I think many of us will agree....... we love television. But the question will soon become...... how much? Read this article and comment on the topic of cable television. What is happening and state your opinion in how this might impact your home and the home of others.
This article will be used for January 15th due date.
I think that cable television will get more expensive, but everything is getting more expensive in this economy. It's hard to say if television is worse of than any other industry. However, because of it's competitors, I think cable will eventually become a thing of the past. Until that happens, like the author, I think it will continue to get more expensive.
Cable television is getting more expensive.But because of recession and people's demand for this product man television companys are trying to compete with others and give good deals.But because they're cheaper than their competition doesn't mean it's still not high priced.The prices are going to raise just like many other products during the economy struggle
Cable TV is costing a lot more money. People don't know all that goes into it. Cable TV is expensive but thats because of the economy. My family has satellite because it costs less money. I think now that netflix is around and also hulu watching Cable TV is a thing of the past.
The cable companies expenses and competition is forcing there prices to go up. With the raising prices, it might force people to find other means of entertainment. The cable companies are in a predicament because their expenses are going up and their competition such as Hulu.com, and Netflix are very cheap. If this keeps up we may not have cable television in the future.
Cable TV will get more expensive in the future. With other business competing, things will get worse for people. If it gets too bad, people will sooner or later cancel their cable bill and that will cause the compony to raise peoples bills even more. When that happens then other people will switch to something else and then that compony will go out of business and more people will be out of jobs. So I think that the prices will continue to rise.
Cable really is getting more expensive but what isn't getting more expensive in the economy now a days. With all the competition thats going on with all the other businesses the prices will just keeping rising and rising.
Cable's certainly pricey, and I just have basic! When we got a computer, we stopped getting the more expensive cable, a sign that internet probably killed the idiot box. Even still my father complains about the bill rising. The economy hasn't been a helping hand either. I feel that as the 21st century continues, we may just see the death of T.V as we know it.
There's no doubt that the cable prices will continue to increase as more and more advances are made to cable and television. Although I'm sure that somewhere people could find a good price for cable because of the competition.
I feel that cable television is getting more and more expensive as the years go by. Television companies are trying to compete with other companies to make people have access to any channel they like,record any show or rewind/fast forward any show. The better the quality the more some people are willing to pay, and unfortunately t.v. companies know that and are taking advantage of that. The economy is getting more and more expensive as the years go by.
I feel that cable television is getting more and more expensive as the years go by. Television companies are trying to compete with other companies to make people have access to any channel they like,record any show or rewind/fast forward any show. The better the quality the more some people are willing to pay, and unfortunately t.v. companies know that and are taking advantage of that. The economy is getting more and more expensive as the years go by.
I feel that cable television is getting more and more expensive as the years go by. Television companies are trying to compete with other companies to make people have access to any channel they like,record any show or rewind/fast forward any show. The better the quality the more some people are willing to pay, and unfortunately t.v. companies know that and are taking advantage of that. The economy is getting more and more expensive as the years go by.
I feel that cable television is getting more and more expensive as the years go by. Television companies are trying to compete with other companies to make people have access to any channel they like,record any show or rewind/fast forward any show. The better the quality the more some people are willing to pay, and unfortunately t.v. companies know that and are taking advantage of that. The economy is getting more and more expensive as the years go by.
In my opinion, cable is still a common want and people will keep paying for it as long as the prices do not raise exponentially; its main competitor, satellite TV, may have the same problems in the future and as long as both compete with their prices, we will keep away from visual entertainment becoming a monopoly. I do agree with public television not being a "G-d-given right" as that programming also needs money to keep it going. My family currently pays for cable services, although we seldom utilize it.
i agree with alanh7 cable is simply a luxary! i mean seriously if you want the best why would you expect to not pay for it? we all know the economy sucks right now therefore cable is just another industry trying to make it through the recession...get over it and pay for it! And also seeing as how spoiled we americans have become with cable tv i honestly dont see people stop paying for it all together they might complain and moap about it but in the end they will still continue to watch and pay for it.
I think that Cable Television is going to continue to get more and more expensive. And as the years go by someone might create something better then cable and cheaper to use so cable will be out the window. Until then we will be stuck paying more and more for our T.V. shows.
I think that cable prices will increase ore and more as long as advances in cable keep occurring. We can now order movies and watch everything in High Def. Soon we will be able to watch movies that we order off of cable in 3D. as long as these advances keep coming prices of cable will increase. If you looked hard enough you will be able to find a reasonable price because of competition.
I think the cable television price is somewhat always going to rise and fall just like all other prices on numerous things. Yes, it is, in my eyes, sort of ridiculous. But i will agree on the raise in price and say one thing, Better quality: Higher price.
Cable T.V. expansive and it go up every year. But the thing is they all time has competition so all time you get find one that is more chips the other. That why it's hard to say if T.V. is worse of than any other industry. So it will continue to get more expensive but you all time get more them one option because they all time has competition.
Like many others have stated the more an more advanced cable becomes the more were going to have to pay. You can't expect for cable companies to just give you there new advances like movies on demand an stuff for free. But just like everything in the past prices always will rise.
I think cable will rise but I think it will only rise to a fall because I don't have cable but I can get all my news off the internet and theirs websites like hulu where you can watch just about any show that comes on for free so if cable continues to rise it will soon cease to exist... Which it will
Cable will get more expensive but the people will continue to pay for it. The majority of people watch tv everyday for hours. Since people are losing jobs and have nothing else to do, they'll watch Tv or get on the internet. If cable prices increases more people will just get on the internet and watch their shows on their. Tv is not a God given right. Find something to do other than watching so much tv.
Televisions effects the household in a very dramatic way because most children watch tv and react off televison. The cable prices could/will raise due to the rates off all the people all over the world watching t.v.
I believe that cable television will get more and more expensive. The economy that we live in is just as expensive as the cable television or just as more expensive. But i think as the years go by everyone will forget about cable and just go to itunes.
I think the price for the cable and stuff is right cause the people the make that stuff half to put a lot into it.
I believe that the cable is going to get more expensive because the demand for cable is going up. The price is going up but not as much as it would if they did not have any competition. Just like every thing else during these times the prices are going up and will continue to go up.
Cable TV will probably become more expensive, or satellite will become more popular. Everybody tends to watch at least an hour of TV daily, so cable will always be on demand. So if the price does rise, the consumers will still purchase.
Cable television will continue to get more and more expensive because they will always add different types of features and all sorts of things. There are many different cable companies and they all charge different amounts of money for their services. Whoever has the lowest cost for their services will get more business but eventually they will raise their cost. So, I think their will be a never ending competition in this business of cable television. And their will always be a demand for lower prices.
I believe the future of cable is becoming more bleak. Cheaper ways of getting broadcasts are becoming more common and are going to cause cable great pains. unless cable can think of something new and exciting fast, its going to die.
The price of cable is always changing. It's really annoying I don't see the point for it. The cable businesses will eventually lose a lot of people.
cable is a problem these days. cable company want to charge you for anything. it's so mess up how they do that. but it's good on the cable that why i see why they cost more.
I think that cable television will get a little more expensive or atleast stay the rate it is now. Many people do not have cable because of money situations, and the economy. A lot of companies are competing with eachother because they know people are looking for a good price on cable tv. So while there out there competing, they still have to watch their price range if they want to keep there business.
I do believe the prices will rise.. But I know personally my family will not pay to watch the shows that we could have normally had, thats just crazy and a complete rip off. I just think it's really sad that anymore everyone is just based around money and worried about it.
I believe that cable television will get more expensive, but in this economy many products are becoming more expensive. Also, the value of money frequently growing causing prices to rise. Many people are too busy to watch television anymore and being able to watch any episode you missed on the internet makes cable television less likely to be used, making cable companies have to raise prices to cover the costs to provide their services
Cable television is getting more expensive, and with the competitors all cable companies are facing the prices will more then likely keep rising.I do beleive that cable television will become more expensive, but i doubt that should be the major issue in our world today.
I haven't really noticed anything with the cost of cable, considering I don't pay my houses bills, but my mom is still using cable so I know it can't be too bad for us right now. I do think the prices will rise, but I believe once we get our economy back in shape then the price will lower back to normal, unless, the owners of the cable company decide to get money hungry like we all know many company owners do.
Cable t.v is getting more expensive, but so is everything else from orange juice to gas. Because of all the competitors in t.v I feel that the prices will soon become unbearable. And cable t.v itself may become obsolete. Just for the simple fact that we wont be able to afford it.
time warner baby
i think there will be no cable tv. just dish. now a days all u see is all the adds for dish upgrades. i even seen and add saying in about 5 or 6 years the only way to hay cable tv is with a special box. the box cost $100 and then $75 a month to use it.
My family has basic cable so the rising cable prices won't effect us at all but people are willing to pay a fortune for certain channels. People have to realize that as long as they give in the cable companies will still raise their prices each month until someone does something about it. Cable is not a necessity to survive so if it eventually goes away everyone will be ok.
I don't see why cable has to go up. I mean yea there are alot of other channels you can pay for to get those channels but why would we have to spend that much money a money for cable when most of the people go outside or go to work all day etc, and pay close to $80 for something they don't do very often.
I think it'll be more interavtive. Of course i think it'll get more expensive to but thats how it all goes anyways. But, i think they'll offer more to. Like more hi definition stuff and internet options and social channels.
I think that over the years the cable will become more expensive, and i think many people are going to either take channels away from their t.v. to lower the bills or they just might disconnect their cable. I think cable over the years wont be a big thing any more and the prices will go down, but for now it is very expensive to have cable in your home.
I think that over the years the cable will become more expensive, and i think many people are going to either take channels away from their t.v. to lower the bills or they just might disconnect their cable. I think cable over the years wont be a big thing any more and the prices will go down, but for now it is very expensive to have cable in your home.
I think cable television will get more expensive,Because the way the economy is. Because
in reality prices are going up and I think cable will especially go up because in this day and age people are going to want to have cable television or just steal it! But thats illegal.
What i think the future for cable will be is that it will get more expensive. The more expensive it gets the less people is going to start getting it on their television. I also think that people is going to start cutting back on some of their channels they have and just start paying for basic cable. Now that were in a recession cable company's are probably going to start add more to their cable packet.
Even right now the price for cable is out of control. I feel that it will just start to rise more and more. And its going to be so much that very few people will have it. But for me i don't think cable should be worried about as much as other things right now. But i do think that television and cable will just rise higher and higher specially over the competitions.
I think that TV will be a big and you will not have to pay a lot of money to get it. Its a lot of new thing coming out for it but you do not need it .
I totally agree with Taylor. Cable is a luxury, so of course its going to be pricey. You get it when money isn't bad around your house. But there isn't any reason to gripe about it. If the bill rises then just get it turned off. But cable is related to the economy just because you have to pay for it.
Cable is increasing prices that consumers must pay because of competition from internet offered shows and dish. I believe that eventually cable will stop the payment increase or be phased out by easier, more accessible entertainment.
I think the cable television will get expensive because how much cable we watch every month. the cable television already cost $75 a month it will cost a little bit more if you want to keep watching cable television.
i thank that television will be more up data in the nere futher
Its gotten to expensive for the cable companys to continue to shell money for people with Basic cable to keep getting it for free. So they will cut it to save them alot money that has been used on that.
Television i agree is getting more expensive but like you have to think about some industries. They are noticing more and more people keep watching T.V so there like what the heck why not charge more money. Yes T.V is sometimes good but other times its bad. I used to watch alot of T.V but i cut it down because of prices these days.
all cable will be on saterlight. then everyone would not lose there cable we we have power outtage .
I think the future for cable is it's gonna increase in the technology world cause its already happening.
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