This class is about you and your future. This blog will allow you to think about topics and how they relate to you. This site is for you to read, think, write and discuss your opinions and thoughts
Mrs Lisa Rowland:
According to this article posted on CNN, credit cards are on their way out. What is going to replace them? How do you feel about this? Due to amount of snow days........this article is due January 28th. (this counts for the January 24th post)
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I think the new technology of not using credit cards but using electronic devices to store your money is not safe. Im not a big believer in credit cards, but then again why would I want to trust a cell phone with all of my money? I think the year 2011 will be fun with all of these new things, but like it said it could be very "dangerous". People need to be smart with their money and make sure they are aware of its placement. It's everyones own opinion on where they want to keep their sacred things.
I believe that we can't rust all of our credit to be stored on such a faulty electronic device. People are always complaining about electronics and how they're unreliable, yet people want to store their money on them? I'm not sure it would be a good idea, to me it seems as though it'd be easier to steal from the electronic device than to have to get the credit card info manually.
I think that using your cell phone as new way to access your money is both lazy and unsafe. These days people are too dependent on there cells phones. Yes a phone is covenet and nice to have, but being on them all the time can really take away from your life. Here is a food for thought, what about the elderly? People that grew up without the tecnology we have now; for instance cell phones, may have a hard time getting use to banking on phones. I just think we should think about how something like this could benefial, but also non-benefial in the future.
I dont agree with using electronic devices for money instead of credit cards. I don't think it is safe and people will be able to steal your money even easier then what they already do. If someone stole your phone then they would have almost all of your personal information and your money on top of that. If we go to electronic money then i just won't use it and i will use regular money because i feel like that is more safe then using electronic money.
I personally don't think that this new technology coming out is a good idea. Some people don't rely on there phone's that much to buy everything off of it. Plus people steal, and if someone gets ahold of your phone they will have access to everything. Phones don't always work either, its not safe to put all of this into an electronic device that might break.
In this article i learned a lot. There are predictions that credit cards will be put to an end because there is new technology that allows people to pay for things other ways. One such way is by using cell phones, getting on the internet, and buying things that way. I think this is a brilliant idea because credit cards put a lot of people into debt. I personally don't think I'll ever get a credit card because of the debt reason. Newer technology is becoming helpful in so many new ways, but they can also be harmful. the new technology isn't help preventing people from buying things, it's just another way to buy things. So people better watch their spending.
i honestly cant believe are technology has become so advanced that millions of phones that capable of making contactless payments are expected to be shipped out in 2011. i dont think that using this technology to pay bill save money and get money out is very safe. there is to many ways to over come technology.
Many people are predicting that the credit card will soon become obsolete. More and more peole are using cell phones and other electronic devices to make purchases instead of credit cards. It is predicted that this trend will continue and that credit cards will become a thing of the past. Personally, I still prefer to pay with actual money. It is safer and much simpler. I've never relly used a credit card so I can't really say that I care very much about this article, but the advaces our society is making with technology does interest me quite a bit.
The article "Credit Cards On Their Way Out?" itself was interesting in the fact that 2011 is supposed to be a year of great change in technology. But the idea of getting rid of credit cards and being able to pay for things via cell phone is well, for lack of a better term stupid. People cant handle credit cards now with the fact that they over withdraw and up with a ton of debt. I think that being able to pay with your phone is just going to contribute to the problem. I feel that the idea of paying with your phone is overall lazy. If you cant keep track of your credit card you probably shouldn't have one in the first place.
The article "Credit Cards On Their Way Out?" itself was interesting in the fact that 2011 is supposed to be a year of great change in technology. But the idea of getting rid of credit cards and being able to pay for things via cell phone is well, for lack of a better term stupid. People cant handle credit cards now with the fact that they over withdraw and up with a ton of debt. I think that being able to pay with your phone is just going to contribute to the problem. I feel that the idea of paying with your phone is overall lazy. If you cant keep track of your credit card you probably shouldn't have one in the first place.
Chances are that you have heard someone at some point say "My phone is my life" and according to this article that soon may literally come true. I always expected more advances in technology to be made, but i never imagined that it would come this far. Being able to pay for things by just using your cell phone is pretty amazing but also pretty risky. Along with storing credit cards on your cell phone, there is a posibilty that your insurance cards, driver's licenses, and other information could be on there too.
This article was about the fact that credit cards will soon be obsolete and that people will be able to pay from their smart phones. Personally I don't think this is a good idea at all. This just screams identity theft and fraud. To me this just seems like an easier way for criminals to steal from people and further proof of the human races growing laziness.
This article blew me away. I mean I know people who use the phones to pay for stuff like my friend's mom but the article says the we could, in the future, be able to put our driver's licenses and insurance on it, too! Jus think: a cop pulls you over and says let me see your license's and insurance. You'll have to hand him your phone and tell him to scroll over to see both of the items.. ITS JUS SOO FLASHY!!!! To me it's a good/bad thing. Good the we always have all this info on us. There wouldn't be a time where you'd forget it or lose it (unless you lost your phone). The sentence, "my phone is my life" will actually be for real. It'll be bad cause phones get stolen so easy. We'll just have to wait and see :))
I think this is a stupid idea. We are starting to depend on technology way too heavily. Getting rid of credit cards is only going to lead to trouble. Cell phones and iphones aren't very dependable at all times, and you never know what could go wrong. So I think it would be a very dangerous action.
In a way, I feel like them switching to using cell phones to hold all their money is good and bad. The bad would be, we wouldnt be sure who to trust with our money, because there could be fraud and that could lead to losing money that shouldn't be lost due to greedy companies. But the pro to doing this would be it could cut down on credit card debt, because people would be more aware of how they're spending their money if their account is right in front of them in the palms of their hands. It could also lead to less stolen and lost credit cards, which is a big thing in the US. The only concern I would have is if they get their phone stolen, it could be dangerous to their bank accounts because people would have access to all the beholders money.
In my opinion new ways of technology can be a bad thing or a good thing. I dont think that credit cards should go anywhere, because there is already problems with identity theif, and as technology is getting smarter so is the human race. I believe the option of cell phones should be out there but the option to keep the credit card should also be a choice. If its me and when i have to deal with the choice im going to stick with the credit card, to me in a way its more secure.
It is becoming easier and easier to do things nowadays making us lazier but I can easily see where it can become a bad thing because if all we have to do is pick up our phone to pay a bill where is the safeness and security? How can we trust our phones to really come through for us? I see more negatives than I do positives for this idea which is why I think we should stick to how we have been doing things.
i think the new way of using credit cards would be a great way to show our new technology but then again this could be very dangerous. i don't think using your cell phone to store information like that is a good idea if someone took your phone it would be easy to get all your money information. It should be up to you if you want to keep your money in certain places. Like I said this is a cool way of showing our technology ideas but it can be very dangerous.
I don't think that we can absolutely put all of our trust into this new phone payment. It will make it really hard to get used to and not everybody can afford the certain phones to do this and make payments. I don't think that all of this will happen in 2011, it should take more time to all of this.
I feel as if when everyone decides to use their cell phones or electronics for everything we will become extremely lazy. I think it would be very unsafe and not reliable. Electronics are a great thing but everything always has their glitches. If people turn to their cell phones to rely on keeping their money safe we will all be in danger of our accounts getting messed up. People get into other peoples phones all of the time and that would be extremely dangerous.
The new technology we are creating is really great! i like the thought of being able to pay with stuff with my phone, but the only problem i would see with that, is that not everyone has an Iphone of blackberry that they could use to do this transaction with. If in the years to come, credit cards go scarce, then it will be harder to get them for those who don't have a certain mobile phone. Personally i would just like to keep the credit cards but it would be nice to be able to use my phone if for some reason you didn't have you phone. One other bad thing would be that if you left your purse or wallet and it got stolen and you phone is in it, then your money could easily be used.
The old fashion Cash is probably best. We use our cellphones daily and all the time as it is. There are apps, bluetooth, music, and much more. When the battery dies, the use is gone and if it gets wet they may be wiped clean. Is the same for our money? Can a bluetooth connection give others access to our money? Will our bank accounts be wiped clean upon a phone getting wet? These questions can't be a constant and it's too much to risk. Starving our families or losing our homes just to pay with a phone, it's not logical or right to put that pressure on the people. Cash and credit cards should stay, not be replaced by phones, but be joined!
The whole new idea of new technology like through uaeing phones to replace crediet cards is a very different idea but could be very successful if handled right and done right
This article discussed how the use of technology, i.e. phones, will overtake the common use of credit cards. Although this isn't exactly common yet, it is expected to be by 2015. I think this idea is not a very good one. Even though new phones will be designed specially for this, new phones that are more hi-tech seem to mess up a lot. The whole idea of using a credit card has been made safe over the years, and I don't see what's wrong with continuing this method. I don't expect that in today's economy, people will be willing to spend extra money on new phones that can be used for money management because I think they'll be expensive.
I think the article "Credit Cards On Their Way Out" was shocking. I know that a lot of people depend on their cell phones and technology but I think that it's just people being lazy. I would never want to trust my cell phone with my money. Improving our technology is a good thing, but this idea is unsafe.
This article was about the fact that credit cards will be gone completely and that people will be able to pay various bills using their cellphones. I don't think this is a good idea at all. This just invites identity theft and fraud. To me this just seems like an easier way for criminals to steal from people and make it that much more easier to steal there money.
I feel that paying through your cell phone is going to be a good idea because now you don't need to worry about forgetting your purse or wallet. But it could also e dangerous if someone was to steal your phone then they would have all your money and information.I feel many people would like this idea and use if but i also many people would not want to use this idea because of all the risks.
I think the idea of using your smartphone to pay for things and keep hold of your money is a good idea, but there are definitely negative things about it. For one, I myself wouldn't trust any of my money online like that. Credit cards have worked for years, and the recession we're in I don't think many people will be able to afford such things as smartphones. Also thieves are very advanced these days and can steal your banking information. So this idea needs to improve before it becomes popular.
I don't agree with this article at all. I think this is a very unsafe way to giving out to much information. People could track your phone or you could lose it, or someone could steal it, then all your information could be exposed. I would rather use a credit card because when you use it you have to sign and give an ID.
This article was very interesting. I recently downloaded the "bump" app on my phone. To be able to transfer money through an app on a phone is amazing. I'm sure that if this becomes big, then anything can. This opens up a world of opportunity in the mobile trade industry. Paying through a phone would be so convenient and I can't wait until this starts up. I sure there will be limitations and glitches, but when it works out it will be revolutionary.
This method of payment using your cell phone may take some getting used to! But this may not be the most secure way to go...having all that vital information on a network isn't the safest place to put it! But who knows, maybe this is better than i give it credit for and we have a huge technological breakthrough upon us...
I believe not using credit cards and replacing them with cell phones is a bad idea. Credit cards have enough issues by themselves, and I feel like by paying with a cell phone more could just go wrong. What if your phone dies in the middle of a payment? All types of problems could occur. Also, the main phones that do this are the Iphone and the Droid. But what if you don't have one of these phones? I believe making payments is unsafe and dangerous. People need to be craeful with who and what they trust their money with.
i really don't like credit cards.but technology does mess up from time to time.and i'd rather deal with a credit card than replace that with an expensive tech device that could really be a waste of money with a lot of difficulties.yes this could be dangerous and i already hate my cellphone now with all the issues it has
I think the new technology where your credit cards are on your cell phones or electronic devices is stupid. This is like asking to have your identity stolen. If you set it down somewhere, or leave it behind, someone has access to all of your money. That isnt smart at all. If they could possibly figure out a way to maximize security on it, it might be a better idea, but until then, i say its a no go.
I think the new technology of not using credit cards but using electronic devices to store your money is not safe. Im not a big believer in credit cards, but then again why would I want to trust a cell phone with all of my money? I think the year 2011 will be fun with all of these new things, but like it said it could be very "dangerous". People need to be smart with their money and make sure they are aware of its placement. It's everyones own opinion on where they want to keep their sacred things.
I believe that we can't rust all of our credit to be stored on such a faulty electronic device. People are always complaining about electronics and how they're unreliable, yet people want to store their money on them? I'm not sure it would be a good idea, to me it seems as though it'd be easier to steal from the electronic device than to have to get the credit card info manually.
I think that using your cell phone as new way to access your money is both lazy and unsafe. These days people are too dependent on there cells phones. Yes a phone is covenet and nice to have, but being on them all the time can really take away from your life. Here is a food for thought, what about the elderly? People that grew up without the tecnology we have now; for instance cell phones, may have a hard time getting use to banking on phones. I just think we should think about how something like this could benefial, but also non-benefial in the future.
I dont agree with using electronic devices for money instead of credit cards. I don't think it is safe and people will be able to steal your money even easier then what they already do. If someone stole your phone then they would have almost all of your personal information and your money on top of that. If we go to electronic money then i just won't use it and i will use regular money because i feel like that is more safe then using electronic money.
I personally don't think that this new technology coming out is a good idea. Some people don't rely on there phone's that much to buy everything off of it. Plus people steal, and if someone gets ahold of your phone they will have access to everything. Phones don't always work either, its not safe to put all of this into an electronic device that might break.
In this article i learned a lot. There are predictions that credit cards will be put to an end because there is new technology that allows people to pay for things other ways. One such way is by using cell phones, getting on the internet, and buying things that way. I think this is a brilliant idea because credit cards put a lot of people into debt. I personally don't think I'll ever get a credit card because of the debt reason. Newer technology is becoming helpful in so many new ways, but they can also be harmful. the new technology isn't help preventing people from buying things, it's just another way to buy things. So people better watch their spending.
i honestly cant believe are technology has become so advanced that millions of phones that capable of making contactless payments are expected to be shipped out in 2011.
i dont think that using this technology to pay bill save money and get money out is very safe. there is to many ways to over come technology.
Many people are predicting that the credit card will soon become obsolete. More and more peole are using cell phones and other electronic devices to make purchases instead of credit cards. It is predicted that this trend will continue and that credit cards will become a thing of the past.
Personally, I still prefer to pay with actual money. It is safer and much simpler. I've never relly used a credit card so I can't really say that I care very much about this article, but the advaces our society is making with technology does interest me quite a bit.
The article "Credit Cards On Their Way Out?" itself was interesting in the fact that 2011 is supposed to be a year of great change in technology. But the idea of getting rid of credit cards and being able to pay for things via cell phone is well, for lack of a better term stupid. People cant handle credit cards now with the fact that they over withdraw and up with a ton of debt. I think that being able to pay with your phone is just going to contribute to the problem. I feel that the idea of paying with your phone is overall lazy. If you cant keep track of your credit card you probably shouldn't have one in the first place.
The article "Credit Cards On Their Way Out?" itself was interesting in the fact that 2011 is supposed to be a year of great change in technology. But the idea of getting rid of credit cards and being able to pay for things via cell phone is well, for lack of a better term stupid. People cant handle credit cards now with the fact that they over withdraw and up with a ton of debt. I think that being able to pay with your phone is just going to contribute to the problem. I feel that the idea of paying with your phone is overall lazy. If you cant keep track of your credit card you probably shouldn't have one in the first place.
Chances are that you have heard someone at some point say "My phone is my life" and according to this article that soon may literally come true. I always expected more advances in technology to be made, but i never imagined that it would come this far. Being able to pay for things by just using your cell phone is pretty amazing but also pretty risky. Along with storing credit cards on your cell phone, there is a posibilty that your insurance cards, driver's licenses, and other information could be on there too.
This article was about the fact that credit cards will soon be obsolete and that people will be able to pay from their smart phones. Personally I don't think this is a good idea at all. This just screams identity theft and fraud. To me this just seems like an easier way for criminals to steal from people and further proof of the human races growing laziness.
This article blew me away. I mean I know people who use the phones to pay for stuff like my friend's mom but the article says the we could, in the future, be able to put our driver's licenses and insurance on it, too! Jus think: a cop pulls you over and says let me see your license's and insurance. You'll have to hand him your phone and tell him to scroll over to see both of the items.. ITS JUS SOO FLASHY!!!! To me it's a good/bad thing. Good the we always have all this info on us. There wouldn't be a time where you'd forget it or lose it (unless you lost your phone). The sentence, "my phone is my life" will actually be for real. It'll be bad cause phones get stolen so easy. We'll just have to wait and see :))
I think this is a stupid idea. We are starting to depend on technology way too heavily. Getting rid of credit cards is only going to lead to trouble. Cell phones and iphones aren't very dependable at all times, and you never know what could go wrong. So I think it would be a very dangerous action.
In a way, I feel like them switching to using cell phones to hold all their money is good and bad. The bad would be, we wouldnt be sure who to trust with our money, because there could be fraud and that could lead to losing money that shouldn't be lost due to greedy companies. But the pro to doing this would be it could cut down on credit card debt, because people would be more aware of how they're spending their money if their account is right in front of them in the palms of their hands. It could also lead to less stolen and lost credit cards, which is a big thing in the US. The only concern I would have is if they get their phone stolen, it could be dangerous to their bank accounts because people would have access to all the beholders money.
In my opinion new ways of technology can be a bad thing or a good thing. I dont think that credit cards should go anywhere, because there is already problems with identity theif, and as technology is getting smarter so is the human race. I believe the option of cell phones should be out there but the option to keep the credit card should also be a choice. If its me and when i have to deal with the choice im going to stick with the credit card, to me in a way its more secure.
It is becoming easier and easier to do things nowadays making us lazier but I can easily see where it can become a bad thing because if all we have to do is pick up our phone to pay a bill where is the safeness and security? How can we trust our phones to really come through for us? I see more negatives than I do positives for this idea which is why I think we should stick to how we have been doing things.
i think the new way of using credit cards would be a great way to show our new technology but then again this could be very dangerous. i don't think using your cell phone to store information like that is a good idea if someone took your phone it would be easy to get all your money information. It should be up to you if you want to keep your money in certain places. Like I said this is a cool way of showing our technology ideas but it can be very dangerous.
I don't think that we can absolutely put all of our trust into this new phone payment. It will make it really hard to get used to and not everybody can afford the certain phones to do this and make payments. I don't think that all of this will happen in 2011, it should take more time to all of this.
I feel as if when everyone decides to use their cell phones or electronics for everything we will become extremely lazy. I think it would be very unsafe and not reliable. Electronics are a great thing but everything always has their glitches. If people turn to their cell phones to rely on keeping their money safe we will all be in danger of our accounts getting messed up. People get into other peoples phones all of the time and that would be extremely dangerous.
The new technology we are creating is really great! i like the thought of being able to pay with stuff with my phone, but the only problem i would see with that, is that not everyone has an Iphone of blackberry that they could use to do this transaction with. If in the years to come, credit cards go scarce, then it will be harder to get them for those who don't have a certain mobile phone. Personally i would just like to keep the credit cards but it would be nice to be able to use my phone if for some reason you didn't have you phone. One other bad thing would be that if you left your purse or wallet and it got stolen and you phone is in it, then your money could easily be used.
The old fashion Cash is probably best. We use our cellphones daily and all the time as it is. There are apps, bluetooth, music, and much more. When the battery dies, the use is gone and if it gets wet they may be wiped clean. Is the same for our money? Can a bluetooth connection give others access to our money? Will our bank accounts be wiped clean upon a phone getting wet? These questions can't be a constant and it's too much to risk. Starving our families or losing our homes just to pay with a phone, it's not logical or right to put that pressure on the people. Cash and credit cards should stay, not be replaced by phones, but be joined!
The whole new idea of new technology like through uaeing phones to replace crediet cards is a very different idea but could be very successful if handled right and done right
This article discussed how the use of technology, i.e. phones, will overtake the common use of credit cards. Although this isn't exactly common yet, it is expected to be by 2015. I think this idea is not a very good one. Even though new phones will be designed specially for this, new phones that are more hi-tech seem to mess up a lot. The whole idea of using a credit card has been made safe over the years, and I don't see what's wrong with continuing this method. I don't expect that in today's economy, people will be willing to spend extra money on new phones that can be used for money management because I think they'll be expensive.
I think the article "Credit Cards On Their Way Out" was shocking. I know that a lot of people depend on their cell phones and technology but I think that it's just people being lazy. I would never want to trust my cell phone with my money. Improving our technology is a good thing, but this idea is unsafe.
This article was about the fact that credit cards will be gone completely and that people will be able to pay various bills using their cellphones. I don't think this is a good idea at all. This just invites identity theft and fraud. To me this just seems like an easier way for criminals to steal from people and make it that much more easier to steal there money.
I feel that paying through your cell phone is going to be a good idea because now you don't need to worry about forgetting your purse or wallet. But it could also e dangerous if someone was to steal your phone then they would have all your money and information.I feel many people would like this idea and use if but i also many people would not want to use this idea because of all the risks.
I think the idea of using your smartphone to pay for things and keep hold of your money is a good idea, but there are definitely negative things about it. For one, I myself wouldn't trust any of my money online like that. Credit cards have worked for years, and the recession we're in I don't think many people will be able to afford such things as smartphones. Also thieves are very advanced these days and can steal your banking information. So this idea needs to improve before it becomes popular.
I don't agree with this article at all. I think this is a very unsafe way to giving out to much information. People could track your phone or you could lose it, or someone could steal it, then all your information could be exposed. I would rather use a credit card because when you use it you have to sign and give an ID.
This article was very interesting. I recently downloaded the "bump" app on my phone. To be able to transfer money through an app on a phone is amazing. I'm sure that if this becomes big, then anything can. This opens up a world of opportunity in the mobile trade industry. Paying through a phone would be so convenient and I can't wait until this starts up. I sure there will be limitations and glitches, but when it works out it will be revolutionary.
This method of payment using your cell phone may take some getting used to! But this may not be the most secure way to go...having all that vital information on a network isn't the safest place to put it! But who knows, maybe this is better than i give it credit for and we have a huge technological breakthrough upon us...
I believe not using credit cards and replacing them with cell phones is a bad idea. Credit cards have enough issues by themselves, and I feel like by paying with a cell phone more could just go wrong. What if your phone dies in the middle of a payment? All types of problems could occur. Also, the main phones that do this are the Iphone and the Droid. But what if you don't have one of these phones? I believe making payments is unsafe and dangerous. People need to be craeful with who and what they trust their money with.
i really don't like credit cards.but technology does mess up from time to time.and i'd rather deal with a credit card than replace that with an expensive tech device that could really be a waste of money with a lot of difficulties.yes this could be dangerous and i already hate my cellphone now with all the issues it has
I think the new technology where your credit cards are on your cell phones or electronic devices is stupid. This is like asking to have your identity stolen. If you set it down somewhere, or leave it behind, someone has access to all of your money. That isnt smart at all. If they could possibly figure out a way to maximize security on it, it might be a better idea, but until then, i say its a no go.
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