Monday, March 19, 2012

How Much Are You Saving?

This article is due Friday, March 23rd.  Read the article about what the norm is doing concerning their savings.  What concerns you most about what these young adults are doing?  How will this impact their future? Have you worked? or are you currently working?  If so, do you have a savings plan in place?  Do you have money saved currently?  invested?


Whitley Beachler said...

I'm concerned about what happens to their debt when they die. This will likely have them on social security and other government programs alone. I don't have a job yet and I had savings but the bank drained it because it had been inactive for so long. I am going to invest in mutual funds soon, along with my mother and grandmother, we're going to pool alittle extra money and invest.

Aidan2 said...
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Aidan2 said...

Many young people, including myself, just simply don't know anything about money and saving and all that goes with it. This is a huge problem in the society today. I have not yet had a job but I'm planning on getting one sometime soon. I'll need to learn these things about money so that I can be smart with my own. No, I don't have any money saved but I should probably start saving.

JDailey 2 said...

It concerns me that so many younger people don't understand saving money and how it is necessary. I just got at job but am not yet earning any money. I do have a savings account with a small amount of money but with this job I hope to have alot of money saved up soon. I do not plan on investing in the near future.

jgroves2 said...

The fact that these people will have little or no money saved for their retirement is what concerns me the most. You can't work forever, and everyone wants to live a comfortable life after they have worked for 35 years. I currently do not have a job but am applying everywhere I can. I would save most of my paycheck considering I live with my mom and very little financial responsibility at the time.

Matt Current P1 said...

It concerns me that young people are spending their money so unwisely that they won't have a good future instead of saving and spending on college. It will be hard to pay for college and may not be able to go. Then they would have to try getting a manual labor job which is really tough. I do not have a job. I personally don't have to worry about money right now. My parents have a savings account and I don't pay for my car or anything really. But I have to get good grades and play sport so it's tough.

Kyle Pheanis said...

What concerns me is that so many young people don't understand the concept of money and how to properly save it. Right now this doesn't affect me but when i get a job it will immediatly affect my future. I plan on saving money i just dont know how much yet. Yes i do have money saved in my bank account.

Vada Edwards said...

I'm kind of concerned about how they are handling their money and what that money is being spent on. If they retire, they're pretty much stuck in a bad situation; considering debts and trying to live or the remainder of their lives with no job. In the long run, they will have to come out of retirement just to keep living. If I choose to live like this, my future will definitely be effected by this problem and I don't want any problems in my financial life, now or never. I'm pretty sure I have everything planned out pretty good already, but I'm still learning. Right now, I am UNEMPLOYED, but whatever...YOLO.

Candace Lamb said...

My whole life, my family has told me to save my money. On birthdays,I always put it in the bank, Christmas as well. Saving has always been a big thing in my life. It is actually the reason I was able to buy the car of my dreams alrdy, a blue 2005 ford mustang. All because of birthday money and extra money I've picked up through my life. That just shows me if I save things I'll be able to make my dreams come true a lot faster and easier so I know I won't have a problem when i have my first real job about saving.

BrittanyButler1 said...

What concerns me is how careless our society is with money. What ever is earned is nearly spent immediately in today's society. I do have a job and I save every other pay check that goes in a savings account. This money is to help me to pay for college next year and the following years. I have not invested in anything, personally because I do not yet understand it, but I may once I am older.

Destiny Hammitt said...

I am most concerned that most young people do not know how to spend money wisely. Most young people spend money the second they receive it and save none of it. In the end this young people will most likely not have the money to go to college or the money to get there own place . This young people should be taught by not only their parents but also by teachers on how to spend and save money properly. I, myself have two jobs and work everyday now, but do save my money now that I work this much. I save all the money I get from one job and spend the money from the other. I am not sure if this is a good spending/saving method but so far it is working for me.

akalickji2 said...

The idea that many young people are using their retirement funds now in order to pay for mortgages and such now is scary. If there is one thing I want to learn before I leave high school, it would be how to properly manage my money so that I am in a financially stable state in the future. I do have a job now, and I have been saving for a while. I would like to invest some money at some point, but I am not really familiar with how to go about doing that, etc. I do believe that if you know how to properly manage your money, you will be in a much better place in your life.

Tiffani Smallwood said...

It concerns me a lot that many young people, including myself, don't know how to either manage money or understand how much of a necessity it is to be prepared. I plan on getting a debit card soon along with a job, so I would like to learn how to manage my money correctly so I won't fall into any finacial slumps down the road.

Cameron Everage prd1 said...

Many younger people have little to no clue on how to save. I fear that these debts will be left to the social security system, and the government to pay. I currently do not have have job so i have no saving system in plan or any investments made.

bhickman1 said...

Young people are spending there money so carelessly its concerning. But I myself have not learned enough about savings accounts, money, and all of that to be a smart saver. I do have a job currently and make a decent amount for a part time job. I feel like as soon as i make my money it gets spent because i have lots to pay for, like insurance, gas, my phone, etc. But now that i realize savings is so important i probably should do so and atleast save a certain percent out of each pay check

fotistperiod1 said...

I am actually very concerned about how this country's youth have little to no knowledge about debt, their savings, and the economy. This is a major problem in our society today. Youth today also needs to figure out how to save and invest money instead of spending it all and mostly it's their parents money. I do have a job now, a savings account, and a few investments and I do plan to invest more. I believe that all youth should create a savings account around their late teens and when the have enough money invest in a few stocks or mutual funds.

JacobRiceperiod1 said...

I am concerned that many young adults have little to no money saved for their retirement funds. Many people do not want to work their entire lives and most people want to live a very well relaxed life after working for many years of hard labor. I do not have a job, but I am working on applying to many places throughout Middletown and Monroe. My savings plan will be to save 75% of my pay check and put it in the bank. I currently have money saved, but none of it is invested.

brian johnson said...

I think a majority of kids don't save really but also most kids don't make enough money to have money to spend and live on so it's not like there's a ton of extra money to put away. I work 5-6 days a week and what money I don't spend through the week I put in the bank it's not difficult..

mchristianson said...

My concerns is that they don't think about what they are doing and they aren't thinking about what happens when they are older. Their futures could be bad because they won't be able to manage their money after college, or be able to pay off debts/loans. I have had 3 different jobs and I'm currently working one. I don't really have a savings plan, I just pay my insurance bill and save the rest for whenever I need it. My mom has a savings account for me but I don't have any control over that.

mchristianson said...

My concerns is that they don't think about what they are doing and they aren't thinking about what happens when they are older. Their futures could be bad because they won't be able to manage their money after college, or be able to pay off debts/loans. I have had 3 different jobs and I'm currently working one. I don't really have a savings plan, I just pay my insurance bill and save the rest for whenever I need it. My mom has a savings account for me but I don't have any control over that.

MadisonW1 said...

I'm concerned with how they're going to pay off their debt and when they can afford to retire. I haven't worked, and all my savings were drained because we needed money during the lock out.

Jason Gibbs Period 1 said...

kids just dont know how to save and use there money right and saving this right.i have had two jobs and im pretty good at saving money but at first i wasnt because there were so many things i wanted. i am going to invest but it wont be in the stock market.

Sierra Kelly - Period 1 said...

What these young adults are doing that is concerning me most is wasting their retirement money on credit card debts and keeping their homes. Their future is going to be ruined. They are going to have to work for the rest of their lives if they do not quit digging into their retirement money, which is supposed to help them in the future, for things that they need done today. If they are having such problems with paying off their credit card debts, then they just shouldn't have one. For me, I do have a job that I haven't started yet. I'm going to drop off my work permit today and fill out my orientation papers. But, honestly, I don't think I will start saving up my money at least until the end of the summer. My first few pay checks are going to go towards getting new clothes, paying my phone bill, saving up for vacation this summer, and saving up to pay for half of my gold pass for Kings Island. For vacation I am going to Florida with my boy friend's family, so when I begin saving up for that I am just going to give his mom my money and let her deal with it. The way I am going to save up for my gold pass is by giving the money to my dad. But when I get more serious about saving and I begin saving up for a car and college, I am going to have my dad make a banking account for me so that I can keep money in it and I'll have him put a password or something on it so I can't get into it.

Brandon Rodriguez Per. 1 said...

most young people are impulsive with their money and most, not all, dont really think much about the future and they just dont save. even i have a hard time keeping money and i have a job, but i do have some money set back but not invested. yes this will impact their future.

jamespenny2 said...

what im concerned with is that kids dont know/want to save money. They want to spend the money right when they get it. Me on the other hand likes to save money. I like saving so i can spend my money on something big. I've had the same job for 3 years now and been saving money ever since.

ebonyhoward13 said...

I do have a job, I have a checking account & savings account. I do not have money saved in my saving. In the summer I had two jobs so one check would go to my savings account and one who go into my checkings account. I try to save but as a teenager it is very challenging. I am however concerned on how they will payoff there debt and have money to retire.

Anonymous said...

It worries me that young people do not know what to do with their money. This leads to personal debt which then leads to problems with the country. I do not have a job but I do have quite a bit of money saved and some invested. Once, I do get a job I am going to save a majority of the money until I graduate college and then go to about 20% saving/investing of my salary.

Anonymous said...

I'm very concerned for these adults because I think they really need to save their funds for retirement and any problems that may occur in the future. I think people really need to manage their money better. I do not have a job yet, but I'm going to look for one this summer due to me being constantly busy during the school year. As soon as I get a job, I'm going to start saving for college and the future, so I can be ready later in life.

Krista House said...

I am concerned how teens and and young adults are saving their money and they will have no money to fall back on for retirement or if something were to happen like a job loss they will have no money there for them. I have had my job for a year and at one point I had two jobs I am saving money but I also have a child to pay for and save money for his college education.

TerryLovelace2 said...

Most young people and teenagers do not know anything about saving money or anything that goes along with that. This is a very big problem in society today. I have had 2 jobs already, but had to quit for sports. I do not have any money saved, but I should probably start saving sometime soon.

baileyjohnston2 said...

I believe most young people do not know how to save their money. Most don't know what it means to save or invest their money. I have a job that I work in the summer. I also have a bank account with some money saved for myself and my mom made has another account for me that I can use for college.

jacob globke p1 said...

It concerns me that younger people are wasting away their money on unnecessary things. They should be putting extra money the earn in a savings account to save for college, retirement, or emergencies, but instead they blow all their extra money the first day they get it on unnecessary wants.

Katy Faulkner said...

What concerns me the most is that these young adults don't seem to give their future any thought. They should be more worried about what they are going to do if and when they retire. I do currently have a job and plan on saving most of my money. However, I do not have any invested and I don't plan on investing in anything anytime soon.

CaseyMays08 said...

It really concerns me that young adults don't use their money wisely. I know that I should soon get a job and learn to save my money, so it could help be financially in the future. It is very important that you learn to save your money.

Joe Lietz said...

What concerns me is young adults dont know how to save the money they work hard to earn. This will impact their future by not having money to fall back on in case you lose your job. I do have a job. I have a checking account. I currently have money saved up but not invested.

JaneLakes said...

It concerns me that young people are spending their money so unwisely that they won't have a good future instead of saving and spending on college. i also thing this is earier said than done. i do have a job but i do not get enough hours. so, i can't save any money because i spend all my money on gas.

Stone2 said...

I believe that most of the young community is spending there money on the essentials such as gas and food. But I also believe they are spending Way to much on materialistic items. If people just to that money and put it into a savings account I think people would be better off.

Alisha Ferguson said...

What cincerns me the most is how so many donot know how to save money instead many just blow their money. If they keep this up they will nevet have any money saved up and they wont be able to have savings. I do have a job and I save some of my money. I keep my tios for myself and I put my checks in my bank account.

P. Stephan said...

It is troubling to know that these people have little to no savings. Everyone should save some of their paycheck, for retirement. I have a job, and i basically save all my money. I have almost zero expenses so it give me the ability to get a head start on saving some money for my future.

SHowarth per.2 said...

It concerns me that not many people know much about saving, and arent planning for their future. I am not currently working and have not worked.

SHowarth per.2 said...
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Haley Kroger period 1 said...

I think it is extremely important for people to know how to save money. It seems like more and more people are in debt because they don't save enough and don't know a lot about personal finance. I don't have a job yet, but I'm planning on getting one this summer. Most of the money I earn will go to savings and hopefully this will become a habit for me which will help in the future.

Haley Kroger period 1 said...

I think it is extremely important for people to know how to save money. It seems like more and more people are in debt because they don't save enough and don't know a lot about personal finance. I don't have a job yet, but I'm planning on getting one this summer. Most of the money I earn will go to savings and hopefully this will become a habit for me which will help in the future.

Leslie Rhodus said...

I worry that people in my generation don't know how to save money or invest properly. I see a lot of people walking around this school who wear top notch clothes, and they either get their mommy and daddy to buy for them, or if they work, they spend their whole paycheck on it. I worry that this group of people will end up having to pay debts for the rest of their lives, unless they decide they want to get real. On the other hand, I know some really responsible people my age, who are really good with money management. My boyfriend, for example, has worked since he was 14, and is going to college at UC next year, and he already has a nice start on his college fund. I think he is a really good example, financially.

Ravensimmonspd1 said...

Since the younger generations are not saving up for retirement, I'm not sure what will happen to them when they become old. They can't work forever. They need to start thinking about what they are going to do when they become to old to work. I save money back sometimes but wind up spending it on something. I think it is important that we all save our money and not use credit as much as we normally do. The article said that we use credit more than saving up for a pruchase, but using credit a lot keeps you in debt, once you're in debt, it is very hard and very time consuming to get out. I plan on taking my savings more seriously coming up here soon.

Ravensimmonspd1 said...

Since the younger generations are not saving up for retirement, I'm not sure what will happen to them when they become old. They can't work forever. They need to start thinking about what they are going to do when they become to old to work. I save money back sometimes but wind up spending it on something. I think it is important that we all save our money and not use credit as much as we normally do. The article said that we use credit more than saving up for a pruchase, but using credit a lot keeps you in debt, once you're in debt, it is very hard and very time consuming to get out. I plan on taking my savings more seriously coming up here soon.

A. Wright Per 1 said...

It is concerning about how many teenagers and young adults just blow money and dont think about saving up. you never know when you will need emegemcy money and its important to have money set off that you cant touch. young poeple need to start saving for retirement ASAP. yes, i have money saved up, and have already talked to my parents about starting to invest as soon as i turn 18.