What does the term superpower mean to you? How important do you think it is to be in the top 2? Read this article and comment on why this is an issue and what countries are shifting in ranking. What does this mean for our future world economy? Give your opinion, but state facts from article to support your thoughts.
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The term superpower to me means the country with the most money, and the most firepower/biggest military. I don't think if you're not in the top 2 that it is too big of a deal, but being last isn't too great either.
In previous years Japan had passed up Germany, France, and Great Britain for a spot at number 2. Now China has passed Japan, knocking them to the number 3 spot, while China sits comfortably behind the United States, second.
In the future world economy China will be more of a staple for goods; more so than it already is.
China has surpass many countries for many different things. Maybe, as the article say, they can pass USA as having the largest economy in the world someday. China is going to do what it can do to make itself thrive.
The term superpower means to me that they have what everybody wants...such as oil, trade, money, and an idea about the world and how to work with other people in it.
I think it is very important to be in the top two leading the economy. China is taking the lead and doing it quickly although China's per capita is about $3,600 where the U.S. per capita is around $46,000. i believe that since China trades so much, the rest of the world should join and the economy would flourish.
To me, superpower means using your supplies wisely, having a good sense of the economy in other countries, and doing what is best for your own country. It is seems that the US has done a good job at this since we have the largest economy. However, the US could easily lose this spot. If China, who is sitting at number 2, taps into these "superpowers" they could potentially create a more powerful economy for themselves.
The term superpower means to me that a certain country is ahead of everyone in economics. By saying this it means that they have the finance to purchase the best military equipment or buildings that can surpass all of the other countries that don't have the powers you have.
Superpower can also be referred to as the biggest/powerful and well organized country. Being in the top 2 is nice, but on the other hand it really isn't as important as some might think. China right now is currently number 2 in the superpowers of the nations and for the future is also a threat to the U.S. if they continue to flourish in their trade and developement.
To me superpower means doings whats best for the country. Since we have the largest economy I feel like the U.S has been doing very well with superpower. Sunce China is right behind us at number 2, they could easily surpass us.
I believe superpower is how well a country can hold its people together, have a strong government, and impressive military. With the U.S. holding first in the economy, it shows to the other countries we have the "superpower" to do so... but if dont keep up are powers...China who is in second could snatch it away in a heartbeat, by watching and learning from the U.S. We have to step up our trade so we dont get surpassed.
china is coming up real fast! superpower to me is being good all around and not having just all the money and your oil supply sucks. it means you have a'lot of everything and while being on top is good, you better maintain that position cause it can very easily be taken from you.
The term superpower means the country that is least in debt, and has a strong military. Its not too important to be the top 2, but it is good just in case your economy starts to fail. The top 3 superpowers are United States, China, and Japan. My opinion is that they are shifting in ranking because of mass production.
The term superpower means the country that is least in debt, and has a strong military. Its not too important to be the top 2, but it is good just in case your economy starts to fail. The top 3 superpowers are United States, China, and Japan. My opinion is that they are shifting in ranking because of mass production.
The term superpower means the country that is least in debt, and has a strong military. Its not too important to be the top 2, but it is good just in case your economy starts to fail. The top 3 superpowers are United States, China, and Japan. My opinion is that they are shifting in ranking because of mass production.
The term superpower means the country that is least in debt, and has a strong military. Its not too important to be the top 2, but it is good just in case your economy starts to fail. The top 3 superpowers are United States, China, and Japan. My opinion is that they are shifting in ranking because of mass production.
In my opinion, a superpower is a country with it all. they have a good military, plenty of money, tons of resources, and happy citizens.
Being in the top two in the world is a huge deal, but being a few spots behind isn't a nessacerily bad thing.
The U.S. and China hold the top spots, but with China's economy growing, i believe it could eventually surpass us.
Superpower to me means being on top. having no one above you and being able to help out in so many different ways to better things..
we as a U.S need to pick it up and become the superpower because China is wanting to take evrything over and they are picking up there game while we slack off.
To me the term "superpower" means that you have the most people, the most money, the most goods, and the most alliances around the world.
Being in the top two definetly has it's pros and cons. It is important to be in the top two but being in the top two, puts you in a tight spot. Countries not in the top two all want to take your spot...
To me, the term superpower means that you've got it made. You have the best military, and tons of money. I don't think it is extremly important to be in the top two, but it sure can be nifty. The United States is at the top of the list, with China and Japan folling in second and third place.
I think that in the future, China will surpass the US because of their massive production of goods.
Superpower just means the best; biggets military, and most money, having things that others want. I think China deserves to pass us just because of the fact that we buy MANY things manufactured and made in China. Even though we are number one because of the size of our economy, China will pass us.
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