Thursday, January 6, 2011

Census: Number of poor may be millions higher

What is the number of poor in the US? What are your thoughts concerning these predictions? This article is for January 10th.


Awilliams2 said...

This article saddens me. I don't think that poverty should ever be an issue or ever be rising from year to year. People need to learn to help others. These billionaires and millionaires need to make a difference in others life's. I don't mean help people in other countries, yes they need help too, but maybe we should focus on the troubles in our own country before trying to help other countries. Also, it seems like medical bills kill everyone and cause a lot of problems with people. So why not try to cut down the medical bills a little bit. Everyone is going to need medical care one day so why not help out of kindness instead of billing people for something they can't control.

btimberman2 said...

I found this article to be depressing. I don't like hearing about people struggling or living in poverty. According to this article, the number of people living in poverty has increased year after year and in the U.S. that number is millions higher than the previous year. The age group of 65 and older has the highest number of individuals living in poverty. The rising cost of medical bills can be blamed for the increase. I believe that if there was a way to stop medical costs from rising then the number of people living in poverty would decrease. Something needs to change. Its not fair to punish those who are sick and need medical attention.

Tyler S. Males said...

Out of all the rich people making millions every year? why not help these people who are in poverty? I mean I watch football all the time..How is it that someone can make 70 million dollars and not help poor people? It makes me feel so sad because a lot of people can help, but they don't? Not to say that there are no people that help, but to make a big difference? it takes more than just a few people. Also the raise in medical bills makes everything worse. The medical bills should be cut

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Tyler Males. Their are so many out in this world that make so much money.There is enough to be shared. Then again giving out social security amounts and being poor is just putting ourselves in debt. Yea Americans that are poor have the opportunity in this country to be able to get a job. No matter if its a fast food or what. Other countries may not have those opportunities. Thats why Americans do not have the highest amount of poor in the world. But as Americans we should be helping these other countries.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Tyler Males. Their are so many out in this world that make so much money.There is enough to be shared. Then again giving out social security amounts and being poor is just putting ourselves in debt. Yea Americans that are poor have the opportunity in this country to be able to get a job. No matter if its a fast food or what. Other countries may not have those opportunities. Thats why Americans do not have the highest amount of poor in the world. But as Americans we should be helping these other countries.

dRogers4 said...

It really upsets me that the world has fallen so out of shape that the people that actually have benifits refuse to help those less fortionate. It is very depressing that the poverty rates have raised by that much, espessially concidering the fact that most of the people in poverty are older people, and mostly because of medical expences! I dont understand how doctors can live with themselves, didnt they go into medicne to help people? Not to put them in the hole.

D.x.Hall2 said...

This article shows how our country's poverty continues to rise. It explains all the things we do to keep this number down, with all the government funding programs, yet they fail to make an overall steady decrease throughout the years.

IMO, the actual number doesnt truly portray america as a whole. The article states numerous times that it is in fact the age group of 65 and older that has doubled. I say to get the number down, all you have to do is target the older peoples funds. Not saying the youth doesnt matter, but everybody gets old one day.

brittanyblankenship2 said...

i honestly can not understand are world anymore. Yes there is poverty in other parts of the world. but i think we should fix are home before we fix others. You always hear about the billionaries and millionaries giving money to other places .. we need it here to!

tglunt2 said...

This article is very sad. It's very sad that poverty is rising every year. We have a lot of people who make a lot of money in our country and yes it makes us look good and its very nice for us to give those countries money, outr country needs quite a bit of help too. And the medical bills need to be cut that is a big part of all of this. Everyone needs medical help so why are we billing so much?

Looney2 :) said...

This article hits hard about poverty in our nation. It's crazy how poverty is super high now and the one of every six is exerpericing hard times especially senior citizens. And I found it sad that most of this poverty happens because of no insurance so people just indure the pain. I couldn't imagine living like that even though I see it all the time around the state. Even around the world last summer. It's crazy how we're such a weathly nation individually (millionaires and such) but yet we can't help the little people out. Or even the elderly people who help make this nation strong and wise. :(

Anonymous said...

I think this is so sad! I honestly don't think something like this should ever been an issue. If those many Americans are struggling in life with poverty, then I think that that is telling us that there is a problem we need to fix asap!I know there is something we as a nation can do to help lower the number of people living in poverty. Because I know that no one likes to see homeless people on the streets, knowing there is something they can do to help

AndreaWallace said...

Poverty is such a sad issue and when it was all ready such a big problem for it to be rising every year is even more sad to hear. it is sad when people just worry about there own well being without even considering others yes there may be things such as homes or certain things they can do to help them selfs but why cant those who are very belssed help those who are worse offf

Anonymous said...

This is sad, to think about how here in America there are so many people that make millions, then you have people that have nothing. But yet the rich dont do anything to help? Sure they may donate some money but they still keep there same life style and live the way they do, while millions of people still dont have a home. Im sure if they gave up there mansion they could be able to give hundreds of people a home

SJohnson4 said...

This article upsets me, especially knowing that the poverty level only continues to increase year after year. If everyone would learn to help one another, Poverty would never have to be an issue. There are too many people with too much money that could help out those who are less fortunate than they are.

OliviaKidwell4 said...

The beginning of this article surprised me, I wasn't aware that the poverty ratio in America was so drastic. It's ridiculous as to how quick this ratio seems to be increasing, and it's hard to believe that nothing has been done to change this more for the better. The rich keep getting richer, yet the poor keep getting poorer. This can't go on forever, and hopefully people realize that soon.

sFening4 said...

Although it is sad that poverty is growing, I know there will always be less fortunate people. Lowering health care costs won't create a Utopia. I think that America needs more aid to the homeless and poverty stricken. The president needs to find a way to create more jobs, and then if someone is still unemployed it is most likely their fault. Many times, I don't feel bad for the poor because I don't understand how it can be that hard to find a job and save your money. And so what if the billionaires don't share their wealth. Jesus once said "It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than a camel to go through the eye of a needle."