"Florida's tomato industry is in "complete collapse" and growers in California and Mexico are having trouble selling their crops as U.S. regulators hunt the source of a salmonella outbreak linked to certain tomato varieties, growers said on Tuesday."
So, according to this article, what has happened to this industry? How has it effected your life? or not? How does this make you feel about the food industry? Do you have concerns?
According to the article, the tomato industry is suffering because of an infection caused by Salmonella Saintpaul, an uncommon type of the bacteria. Honestly, this hasn't effected me because I didn't even know about this until after reading the article and I don't even like tomatoes in the first place. I'm really appreciative of the FDA examining our foods to make sure that they are good and okay for us to eat.
The tomato industry is failing and could soon lose $40 million dollars worth of tomatoes unless the source of the scare is located. I did not know about this situation until I went out to eat the other day and was told that they were currently not serving tomatoes. It's not really a huge deal for me because I don't eat tomatoes a lot. I'm glad that the FDA closely monitors our produce and makes sure our food is safe.
The tomato industry has falling majorly since this scare of salmonella. Although certain kinds of tomatoes such as cherry, or grape tomatoes have not been shown to contain this disease many restaurants and super markets have stopped selling tomatoes all together. I don't enjoy this outbreak at all. When I went to a fast food restaurant yesterday I asked for tomatoes and they told me about this outbreak. Luckily however my grandfather grows his own tomatoes and these shouldn't be tainted.
This article is saying that the tomato industry is suffering because of the bacteria Salmonella Saintpaul on them. This outbreak hasnt really effected me. I'm glad that the FDA checks our food to make sure that it's okay.
I feel really bad for those farmers in Florida that rely on tomatoes as their number one source of income. I personally do not like tomatoes that much so it is not affecting me. Im also glad that the FDA caught this before it spread any farther than it did. I noticed that all the major stores in the area were no longer selling the round tomatoes.
I think that the whole thing has been blown out of proportions.
Most tomatoes in the country are healthy, and the bad tomatoes are most likely in one state. But as usual, we have overreacted. Restaurants should not have to stop selling tomatoes when 99.9% of them are good. This will do major damage to our agriculture sector, and millions will be lost.
according to this article, the tomato industry is collapsing because of a salmonella scare. Personally it has not really affected me because I don't like tomoatoes. The only way it has been in my life is at work when we stopped using tomatoes. I'm glad that there are people checking up on these things to keep us from getting sick.
Salmonella is very uncommon. My sister works in healthcare and she told me that a lot of people are immune to the bacteria. Tomatoes is a large part of the farming industry and used in a variety of products. However, doing more research on the topic, the bacteria isn't present in cooked tomatoes. Most products on the market cook the tomatoes in some way which in turn kills the bacteria. The economy will straighten itself out like it always has and wont be greatly affected by this incident. Our region wont be affected even in the least bit over wasted produce in states this far away.
I feel bad for the tomato industries. Things like this can cause serious financial damage when they occur. If I were in their shoes, I'd be very upset. They worked very hard to harvest those tomatoes and now, they mostlikely have to throw all of them out. I hope they find the culprits soon. And hopefully this will be a wake up call for tomato farmers to be more careful and take more precautions so that it will not happen again.
The tomato industries can't do much about this problem besides making sure that their equipment is clean to prevent the bacteria from growing. The bacteria can also grow between certain tempuratures so they have to also make sure that the tomatoes are under safe tempuratures. This has affected me a little bit...where I work we sell tomatoes on our sandwiches and we had to stop selling them for about 3 weeks. This was just a safety procaution that we have to take. It did not slow down the business but we did have people complaining.
A rare disease infecting our tamatoes is an occurance that our econonmy didnt really need right now. Though it gives me and I am thinking the rest of our population some security that we have a good food inspection agency. So we really should thank the FDA.
The tomato scare didn't really affect me because im not a huge fan of tomatoes. I feel bad that the Salmonella scare hurt the tomato industry. Im glad that the FDA checks are food and makes sure its safe.
Tomatoes, you say? Yuck. This really had no impact on me at all. Tomatoes make me gag.
I think everyone always makes a big deal out of nothing. I'm sure most of the tomatoes were pretty healthy, so pretty much, we just lost money from not selling them. While it is reassuring that the FDA thoroughly investigates our food to make sure it is safe, I don't think we need to overreact every situation that is probably not harmful.
Tomatos?Tomatos?Uh? I dont really like tomatos, so this readly didnt affect me.FDA makes sure all of our food is safe, they really was no need to over-react this situation, cause we always seem to over-react every situation that comes our way. I mean there might be a few not so good tomatoes but to say that all of them are basically contained with salmonella is a misunderstanding.
Because of the infection of Salmonella in tomatoes, the industry was suffering. But since the incident i think things have imporoved. It affected me in several ways. I enjoy the taste of tomatoes in my salad, but when this occurred, my salads were not satisfying. Also, where i work we make sandwhiches so we were unable to offer them to our customers. I am glad that the FDA checks our food so we don't die from harmful bacteria.
The tomatoes infected by Salmonella have put a scare on the tomato industry. Although they are losing money, I haven't really noticed a change in the way restaurants and other stores use tomatoes. The only things that I had heard about the tomatoes were complaints from friends. I also appreciate the FDA for taking a closer look at our foods to ensure that they are safe.
I feel that the tomato just represents another way in which a small problem in our agriculture system can disrupt the country. I also think it shows how much some people overreact to something that is quite small. I have not been effected at all by the tomato infection and don't really know anyone who has. So why the big deal? Who knows I guess it's better than no reaction at all which could put people in danger, but it does seem like a big waste of money.
I personally do not eat tomatos so really it is not that big of a loss to me. But for all the tomato lovers out there I am sorry that there is the Salmonella bacteria spreading and infecting your tomatos. I did like how this article described how serious this bacteria is but I am also very gald they put in the positive part about how the FDA is checking our foods to make sure they do not contain any bacteria.
This hasn't effected me any because i really don't like tomatoes. I'm not saying i don't care about our food because i do but its also a good thing that this happened because we know that FDA is checking and making sure our food is good and has no problems. One of the problems we had from this is that we lost money from selling the tomatoes with salmonella. =[
The tomato industry has been falling since the discovery of salmonella in them. It has not really affected me really because i don't eat out too much because I started to hear about at Fast-Food restaurants they did not put tomatos on thier food because of it. But I don't eat them either.
This bacteria Salmonella is rare but it surely affects the tomato industry and the people. The tomato industry surely is failing because of this issue. And the people that eats in the restaurant would have to live without tomatoes for a while. I am just glad FDA is doing their work as making our food safe to eat.
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