We have been talking about goals this week in class and you have been writing your own. This article is about teenagers that set their goals high and achieved them. Which teenager do you relate to the most? Would you have had the ambition to take on such a large goal at your age? What are some of your goals that you would like to reach before you graduate from high school?
Teen Entrepreneurs
Article Due: Aug 27th
Teen Entrepreneurs
Article Due: Aug 27th
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I am most like Connor Zwick. I am very into education and want too would like to link more of a connection between education and how a student learns. I don't know if I could have taken on such a large goal at a young age. It would be hard to still be learning and trying to find innovative ways for others to learn, mostly because I would like to help out the Elementary children. Before I graduate from High School I would like to be set and ready both in mind, and financially, to go to the University of Cincinnati to become a prosecuting attorney. It has always been my dream. And I believe in one way or another becoming a prosecuting attorney I would still have time to help further the education of young children. I would like to devote my time to my career but also I would like to teach children, at a younger age, what they may be able to look forward to if they already dream of doing what I do. It would be such an amazing career! I would love it, participating in both of the careers I dream of, and making such a large impact on young children's lives. Now the only question, is how much is it going to take to achieve these goals? Only time and research will tell.
-Erica Reed
Well I'm glad some teens like us are doing something with their ideas, but the people who read this article have to remember that not only do these people have determination, but they have opportunity. They have opportunity that people in this world rarely have, like knowing the right people, or already having enough money to sell furniture or making cars. I want to see someone who started out their life in a poor, lower-class (not middle-class) family. That's a story we people can look forward to, not some rich people getting even richer.
I mostly relate to Ritik Malhotra, because I started a website when I was around that age, maybe younger. I didn't, however, have a good idea about what to make my website about, I just put a bunch of pictures up, I think.
The teenager I relate to the most is Conner Zwick because I also see a problem with the way others learn new things. I probably wouldn’t be able to take on such a big goal at that age. I’m not that big on trying to make a change to something. Some of my goals for this year would probably be trying harder in school. Also I would like to get a job and earn money for a car.
Jared Vanpetten
i related to Jon Koon because he saved up money and set out to meet his goals and became very successful. I feel like I do not have the ambition to do something like he did. I'm not even certain what i want to do with my life or what i need to do to prepare for my future. Goals I would love to meet are: get my license, get a part time job, get a car, and begin to save money for college. Hopefully i will have met these goals before I'm a senior that way I can think more about my career and college.
After reading the Teen Entrepreneurs article I think the person I can related to the most is Connor Zwick. I can relate to him the most because I believe students can learn information different ways that can benefit them. I also think what he did was very basic yet important for adolescents learning skills and improvement. I feel as though I wouldn't have that kind of dedication and ambition like he did. The reason why is because I am not really much of an out-going person in general and I wouldn't take a huge risk and work on a career as difficult as his. Some goals I would like to reach before I reach high school is to have a good part-time job to help me save money for college. That is my first priority, my next goal is to be able to get my license because I need to have the authority to drive a car to needed locations and lastly I need a car to drive places.
I relate to Connor Zwick quite a bit. I believe the school system is a sorry excuse to maintain the average set by foreign countries. The teachers and students maintain a good connection towards each other but the "higher-ups" aren't familiar with the student's and teacher's needs. Connor's ambitions towards he's goal of disrupting the school system is very respectable. While I feel I have the ambition to tackle such a task, I don't believe I would have done the same thing as him. I have many goals I'm going to complete during highschool. Some are trivial things that don't hold much meaning with others, yet others are more significant. Most are based off of competition such as achieving 10 varsity letters to get more than my dad's 9. Although I agree with Connor and don't agree with how the school system is ran, schooling is my biggest goal. This goal is to obtain the accolades and grades needed to attend an ivy league school by showing maturity in the community through time donated and athletic showings and grades earned inside the classroom to ultimitely gain a well-respected and well-paying job.
I don't really relate to any of the teenagers in the article. I'm a pretty go with the flow kind of person, and to take on such responsibility for such a small problem in society I just don't see myself being able to do that. Their goals are set high and are probably more of a challenge than I could ever handle. Being so young and sorting through school, sports, and a social life, I don't know if I could fit big time business women in the mix. For me, my goals are not set low, but reachable. I have simple goals like graduating high school, being accepted to college, and being able to have a steady life. As time goes on maybe I'll fit some bigger dreams into my future, but for now simplicity is my bliss.
Connor Zwick took initiative in the area that he felt was lacking, and thus I would have to relate to him the most. When a certain mind sees disfunction, its natural instinct is to repair it. Connor saw issues with the school system and addressed them in a way he saw fit, and over 1.6 million have felt the same way. His ambition doesn't seem foreign to me, as I suppose I posses some of the same qualities. Had the problem been that severe, I could see myself doing what he did. I would be interested to see what he is doing now, where he might plan to attend college, and what his plans for the future are now that he has gained some of the public eye. I wonder if he sees this as a career path, and will work toward a certain university like I plan to by the time I graduate.
I honestly can't really relate to any of these entrepreneuers. All of them seemed to know exactly what they wanted in life, while I still don't have the slightest idea. However, if i had to pick one, I would say I can most relate to Connor Zwick because like him, I can see my future leaning toward education. Unlike Connor and the other entreprenuers though, I never would have had the ambition to set such a high goal at that young of an age. Malhotra began programming when he was 8. When I was 8, I was learning multiplacation ? playing with crayons ?! Some of the goals I have set for myself right now are to keep a steady job, earn money for college, and make good grades throughout highschool.
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