males said...

To change a logo of a very prestigious company that is so well known throughout the U.S. and even the world really confuses me.. Why change? However it is just simply a logo and that will never change that amazing taste of their products. I agree fully with DxHall2 on this situation. A logo won't change anything

rowland said...


btimberman2 said...

Starbucks decided to change thier logo...What's the big deal? The new logo still features the iconic green siren but lacks the circle and the words "Starbucks coffee" around it. They claim that the change was made to mark the company's milestone. There are some people that support the logo change but at the same time, there are many peope that aren't so supportive. Personally, I don't understand why the change is a big deal. Its not like it's going to change the products or anything. If Starbucks wants to change their logo then they should have that right.

Looney2 :) said...

Wow why are people getting mad over nothing?? If you drink the coffee then drink the coffee. It's not like Starbucks is taking money from the tax layers and then changing the logo. They wanted a way to show they veteran-ness of the bussines. Why hate on them. The coffee is still gonna be same. The cup will probably still be the same it'll just be a 4 inch by 4 inch square on the cup that's different. Grow up. It's not like Starbucks tells people how to wear their hair or paint the nails or shoes to wear. Take some breaths and calm don't. Starbuck's will be fine.

Anonymous said...

I think the new logo is a great idea. I agree that it will bring more attention to the business. And if the coffee shop has been changing it over the years why does it matter now? In my eyes change is good. They said they were keeping tradition so it's not like they are totally turning it upside down. I think its just an opinion related thing and everyone has their own views. The coffee is being kept the same just not the logo. Big deal.

dRogers4 said...

I honestly don't find this article relevent at all. I understad that some people dont like change, but come on people. Its just a drink. A great drink, but just a drink. If Starbucks wants to celebrate a new milesone with a new logo, more power to them. Atleast its still the siren. Its already starting to grow on me. :)

BrandenP4 said...

Starbucks wants to change there logo let them its there company its there decision its not a big deal

AleisheaT pd4 said...

In my opinion, it really does not matter that Starbucks has made the decision to change their logo. Although it is not needed, i feel that change is good with certain things. And its not like the change in the logo will affect the way the drinks taste, so people just need to let this change go and relax, stress over something important, like WORLD PEACE!

courtneycolliver4 said...

Change can be good, espically with the start of a new year, it didnt seem much like a change to me though. Even though they changed there logo i'm not gonna stop going there, it dosent change the taste. If the company want's to change the logo they should be allowed to. Its there company and they try to do whats best. People shouldn't be mad that there changing it

KSprowles4 said...

This article was about how in a move to send Starbucks into the new millennium, the company has decided to change their logo and how people are expressing their strong and mixed feelings about the situation. Personally, I feel that it is fine if they want to change their logo. It’s a picture for Pete’s sake, its not going to change how their coffee tastes. I think people just need to calm down and let the company do what they think is best.

brittanyblankenship2 said...

The changing of the starbucks logo really dosent effect anything at all. They have the right to change their logo if they want. it dosent effect their coffee so whyshould it matter?!

kbrown2 said...

I think in this country, more people are against the changing of starbucks logo than probably war! lol This is an impressive stand by americans and i'm glad to be one of them... NOT. Starbucks is marketing themselves to have a little different look. When the logo on their cup starts affecting my coffee then we'll talk. But for now this country needs to be focusing on other issues!

klovelace2 said...

Wow I think people are definitely overreacting about Starbucks changing their logo. I don't understand why they chose to change it, but why does it matter? They are still going to be selling the same products and it's still the same company, just a different logo. I think people are trying to produce pointless arguments over something so small that doesn't even matter. Starbucks will be Starbucks, no matter what they change their logo to.

tglunt2 said...

From this I see it as being a good and bad thing. Yes change can be seen as a good thing and will attreck people to what can be new and better. But i do not feel that change is nesscessary to increase there sales or attrack more customers. Its really not that big or a deal if they change it, or keep it the same it wont change the coffee.

Anonymous said...

I think that people are overreacting! Yes the old logo looks way better, but it is just a logo. Changing the Starbucks logo will not affect the way the coffee taste. If people truely love Starbucks coffee, then the logo should not matter to them. Yes I think that changing the logo will effect their market, but after awhile people will get use to the idea and will move on with life.

dvglunt4 said...

I don't think that the change in Starbuck's logo is a big deal. I don't believe that the change will have any significant results, positive or negative, on the company or its consumers. Personally, I like the old logo better than this one. However, Starbucks is one of the largest and most well-known businesses in the country. That means that whoever is running the company is doing a good job and they probably know what they're doing.

djH-4 said...

Why would Starbucks change their logo? Its like a tradition. Things should stay the same and become more and more known. Starbucks is already really known and if the logo changes then maybe it will lessen.

briebrown4 said...

Starbucks is its own company. If they want to change their logo they can. But to be honest, changing a logo doesn't also make the difference between who will buy their coffee and who don't. It's whats inside the cup that matters. If people don't agree with Starbucks, then they can stop going there.

briebrown4 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
m.hardin4 :) said...

So, Starbucks decided to change its logo.. WHO CARES!? They're changing the little drawing on the front of the cup. They're a multi-million dollar organization, they definitely have the right to change the smallest part of it. I feel that as long as they are changing small little things on the cup, and not the product that goes inside of it, so be it.

S.Slamka4 said...

I don't see the big deal in changing the logo. The colors are still the same and the coffee itself is still the same. As long as the brew, which is the point in buying the cup in the first place hasn't changed I don't see the big deal in changing the icon on the cup. Besides the logo has been the same for quite some time now and it is the companies decision if they want to change it.

S.Slamka4 said...

I don't see the big deal in changing the logo. The colors are still the same and the coffee itself is still the same. As long as the brew, which is the point in buying the cup in the first place hasn't changed I don't see the big deal in changing the icon on the cup. Besides the logo has been the same for quite some time now and it is the companies decision if they want to change it.

AndreaWallace said...

my thoughts on the change of the starbucks logo is why would people make such a big deal about what the cup looks like all you should be concerned about is the tast and quailty of what you are drinking if you really stop drinking starbucks because of the logo you really need to reconsider things

Anonymous said...

I think it is Starbucks choice if they want to chang their logo or not. I also feel that those people who are getting mad about it have no reason to because its still the same coffee and all they did was take away the circle that said starbucks coffee, which should not be a big deal.

ephillippe4 said...

I believe that changing the Starbucks logo is risky. Millions of people have become comfortable with the old logo, and now they are lashing out at the company for changing it. Many people just simply don't like change. However, there are also several people that support the new Starbucks logo. While I support the new logo, I do think it was dumb that the company took their name off of the new design.

MSorrell4 said...

Starbucks wanting to change their logo has given them some publicity, not only were they already popular but this change has made them even more. I'm not sure why it's such a big deal it's not like Starbucks is changing their coffee or anything truly important.

Jbrown4 said...

I think that Starbucks changing their logo is something that they want to do and if they think that it is good for their business then I say go ahead and change it. Their drinks are not going to change and their prices are not going to change, so what every is on the cup is no big deal.

SJohnson4 said...

After reading this article I'm surprised that this is even an issue? The logo of the product doesn't affect the product.If you love Starbucks coffee whats on the outside of the cup shouldn't be a big deal, it's not like you're going to save the cup. It's Starbucks decision, and it's not that big of a change.

OliviaKidwell4 said...

Although the new logo is slightly more bland then the previous one, it shouldn't matter. The company's only trying to do whatever they can to increase their business, so it doesn't make sense to me that some people are taking it so personally.

AlexGetter4 said...

If changing the logo results in backlash from Starbucks customers then maybe it wasn't such a great business decision. But it doesn't change the taste of any of their products so it doesn't really matter.

sFening4 said...

Have you ever heard the ever heard the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover?" It is unnecessary to complain about a logo changing because the drink inside the cup hasn't changed. Google changes their font quite often, it draws attention. Businesses need to draw attention to get more business and switching up the logo helps. Going into Kroger you can probably find 100 items that say "New look, same great taste!" and it is almost guaranteed that the product gets more attention with a new logo. It's necessary, unlike the complaints.

CaraRhea:)4 said...

In this article I see that Starbucks has changed their logo. Apparently they are trying to change things up to mark a certain milestone or something. A lot of people, however, spoke out against this change because they believe nothing was wrong with the other logo.

astephan2 said...

I believe that the people making a big deal about changing the logo don't have enough to worry about. I mean starbucks has already brainwashed their customers into paying a ridiculous amount of money for coffee, so what does the logo matter? Unless they change their actual formula dramatically starbucks has nothing to worry about.

Kspencer4 said...

Personally, article angers me beyond a normal anger level. I understand that "fans" have their opinions, but if they're really fans of Starbucks they would accept the change of logo. Starbucks dropped the name off of the cup, so what? The coffee still tastes the exact same, and the cups logo still has the same concept behind it. Starbucks has the right to change what they want, especially since it represents the "milestone" they've overcome. Not everyone likes change, but it needs to be accepted anyways. The article and the Starbucks owner shouldn't focus so much on the downside, because I'm sure plenty of people embrase the change.

Vanessa Vest said...

In my opinion it isn't a big deal if they change the logo or not. It's not like people are going to stop going there just because starbucks changed their logo. The logo has nothing to do with the taste of coffee or anything they sell.