This Article is Due Nov. 4th
Which Holiday do you prefer? Do you like Halloween because it is all about you? You are getting stuff rather than giving stuff? How much did you spend on Halloween this year? Was it more than you had previously spent? Was it worth it?
My favorite holiday is a tie between christmas and the fourth of july. Because I like to get presents on christmas but I like the weather better on the fourth and I get to see family I don't get to see a lot. Halloween ranks low for me because I don't trick or treat anymore and even when I did, it is just candy.
i love christmas wayyyyy more than halloween. yes i still pass out candy with my mom and its fun to see the little kids gets dressed up. and we spent a bit more than last year because prices went up on the big bags of candy. my favorite holiday is between thanksgiving and christmas because i love shopping for presents for people and getting to be with all my family. haloween will never replace christmas for me.
I'd say that I prefer Christmas, not necessarily for the gift part,families (and couples) seem to be in better moods around Christmas, people are spending more time together, plus after Christmas you don't have to run to the dentist... Halloween is more for either little kids with candy, or friends with parties, that's about it... Christmas has a lot more involved with it
Christmas is the best holiday because i get presents and get to see family that i usually don't see them a lot during the year. Halloween isn't the best holiday but i cant candy but i think that gifts are a lot better. So go and represent the SANTA CLAUSE..... Christmas is almost here.
Christmas is the best holiday because i get presents and get to see family that i usually don't see them a lot during the year. Halloween isn't the best holiday but i cant candy but i think that gifts are a lot better. So go and represent the SANTA CLAUSE..... Christmas is almost here.
Christmas is the best holiday because i get presents and get to see family that i usually don't see them a lot during the year. Halloween isn't the best holiday but i cant candy but i think that gifts are a lot better. So go and represent the SANTA CLAUSE..... Christmas is almost here.
I prefer Christmas to Halloween, because I get to spend time with all my family. Whereas for Halloween I only dress up by myself. Also for Christmas i get presents and get to give presents which is a lot of fun.
My favorite holiday is Christmas. I like the candy that you get at Halloween, but if I wanted to dress up and scare people, I could do that whenever. Christmas allows people to be able to spend time with their family. And it has a more significant meaning than just getting candy. I don't really care much for Halloween. I feel better when I give people stuff, but I do like receiving :). I didn't spend anything on Halloween this year. I used an old costume and I went to a friends house to pass out candy, so I didn't spend anything on candy either. I also don't see how Halloween is about yourself. All you do is walk around and get candy. There's nothing selfish to it? Just saying.
i don't spend any money on halloween, because my mom buys the candy, but i give it out to the children so it's not techincally all about me unless i was in kindergarden because it's pretty inmature to go trick or treating if you're 16 and in highschool, so i like christmas because it's pretty and i get to see my family get along. and i also like thanksgiving because i get to eat alot of food, which is always a good thing.
Between the two, I prefer Christmas because of what it means and the fact that I get to spend time with both sides of my family. However, my favorite holiday is a tie between St. Patrick's day and New years. St. Patrick's Day because of the music and the Irish culture. New Years because I was born on New Years Eve. All in all, my family spent about 20 dollars on my costume and candy. It was worth it because I went for Trick or Treat so Kids can Eat.
christmas is not as good as halloween. i love halloween and i hate christmas music. call me the scrooger but i dont care. the only thing i like about christmas is giving and being with my family. halloween is my favorite because its not too cold but it is still cold and i love the leaves and dressing up as anything i want to be.
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
I like thanksgiving because there is a lot of food and family. i do not like halloween it is stupid and i did not spend any money. people think there cool because there in high school and go around and still trick or treat thats not right SAVE THE CANDY FOR THE KIDS!
my favorite holiday is christmas because its the one time of year when families get together and bond. halloween would not be the new christmas because they are totally different but both holidays are about giving but christmas has more purpose.
In all honesty I do prefer Christmas to halloween, but i do like both. Christmas because I do like to receive presents but I also like to give presents, spend time with my family, and have a good time. I like Halloween because it is fun to watch everyone dress up and have fun and get candy. Halloween is just for fun, and whether or not you spend a lot of money for it or not is your choice. It's not as big of an expectation as Christmas, and lately every year it's getting less and less common for people to hand out candy or even trick or treat. I didn't spend anything this year for halloween, but my parents spent some money on candy to pass out for trick or treat. I'm not sure if they spent more this year or last, but I think it was worth it because since the amount of trick or treating has gone down we got left with most of the candy to ourselves.
Christmas is better than Halloween because it's a longer season and a more happy time. I also love the story behind christmas & the presents. So in my opinion Halloween is not the new Christmas.
i don't think halloween is the new christmas. christmas will always be peoples favorite holiday. Christmas is the best holiday because i get presents and get to see family that i usually don't see them a lot during the year. Halloween isn't the best holiday but i cant candy but i think that gifts are a lot better
My favorite holiday is Christmas! I get to see all of my family and all the food is yum! Then of course there are the gifts and going out in the snow. haha I didnt even do anything for halloween for this year! i was at work . i didnt buy candy no outfit, not anything . I never really cared for halloween except dressing up as a little kid and having fun.
My favorite holiday would be Christmas, because I get to be with my entire family, eat a lot of great food, and get presents of course. Halloween is more fore younger kids because they get to trick or treat, and its just about all the candy.
I prefer Christmas over Halloween because I like to spend time with my family and give and receive gifts. I didn't spend any money for Halloween this year, but my family definitely spent less on Halloween this year than we have in previous years.
I hate Halloween almost as much as i hate standing, yes, standing at this desktop because there are no chairs and doing this blog. I would have preferred to do it at home, but that would be to easy. Anyways Halloween is stupid, and its the only time that candy companies can change their packaging and charge more for the same junk they normally sell us. I hate all holidays, because they're all marketing schemes. I spent nothing on halloween this year, just like every year.
i like fourth of july most of all. because its close to my sisters birthday and all of our family gets together and its just a good time to me. but i don't really halloween because even when i was little and i did go trick or treating i was soooooo tired the next day and i didnt even like all of the candy.
My favorite holiday is a tie between christmas and halloween. Christmas is fun because I get presents and get to spend time with family and friends and get away from school for a while. Plus I actually like giving stuff to people. Halloween is fun though because I get to dress up and act crazy for one night. I don't trick-or-treat anymore but I get to walk my little sister and cousins around and its fun to watch them get candy and get hyped up. But would you rather get a break off of school, get things bought for you, hangout with people, and have christmas dinners, or would you rather get dressed up in a costume, walk around and get candy, and get no break from school?
My favorite holiday, unlike everyone else, is Halloween. I love to dress up, and to all you fun-suckers, you're never too old to get free candy from the neighbors you've grown up with if they're willing to give it to you. I love dressing up any day, but Halloween is the one day a year where I can dress up and go prancing around the neighborhood without getting stared at. Also, I did not trick-or-treat for candy, but canned goods. We collected canned goods to donate to charity, but guess what, fun suckers? We also got candy! What now?
I don't know how much my family spent on Halloween. My costume cost no more than five dollars but we did have to buy more candy halfway through trick-or-treat, which we never have to do. My question: Where did all the kids come from?
I think the competition is great. The increased popularity of the holiday helps stimulate the economy in a huge way. They're selling most of the same things anyway, just in different shapes. The spooky verse the snowy is a competition in which we will all come out winners.
I prefer Halloween and Christmas because they are just happy times of the year whether you are 70 or 7. I don't think Halloween is all about me, but I like it and it is fun. I tend to go trick-or-treating more than I pass out candy. I mean it is free candy and who turns that down? I didn't spend any money on Halloween this year, I used things from last year to make a costume.
I prefer Christmas because the mood is just so much happier than any other holiday. Everybody comes together and it is just a joyful time. Halloween is typically for younger kids, while Christmas is for everyone.
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