Monday, January 31, 2011

Unrest in Egypt and the US Economy

This article is for February 4th.  Read this article and comment on how the current events in Egypt might impact the US economy


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I am totally shocked at the crisis in Egypt. I hate to see these countries fighting with one another over their economic issues. Sometimes I just assume that all the countries are like the United States. This isn't a good thing in my opinion because it's dropping stock markets in other countries. Like the article said it could be a "global" issue. I hope the fighting is taken care of. The one positive thing about this is we don't trade with Egypt's oil because they don't have too much of it. Oil is something all of us americans depend on so if anything it won't effect us too much.

S.Slamka4 said...

I am surprised that economist never expected something like this to happen. I've heard talk about Egypt and their economic issues but I really didn't know much more.I am surprised to hear that they are pulling in other countries and fighting with them because of their economic downfall. I think this is a pointless reason to fight because it is hurting stock markets of other countries which can't be helping their own economic issues.

Awilliams2 said...

In "Unrest in Egypt and the US Economy," I wasn't totally shocked with the news of Egypt. Dropping stock markets and trade being cut off isn't a good thing, neither is the rising cost of gasoline. I honestly think the U.S. needs to invent more things that don't use gasoline. Our economy is off to a better start and with these problems with Egypt, the economy could be brought back down. It's sad to see other countries like Egypt and the Middle eastern countries going through terrible times like this, but I feel like all the countries are in the same boat somehow with something.

astephan2 said...

Egypt's protests are bad enough but the fact that is it beginning to affect the rest of the world makes it even worse. The rise in oil could potentially cost the US billions of dollars and that doesn't help our national debt or our lack of jobs and people needing them. The numbers will keep growing for the worse unless something in Egypt starts getting better.

Tyler S. Males said...

the crisis in Egypt really isn't that surprising to me.My parents were talking about it not too long ago and were complaining about even more rising gas prices. we can't be seriously relying on gasoline for that much longer. we need an alternative source of energy.and i didn't know that other countries were fighting as well.

brittanyblankenship2 said...

i cant believe egypt it is dealing with all off this economic crisis. i am glad we do not rely on egypt as much as europe does and their just gettin hurt more because they get jet fuel and other oils from there. i wish this could be resolved faster then it is.

kbrown2 said...

These riots in Egypt are not just bad for themselves, but it affects the rest of the world as well. This issue is a very global issue as all the world's economies are affected by it. The cost of oil just cannot continue to go up. This needs to stop so we can go back to how things were.

tglunt2 said...

I'm not very shocked by the problems going on in Egypt. I think that if these problems can happen here in the United States they can happen anywhere else. I don't think that this is good at all sense it's dropping stock markets in other countries. And it's not good that countries are fighting over economic issues. Sense we don't depend on Egypt for oil this wont effect us to much in my opinion.

btimberman2 said...

When I first heard about the crisis in Egypt I was surprised. I didn't know why they where having all of the riots all I knew was that nothing good was going to come from it. The crisis in Egypt are not only causing problems over there but in the US as well. All of the riots are causing stock markets to drop and gas prices to rise. I just hope that all of the problems are solved and the riots and controversy is stopped.

Anonymous said...

Im am not all that surprised about the bank and stock market crisis in Egypt. Investors and everybody else are acting all shocked and like anything like this would happen. It happening so we all need to deal with it and find ways to change it. We really need to find alternate sources for gasoline and until then economies will keep getting worse.

BrandenP4 said...

With the crisis in egypt there looking for america to help and as it increase gas prices for american increase and we lose money in trade.

djH-4 said...

This crisis goes to show where everything no matter how distant or how irrelevant can effect so much. The oil is a minor detail that majorly effects so much. Honestly the fighting seems petty but its their choice and its has positives and negatives to every individual. We as a country just need to ponder our play in this and be careful.

JBrown4 said...

where did this even come from? Usually we hear about the start of unrest in country's before it happens out of no were. Hopefully they get the problem under control because the stock market is a big part of a lot of country's and its starting to turn into more of a global issue if anything. It seems like a lot of country's in the world are having trouble with it.

CaraRhea:)4 said...
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CaraRhea:)4 said...

I didn't realize that all of these economic problems were happening in egypt. Im surprised that it was actually as bad as it is. I heard of some of these problems before but not much. I don't believe that people should fight over this because its hurting others stock markets and its probably not helping them much either.

AlexGetter4 said...

The crisis in Egypt is a total surprise to most people with all of the violence and protesting going on over there. In my opinion I don't think it would affect the U.S economy all that much. For one, we don't trade oil with Egypt so that doesn't affect us much. But the fact that their dropping stock markets is hurting our economy is bad. We need to find a way to solve the political dispute over there so the economy will begin moving again.

ephillippe4 said...

Egypt obviously needs help in solving their economic crisis. Its extremely unfortunate that countries all over the world and their economies are affected by the crisis.The article called this a "global" issue. I really don't understand why countries can't just settle their differences peacefully instead of through violence. The economic struggles in Egypt are causing the stock markets in other countries to drop. In the US, this crisis could definitely cause our oil prices to increase, which is already a major problem with our economy. Also, Egypt exports a massive amount of grain to the US as well as other countries.Hopefully the crisis will end soon and stock markets will begin to rise again.

dRogers4 said...

I believe that the crisis in Egypt is horrible but i don't think they should drag down other countries with them. economic issues go up and down constantly so i'm hoping that soon its just going to take a turn for the better.

briebrown4 said...

The fighting that is going on in Egypt is horrible. It is dumb for them to be fight over economic issues. The issues they are having is all because of their debt. This fight is causing trade to go down. if trade is down it effects a lot of people, especially with oil. a lot of other european countries are suffering from this dispute which isn't fair. The fight needs to stop.

dRogers4 said...

I believe that the crisis in Egypt is horrible but i don't think they should drag down other countries with them. economic issues go up and down constantly so i'm hoping that soon its just going to take a turn for the better.

KSprowles4 said...

I really hadn't heard much about the Egypt crisis until I read this article. However what I had heard about it was people wanting their president out of office, I had no clue that it was effecting the stock markets or the oil industry. I find it really sad that the rest of the world is so dependent on foreign oil. Its bad enough that Egypt is having these issues but for it to also become a global issue is really sad and worrisome.

SJohnson4 said...

I'm surprised by all the economic problems that Egypt is having. It's sad to see other countries struggle, especially when our country has so much. Stock Markets crashing and gasoline prices rising will only continue to make their economy worse. I feel bad for Egypt, but they aren't the only country having problems like these.

courtneycolliver4 said...

I am really shocked that all this is happening. I heard about it, but i didn't think it was this bad. I can't believe that this is carrying this far. With this happening its effecting other countries and there economic system's. The fact that this is becoming such a "global issue" is not going to turn out well in the end. This is starting to effect other oil and trade market's, which s bad as a whole. This situation needs to get fixed soon, so we can get back to fixing our economy.

Jbrown4 said...

This economic crisis is really sad. The fact that all these countries are affected by the hard times is really upsetting to me. The fact that this could become a global issue scares me because i dont want our economy to be affected because we have just gotten to the point where our economy is starting to look up. Im glad that we dont depend on Egypt for our oil because that could mean that our gas prices could sky rocket because they dont have much oil for themselves. I wish they could solve their problems through talking it our peacefully instead of thinking that fighting each other will solve the problem. The only real way to solve a problem is by talking it out with whoever you have the problem with, and coming to a common solution. I hope that this problem is fixed before it goes too far.

Vanessa Vest said...

I found it surprising that no one knew this crisis was going to happen. Oil prices have gradually increased and all that is starting to add up. We need to look farther into alternative resources. I also didn't know that Egypt was a major provider in the grain market, and that the prices of wheat would go up.

Anonymous said...

as i was reading this artice i was suprised that egypt is going through something like that because ive never heard of a country in my life time having a revolution. i forget that other countries arent as far along as america. its bad for egypt but wont effect us too much, except for people there on vacation, traveling in egypt could become dangerous.

dvglunt4 said...

This unrest in Egypt is very unsettling and is a big concern. We should be very worried about the people there and the way this situation turns out. However, I do not believe that this crisis will have any real effect on the U.S. economy. A leadership struggle in Egypt will most likely not hurt or help our economy in a big way. There are some things that we should worry about in this situation, but the economy probably isn't one of them.

m.hardin4 :) said...

This is an unfortunate thing, but i guess its what they're doing to make a change. People are starving there, and the government is losing more and more money, and the citizens are becoming more and more poor. The fact that the riots are the thing thats going to make change is, like i said, unfortunate, but people can only take so much. Money needs to be made, and things need to improve, and its not happening fast enough for the Egyptians. However, taking matters into your own hands isnt always the answer.

briebrown4 said...

This crisis is crazy and i do feel that this could become a global issue. I feel these problems can happen anywhere and if were not carful it can happen to us too. its sad to see other countries fighting and i feel the rising gas prices are not helping anyone. i feel we need to start looking else where for resources and that is the only way prices will go down and our countries will be better off.

OliviaKidwell4 said...

The article discussed the current crisis in Egypt. The current declines in trading could cause many economic problems if they continue. It's good that we don't try and gain Egypt's oil exports, and this shows us that we do need to start looking into alternate resources, and fast. Oil and gas prices are rising quickly, and people won't be willing to buy as much after an extent. Hopefully other countries can help Egypt out rather than declining with them.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This crisis is crazy and i do feel that this could become a global issue. I feel these problems can happen anywhere and if were not carful it can happen to us too. its sad to see other countries fighting and i feel the rising gas prices are not helping anyone. i feel we need to start looking else where for resources and that is the only way prices will go down and our countries will be better off.

February 3, 2011 10:36 AM

sFening4 said...

I feel like the crisis in Egypt came out of no where. I had never heard about any problems in Egypt until this. Since everything is shut down including the stock market, Egypt is in bad condition. I'm glad that the president of Egypt agreed to not run for another term because it would only get worse. I'm also glad that we're trying to get U.S. citizens out of there. It's great that we don't trade with Egypt when it comes to oil, because that would effect us majorly.

Anonymous said...

I think that this is crazy! dropped stock markets and trade being cut off is a really bad thing. But the worst part is that it is starting to affect the rest of the world. I honestly don't think that oil should even cause all of this.

Kspencer4 said...

I think that the crisis in Egypt is completely and utterly insane. I've never seen such outrage over economic issues. Egypt has an economy that isn't the best, and people are lashing out. Obama wants to help but I feel like they are too far gone to be saved. Their nation is suffering and I believe if the man in power would work toward change or resign from his power, the people would be happier. People are protesting against their ruler and the economic choices he makes, and if change isn't done it could ruin Egypt as a whole and maybe cause other nations to follow in their footsteps.

MSorrell4 said...

I'm not all that shocked that this crisis in Egypt is effecting so much. I thought it rational to think that Egypt is an oil supply and this crisis would hurt the U.S. somehow.

D.x.Hall2 said...

I think that the unrest in Egypt is definetly bad, but i don't think they should attempt to bring down other countries with them. Economic problemss go up and down constantly, all the time so hopefully in the near future, it will just take a turn for the better.

klovelace2 said...

Wow Egypt is crazy right now. It's really hard to imagine something like this actually happening, because I would never expect it to happen in the United States. It's shocking to know that they are fighting with other countries because of their economy downfall. I'm just glad that U.S. doesn't rely on Egypt as much as Europe does, or we'd all be screwed.

Looney2 :) said...

What is happening in Egypt is really sad. but its really not surprising. its pretty much the domino effect. wen we hurt other countries hurt and right now that country is Egypt. but like i said its sad that Egypt's economy and market are getting hit so hard. the only good part is that we don't deal with Egypt's oil cause that would be detrimental.