Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Do you agree that Facebook is an indicator of job performance?  Do you have Facebook?  Does this make you rethink what you are posting?  If you don't have Facebook, would  you consider signing up for Facebook knowing how future employers could use your site.

Due date, Friday, February 24th. 


BrittanyButler1 said...

I do have a facebook but I dont feel as though it is any indication of my work ethic or ability. I personally do not post anything that could reflect badly upon myself or others, that causes for unneeded attention and drama. I do think it is a good idea of employers to look at the page and see the personality of their employees, but I dont think that it should be the deciding factor on hiring someone or not.

bhickman1 said...

I do have a facebook but anymore i barely post anything. I don't think it is fair for employers to look at peoples facebook as a decision making factor on weather or not they get the job because everyone has a personal life outside of their job. No one acts the same as they do at work then how they act at home and it should depend on how professional they can act at home. Personally, i would set your facebook to private so that no one you arent friends with cant look at your page, that way this is not an issue.

Aidan2 said...

Do you agree that Facebook is an indicator of job performance? Do you have Facebook? Does this make you rethink what you are posting? If you don't have Facebook, would you consider signing up for Facebook knowing how future employers could use your site.

Yes, I do have a Facebook and no I don't think it is an indicator of my job performance. I don't post much on Facebook and never anything that would be inappropriate, so I don't have to worry or be careful about what I put online. Knowing that employers look at peoples Facebook pages should make people watch what they put because that can cost someone their job over something stupid. But, half the people on Facebook continue to cuss and carry on about unimportant things and drama. People need to also be carful on what pictures they post, because it can make you look really trashy.

akalickji2 said...

No, I do not have a Facebook. I did at one point, but it is honestly a waste of time (in my opinion). I don't believe that Facebook is a viable source to determine if a person is a suitable employee, but I do think that employers should be able to look at a potential employee's page if they so choose. If this person's information is out in the public eye, then an employer has every right to look at your page. I do think that employers should be cautious as to not make too many false judgments before even giving this person the benefit of the doubt.

akalickji2 said...
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Whitley Beachler said...

I have a facebook but I don't think it's that big of an indicator of job performance. I mean, sure, if you post something about your job or say you're at work when you post it. Employers could use Facebook to look for possible employees to get a better understanding of how they generally act, but it shouldn't be the deciding factor of someone getting a job or not.

Destiny Hammitt said...

I do have a facebook but I use facebook to communicate with my friends and it shouldn't be an indicator of my work ethic or ability. I have two jobs and I believe I am an outstanding worker, but on facebook there is a lot of drama and sometime I am brought into it. I do not think that jobs or colleges should look at facebook conversations or even status's but I do believe looking at pictures on facebook is ok. Only because you do not want to find out that one of the people you hired is half naked on the internet. I know that people can view my facebook and I keep it pretty clean but I do cuss and say some things I shouldn't sometimes, just as everyone else does and that shouldn't ruin a job opportunity.

Katy Faulkner said...

I do have a Facebook, but since I hardly ever post anything, I don't think it really shows my work ethic. I think that Facebook can show employers how a person acts, but it's their personal life and doesn't necessarily indicate their work ethic. Employers should look at Facebook accounts, but not make it the deciding factor when hiring. People should be careful what they put on Facebook anyway, but we shouldn't have to worry that every little post could be the difference in getting a job or not.

Kyle Pheanis said...

Yes, I do have a facebook but i do not think it should be used to indicate job performance. People should be able to act stupid and have fun on facebook. As long as they don't act like that at work why should it be used against them? Facebook is for entertainment and shouldnt be used to judge a person.

Anonymous said...

Yes I have a facebook, but I am very selective on what I post. I believe employers have every right to do this because they need to find out who is the best prepared for the job and who will make them the most money. This article does not change my opinion on what I will post because I do not post anything bad anyway so that will remain unchanged.

ebonyhoward13 said...

I do have a Facebook, I rarely get on it anymore. I don't think that it I an indicator of my performance because I wouldn't post anything that would draw attention. Employers shouldn't be able to look at people Facebook because it is there own personal profile and it has nothing to do with work. If you don't post anything that is inappropriate then you shouldn't have any worries. This doesn't make me re-think what I am post because like I said before I rarely post on Facebook.

Vada Edwards said...

Of course I have a Facebook and I'm well aware that it can be the main reason if I get the job or not. I never really say anything that would not get me a job, but I'm still very careful of what I'm saying online period. Job scouts aren't the only people that use you social networks to their advantage; colleges does this too. I would never put something online that I would regret saying in the future.

jacob globke p1 said...

Yes, I do have a facebook but i do not think it should be used to indicate job performance. People should be able to act stupid and have fun on facebook. As long as they don't act like that at work why should it be used against them? Facebook is for entertainment and shouldnt be used to judge a person.

brian johnson said...

i do have a face book i dont really post that much i think its just a way to stay in touch sometimes and that jobs shouldn't look at them i mean its like they keep taking it farther and farther about what information they need to do its starting to be kind of ridiculous

clayton macdonald said...

Yeah I have a facebook (hmu) but I don't think this has any relevance to real life because real life does not involve hiding behind a screen don't be dumb don't post stuid things end of story.

Sierra Kelly - Period 1 said...

I do have a Facebook account, but I do not believe that it shows how hard I work or the ability I have to work. I don't think it's right that work employers can go and look at someone's Facebook and indicate whether they are going to be a good worker or not. Nothing that anyone posts on Facebook really shows how they work. Well, at least I don't see any posts indicating whether someone is going to be a good worker or not. I don't understand how you can look at someone's Facebook and find out that information, personally I don't understand it. This doesn't make me want to watch what I post on Facebook because, honestly, you can make your stuff private and then no one will be able to see it. It's simple, and I don't think anything I post is bad, and even if it is. . it's simple to delete it.

Matt Current P1 said...

Yes, I have a Faebook and yes, I know that companies are really starting to check out any social networks to see what kind of person you are. Everybody has to start being really careful about what you post online because it can get you in trouble.

Anonymous said...

I have a facebook for close friends and extended family under a different name so unless you know me you can't find it. I don't have a job, but I doubt facebook is any indication of work ethic or ability. I hardly get on, and since it's not under my name I only have to think about my family seeing what I post- not that'd I'd post anything vulgar or stupid in the first place.

Tiffani Smallwood said...

I have a Facebook but i don't believe that it has a part of my job performance. I am very careful of what I say and post on Facebook, and i make sure that they don't reflect on people negatively. I do think that it is a good idea for employers to look up your Facebook because your Facebook says a lot about you and your personality.

kristen larson said...

i do have a facebook but i only use it when i have free time, i dont think it getsin my way of schooling or my job because i only use it when im bored. i dont think it should be a deciding factor on getting hired or not because you should keep that stuff out of work.

SHowarth per.2 said...

I do think facebook is a good indicator, because what people say on facebook, i believe, is mostly what they are afraid to say in person. I do have a facebook, but this doesnt make me rethink what i am posting because I dont post any bad thinks on facebook, and i dont say anything that I wouldnt say in person.

JDailey 2 said...

I feel that a facebook is a good indicator of job performance. I can't stand people who use facebook to curse, complain about other people and post nasty photos. I feel that people who do this don't care about what people see and won't be good at certain jobs that involve people skills. I have a facebook, but I only use it to talk with friends, and I never curse on facebook. I think that employers have the right to see what their possible employees put on facebook, because they put it there to be seen. I don't put things like that to on facebook, because I won't to get a good job and go to a good college. I may even delete my facebook before college for a while.

Krista House said...

I have a facebook and I use it to communicate and stay in touch with friends and family. I believe that it shouldn't be an indicator for how a person is because I joke alot with my friends and I wouldn't come across as who I actually am I am a helard worker but facebook is mostly a joke anymore it shouldn't be taken seriously.

Haley Kroger period 1 said...

I definitely think that facebook is a good indicator for job performance. Employers can see the true nature of the person applying for the job instead of the facade they put on. I do have a facebook, but I don't post a lot things. Knowing that jobs look on your facebook doesn't affect what I post because I don't post anything bad anyway

Alisha Ferguson said...

i do have a facebook but u dont think its a really good indication of someones work eithic. i dont believe that they should consider on hiring you or not based on your facebok profile. this article doesnt change my mind on what i will post

Anonymous said...

I do have a Facebook account, but I don't post much on it. I feel that people constantly posting personal business is very immature and, thus, Facebook should be checked by companies before hiring. Whilst this should not be the key to a person being hired, someone who acts immature online constantly and complains about a lot of drama is not the ideal employee for an employer. A Facebook cannot really show ones work ethic, unless they constantly post about skipping or never doing their work, but still should be considered.

baileyjohnston2 said...

I do have a facebook, but I do not think it is a representation of my work ethic. I don't agree with employers looking at an applicants Facebook because it might not be a representation of their work ability or ethic. But then again I I were an employer I wouldn't want someone who made themselves look bad on the Internet and make a bad name for the company. people should make their information private and try to watch what they post .

Brandon Rodriguez Per. 1 said...

i have a facebook, but i dont think its a job indicator. i really dont post much anyways, i do agree that empoyers should look up people so they can get a rough idea about what the persons like but i dont think they should take facebook and put that on how well someone works.

JacobRiceperiod1 said...

I have a Facebook, but I don't think that it should affect my job positions. I do not post anything that would be used against me or used to cause drama. This doesn't make me rethink my decision of posting what I want.

CaseyMays08 said...

I do have a facebook, and I always watch what I am posting on there. I think that it is good for your employer to see what kind of person you are, and how you interact with others. You would think that the people who are employed would watch what they post on facebook, but they continue to cuss and post inappropriate photos.

mchristianson said...

I do have a facebook but i barley get on it anymore. I think its just a way to communicate with your friends and family & i don't think that it should judge your work ethic or performance. i think that you should watch what you put but as long as you keep it private i dont think its that important. if future employers could see your facebook all the time i would definatly watch what i put though.

jamespenny2 said...

Yes, I do have a facebook but i do not think it should be used to indicate job performance. People should be able to act stupid and have fun on facebook. As long as they don't act like that at work why should it be used against them? Facebook is for entertainment and shouldnt be used to judge a person.

Anonymous said...

I do have a facebook and i do not post anything inappropraite or anything i would not want an employer to see. I know that some people to post things they would not want an employer or college to see. I think employers should know that just because someone acts a fool with ttheir friends does not mean they are a bad worker. I think employers should not look at people's facebook.

jgroves2 said...

I do have a facebook, and I do believe it could be an indicator of job performance. Facebook tends to bring out people's true colors. It shows how they really deal with people, and most of the time people are too open on facebook. I post very few things on facebook, but the things I do post are for everyone to see. They are all appropriate and would be fine for an employer to see. If you didn't want an employer to see your facebook you could just make it private anyway.

jgroves2 said...
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Jason Gibbs Period 1 said...

i have a facebook and i dont think its fair for employers to check peoples facebook. but people could make there profiles private.but either way what happenes outside of work shouldnt affect what happens at work.

P. Stephan said...

I do have a Facebook but i barely post anything. I think that employers should always try to find an applicants Facebook profile. It could show them whether the person is responsible and knows what and what not to show to the public. But i don't think this is a reason not to be apart of Facebook, it just means that you must be careful of what the public can see vs. your friends.

Ravensimmonspd1 said...

I think that employers should look at Facebook pages if they wanted to see the applicants moral views or the way the act. Things like that, but they would also have to really read into the way they act in person because a lot of people act differently online than they do in person.

Cameron Everage prd1 said...

I have a facebook but i rarely put anything on it, and what i do have on there is nothing exciting. I have no issue with employer's looking at the website for potential employee's because if you have something negative about yourself on the site you need to have that removed or better yet, not post it in the first place. As a facebook user i can not totally "dog" the site, but i can "dog" the user's that constantly post inappropriate comments

Stone2 said...

I have a facebook that only my friends can see and that is the way it is going to stay. Also i only accept my friends. I do not think that checking your facebook or twitter or whatever is not a good indicator of how the person is or how they act. If the employer is looking at your Facebook for a deciding factor i do not think you left an acceptable impression on the employer.

TerryLovelace2 said...

I do have a Facebook, but I do not think it is an indicator of job performance. I dont usually post anything bad or mean on my facebook, so this doesnt make me rethink what I post. In my opinion, job performance has nothing to do with your facebook or what you post on it.

macyfaulkner1 said...

I have a facebook and I personally think it is good that dome employers check their employes facebooks or other social networks. I know that I should always watch what I put on Facebook because my family, my coach and future employers are able to see all of it. Employers should be able to see what type of person they are hiring.

A. Wright Per 1 said...

I have a facebook but i hardly ever get on there anymore. None of my posts have ever been negative towards anyone or anything. i feel that is is wrong for an employer to look at your facebook and judge you based on whats on there. its a personal profile and stuff you put on there doesnt always reflect your work ethic and ability. if your profile has some risky stuff on it you can just make it private so employers cant look at it.

Joe Lietz said...

i do not think that facebook is a good indicator of your work ethic. Yes i do have a facebook. This makes me rethink what i post because it affects your future.

Joe Lietz said...

i do not think that facebook is a good indicator of your work ethic. Yes i do have a facebook. This makes me rethink what i post because it affects your future.

fotistperiod1 said...

Yes, I do have a facebook and i do not believe it can be used as an indicator of our job performance. I don't post much on facebook, but when I do I always make sure it is appropriate for all my friends. I believe that people should not add their co-workers unless it is necessary. I think people should use their privacy settings on facebook so others who are not your friends could not see it.