Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rising Food Prices

Read this article about food prices for February 21st.  Discuss what the article is about and what is your opinion.


Anonymous said...

I think its horrible that the food prices are increasing by 15%. We need to try to help all of the third world countries so they will have food to survive. I think we need to find a way to save all our food from natural disaster since they have wiped out crops and farms all over the world.

djH-4 said...

It's hard to think of that families have to go with fewer and fewer amounts of food due to the increase in prices. This kind of thing is not just a competition but is a necessity. It's nice and all to help the other countries, but maybe we should focus on our own first.

courtneycolliver4 said...

I hate to see families and such go hungry, its awful. This is definately a thing to fix and help ourselves first, then concentrate on others and there issues. This increase in food prices should be fixed.

AlexGetter4 said...

It's strange how the food prices have increased fifteen percent from October to January. But, the worst part is that we really can't do anything about it. World leading agriculture producing countries have been hit by droughts, cyclones, storms and floods which has further made it worse. I hope something can be done soon.

btimberman2 said...

I can't believe that theres already been a 15% increase in food prices since October 2010. An increase in food prices means poor families will have to eat less than they already do or even go without. The worst part is there isn't any fix for the problem. Natural disasters and bad weather has been blamed for the rising prices. With the increase, it makes it even harder for people to afford healthy foods. This means that more and more people will likely become obese because of the foods they will have to settle with. I just wish there was a way to fix this problem.

dvglunt4 said...

This article shocked me at the beginning. 44 million have moved into the extreme poverty level in the last half year! I'm not quite sure what defines "extreme poverty", but I know that it isn't good. Americans shound try to help people in other countries. They're human beings. Nationality (imaginary lines) doesn't matter. I also think it's sad that one of our countries bigger problems is obesity while millions or billions of people are starving to death.

Looney2 :) said...

His article was soooo crazy. first of all there's been a increase in food prices by 15% ?!?!?!? its so crazy cause the US is or was looked at as the perfect country but now we've got a lot of poor families eating less or not at all. up to 44 million have claimed to be in excessive poverty, only in the last year!! as my lil cousin says, "thats crazy talk."

AleisheaT pd4 said...

I think its very unfair for the price of food to be rising so high, people cant afford food as it is. And for it to be rising by 15% is completely unfair for those people who can hardly survive as it is. I think America should focus on America first and worry about other countries later.

Jbrown4 said...

This article disgusts me because the fact that food prices have increased 15% is completely outrageous!!!!! Everyone has to buy food to survive and if prices continue to go up then more people will fall into poverty. Also people are wondering why our country has a bad problem with obesity. Well if the prices of food go up, then some people will only be able to afford unhealthy food and that will only make the obesity problem worse. The fact that there is really nothing we can do to fix the problem makes it worse because instead of having an answer to the problem, we just have to deal with it.

Anonymous said...

This article is not surprising to me. The rise of food is always increasing just not this much. It's just sad because it is causing trouble in other countries such as Egypt. My mom already spends a good $200 on a week supply of food. I don't even want to know what I may spend when I am older and have a family of our own. Salaries are also rising with our economy so I don't think this should effect us too bad. It may just effect the other countries.Lets just hope the weather picks up and it will eventually come down.

CaraRhea:)4 said...

I feel like by raising the food prices it could increase world hunger. People wont be able to afford the food that they need and they will go hungry. No one should have to go hungry because food prices rise.

CaraRhea:)4 said...

I feel like by raising the food prices it could increase world hunger. People wont be able to afford the food that they need and they will go hungry. No one should have to go hungry because food prices rise.

Kspencer4 said...

I feel like the prices on food is outrageous. If the prices keep going up most families won't be able to afford food, and this could cause many people to starve. I like that we're trying to help other countries, but if we put too much of our focus on them, our country will suffer. We should be helping other nations get on their feet, not completely supporting them.

OliviaKidwell4 said...

It's ridiculous at how high the prices of food have risen as of late. Food is a necessity to everyone, so it's very unfair that it's gotten to be so high. A very large percent of people in America are suffering from poverty, and this percent is about to go up if nothing is done about this. People will start getting fast food more since it's cheaper than preparing a home cooked meal, and this can lead to higher obesity & diabetes rates among other illnesses.

m.hardin4 :) said...

Prices are ridiculous. And its not just at gas stations anymore, it hits even closer to home. Its at the grocery stores. Taking care of other countries is the right thing to do, but we have to take car of us first. Times are tough, but how do they expect them to get any better if food is so expensive? I mean, its food. Everyone needs it, but people are deprived of it and get less and less because of the extremely high prices.

Anonymous said...

Food prices are raising 15% that is crazy. I its horrible that all these families cant afford food and are going hungry.Its also sad because it is causing trouble in third world countries and we complain when we don't have 4 meals a day when other people around the world are just happy with one. i think we just all need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

briebrown4 said...

The raise in food prices are ridiculous. The fact that they have gone up 15% in the last months is so crazy. There are so many people in the world who are going without food and this increase in price is not helping. Food should not be costing this much, especially in this economy.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I can't believe that the price of food is increasing by a significant 15%. Because of the 15% increase on food, people all around the world are starving! 44 million people have moved into extreme poverty level in the last half year. I think it's about time that our country steps in and makes a difference.

ephillippe4 said...

Its absolutely insane that food prices are going up by 15%. Americans already spend tons of money at the grocery store on a daily basis. What is even sadder is that these rising prices on food aren't only affecting the US, they're affecting other countries such as Egypt, and as we all know Egypt doesn't need any more problems. 44 Americans are alreday living in poverty and can't afford the price of food now. The fact that there is an increase of 15% will only worsen our poverty problem. It seems like we take one step forward and then two steps back when it comes to our economy.

D.x.Hall2 said...

It seems that by raising the food prices it could be a potential increase towards the world's hunger. People wont be able to afford the food that they need and they could possibly starve. No one should have to be unfed due to a rise in food prices.

brittanyblankenship2 said...

Ita hard to feed families when there is even food on sale but to think food prices is going to be increased by 15% is hard to picture. i think we need to finally stop puttin evveryone else first and fix are own food problem. something that is broken cant fix something else that is broken.

Awilliams2 said...

"Rising Food Prices," wasn't the best thing to read in my opinion. The poor is suffering because food prices are rising and they can't afford it, that's just sad. The World Bank said that prices on wheat and oils are rising. I feel like there is a compromise somewhere and everyone is avoiding it. There has to be a cut or something that can be done about the problem.

SJohnson4 said...

It's sad to see people suffer because they can't afford to feed their families, especially knowing that in the past 3 months food prices have risen fifteen percent. I think America needs to fix their own countries problems then work on helping out the others.

t.davis2 (: said...

I think its very unfair for the price of food to be rising so high, people cant afford food as it is. And for it to be rising by 15% is completely unfair for those people who can hardly survive as it is. I think America should focus on America first and worry about other countries later.

Vanessa Vest said...

I think its crazy that food prices are increasing so much. Going to the groceries is already pretty expensive for a family. People are going to have to really start budgeting their money because prices are increasing on things that are necessary for everyday life.

tglunt2 said...

I think its horrible and super unfair that food prices are increasing so much. Some families can barely afford to feed there family members now and with the food prices going up how will they be able to make it now? With natural disasters we cant help when some crops get destroyed but we need to find a way to fix this.