"House values are plummeting, food and gas prices are rising, the unemployment rate is up and no one in power can agree on how to make things better.
All this as thousands of new college graduates across the country are starting to look for work.
Is the American Dream dead? We want to hear from you. Are you living a better life than your parents did? Will your children achieve a better life than you? Share your story." http://www.ireport.com/ir-topic-stories.jspa?topicId=34365
The dream may look shaky now, but it will be alive again in a few years. America has went through several tough periods, such as the 1970's, and made it out just fine.
I am living a much better life than my parents IMO. They never had ipods, cell phones, or computers as kids.
And comparing America to third world countries, such as Mexico or China. We clearly have it much better than they do.
I don't think the American dream has died, it's just changed and evolved with the times.
My parents had a really rough childhood, my dad was left on his own at age 15 when his house burnt down and everything he owned was kaput. My mom didn't have a very good childhood either. I definately think that I have a much better life than my parents did.
I certainly hope that one day, my children will have a much better life than I have now. But, that's what every parent wants for their child.
I think I am living a better life than my parents, because there are so many thing that make our life easier than before. The internet helps in a million different ways and with cell phones you can get a hold of someone wherever they are. I think that things arent that great right now with the gas prices and everything but it will get better. Every thing has its ups and downs...this is just the down.
I too agree with Whitney in that the American dream has no disappeared, but just changed. I do feel that I live a better life than my parents did but thats just because new things evolve. Technology changes and I think that is the main reason why I live a better life that my parents did.
I believe the american dream has not died yet. My family came here back in 68' and did not know any english, didnt have computers, cell phones, or ipods like we do. Though they worked very hard, learned how to spend money wisely and are now living successful lives. If a family can come to America, not know the language, but ended up very successful, then I think Americans can certainly do the same, no excuse. Right now I am visiting family in Greece and let me tell you, life here is much harder than in America. If people here in Greece are not complaning then why are we? We definatly havent reached the worst.
Once I have kids of my own I will make sure they have a better life than me, but that they also understand how life was like back then and learn how to deal with lifes great obsticles.
Even though the American dream is not at its best right now, with house values down, food and gas prices up, and an increased unemployment rate, I don't think it is dead. America has been through tough times before and been alright. At some point, things have to improve.
I'm living a better life than my parents when it comes to technology. They didn't have things like cell phones or the internet. I believe that my kids will have a better life than me, because by then hopefully the economy will be better, and techonology will evolve even more and make things easier.
What exactly IS the American dream? Over the years it has changed and evolved into different dreams. I think I am living out MY dream... MY American dream is to work hard to get into college so that I can get a well-paying career and start a family. So far it's been going just fine, but it's too early to tell. But for many others, it isn't going as planned. With unemployment rates soaring, it's hard to believe that people can get into the career that they always dreamed of. And with the prices of fuel and housing, and with our economy suffering the way it is, it's also hard to believe that the people's money is going where it should be going. Instead of buying their dream house, they're settling for apartments so that they can afford to drive to the job they wish they didn't have. So, for some, the dream may still be alive. But for millions of others, it will always remain just a dream.
The American dream is something that i believe will never die out. Yes, things are not looking well for us but when it comes downt to it the American dream is to strive for better heights no matter what the condition. The day that America's dream dies is the day that America dies.
I too do not believe the American dream is dead. Along with time, the dream has changed. At one point, the American dream was that anyone can be a millionaire. Most people today do not see this as the American dream. The American dream today could perhaps be "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." The American dream will always be around, only people will always have different opinions on what that may be exactly.
To say I lived a better life than my parents, or even my grandparents is an understatement. Technology, oh what wonders it provides. Come on. What would you do without your cell phone or the internet? We all know we have it better than our parents. Admit it.
The american has changed from time from time, but I dont believe that it will ever die out. But personally what exactly is the american dream? I believe I am living a better life, than some of the people that dont have it like I do. The technology is awesome without that we would probably be lost.
I believe the American dream is still alive. to those who have a negative attitude and do not strive to reach the "American Dream", they will most likely consider it impossible to achieve. I know that life now is much easier than it was for my parents. I think that because of all this new technology people are expecting life and reaching the American Dream to come with ease. If we work hard and believe that we can achieve that dream, we will be successful.
I believe the dream isn't dead, it is just on hold at the moment. I have defomately lived a better life than my parents so far because of more success opportunities and the obvious technology advances. Hopefully the lives of my children will be better than mine. If the technology continues to grow and more opportunies for succes are made, this will be a likely possibility.
I don't think that the American dream has died but it does seem hard to see right now. I am also pretty sure that I have a lived a better life than my parents because there is so many more options and oppertunities available to me than they had. They didn't have the technology either that we have today.
The American dream is not dead, nor will it ever die. Right now America is just having trouble seeing the good life that they have because so much bad has come at once, blocking out the great things life has to offer. The bad as of now out weighs the good, but it will change. Just like our parents and grandparents, we have to fight through the struggles life throws at us. One day there will be smooth sailing.
I think the American dream is just hard to see with all the stuff that's going on, but I think things will get better in a few years.
I definately know that I'm living a better life than my parents. Not just because of the cell phones, computers and other technology, but because my parents had to experience a whole lot of other things that I don't even have to think about.
I feel that I have more motivation to achieve the "American Dream" than my parents had at the age of sixteen. Growing up with Disney movies telling me to "reach for the stars" and to "follow my heart", really had an effect on me. It is quite possible that my parents were just more realistic than me when they were juniors in high school. So, in my opinion, the "American Dream" is very much alive.
Like several of you have said, I don't believe the "American Dream" is dead, just changing like the rest of the planet is. If you look at past decades, they all had big changes, especially the '60s with its sexual revolution and the Hippies. This is just another stage in our progression, although it doesn't really look that way.
I believe I have a better childhood than my mom did. She had a rough time as a kid/teenager. My dad, however, got to travel around the world. However, with all the technology we have now, we kind of get to "travel the world" by meeting people over the web and such.
I don't know if our future children will have a good life or not. It's kind of too early to tell and we're still in high school.
I think the dream is still there just maybe a little harder to reach. In my parent's time all you needed was a college education. Now that isn't enough you have to make sure you have the right major, credentials, etc to achieve success. it's still out there for you, but you will have to work harder to get it.
I think the American Dream varies from person to person. Not everyone’s dream has died but for some other people it might have. We all have different needs and different dreams. I believe that the answer here varies from person to person.
The American dream is hazy, thats all I can say. I am pretty sure that my life has been better than my parents because of technology such as cell phones, and the internet. There are also more chances to do more things in general. It is true that we are in a little bit of a depression right now but I am sure America will survive and get back on it's feet in the near future.
I think the American Dream is still alive, even though it isn't going as good as we want it to be. There is a lot of problems going on now that may not be fixed for a while or maybe not at all, but lets just hope for the best. And people who are able to do something about it need to start thinking about other people an their lives other then just thinking of themselves! We will survive!!ha
Living a better life has nothing to do with material things such as electronic devices. Everyday I live in this great country is a day I am thankful for. I just hate living in a country where everyday I can get up and not have to worry about having a war in my front yard, bombs getting dropped on my house, getting evacuated out of my house for no reason and not having guards watch me walk down the street, and most of all going to school for free and getting a good education. Oh wait, I don't hate that i am very thankful for it. I think people take things for granite to much. I have lived a part of my life where I could afford pretty much anything I wanted and now I don't want anything but I don't go out and blow money. But I am thankful for it because it really enlightened me on how much you have to appreciate things that you have and I love living in this country. It is a dream.
The American dream looks a bit different than it did before but in time afer t few changes it will be back and better than before. I believe I live better than my parents did and I will make sure my kids have a better life than me. We have it better than much of the less fourtinate countries. But after we select this new president it will be all better
I believe the American Dream is still alive. There would always be the ups and downs. We will soon come back up again.But it doesn't mean people don't have to worry. They should still be aware of what's going on and adjust a little until everything gets better.
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